
 A famous Chinese story is about a young man 1.        went to the market

2.       he could buy some food. There was a very young girl there

3.       was selling flowers. The young man asked to see and smell the flower

4.       colour was light red and when the girl served another person,the young man stole the flower and ran away.

  The time 5.        he went home,he began to think about all 6.        he had done. He realized he was wrong. So he went back to the very place in

7.        the girl sold flowers. He said sorry to the girl and what he wanted to do was to pay for the flower.

  The little girl refused and said, "You do not need to pay for the flower,elder brother. Though I don't know the reason 8.        you stole it,I think you like it very much. So I don't worry about whether I can receive money for it."

The kindhearted girl and her words 9.        were always in his mind often reminded him from then on. To him,it was the most important personal lesson 10.        he could never forget.

1. who   2. where   3. who/that   4. whose   5. when   6. that            7. which   8. why   9. that   10. that


  A weekend full of parties begins today. Almost everyone is expecting the excitement of going out and drinking with friends. Few are thinking of the dangers,that is,drunk driving. This is becoming a major problem on the campus.

  "I'm OK,and I can drive. " is often heard during parties. Many times people will not realize how much alcohol they have consumed and they don't realize how it may affect them. In fact,many of us have been in situations where we have got into a car driven by a person that has had several drinks. And several drinks may be enough to lead to impaired driving and can result in serious consequences.

  The words "Don't drink and drive!”have been spoken enough. However,I still don't think people would listen. In order to be over the legal limit of a blood al?cohol concentration of 0. 08,a man must have four drinks in one hour on an empty stomach. One might brush this off saying four drinks in one hour is excessive,but driving under the legal limit may put oneself and others in danger.

  One must seriously consider what one is doing while driving. When I first got my driving license,my father told me," A car is a weapon if used irresponsibly." Most people know someone who has been killed or seriously injured due to a drunk driver. Driving is dangerous when one is not in full control.

  Along with endangering the safety of oneself and others,if one is found driving drunk,major problems may follow. There is the possibility of higher insurance rates,loss of the license,jail sentence or community service.

  The consequences should prevent all people from driving drunk,but sadly this is not the case. People still choose to drive without full mental capacity. Part of this stems from a belief that we are above the rules set out for other people. People think that it will not happen to them. But the truth is that drinking and driving re?ally does affect people everywhere. And it needs to be taken seriously.

  I suggest that anyone driving over the weekend should choose not to drink at all,even though they may be under the legal limit of drinks. This weekend should be fun. With driving safety in mind,you should be confident that you will return to your campus without any problems.

1. This article may be intended for       .

   A. taxi drivers   B. young students

   C. bus drivers   D. cyclists

2. Which of the following is NOT the consequence one may face if caught driving drunk?

   A. Loss of the car. B. Higher insurance rates.

   C. Loss of the license. D. Jail sentence.

3. Despite the consequences,people still choose to drive drunk partly because they think         .

   A. they are much smarter than others

   B. they drink little enough

   C. their cars are very good

   D. they somehow are different

4. The underlined phrase "brush this off" (in Paragraph 3) is the closest in mean?ing to "      ".

   A. take it for granted   B. take it very seriously

   C. refuse to read   D. intend to follow

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