Before Alaska became part of the U.S., it had been owned by Russia. Trading posts and small settlements were scattered along the coast. The rest of land was left unexplored. The Russians were mainly interested in the wealth of furs from the vast herds of seals they found there.
By the mid-1800’s, most of the seal herds had been wiped out, and Russia no longer wanted to keep Alaska. William Seward, Secretary of State for President Johnson, believed the United States should buy Alaska from Russia. President Johnson wasn’t so sure it was a wise way to spend U.S. money, but he agreed to let Seward discuss it with the Russians. Acting quickly, Seward made a deal. On March 30, 1867, he signed an agreement for the U.S. to pay seven million dollars for the land.
Many people thought it was a foolish waste of America’s money. They called the deal “Seward’s folly”. Then gold was discovered in Alaska and public opinion changed quickly.
Seward did not live to see the true value of Alaska. He died in 1872, five years after making the purchase (购买). Each year, Alaska’s natural resources(资源) have brought in many times the $7,000,000 paid for it. Natural gas, coal, oil, lumber, seafood and other minerals, besides the gold first found, have made it a valuable addition to the United States. In 1959, Alaska be-came the 49th state of the United States.
【小题1】The Russians wanted to sell Alaska because ______.

A.they thought it wasn’t a good place
B.they thought it didn’t belong to Russia
C.they couldn’t find enough seals there
D.they wanted to earn more money from the U.S.
【小题2】When Seward signed the agreement, many people thought ______. was a successful had its true value
C.he wasted U.S. money D.he was clever
【小题3】Which of the following things was found first in Alaska?
【小题4】The best title for this passage would probably be ______.
A.Alaska, a beautiful placeB.Alaska with natural resources
C.Alaska, the 49th state of the U.S.D.Alaska, home to seals

Before Alaska became part of the U.S., it had been owned by Russia. Trading posts and small settlements were scattered along the coast. The rest of land was left unexplored. The Russians were mainly interested in the wealth of furs from the vast herds of seals they found there.
By the mid-1800’s, most of the seal herds had been wiped out, and Russia no longer wanted to keep Alaska. William Seward, Secretary of State for President Johnson, believed the United States should buy Alaska from Russia. President Johnson wasn’t so sure it was a wise way to spend U.S. money, but he agreed to let Seward discuss it with the Russians. Acting quickly, Seward made a deal. On March 30, 1867, he signed an agreement for the U.S. to pay seven million dollars for the land.
Many people thought it was a foolish waste of America’s money. They called the deal “Seward’s folly”. Then gold was discovered in Alaska and public opinion changed quickly.
Seward did not live to see the true value of Alaska. He died in 1872, five years after making the purchase (购买). Each year, Alaska’s natural resources have brought in many times the $7,000,000 paid for it. Natural gas, coal, oil, lumber, seafood and other minerals, besides the gold first found, have made it a valuable addition to the United States. In 1959, Alaska became the 49th state of the United States.
【小题1】The Russians wanted to sell Alaska because ______.

A.they thought it wasn’t a good place
B.they thought it didn’t belong to Russia
C.they couldn’t find enough seals there
D.they wanted to earn more money from the U.S.
【小题2】When Seward signed the agreement, many people thought ______.
A.he wasted U.S. had its true value was a successful dealD.he was clever
【小题3】Which of the following things was found first in Alaska? 
【小题4】Before 1959, the United States had ______.
A.37 statesB.48 statesC.49 statesD.50 states
【小题5】The best title for this passage would probably be ______.
A.Alaska, a beautiful placeB.Alaska with natural resources
C.Alaska, home to seals D.Alaska, the 49th state of the U.S.

College is a lifetime investment (投资) — the gift of a college education can open the door to a world of opportunity for your child or grandchild. Savings(储蓄), even not so many at a time, can make a big difference.

With the cost of a college education continuing to rise, the key is to start saving early and regularly. By saving a set amount at set times, your money can grow as your child does. According to the College Board, the average cost for four-year public colleges has increased by nearly 51% over the last 10 years and these costs will almost certainly continue to rise. Saving for college can help with the increasing cost of a college education and help you be well prepared when your child is ready for college.

Saving for your child’s college education is an investment in their future. The savings you make today will pay off in increased earnings in the future. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, college graduates earn an average of $1 million more than high school graduates during their careers. The value of your investment in a college education will continue to grow for a lifetime.

Set your college saving goals realistically. You may not be able to save enough for all four years’ fees, but you could save enough to give your child the right start.

More and more families depend on student loans(贷款) to pay for college. By saving for college, families will have less burden of paying off loans and help their children leave school without worrying about paying off loans.

