
5.听第10段材料,回答第17至第 20题.
17.Why wasn't Mary happy?
A.Because she was so tired.
B.Because she had quarrelled with Mr Thomason.
C.Because she didn't know how to talk to the milkman.
18.Why was Mr Thomason angry?
A.Because Mary made some mistakes.
B.Because Mary didn't finish her homework.
C.Because Mary was always careless with her work.
19.Why did Mary wake up early?
A.Because the milkman coughed loudly.
B.Because she was worried about her work.
C.Because the radio next door was too loud.
20.What was Bill's suggestion?
A.Mary should talk to the milkman's wife.
B.Mary should write a letter to the milkman.
C.Mary should write to apologize to her boss.




15.Cookies don't really matterAs I sat beside the window of our classroom that afternoon,my heart sank further with each passing car.This was a day I'd looked forward to for weeks:Miss Pace's fourth-grade,end-of-the-year party.
I had happily volunteered (主动推荐) my mother when Miss Pace looked for cookie (小甜饼) volunteers.Mom's chocolate chips were well-known,and I knew they'd be popular with my classmates.But two o'clock passed,and there was no sign of her.Most of the other mothers had already come and gone,dropping off their sweet offerings (礼物).
The three o'clock bell soon took me away from my thoughts ad I took my book bag from my desk.
I decided I would slam (摔) the front door,and refuse to return her hug.But when I arrived,she wasn't at home.I was lying face-down on my bed upstairs when I heard her come through the front door."Robbie,"she called out a bit urgently (急切地)."Where are you?"I could then hear her rushing anxiously from room to room,wondering where I could be.I remained silent.
Coming through the door,she said:"I'm so sorry,honey,"she said."I just forgot.I got busy and forgot."Then my mother did something completely unexpected.Sh began to laugh!How could she laugh at a time like this?I rolled over and faced her,ready to let her see my anger.But my mother wasn't laughing at all.She was crying."I let you down.I let my little boy down."I was moved by her tears.I tried to remember her kind words from times past when I'd skinned knees or cut myself,times when she knew just the right thing to say."It's okay,Mom.We didn't even need those cookies.There was plenty of stuff to eat.Don't cry.It's all right.Really."
We didn't say another word.We just held each other.When we came to the point where I would usually pull away (离开),I decided that,this time,I could hold on,perhaps,just a little bit longer.
31.As a child the author volunteered his mother becauseD.
A.he wanted to fit in at school        
B.Miss Pace liked cookies very much
C.he wanted to show off his mom to his classmates
D.he was proud of his mom's chocolate chips
32.The author was pretty down becauseC.
A.he couldn't go to the party he had been looking forward to
B.his mother had refused to make chocolate chips for the party
C.his mother didn't turn up at the party as she had promised 
D.the cookies his mom made was not popular at the party
33.When the author returned home,B.
A.he was so angry that he slammed the front door
B.he was disappointed that he couldn't express his anger to his mother
C.he rushed from room to room looking for his mother
D.he was silent and refused to return his mother's hug
34.We can tell from the story thatA.
A.the author was a caring and thoughtful boy
B.the mother was sorry for her absence and laughed at herself
C.the mother didn't get to the party because of the traffic jam
D.the author was overcome by anger
35.The article conveys the message thatB.
A.everybody should keep his or her promises 
B.true love is based on understanding
C.it is silly to be angry with your family
D.understanding how to comfort people in low spirits is a true skill.
16."The price of books for our students is just getting higher and higher and,com-bined with the rising cost of tuition,it'S killing these students,"said Peter Jason,a col-lege professor."Remember,students are one of the poorest groups of people in Ameri-ca.Almost half of them have at least one part-time job.In fact,one of my students has three jobs.And she still manages to have high scores and go to school full-time."
Textbook prices are traditionally high.Adding to that problem,many college teachers change textbooks year after year;they either upgrade to a new edition or switch to an entirely different textbook.This further hurts students because if an instructor no longer uses a particular textbook,that book has no resale value.
Dr.Jason decided to make lire a little easier and a lot cheaper for his students by writing his own book on public speaking."Many books have an increased price because of CD-ROMs,lots of color photographs and pictures.I talked to my students,and many of them,like me,prefer to keep things simple!So,a few years ago,I wrote my own textbook.Compared to most other public speaking books,mine is half the number of pages,and one-third the price.That is,﹩30 instead of﹩90.When I wrote a second edition last year,students only had to buy the 35 new pages,For only﹩7.00,they had almost a new book Now my loose-leaf textbook enjoys great popularity among the students.Maybe in the future more writers and publishers will try it."

56.What did Dr.Jason say about students at college?A
A.They are short of money.       B.They need better textbooks
C.They should do part-time jobs. D.They are trying to get high scores.
57.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 refer to?A
A.The high prices of textbooks.  B.The low resale value of books.
C.Too many different,new books. D.NO coour pictures in textbooks.
58.What did  Dr.Jason decide to do to help the students?
A.To choose cheaper textbooks. B.To write a textbook himself.B
C.To speak to his students.    D.To use old textbooks.
59.How much does a public speaking textbook usually cost?D
A.About 7 dollars.      B.About 30 dollars.
C.About 37 dollars.     B.About 90 dollars.
60.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?C
A.Dr Jason's textbook has CD-ROMs and nice pictures.
B.More writers and publishers will write simpler textbooks.
C.Dr.Jason teaches public speaking at a college.
D.Dr-Jason's textbook is not well received.

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