²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÉ¹ÈÕ¹âÔ¡£ºdo sunbathing
Dear Tom£¬
I'm happy to know that you are coming to Beijing in early August!I think it's a very good idea to call a taxi at the airport£®It's about two-hour drive to my house and I'll make sure you can find it easily£®
I'm sending you some photos of Temple of Heaven£¬and some of the Great Wall£¬in the hope of giving you an idea of how fantastic the scenery is here£®The weather of Beijing is still quite warm in August£¬so you'll be able to do lots of swimming and sunbathing in Beidaihe£®I'm sure you'll have a great time!
Anyway£¬do get in touch if you've got any questions£®I can't wait to see you again£®
Li Ming£®

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It's about two-hour drive to my house and I'll make sure you can find it easily£®¿ª³µµ½ÎÒ¼Ò´óÔ¼Á½Ð¡Ê±£¬¶øÇÒÎÒÈ·±£ÄãºÜÈÝÒ×¾ÍÕÒµ½ÁË£®make sure È·±££»È·ÐÅ£®
I'm sending you some photos of Temple of Heaven£¬and some of the Great Wall£¬in the hope of giving you an idea of how fantastic the scenery is here£®ÖÐin the hope of giving you an idea of how fantastic the scenery is here£®Ï£Íû¸øÄãÒ»ÖÖÕâÀïµÄ¾°É«¶àôÃÀÃîµÄÏë·¨£®ÀïÃæµÄhow fantastic the scenery is here µÄÊǸÐ̾¾ä£®

½â´ð Dear Tom£¬
I'm happy to know that you are coming to Beijing in early August!I think it's a very good idea to call a taxi at the airport£®It's about two-hour drive to my house and I'll make sure you can find it easily£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿
I'm sending you some photos of Temple of Heaven£¬and some of the Great Wall£¬in the hope of giving you an idea of how fantastic the scenery is here£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿The weather of Beijing is still quite warm in August£¬so you'll be able to do lots of swimming and sunbathing in Beidaihe£®I'm sure you'll have a great time!£¨±íʾףԸ£©
Anyway£¬do get in touch if you've got any questions£®I can't wait to see you again£®
                                                                                                             Li Ming

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How to Become a Scientist
   Here is some advice for students who think they might like to become scientists£®
  £¨36£©AOne of the most important things you can do to become a good scientist is practice watching everything carefully£®Find a comfortable chair and put it in the middle of your garden or a park£®Sit in the chair for thirty minutes or an hour£®Watch the insects that fly past or land on the plants£®Look at the shapes of leaves and branches£®Listen to the sounds of insects£®£¨37£©E Use a microscope to look closely at interesting objects£®
 Learn everything you can about a topic that interests you£®Suppose you'd like to explore flowers by using a microscope£®Go to the library and check out some flower books£®See what you can find on the Internet£®Pick some flowers and carefully taken them apart£®£¨38£©FThe more you know about flowers from reading about them and observing them£¬the more you'll understand when you look at them with a microscope£®
 Ask for help from a knowledgeable person£®After you've learned everything you can on your own£¬ask someone else to help with questions you still have£®Maybe there's someone at a nearby school or museum who knows about insects£¬spiders£¬or something else you'd like to learn about£®£¨39£©B
Find a scientist to talk to or find a place where scientific research is being done£®If you still want to learn more£¬you can find a scientist to talk to at a nearby university£¬or research station£®£¨40£©CExplain what you're interested in£®Ask if you can schedule a time to visit£®Most scientists are happy to talk to students who share their passion for science£®

 A£®Become an observer£®
 B£®You may go seek answers from him£®
 C£®Write a letter or an e-mail message to the scientist£®
 D£®Research your questions using the Internet or library£®
 E£®See if you can find a sight or sound that surprises you£®
 F£®Use a microscope to see how everything fits together£®
 G£®Being a scientist is time-consuming and mentally demanding£®
2£®It has always been thought that alcohol causes people to put on weight because it contains a lot of sugar£¬but new research suggests a glass a day cold form part of a diet£®Looking at past studies they found that£¬while heavy drinkers do put on weight£» those who drink in moderation can actually lose weight£®
A spokesman for the research team at Navarro University in Spain says£¬"Light to moderate alcohol intake£¬especially of wine£¬may be more likely to protect against£¬rather than promote£¬weight gain£®"The International Scientific Forum on Alcohol research reviewed the findings and agreed with most of the conclusions£¬particularly that data do not clearly indicate if moderate drinking increases weight£®
Boston University's Dr£®Harvey Finkel found that the biologic mechanisms£¨ÉúÎïѧ»úÖÆ£©  relating alcohol to changes in body weight are not properly understood£®His team pointed out  the strong protective effects of moderate drinking on the risk of getting conditions like diabetes£¨ÌÇÄò²¡£©£¬which relate to increasing obesity£®Some studies suggest that even very obese people may be at lower risk of diabetes if they are moderate drinkers£®
The group says alcohol provides calories that are quickly absorbed into the body and are not stored in fat£¬and that this process could explain the differences in its effects from those of other foods£®They agree that future research should be directed towards assessing the roles of different types of alcoholic drinks£¬taking into consideration drinking patterns and including the past tendency of participants to gain weight£®
For now there is little evidence that consuming small to moderate amounts of alcohol on a regular basis increases one's risk of becoming obese£®What's more£¬a study three years ago suggested that resveratrol£¬a compound present in grapes and red wine destroys fat cells£®