1.From the second paragraph we can learn that_______________.

A. the College Board increased public college costs zxxk

B. public college costs will increase by 51% in the next ten years

C. it’s not too late to start saving when your child is ready for college

D. saving can help deal with the rising cost of college education

2.Savings for college education _____________.

A. will increase in the value in the future   B. make one earn a lot

C. help create good jobs                D. are wise for businessmen to invest

3.Which of the following is TRUE about saving for college?

A. You should save to help children get scholarships more easily.

B. It’s better to increase the savings as the child grows.

C. It’s better to save early and regularly.

D. You should set a further and bigger saving goal.

4.Who are the expected readers of the passage?

A. Parents.       B. High school students.   C. Educators     D. Bankers.

5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. When to Save for Children’s College Costs

B. How to Make a Good Investment

C. Why We Should Save for Children’s College Costs

D. How Much Four-Year College Costs


Before Alaska became part of the U.S., it had been owned by Russia. Trading posts and small settlements were scattered along the coast. The rest of land was left unexplored. The Russians were mainly interested in the wealth of furs from the vast herds of seals they found there.

By the mid-1800’s, most of the seal herds had been wiped out, and Russia no longer wanted to keep Alaska. William Seward, Secretary of State for President Johnson, believed the United States should buy Alaska from Russia. President Johnson wasn’t so sure it was a wise way to spend U.S. money, but he agreed to let Seward discuss it with the Russians. Acting quickly, Seward made a deal. On March 30, 1867, he signed an agreement for the U.S. to pay seven million dollars for the land.

Many people thought it was a foolish waste of America’s money. They called the deal “Seward’s folly”. Then gold was discovered in Alaska and public opinion changed quickly.

Seward did not live to see the true value of Alaska. He died in 1872, five years after making the purchase (购买). Each year, Alaska’s natural resources have brought in many times the $7,000,000 paid for it. Natural gas, coal, oil, lumber, seafood and other minerals, besides the gold first found, have made it a valuable addition to the United States. In 1959, Alaska became the 49th state of the United States.

1.The Russians wanted to sell Alaska because ______.

A.they thought it wasn’t a good place

B.they thought it didn’t belong to Russia

C.they couldn’t find enough seals there

D.they wanted to earn more money from the U.S.

2.When Seward signed the agreement, many people thought ______.

A.he wasted U.S. money           had its true value was a successful deal                   D.he was clever

3.Which of the following things was found first in Alaska? 

A.Gas.              B.Coal.             C.Oil.              D.Gold.

4.Before 1959, the United States had ______.

A.37 states          B.48 states          C.49 states          D.50 states

5.The best title for this passage would probably be ______.

A.Alaska, a beautiful place                  B.Alaska with natural resources

C.Alaska, home to seals                     D.Alaska, the 49th state of the U.S.


 Before Alaska became part of the U.S., it had been owned by Russia. Trading posts and small settlements were scattered along the coast. The rest of land was left unexplored. The Russians were mainly interested in the wealth of furs from the vast herds of seals they found there.

       By the mid-1800’s, most of the seal herds had been wiped out, and Russia no longer wanted to keep Alaska. William Seward, Secretary of State for President Johnson, believed the United States should buy Alaska from Russia. President Johnson wasn’t so sure it was a wise way to spend U.S. money, but he agreed to let Seward discuss it with the Russians. Acting quickly, Seward made a deal. On March 30, 1867, he signed an agreement for the U.S. to pay seven million dollars for the land.

       Many people thought it was a foolish waste of America’s money. They called the deal “Seward’s folly”. Then gold was discovered in Alaska and public opinion changed quickly.

Seward did not live to see the true value of Alaska. He died in 1872, five years after making the purchase (购买). Each year, Alaska’s natural resources(资源) have brought in many times the $7,000,000 paid for it. Natural gas, coal, oil, lumber, seafood and other minerals, besides the gold first found, have made it a valuable addition to the United States. In 1959, Alaska be-came the 49th state of the United States.

1.The Russians wanted to sell Alaska because ______.

A. they thought it wasn’t a good place

B. they thought it didn’t belong to Russia

C. they couldn’t find enough seals there

D. they wanted to earn more money from the U.S.

2.When Seward signed the agreement, many people thought ______.

A. it was a successful deal         B. it had its true value

C. he wasted U.S. money             D. he was clever

3.Which of the following things was found first in Alaska?

A. Gas.     B. Coal.          C. Oil.       D. Gold.

4.The best title for this passage would probably be ______.

A. Alaska, a beautiful place              B. Alaska with natural resources

C. Alaska, the 49th state of the U.S.           D. Alaska, home to seals


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