
【题目】 A cell phone is one of the few things that we hold close to our faces all the time, and yet it could possibly explode – this is what made the recent Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 smart phone accidents so shocking.

According to technology news website, The Verge, flawed (有瑕疵的) phone batteries might be to blame.

Even if you are not a science student, you probably know that it is common sense that the negative end and the positive end of the battery should never touch. If they do, the battery will short-circuit (短路), causing a powerful electrical reaction that can destroy the battery and cause a fire.

This is why all lithium-ion (锂离子) batteries – the kind that can be found in many of our devices (电子设备) like tablets and cameras – have a separator layer inside to stop the two ends from touching one another.

But somehow, the separators in some of the Samsung phones broke, causing explosions.

Overcharging is another problem that can make batteries heat up quickly. Fortunately, most batteries are designed to be able to automatically stop charging once they are fully charged. But again, this somehow failed to happen in some of the Samsung phones.

According to Lynden Archer, a materials scientist at Cornell University, US, we have already achieved 90 percent of the battery life possible from a lithium-ion battery. Customers’ demands that their devices get thinner and their battery have a longer life have given producers little choice but to try to put more power into thinner batteries. However, the more energy you put into a box, the more dangerous it’s going to be.

1A separator layer is put in lithium-ion batteries in order to ______.

A.ensure a longer battery life

B.reduce a certain electrical reaction

C.connect the anode and the cathode

D.prevent a battery from short circuiting

2What are the possible reasons for the Samsung phone explosions?

A.Pushing the limits of batteries.

B.Short circuiting and overheating.

C.Overcharging and thinner batteries.

D.Automatic charging and broken separators.

3What is the writer’s main purpose of writing the article?

A.To describe problems facing cell phone producers.

B.To warn us about the dangers of lithium-ion batteries.

C.To teach us common sense when it comes to batteries.

D.To explain the reasons for the Samsung phone explosions.







1细节理解题。根据This is why all lithium-ion(锂离子)batteries - the kind that can be found in many of our devices like tablets and cameras - have a separator layer inside to stop the two ends from touching one another.(这就是为什么所有的锂离子电池——在我们的许多设备中都能找到的那种,比如平板电脑和相机——内部都有一个隔离层,防止两端相互接触。)可知在锂离子电池中放一个分离层是为了阻止电池短路,所以选D

2推理判断题。根据If they do, the battery will short-circuit , causing a powerful electrical reaction that can destroy the battery and cause a fire.(如果他们这样做,电池将短路,导致一个强大的电反应,可以破坏电池,并导致火灾。)以及Overcharging is another problem that can make batteries heat up quickly.(过度充电是另一个会使电池迅速升温的问题。)可推断出造成三星手机爆炸的直接原因是短路和过热,所以选B


根据事物的定义或者对事物总体的概括,从而判断出哪些具体事物或者具体的实践应该属于定义的范围或者是概括的范围是我们经常见到的推理判断题的题型。要解决这样的判断题,首先要讲对事物的定义或者对事物的总体概括要读清楚,然后根据对比4个选项,哪个选项在定义或者概括范围内的。哪个就是正确的答案。如第二小题,根据If they do, the battery will short-circuit , causing a powerful electrical reaction that can destroy the battery and cause a fire.(如果他们这样做,电池将短路,导致一个强大的电反应,可以破坏电池,并导致火灾。)以及Overcharging is another problem that can make batteries heat up quickly.(过度充电是另一个会使电池迅速升温的问题。)可推断出造成三星手机爆炸的直接原因是短路和过热,所以选B


【题目】Mother’s Day is a time of memory and celebration for Mom. The earliest Mother’s Day celebrations date back to ancient Greece in honour of Rhea, the Mother of Gods. During the 1600s, England celebrated a day called “mothering Sunday”. Celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent(四旬斋),“mothering Sunday” honoured the mothers England.

During the time many of the England’s poor worked as servants for the wealthy.AS most jobs were located far from their homes, the servants would live at the houses of their employers. On Mothering Sunday, the servants would have the day off and were encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers. A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along.

As Christianity(基督教) spread throughout Europe, the celebration changed to honour the “Mother Church”---the spiritual power that gave them life and protected them from harm. Over time the church festival combined with mothering Sunday celebration. People began honouring their mothers as well as the church.

In the United States Mother’s Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a day devoted to peace. Then in 1907 Ana Jarvis, from Philadelphia, began a campaign(运动) to establish a national Mother’s Day. Ms Jarvis persuaded her mother’s church in Grafton, Virginia to celebrate Mother’s Day on the second anniversary of her mother’s death, the 2nd day Sunday of May. By the next year Mother’s Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia.

Ms Jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers, businessmen, and politicians demanding to establish a national Mother’s Day. It was successful as by 1911 Mother’s Day was celebrated in almost every state. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914, made the official announcement that Mother’s Day was a national holiday and it was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May.

While many countries of the world celebrate their own Mother’s Day at different times throughout the year, there are some countries such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium which also celebrate Mother’s Day on the 2nd Sunday of May.

1What is the author’s purpose in writing the first paragraph?

A. To raise questions. B. To introduce the topic.

C. To interest readers. D. To solve problems.

2The earliest Mother’s Day was celebrated to___________.

A. mark the birth of Greece B. prepare for the autumn harvest

C. honour the Mother of Gods D. honour the mothers of England

3The fourth and fifth paragraphs mainly talk about___________.

