
 [1] While the Amazon may seem far away, we are all closely connected to it through our actions. Now there are largely the results of great demand for forest products and agriculture land, which makes its plant and animal species in danger. Fortunately, we can help save the Amazon rainforest by making the right choices in our daily lives. By being smart consumers, we can make a difference and help reduce human pressures on the forests and rivers.

[2] Look for forestt products that you don ’ t need to destroy forests to get. We can choose many rainforest products like Brazil nuts and coffee, which can be got without destroying forests. And at the same time the money you provide can help local people to _______________.

[3] Recycle everything possible. Such items as batteries, cloth, glass, paper in our daily life can be recycled with different techniques. For example, the collected glass pieces are taken to a glass recycling factory where they are madeinto new glass bottles through a series of processing.

[4] Buy the rightpets. Many wild animals are illegally caught in the Amazon and sold as pets and large numbers of these animals die in the process. It ’ s important to ask where the animal comes from and to require a store to give you proof when you decide to buy a pet.

[5] Carefully select the appliances( 家用电器 ) in your home . For example, order low-flow shower heads ( 喷头 ),which can reduce your use of hot water and use of energy to heat the water. So it ’ s wise to select the appliances which can save energy.

[6] Turn off appliances that you are not using and take the plug off them..Switch off TVs, computers, lights, etc. even when they are not being used and make sure the plug off the switch of some appliances that se electricity including TVs, video and audio systems, computers.

76. What is the main idea of the text ? (no more than 8 words)


77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 4 words)

And at the same time the money you provide can help local people to ________________________

78. L i st two threats to the wildlife in Amazon.(no more than 5 words)


79. What ’ s the purpose of choosing the appliances carefully ?(no more than 4 words)


80. What does the word “ they ” (L i ne 2, Paragraph 6) probably refer to?(no more than 1 word)

76. Tips / Advice on helping save the Amazon rainforest. / How to help save the Amazon rainforest.

77. protect the forests.

78. Forest products, (and)agricultural land

79. To save energy

80. Appliances


A doctor had a son who qualified(获得….资格) as a doctor himself. One day his father decided to have a holiday and he asked his son to look after all his patients. When he returned form his holiday he asked his son if anything had happened.

“Well, yes, Dad ,” the son said, feeling very proud of himself. “You remember Mrs. Jones, the lady whose back pains you’ve been treating for twenty years. Well, I’ve cured them.”

“I see, ” replied his father, not very pleased. “Mrs. Jones’ back pains paid for your university fees. I was hoping they’d pay for your new car as well.”

1. While away from home, the father was ______

A certain that his son was able to take up his job.

B wondering if his son could do a good job

C sure that something had happened

D worried about Mrs. Jones’ back pains

2. Seeing his father back, the son was ______.

A certain that his father would praise him

B afraid that his father would scold him

C wondering what his father would think of his job

D was hoping that his father would let him take up the job

3. Which of the following is not true?

A The father was clever at making money out of his patients.

B The father’s medical skill was not so good as his son’s.

C The doctor was selfish.

D The doctor was a dishonest man but a loving father.

4. What does the writer intend to tell us by this story? He intends to _____.

A disclose(揭发) the secrets of some doctors

B criticize (批评) some doctors for their dishonesty

C prove that sons will be better than their fathers

D tell us something funny.


A T-shirt a day has kept unemployment away for an American man who is making about $85,000 a year by selling advertising space on his shirt.

Jason Sadler, 26, was once a former marketing expert from Florida. In 2008, he founded his own company, “iwearyourshirt”, with the idea to wear a T-shirt supplied by any company and then use social media tools to develop the company . Sadler charges the “face value”of  the day for his human billboard (广告牌) service. So January 1 costs $1, while December 31 costs $365. He said this may not sound like a lot, but it adds up to $66,795 a year if he sells out every day, which he did this year. He also sells monthly sponsorships(赞助) for $1,500, adding another $18,000 to his income.

“I walk around, take photos, wear the shirt all day … I blog about those photos, I put them up on Twitter, I change my Facebook introduction…and then I do a Youtube video. I made about $83,000 this year,” he told Reuters Television. The average U.S income is about $615 a week or about $32,000 a year ,according to the U.S government.

Sadler has already begun to plan for his year 2010. He is making services larger by hiring another person to wear a shirt a day on the west coast of the United States.

1.What is Sadler’s “face value” of the day December 30?

A.$364.       B.$365.       C.$615.       D.$1,500.

2.It can be inferred that Sadler didn’t advertise on ________.

A.Twitter     B.Facebook  C.Youtube   D.Reuters

3.Jason Sadler has a new plan to  ________ for the year 2010.