32£®The passage is mainly for thoseB
A£®who produce wine                        B£®who have a drinking habit
C£®who go on a diet                           D£®who are eager to lose weight
33£®How does the writer clarify his view at the very beginning£¿B
A£®By quotation            B£®By comparison
C£®By question£®D£®By statement£®
34£®What ca we learn from the passageC£®
A£®Current data clearly show that moderate drinking increases weight£®
B£®Resveratrol is proved to increase the risk of becoming fat£®
C£®The research found moderate drinking has a strong protective effect£®
D£®The specific roles of different types of alcoholic drinks are very clear£®
35£®What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows£¿C
A£®How to do some easy experiments£®
B£®How to reduce the calories contained in wine£®
C£®How to prove the finding mentioned above£®
D£®How to make wine in a healthy way£®
Recently£¬the air quality in China has raised widespread concern£®The Air Quality Index in most parts reached 500£®Everything around disappeared from our sight£®Some highways were closed£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£© More traffic jams and accidents happened£®People had to wear masks£®What's worse£¬many people found it difficult to breathe£®
The heavy hazy weather in China has been caused by many factors£®First£¬the severely polluted environment contributed a lot to this nightmare£®Second£¬the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role£®The cars send off a lot of poisonous gases£®
In my opinion£¬We should call on people to use more public transport£¬thus reducing the number of cars in the streets£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£© Besides£¬some factories which cause pollution should be closed down£®What's more£¬We have to do more to raise people's awareness of environmental protection£®Only in this way can we expect to have more sunny days£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©£®

A famous professor was known for his interesting lessons,which attracted plenty of students to his class.This time,when the class began,he picked up a very large and __ jar and began to fill it with golf balls.He asked the students if the jar was full.They __ that it was.The professor picked up a box of small pebbles (½ØÂÑʯ) and __ them into the jar.He shook the jar __ to let the pebbles roll into the open __ between the golf balls.When asked if the jar was full,they __ with a firm ¡°Yes¡±.

Then the professor poured a box of sand into the jar,which seemingly __ all the remaining space.The same question was asked and the same answer was given.The professor then __ two cans of beer from under the table and poured the __ contents into the jar,filling the empty space between the sand.

¡°Now,¡± said the professor,¡°I want you to recognize that this jar __ your life.The golf balls are the most __ things--your family,your children,your health and your friends.If everything else was lost and only they __ your life would still be full.The __ can be the other things that __ like your job,your house,your car.The sand is everything else--the small stuff.If you put the sand into the jar first,¡± he __.¡°there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for __.If you spend all your time and __ on the small stuff,you will never have __ for the things that are more important to you.Take care of the golf balls first,the things that really matter.The rest is just sand.¡±

One of the students put up her hand and __ what the beer represented.The professor smiled.¡°I¡¯m glad you asked this.It just goes to show you that,no matter how __ your life may seem,there¡¯s always room for a can of beer.¡±

1.A. valuable B. empty C. beautiful D. heavy

2.A. wanted B. expected C. supposed D. agreed

3.A. rolled B. drove C. threw D. poured

4.A. typically B. suddenly C. happily D. lightly

5.A. fields B. platforms C. space D. locations

6.A. responded B. behaved C. reacted D. described

7.A. gave up B. used up C. filled up D. picked up

8.A. drank B. reached C. took D. broke

9.A. entire B. general C. special D. strange

10.A. explains B. indicates C. compares D. represents

11.A. common B. important C. natural D. exciting

12.A. left B. remained C. struggled D. happened

13.A. sand B. pebbles C. balls D. beer

14.A. feel B. look C. serve D. matter

15.A. doubted B. replied C. commented D. continued

16.A. future B. happiness C. life D. success

17.A. interest B. salary C. energy D. strength

18.A. ambition B. room C. fun D. effort

19.A. asked B. insisted C. required D. suspected

20.A. full B. easy C. happy D. hard

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