
8.The Problem with Top-School Lists
There are around 4,000 accredited universities and other higher education institution in the United States.They offer an immense range of educational experiences,(25)fromlarge research universities to small,friendly liberal arts colleges.This helps explain (26)whythe United States attracts more international students than any other country,says Allan E.Goodman,president of the Institute of International Education,(27)anon-profit group promoting student exchanges to and from American.
"While elite(精英) U.S programs are among the top ten in the world,"Goodman says,"the unique strength of the U.S.higher education system is diversity."
There is no official ranking system to indicate which institutions are better than others,(28)though/butseveral unofficial rankings are listed by magazines and associations.However,educators urge caution in using a ranking table and emphasize that (29)the best(good) choice for one student may be very different for another.
Institutions of all types (30)are spread(spread) across the United States.Some students want a campus that will give them the excitement and rich cultural life of a big city such as New York,Chicago,or Los Angeles.(31)Othersvalue the peace and beauty of a rural setting,whether the quiet forests and snowy winters of the Northeast,subtropical Florida,the dry expanse of the West,or the Pacific coast with its seashore and nearby mountains.
Many institutions have particular strengths in certain academic areas,(32)making(make) them a good choice for students interested in those fields.

分析 文章讲述了美国的大学排名问题.美国的大学很多,从综合大学到文艺学院应有尽有.这也可以说明为什么美国有更多来自世界各地的学生.对于美国的大学没有官方的排名,但一些非官方的大学排名经常出现在杂志上.教育专家指出,对这些排名要谨慎对待,对某个学生来说最好的大学对另外一名学生却未必是最佳选择.很多学院都有自己的长处,大学的选择要因人而异.

解答 答案:1.from;考查介词短语.from…to…从…到…
2.why;考查连词.句中the United States attracts more international students than any other country是作explain的宾语,是一个宾语从句;句意表达的是原因,要用why来连接.
3.a;考查冠词.句中non-profit group是作the Institute of International Education的同位语,表示一个非盈利团体,要用不定冠词来限定.
5.the best;考查形容词的最高级.句意表达的是最佳选择,对某一个学生来说最好的选择对另一个学生就未必是最佳的了.
6.are spread;考查被动语态.句中spread和institutions之间构成动宾关系,要用被动.
7.Others;考查代词.句中Some students want a campus that will give them the excitement and rich cultural life of a big city such as New York,Chicago,or Los Angeles一些学生想去大城市的校园,其他的学生更喜欢乡村的宁静.
8.making;考查分词.句中有逗号分隔,没有连词,要用非谓语动词;make与particular strengths构成主谓关系,要用主动;句意表达的是结果,要用现在分词作结果状语.

点评 语法填空题是考查学生的语言运用能力.解题时,要在理解文章的基础上,灵活运用语法知识,如词性,时态,名词单复数,连接词,代词,冠词等判断空白处应填写的内容.答完后,还要通读全文,核对所填单词形式是否正确,是否符合语境.