A.employ another person to replace him    B.start his business on the west coast

C.stay at home on the east coast  D.double the charge for the service

4.The passage is mainly about ________ in a new way.

A.taking photos    B.writing blogs    C.making money D.selling T-shirts


Washington: A research conducted at the University of Maryland looks at the numerous complex reasons as to why young children decide to include or exclude (排斥) other kids from their group of friends.

     It suggests that the kids' decision-making process is much more complex than previously believed.

     "They take into account group information, ranging from cliques (小圈子) and networks, when deciding what makes a group work well. Sometimes kids are excluded because they lack social skills, but a lot of time it has nothing to do with that. Instead it has to do with what we refer to as 'group membership' such as gender, race, nation, and culture," says Professor Melanie Killen, the Associate Director of the Centre for Children Relationships and Culture at Maryland, who led the 4-year project.

     Reporting their findings in the journal, the researcher said whatever was the reason, individuals who experienced long-term exclusion (排斥) from the group of friends suffered from depression, anxiety and loneliness.

     The study looked at two models to define how children make decisions regarding acceptance of other kids in their group -- the individual social deficit model and the inter-group social cognition (认同) model. While the former says that children's rejection occurs due to social deficits like shyness, wariness or fearfulness, the latter says that it happens because of group dynamics, prejudice and exclusion.

     It was also found that the age of children was also a factor that influenced their decisions regarding other kids' acceptance as friends.

     "With age, kids become more aware of group dynamics, conventions, customs, and rituals. With this comes a greater concern about group functioning, which can lead to exclusion which can be negative from a social justice viewpoint," says Killen.

     The researcher believes that her study may have many benefits, as it could provide insights into how to help when children are rejected by their peers.

1.While making friends, kids think more about the following EXCEPT ______.

    A. social skills B. culture C. race D. gender

2.The underlined word "deficit" in Paragraph 5 may mean “_______”.

    A. skill B. relationship C. weakness D. experience

3.One of the major purposes of the research is to _______.

    A. tell the reader how to tell inclusion from exclusion

   B. remind children to be careful while making friends

    C. seek ways to help kids excluded by their peers

    D. stop the children belonging to the inter-group social cognition model

4.While making friends, children exclude those of social deficit model to _______.

   A. keep their groups purer

    B. make their groups more socially powerful

    C. refuse other customs and cultures

   D. prove their groups to be strict



When women sit together to watch a movie on TV, they usually talk simultaneously(同时的)about a variety of subjects, including children, men, careers and what' s happening in their lives. When groups of men and women watch a movie together, the men usually end up telling the women to shut up. Men can either talk or watch the screen -- they can' t do both -- and they don' t understand that women can. Besides, women consider that the point of all getting together is to have a good time and develop relationships -- not just to sit there like couch potatoes staring at the screen.

During the ad breaks, a man often asks a woman to explain the plot and tell him where the relationship between the characters is going. He is unable, unlike women, to read the subtle body language signals that reveal how the characters are feeling emotionally. Since women originally spent their days with the other women and children in the group,  they developed the ability to communicate successfully in order to maintain relationships. For a woman, speech continues to have such a clear purpose: to build relationships and make friends. For men, to talk is to relate the facts.

Men see the telephone as a communication tool for sending facts and information to other people, but a woman sees it as a means of bonding. A woman can spend two weeks on vacation with her girlfriend and, when she returns home, telephone the same girlfriend and talk for another two hours.

There is no convincing evidence that social conditioning, the fact that girls' mothers talked them more, is the reason why girls talk more than boys. Psychiatrist Dr Michael Lewis, author Social Behaviour and Language Acquisition, conducted experiments that found mothers talked  to and looked at, baby girls more often than baby boys. Scientific evidence shows parents res the brain bias of their children. Since a girl' s brain is better organized to send and receive speech ,

we therefore talk to them more. Consequently, mothers who try to talk to their sons are usually pointed to receive only short grunts in reply.

1.While watching TV with others, women Usually talk a lot because they

A. are afraid of awkward silence with their families and friends

B. can both talk and watch the screen at the Same time

C. think they can have a good time and develop relationships

D. have to explain the plot and body language to their husbands

2.After a vacation with her girlfriend, a woman would talk to her again on the phone for hours in order to              .

A. experience the happy time again    B. keep a close tie with her

C. recommend her a new scenic spot   D. remind her of something forgotten

3.What does the author want to tell us most?

A. Women' s brains are better organized for language and communication

B. Women love to talk because they are more sociable than men.

C. Men do not like talking because they rely more on facts.

D. Social conditioning is not the reason why women love talking.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Women Are Socially Trained to Talk          B. Talking Maintains Relationships

C, Women Love to Talk                     D. Men Talk Differently from Women


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