A. the feast of Mother’s Day in the U.S.

B. the origin of Mother’s Day in the U.S.

C. the development of Mother’s Day in the U.S.

D. the celebration of Mother’s Day in the U.S.

4The passage is intended to______________.

A. give readers some information B. persuade readers

C. report a story D. amuse readers

【题目】The play The Doctors Dilemma by George Bernard opens on the day when Ridgeon, a famous research doctor,is knighted (封爵).His friends gather to congratulate him.The friends include Sir Patrick, a wellknown old physician, Walpole, an aggressive surgeon, Sir Ralph Bloomfield Bonington, an attractive society doctor, and Blenkinsop, an honest government doctor.Each one has his favorite theory of illness and method of cure._One_man’s_cure_is_another_man’s_poison,but they all get along.

A young woman (Mrs Dubechat) desperately seeks help for her husband from Ridgeon, who has evidently found a way to cure her husband’s illness.Ridgeon initially refuses, but then he changes his mind for two reasons — Mr Dubechat is a fine artist and Ridgeon falls in love with his wife.

When the doctors meet Mr Dubechat, however, they find that he is a dishonest person.Ridgeon eventually decides to treat Blenkinsop,who has the same disease, and refers the artist to Bloomfield Bonington.As a result, he will die.In the end, Ridgeon justifies his behavior as a plan to let Mr Dubechat die before his wife finds out how dishonest he actually was.This, in fact, happens and Mr Dubechat’s artistic reputation grows.

At one level this play deals with allocation (分配) of rare medical resources.Which of the two men will Sir Ridgeon save? Blenkinsop is an honest doctor who works for the poor.Mr Dubechat is a charming sociopath (反社会者),who happens to be an extraordinary artist.

Ridgeon solves this problem with an interesting moral twist — he explains that Mr Dubechat’s death will be a benefit because it will keep his reputation .It will also potentially benefit Ridgeon, who wants to get Mrs Dubechat.

1The author wrote the passage mainly to________.

A. give a brief introduction to George Bernard

B. introduce the play The Doctors Dilemma

C. introduce five famous doctors

D. give some critical opinions about The Doctors Dilemma

2How does Ridgeon feel about not saving Mr Dubechat?

A. Reasonable. B. Regretful.

C. Doubtful. D. Upset.

3How can Ridgeon benefit from Mr Dubechat’s death?

A. His reputation will grow.

B. He might get Mr Dubechat’s wife.

C. He might obtain Mr Dubechat’s wealth.

D. He will lose a competitor in his career.


Drone X Pro is a compact,easy-to-use drone with HD(高清) quality images.It is the fastest drone of its size,flying at a speed of up to 12 meters per second with a top transmission distance of 2 km.It has all of the features need to satisfy the pros,but it is extremely simple to fly and control,even for DRONE X PRO complete beginners.

Foldable Drone

The propeller(螺旋桨)fold inwards to make the drone easier to carry and better protected during transit.

HD Photos and Video

Record video in HD at 120 frames per second and take photos up to 12 megapixels(百万像素)

Increased Flying Time

Fly and film for up to 12 minutes without having to touch the ground or change batteries

Gravity Sensor

Sensors detect the ground and other obstacles and change the flying course automatically to avoid collision(碰撞)

Slo-mo Mode

Replay the highlights of your epic adventures in high-definition slow motion

Panorama Mode(全景模式)

Capture 360 degree photos from the air with just one click of a button




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1Gravity sensors help the drones

A.fly safelyB.move smoothlyC.land slowlyD.turn quickly

2What do we learn about Drone X Pro?

A.It is heavy.B.It can’t be seen.C.It is portable.D.It can carry people.

3Who does Drone X Pro mostly appeal to?


【题目】Directions : After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Before age 3, most children lack the necessary skills to lie. Somewhere between the ages of 3 and 8 though, a lot of children become shockingly skillful at telling lies. A group of 3-year-olds 1(seat) in a room and told not to peek at a toy placed out of sight while the adult left the room. When they were later asked if they had peeked, only about half of the kids attempted to lie. This was repeated with 7-year-olds, and the majority of the kids avoided telling the truth.

At first, it is because they can 2 children lie. They reach a point developmentally 3 they realize that they can say something that is not true. These lies are not a sign of moral failures in 4 the parents or the child.

By age 7 or 8, most children lie for two reasons. One is to escape punishment and to remain in your good graces. Children figure out that 5 they say they did not do something, they may be able to avoid punishment. Older children are also better than the younger ones at reading human emotion and predicting your reaction. Since most of the children want to make their parents happy, their lies may be a 6(misguide) attempt to provide the right answer. The kid who tells you that he did not break the vase, even in the presence of a broken vase, is just telling you what you want to hear. He knows you would be upset about the vase, so he makes up a lie to make you happy.

Ironically, kids of strict parents are actually more likely to lie than 7 from a more laid-back home. A child who knows that he gets spanked for doing wrong may feel motivated to lie more often and he may become more skilled at it, because he knows 8(catch) will lead to punishment.

When it comes to telling the truth, when a child matures and ages you will see the lies become 9(frequent). This is a result of more mature kids learning responsibility and being accountable 10 their actions. If your youngster is telling lies, don’t panic. He will most likely grow out of this stage with the help of his parents setting the right moral values. The experiment in this article was performed by parents and children.

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