

Now you are in a dinosaur 1 park. Coming here, you will find a kind of old 2, which has died out millions of years ago, dinosaur. In our park, we are happy to show you 3 dinosaurs, which lived in the Jurassic. The four-storied-building-high grass-eating dinosaurs are submissive (温顺的) and kind. You can 4towards them and touch them. But the 5 of them are dangerous. The four-legged meat-eating dinosaurs are very cruel. Please don’t 6them and don’t try to give them food. The 7 here is very thick and full of all kinds of animals that lived in the Jurassic. Without any special8and the leading of the guide, please don’t step into it. OK, I’m sure that our park will 9anyone who comes here and you will 10 a lot from it.







6get close to







1句意:现在你身处在恐龙主题公园里。Theme park 主题公园。

2句意:在这里,你可以找到一种几百万年前就已经灭绝了的动物恐龙。which has died out millions of years ago作定语修饰先行词,故用creature(生物)。



5句意:但是他们中有少部分是危险的。the minority of 少数为固定短语。

6句意:请不要靠近他们,也不要给他们投食。分析句子可知,该句缺少谓语,因为后接them,故用动词短语get close to 靠近。




10句意:我相信来这里的游客都会玩的开心,也会受益很多。分析句子,该句缺少谓语,故用动词profit。profit from受益。




Day school Program
Secondary students across Toronto District School Board(TDSB) are invited to take one or two e-Learning courses on their day school timetable. Students will remain on the roll at their day school.
The on-line classroom provides an innovative, relevant and interactive learning environment. The courses and on-line classroom are provided by the Ministry of Education.
These on-line courses
are taught by TDSB secondary school teachers;
are part of the TDSB Student’s timetable; and
appear on the Student’s report upon completion.
Benefits of e-Learning
access to courses that may not be available at his or her TDSB school;
using technology to provide students with current information: and,
assistance to solve timetable conflicts.
Is e-Learning for You?
Students who are successful in an on-line course are usually:
able to plan, organize time and complete assignments and activities;
capable of working independently in a responsible and honest manner; and,
able to regularly use a computer or mobile device with internet access.
Students need to spend at least as much time with their on-line course work as they would in a face-to-face classroom course.

1E-Learning courses are different from other TDSB courses in that _________.

A. they are given by best TDSB teachers

B. they are not on the day school timetable

C. they are not included on students’ reports

D. they are an addition to TDSB courses

2What do students need to do before completing e-Learning courses?

A. To learn information technology on-line.

B. To do their assignments independently.

C. To update their mobile devices regularly.

D. To talk face to face with their teachers.


At Jacobs Creek Job Corps, students receive the skills needed to succeed in today’s workforce—at no cost to them or their families!

If you are looking for a better quality of life and are willing to dedicate yourself to our life changing program, Jacobs Creek Job Corps is the place for you!

Young people interested in joining Job Corps are invited to visit the Job Corps Recruiting Website or call (800)733-JOBS today!

For general information on the Job Corps program, please see the Official Job Corps Public Website.

For general information on the US Forest Service ,please visit http://www.fs.fed us.

Job Corps Job Corps is taking steps to help protect our environment and connect students with businesses and their surrounding communities through green training. Job Corps is preparing students for the green economy through green training in the advanced manufacturing, automotive, and construction industry areas.

See our Career Training page for more information.

Follow Job Corps on Facebook

See the official Job Corps page on Facebook at www.facebook.com/doljobcorps.

Watch Job Corps o YouTube

1Jacobs Creek Job Corps aims to ________.

A. make money from business

B. help students receive skills needed to succeed

C. improve the current economic situation

D. surprise the whole world

2If you are interested in joining Job Corps, you can ________.

A. call (800) 755-JOBS B. visit http://www.fs.fed.us

C. visit the Job Corps Recruiting Website D. go to the place directly

3How can Job Corps help protect our environment?

A. Through green training. B. By reducing construction industry areas.

C. By developing advanced manufacturing. D. Through business training.

4You can find official information about Job Corps on ________.

A. Wechat B. Twitter

C. YouTube D. Facebook

【题目】Public speaking is a common cause of stress for everyone.The idea of standing in front of a large group with all eyes on you can make you feel fearful in almost all kinds of situation, for example giving a presentation in class, proposing a toast at dinner or making a workrelated presentation.It seems to be a fear that's impossible to overcome.If you have ever experienced this, you know while the anxiety may develop at the actual event, it is a feeling that begins much earlier than the actual day.There are many ways you can work on your confidence and prepare yourself for a public speaking event.

A consultant specializing (专门研究) in presentation skills can help you to overcome your sense of panic.Working with a consultant does not indicate that you have a major problem; it is only an approach to receiving guidance on relaxation strategies, such as deep breathing, which can help you deal with public speaking problems with ease.

Consultants can also help you work on your confidence.Confidence is extremely important in public speaking as it lets a speaker sound more convincing.Even wellestablished public speakers practice techniques such as meditation (沉思冥想) to calm themselves before a public appearance.

It's well worth the time and effort to overcome the fear of public speaking, particularly if talks and presentations are part of your work description.Keep in mind that many of those around you are also struggling with this fear of public speaking.It will help you to become an able speaker if you can prepare beforehand.For example, you can put in time on planning your presentation in detail and practicing it many times in secret.As you get more and more familiar with your material, you'll be able to finetune (微调) the details of your presentation and this will make you a confident speaker.Your speech will become excellent in terms of style and content.

Remember that the more you get into this pattern of feeling good about yourself, the stronger you will feel about approaching events when you have to make a speech.You can also work on physical details such as adjusting your tone (音调) before the presentation by doing some warmup exercises.

In a word, believing in yourself and presenting yourself well can help you deeply impress your audience.And after a few speeches you'll notice yourself overcoming the sense of panic that you now feel in public speaking situations.











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