
The most frightening words in the English language are, “Our computer is down.” You hear it more and more when you are on business. The other day I was at the airport waiting for a ticket to Washington and the girl in the ticket office said, “I’m sorry, I can’t sell you a ticket. Our computer is down.”

“If your computer is down, just write me out a ticket.”

“I can’t write you out a ticket. The computer is the only one allowed to do so.”

I noticed every passenger was just standing there drinking coffee and staring at the black screen. Then I looked down on the computer and asked her, “What do all you people do?”

“We give the computer the information about your trip, and then it tells us whether you can fly with us or not.”

“So when it goes down, you go down with it.”

“That’s good, sir.”

“How long will the computer be down? I wanted to know.”

“I have no idea. Sometimes it’s down for 10 minutes, sometimes for two hours. There’s no way we can find out without asking the computer, and since it’s down it won’t answer us.”

After the girl told me they had no backup computer, I said. “Let’s forget the computer—What about your planes? They are still flying, aren’t they?”

“I couldn’t tell without asking the computer.”

“Maybe I could, just go to the gate and ask the pilot if he is flying to Washington,” I suggested.

“I wouldn’t know what gate to send you to. Even if the pilot was going to Washington, he couldn’t take you if you didn’t have a ticket.”

“Is there any other airline flying to Washington within the next few hours?”

“I wouldn’t know,” she said, pointing at the dark screen. “Only ‘IT’ knows. It can’t tell me.”

By this time there were quite a few people standing in lines. The words soon spread to other travelers that the computer was down. Some people went white, some people started to cry and still others kicked their luggage.

1.Where do you often hear the frightening words “Our computer is down”?

A.at the airport. B.At the gate.

C.On business D.In the ticket office

2.What could the girl in the ticket office do without asking the computer?

A.She could do nothing.

B.She could write out a ticket.

C.She could still sell a ticket.

D.She could answer passengers’ questions.

3.What does the underlined word “down” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A.White B.Broken C.Black D.Dark

4.We can learn from the last paragraph that .

A.a modern computer won’t be down

B.computers can take the place of human

C.there will be great changes in computers

D.sometimes a computer may bring suffering to people







1.C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的You hear it more and more when you are on business.可知,选择C,人们经常在工作中听到这句话。

2.A 细节理解题。根据原文的“So when it goes down, you go down with it.”可知选择A,没有电脑这个女孩什么也做不了。

3.D 词义辨析题。根据倒数第二段的“I wouldn’t know,” she said, pointing at the dark screen. “可知选择D,表示电脑是暗的。

4.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段的Some people went white, some people started to cry and still others kicked their luggage.可知,当电脑死机时,人们无可奈何,故选择D,指电脑有时候也会给人们带来一些困扰。



Dogs Don't Tell Jokes - By Louis Sachar

Twelve-year-old Gary Boone knows he was born to be a comedian. He never stops joking, regardless of the fact that nobody laughs much and his classmates think he is stupid. Therefore he had no real friends at school. Due to being laughed at by his classmates, Gary Boone thought winning the school talent show would be his dream of proving himself to be a real comedian, but on the big night his dream went wrong with funny results.

Winners Never Quit - By Mia Hamm

Mia Hamm, American soccer champion, tells a true-to-life inspiring story of learning that winning and losing aren't as important as being part of a team. More than anyone, soccer superstar Mia Hamm knows the value of teamwork. She shares this lesson, paired with energetic pictures by Carol Thompson, and this story is perfect for soccer kids and their soccer moms.

Shack let on s Incredible Voyage - By Alfred Lansing

The astonishing adventure of polar explorer Ernest Shackleton's survival for over a year on the ice-bound Antarctic seas, as Time t magazine put it, "defined heroism". To write the authoritative story, Lansing consulted with ten of the surviving members and gained access to diaries and personal accounts by eight others. The book has a first-hand account, expanded with maps and illustrations especially for this edition.

The Alchemist - By Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, continues to change the lives of its readers forever. It tells the magical story of Santiago, an Andulusian shepherd-boy (牧童) who desires to travel in search of treasure. The story of the treasures Santiago finds along the way teaches us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts and above all, following our dreams.

1.Why did Gary Boone want to win the school talent show?

A. To develop his comedy skills.

B. To please his classmates.

C. To make more friends.

D. To realize his dream.

2.From Shackletoris Incredible Voyage, we know the main character ______.

A. is a writer for Time magazine

B. is a survival of one polar exploration

C. has left a lot of diaries and accounts

D. has formed a close friendship with Alfred Lansing

3. If you want to know more about teamwork, you can read ______.

A. Dogs Don't Tell Jokes

B. Shackletoris Incredible Voyage

C. Winners Never Quit

D. The Alchemist

4.What do we know about The Alchemist?

A. It has an everlasting influence on its readers.

B. It gives people magical power over their dreams.

C. It tells a story of how to find treasures.

D. It is mainly about the wisdom of listening to others.

Elizabeth Freeman was born about 1742 to African American parents who were slaves. At the age of six months she was acquired, along with her sister, by John Ashley, a wealthy Massachusetts slaveholders. She became known as Mumbet or Mum Bett.

For nearly 30 years Mumbet served the Ashley family. One day, Ashleys wife tried to strike Mumbets sister with a spade. Mumbet protected her sister and took the blow instead. Furious(狂怒的), she left the house and refused to come back. When the Ashleys tried to make her return, Mumbet consulted a lawyer, Theodore Sedgewick. With his help, Mumbet sued(起诉) for her freedom.

