
11.The new government came intobeing(形成) with the help of the USA.

分析 新政府在美国的帮助下诞生了.

解答 答案是being.考查固定词组come into being,产生; 诞生; 开始存在.题干表达的是"新政府在美国的帮助下诞生了."故答案是being.

点评 解答此类题目,首先需要明确考查的词组及固定搭配,然后根据英语翻译习惯和相关语法填写正确的答案.

2.Six volunteers are about to find out what it would be like to live on Mars without ever leaving the Earth.Three men and three women will spend eight months living in a special place on the side of a volcano in Hawaii.They are part of an experiment that is designed to mimic(模仿)life on Mars.Their mission began on October 15,2014.NASA says it could send astronauts to Mars as early as the 2030s.The mission would take more than two years,so NASA needs to know how people would react to living in a small group,isolated from the rest of the world,for such a long time.Some people may become depressed or bored living under those conditions.By studying people living in similar conditions here on Eares NASA hopes to learn how to choose the most suitable people for a space mission,and how to help them get along.
They will live in a two-story building.The ground floor is about 86square meters,roughly the size of a small two-bedroom apartment.It includes shared areas like kitchen,dining room,bathroom,laboratory and an exercise room.The upstairs is less than half the size of the downstairs.It contains another bathroom and six small bedrooms.The building is located in an abandoned quarry(采石场)about 2,400meters up the side of Mauna Loa,the second biggest volcano in the world.It is constantly monitored for signs of volcanic activity.NASA chose the location because the appearance looks very similar to Mars.
To make it more like being on Mars in the future,they are only able to communicate by email during the experiment.Meanwhile,there will be a 20-minute delay between the time when a message is sent and that when it is received.When they go outside,they will have to suit up in full spacesuits,just as if they were on Mars.
The commander is Martha Lenio,a 34-year-old Canadian.During the mission,she will run experiments on growing food.The other members have backgrounds in physics and so on.None of them are astronauts.

21.When will the six volunteers end their mission about mimicking life on Mars?A
A.On June 15,2015.
B.On October 15,2015.
C.On October 15,2030.
D.On June 15,2032.
22.What's the main purpose of the experiment?B
A.To monitor signs of volcanic activity.
B.To prepare for a space mission to Mars.
C.To train the six people to become astronauts.
D.To study the difference between men and women.
23.Mauna Loa was chosen as the experimental site becauseC.
A.it is located near a rocket base
B.other people can hardly find the location
C.its landscape is so much like that of Mars
D.it is a safe place to conduct the experiment
24.What can be inferred from the passage?D
A.Martha is a famous expert on agriculture.
B.The six volunteers will be sent to Mars in 2030.
C.All the experimental activities are done in doors.
D.It takes about 40minutes to get a reply to an email.
6.Pingyao,in the center of Shanxi Province,is a famous historic cultural city of China and a world cultural heritage (遗产) site.It's 90kilometers south of Taiyuan on the Fen River.People lived in Pingyao during the New Stone Age.Its long period as a county government seat has left Pingyao with lots of historic buildings and sites,with a 2,700-year history.
Ninety-nine of them are under government protection,including Zhengguo Temple,Shuanglin Temple and Pingyao Ancient City.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,businessmen organized commercial (商业的) groups that did business nationwide.Shanxi Province had some of the most important ones and Pingyao was their center.In 1823,a store,known as Rishengchang (Sunrise Prosperity),traded in bank checks rather than in silver or gold coins.It was the beginning of modern Chinese banking.Branch (分支) banks were soon set up in major cities in China and other parts of Asia,leading to great development in Pingyao.Its lacquer ware (漆器) became well known.In Pingyao Ancient City are many traditional houses and commercial buildings,3,797of which are protected and more than 400of which are in good condition.Not only do the houses in Pingyao show Shanxi's history and culture,but this large number is valuable for studying its history,customs,ancient buildings and art.Most of these houses are still used as homes and shops of local people.In 1997,Ancient Pingyao City was listed in World Heritage List as"World Culture Heritage Site".