4.Learning to speak English well may be the best thing you can do to improve your life.Almost all international conferences and competitions (61)are conducted (conduct) in English.Diplomats(外交官) and paliticians from different (62)countries(country)also use
English to communicate with each other freely.If you can communicate in English,you can:
Contact people from all over the world.Talk about your ideas on Internet with your interesting people,send e-mail to(63)them,and learn about their life and culture.
Travel more easily.Communicate with people(64)wherever you go-English is spoken in more than 100countries.Introduce yourself,have a conversation,or…ask for help.
Push your career forward If you want (65)agood job in business,technology,or science,get out of that armchair and set out(66)to learn (learn) English now!
Knowing English will let you:
Gain technical knowledge.English is the language of technology,(67)especially (especial) high technology like computer science,genetics(遗传学),and medicine.If you're going to read about technology,you'll probably have to do it (68)in English.
Be a world-class business people.All business today international.So if you want to play,you have to know English a lot,contact other business people,(69)and  read international business newspapers and magazines,etc.
Use your computer more effectively.Most computer applications are in English,so you will understand them(70)better (good).
3."What r u doing?I'm waiting 4u."Teenagers are often seen(16)to type/typing (type) on their mobile phones even while walking.However,parents and teachers are worried that a"lost generation"may grow up with great technology skills,(17)but without the ability to write.
The Qilu Evening News,in Shandong Province,has reported that parents of primary school students are facing(18)ahuge challenge in getting their children to improve their handwriting.Schools have set up special handwriting classes(19)forpupils,who now view handwriting as old fashioned as tying your feet with a long strip of cloth.After all,being able to communicate through writing proves that we have the ability to think intelligently,(20)whichseparates us from animals.
(21)What worries people is that using a keyboard all the time may be affecting the shape of our hands.A new study(22)has been carried/was carried(carry) out recently in Shandong on the fingers of people under 25years old,showing that thumbs are taking over from other fingers as the hand's most flexible and strongest fingers.
(23)Traditionally(tradition),the Chinese consider handwriting as an indication of a person's character.Calligraphy(书法) has always been an important part of Chinese culture,but today(24)itsfuture is uncertain.We lose our skills altogether.Remember that a letter(25)written(write)by hand is worth a thousand times more than a quick email.
17.Animal's findings
New research shows that sheep are clever
People often make jokes about how dull sheep are,but new research shows they may be cleverer than we think.Researchers at the University of Cambridge discovered that Welsh mountain sheep have brainpower that equals rodents (啮齿动物).Tests found that the sheep can map the area they live in,and some may even be able to plan ahead.
Young fish prefer noisy neighbors
A new study has shown that young fish like to live on reefs with noisy neighbors!Researchers from the universities of Auckland and Bristol found that young fish looking for a home choose areas where other noisy fish live.The scientists produced all kinds of sounds which had been recorded in different natural environments.The young fish seemed to prefer the sounds of natural reefs,complete with noisy animals!The scientists compared the choice to a music fan wandering around at a music festival,choosing to set up a tent closest to the music they like best!
Butterflies are disappearing
A new study has shown that 17 species of butterflies found in Europe have dropped by 70% in the last 20years.The information collected from 3,000sites across 15countries shows it may be caused by the loss of grasslands covered with flowers.You can encourage butterflies to come into your garden by planting flowers.
21.According to the first paragraph,we may infer that sheepB.
A.are less clever than rodents                      
B.can find their home
C.can read maps                                     
D.are good planners
22.When young fish are looking for a home,they like toA.
A.live in a noisy environment                      
B.live in areas close to their parents
C.choose the reefs which are quiet                  
D.choose other kinds of fish as neighbors
23.Which seems to have to do with the number of butterflies?C
A.The species of grass in grasslands.
B.The species of trees in grasslands.
C.The number of flowers in grasslands.
D.The number of animals in grasslands.
19.Texas parks will celebrate National Fishing Week by offering a day of license----free fishing in public waters on June 3.Besides,youth fishing activities are scheduled across the state June 3-11.
l  Cedar Hill State Park (Dallas County):Wal-Mart Kids All-American Fishing Derby,June 3.10 am to 2 pm.Kids can test their fishing skills; prizes are offered.972-291-3800,ext.232.
l  Texas Freshwater Fisheries Centre (Henderson County ):National Fishing Day,June 3,9 am to 4 pm.Children 12 and younger will be admitted free for fishing,contests,games and prizes.903-676-2278.
l  Caddo Lake State Park & Wildlife Management Area (Harrison County):Wal-Mart-Kids All-American Fishing Derby,June 11,9 am to 3 pm 903-679-3351.
       CONTACT:1-800-792-I112; www.takemefishing.org and www.tpwd.state.tx.us.
Alligators (短吻鳄) can be found in the wild in nearly half the counties in Texas,especially in the eastern part of the state,so residents and visitors may need a safety course about alligators.Although no deaths attributable to alligator attacks have been recorded in Texas during the past 15 years,17 people have reported injuries.It's against law to feed a free-ranging alligator,because after an alligator realizes that people are a source of food,it will become a problem animal.The alligator is a protected game animal in Texas,so special permits are required to hunt,raise or possess alligators.
l  Stay at least 30 feet away from an alligator.
l  Never Feed an alligator or leave food accessible.
l  Don't approach them or swim in areas where alligators have been seen.
l  During warm months,alligators are most active at dawn and dusk.
l  Alligators are common in swamps,rivers and muddy places.While typically found in fresh water,they can endure salty water.
SOURCE:Texas Parks & Wildlife; www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature
70.In this passage,the writer has mainly talked aboutD.
A.kids'shopping and fishing activities in Wal-Mart
B.most people's preference for fishing and alligators                    
C.fishing activities and alligator hunting in public waters
D.the celebration of National Fishing Week in Texas parks
71.If a child wants to know how good his fishing skill is,it's better for him to visitA.
A.Cedar Hill State Park in Dallas County
B.Texas State Parks & Wildlife Protection Centre
D.Caddo Lake State Park & Wildlife Management Area
C.Texas Freshwater Fisheries Centre in Henderson County
72.What can be learned about alligators from this passage?D
A.Alligators are rare animals protected by law.
B.Alligators are most active in all places and climates.
C.There have been some victims of alligators in the past decade.
D.Hunting alligators are not allowed unless you've got permission
73.The underlined word"swamps"can most probably be replaced byB.
A.streams      B.wet lands              C.deserts           D.dry lands.

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