While serving the Ashleys, Mumbet had listened to many discussions of the new Massachusetts constitution. If the constitution said that all people were free and equal, then she thought it should apply to her. Eventually, Mumbet won her freedom---- the first slave in Massachusetts to do so under the new constitution.

Strangely enough, after the trial, the Ashleys asked Mumbet to come back and work for them as a paid employee. She declined and instead went to work for Segdewick. Mumbet died in 1829, but her legacy lived on in her many descendants(后裔). One of her great-grandchildren was W.E.B. Du Bois, one of the founder of the NAACP, and an important writer and spokesperson for African American civil rights.

Mumbets tombstone still stands in the Massachusetts cemetery where she was buried. It reads, in part: She was born a slave and remained a slave and remained a slave for nearly thirty years. She could neither read nor write, yet in her own sphere she had no superior or equal.

1.What do we know about Mumbet according to Paragraph 1?

A.She was born a slave

B.She was a slaveholder

C.She had a famous sister

D.She was born into a rich family

2.What did Mumbet learn from discussions about the new consititution?

A.She should always obey her owners’ orders

B.How to apply for a job

C.How to be a good servant

D.She should be as free and equal as whites

3.What did Mumbet do after the trial?

A.She chose to work for a lawyer

B.She found the NAACP

C.She continued to serve the Ashleys

D.She went to live with her grandchildren

4.What is the test mainly about?

A.A story of a famous writer and spokesperson

B.The friendship between a lawyer and a slave

C.A trial that shocked the whole world

D.The life of a brave African American woman


Four brothers left home for college, and they became successful doctors and lawyers.

Some years later, they got together again. While having dinner, they for a long time. They discussed the they had given their elderly mother who lived far away in another city. The first said, “I had a house built for Mama.” The second said, “I had my Mercedes-Benz dealer(奔驰经销商)send a to her.” The third said, “I built a beautiful for Mama.” The fourth said, “You know Mama loved reading poems and you know she can’t read any more because she can’t very well. I met a businessman who had a parrot that can recite many . It took him 12 years to it to speak and he earns his living by renting it out. I had to pay him $100,000 a year for twenty years, it is worth it.” On hearing that, the other brothers were by his good thought.

After the holidays their mother her thank-you notes, which read, “Milton, the house you built is so huge. I only live in one room, but I have to clean the whole house. It’s a (an) job. Thanks anyway.”

“Marvin, I am too old to . I stay home and have others work for me, so I’ll use the car. The was good, although not realistic. Thanks.”

“Michael, you gave me an expensive building for many people to plays or watch movies in it, but all my friends are dead. I’ve almost my hearing and I’m nearly blind. I won’t use it. Thank you all the same.”

“Dearest Melvin, you are the son to have the good sense to give a little thought to your gift. The chicken tasted so . I liked it very much. Thank you.”

1.A.fought B.talked C.studied D.slept

2.A.gifts B.chances C.wishes D.challenges

3.A.warm B.big C.safe D.lonely

4.A.book B.bike C.car D.bag

5.A.station B.museum C.library D.theater

6.A.what B.how C.why D.when

7.A.listen B.feel C.see D.walk

8.A.stories B.words C.poems D.lyrics

9.A.protect B.beat C.raise D.train

10.A.but B.so C.unless D.although

11.A.shocked B.impressed C.frightened D.embarrassed

12.A.sent out B.put up C.took out D.picked up

13.A.enjoyable B.delightful C.tiring D.amusing

14.A.learn B.work C.exercise D.drive

15.A.never B.often C.regularly D.sometimes

16.A.future B.hobby C.idea D.program

17.A.create B.enjoy C.bring D.record

18.A.lost B.admired C.remained D.discovered

19.A.same B.last C.next D.only

20.A.strange B.unpleasant C.terrible D.delicious

A teacher stood in front of his history class of twenty students just before handing out the final exam. His students sat quietly and waited for him to speak.

Its been a pleasure teaching you this term, he said. “You’ve all worked very hard, so I have a pleasant surprise for you. Everyone who chooses not to take the final exam will get a ‘B’ for the course.”

Most of the students jumped out of their seats. They thanked the teacher happily, and walked out of the classroom. Only a few students stayed. The teacher looked at them. “This is your last chance,” he said. “Does anyone else want to leave?” All the students there stayed in their seats and took out their pencils.

The teacher smiled. “Congratulations (祝贺),” he said. “I’m glad to see you believe in yourselves. You all get A’s.”

1. This story most probably took place ______.

A. at the beginning of the term

B. in the middle of the term

C. at the end of the term

D. at the beginning of the school year

2.Most of the students got Grade ______.

A. A B. B C. C D. F

3.Why did some students stay in their seats?

A. Because they wanted to take the exam.

B. Because the teacher told them to stay in their class.

C. Because they were afraid to leave.

D. Because they didnt have anything to do.

4.The teacher gave the students who stayed in the classroom As because ______.

A. the teacher liked them

B. they were cleverer than the other students

C. they believed in themselves

D. they studied hard

5.The underlined word themin Paragraph 3 refers to ______.

A. students staying in their seats

B. students leaving the classroom

C. their seats

D. all the students

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