13.What does the underlined word"them"(in Paragraph 2)refer to?A
A.Historic buildings and sites.
B.The three temples.
C.The county government seats.
D.The 2,700-year history.
14.Which of the following about Pingyao is NOT mentioned in the passage?B
A.Its location.
B.Its tourism.
C.Its business.
D.Its history.
15.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,Pingyao was a leading center inC.
B.raising cattle
C.commercial trade             
D.making gold coins.
20.Darno Setiadi is one of the top ten thousand richest men in Indonesia.Mr.Setiadi runs his own business,importing machinery from Europe and selling it all over the country.He employs over three hundred people and lives in a very large house in Jakarta,the capital city.However,as he will tell you,he had to travel down a long,hard road to get to where he is today.
"I built this business up from nothing through my own hard work,"said Darno."I come from a poor family and have thirteen brothers and sisters.My dad died when I was fourteen and I had to go out to work to try to support the rest of my family.To begin with,I sold ice cream in the street; then I got a job selling cloth door-to-door.After that,I started traveling all over the island selling things to people and slowly I started getting ideas about what kind of products the different markets wanted.
"When I was twenty-one,I left my wife and two children at home and moved to Jakarta to set up my own business,selling all kinds of machines,but,particularly propellers (螺旋桨) for boats.There are over thirteen thousand islands in Indonesia,so there's a huge market for that kind of thing.Luckily for me,some friends helped me get import licenses.Business was increasing and I could finally afford to bring my family over to join me.
"The only real problem I have now is who's going to take control of the business when I retire.I'd like my son to run it,but he's not really strong enough to do it!I think perhaps his childhood was too easy,and that has made him a bit too soft to do work like this!"
21.What does Darno sell now?C
D.Ice cream.
22.When Darno was in his early teens,heB.
A.helped with his family business
B.struggled to raise a big family
C.left his family to do business
D.traveled all over the world
23.What does Darno worry about now?D
A.His health problems.
B.How to spend his retired life.
C.How to keep controlling the market.
D.His son's ability to take over his business.
24.Which of the following words can best describe Darno?B
A.Kind-hearted and easy-going.
B.Sharp-eyed and hard-working.
C.Open-minded and world-famous.
D.Well-educated and self-confident.
6.A dog can be a source of help,as well as comfort,to someone who is disabled.Properly trained,a dog will pick up dropped items,help with dressing,turn on lights,activate an alarm and perform other tasks that allow disabled people to be independent.With a dog as a companion-and in need of a walk-a person who might otherwise stay alone at home can gain the confidence to go out and socialize.
Founded 22 years ago by Frances Hay,who had lost a leg to bone cancer,Dogs for the Disabled has redrawn the boundaries (界线) of who can be helped by dogs,and how.Other charities that train dogs focus on adult partnerships but,since 2004,Dogs for the Disabled has been helping under-18s.Starting with physically disabled children,dogs trained by the charity have given young people so much practical support that some are attending college.
Sam,a nine year-old with muscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症),used to long for a friend who would never leave him or tell him he couldn't play."Sam's frustration filled every part of his life,"his mother,Sara,remembers."He stopped going out-even into the garden."In May 2009,Sam was partnered with a two-year-old dog,Josie,who helps him with everything from tidying his room to putting on splints (夹板).At night,she sleeps next to him and warns his parents if he is sick."Things were rubbish until she came to love me,"says Sam.
The assistance dogs have proved so successful that the charity cannot keep pace with demand.In an improved kennels (狗舍) near Banbury,a maximum of 30 dogs are trained at any one time,at a cost of?11,000 each.To date,the charity has created 450 dog-human partnerships of which 240 are currently active.
66.A trained dog can help the disabled with the following things exceptC
A.accompanying them to walk out             B.picking up dropped things
C.discouraging them from independence     D.assisting them with dressing
67.What can we learn about Dogs for the Disabled?D
A.It was founded to help people suffering from bone cancer
B.It focuses on helping disabled people to attend college.
C.It doesn't intend to train dogs to help the disabled over-18s.
D.It contributes much to physically disabled children.
68.We can learn from the text thatB.
A.Sam had not a single friend in the past
B.Josie rid Sam of his depression and changed his life
C.Sam used to go out to relax for pleasure frequently
D.Josie can predict when Sam is ill and warns his parents
69.The underlined word"frustration"in Paragraph 3 roughly meansC
A.great pleasure     B.self confidence       C.low spirits       D.strong will
70.The last paragraph suggests thatA.
A.the assistance dogs are popular              
B.training assistance dogs costs little money
C.all the kennels are in a good condition     
D.the charity have achieved nothing so far.

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