²Î¿¼±í´ï£ºcelebrate Çì×£   the College Entrance Exam ¸ß¿¼    be not oneself ²»Êæ·þ
          accept one's sincere apologies½ÓÊÜijÈËÕæ³ÏµÄµÀǸ
Dear Peter£¬
  I am extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday£®                                                                                     
                                                                               Best regards£¬
                                                                      Li Hua£®

·ÖÎö ¿¼²éÓ¦ÓÃÎÄÖеÄÊéÐŵÄд×÷£®ÇëÄãÒÔÀµÄÃûÒå¸øÄãµÄһλÃÀ¹úÁôѧÉúÅóÓÑPeterдһ·âµç×ÓÓʼþ£¬ËµÃ÷Äã²»Äܲμӱ¾ÖÜÈÕÔÚËû¼Ò¾Ù°ìµÄÉúÈվۻᣬҪµã¶¼ÒѾ­¸ø³ö£¬ÊéÐÅÀà¶ÌÎĵĹؼüÔÚÓÚÒªµãҪȫÃæ°üÀ¨£¬²»ÄÜÓÐÒÅ©ºÍÊ¡ÂÔ£®µ«ÊÇÒªµãÖ»ÊÇÌá¸Ù£¬¿¼Éú»¹ÒªÔÚ´Ë»ù´¡ÉÏÔö¼Óϸ½Ú£¬²»ÒªÖð×ÖÖð¾ä·­Ò룬ͬʱעÒâıƪ²¼¾ÖµÄ˳Ðò£¬ÔËÓúÏÊʵÄÁ¬½Ó´ÊÁ¬½ÓÈ«ÎÄ£¬Í¬Ê±Ñ¡Ôñ¸ß¼¶µÄ´Ê»ãºÍÓï·¨ÏîÄ¿ÈÃÎÄÕ¸üÓÐÎIJɣ®ÉóÌâʱעÒâ±¾ÎÄʹÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ£¬ÃèÊöÒª¾¡Á¿Ñ¡Ôñ¼ò½àµÄÓïÑÔ£¬ÔËÓúÏÊʵÄÓï·¨¹æÔòºÍ´Ê»ã°Ñ¸÷Òªµã¶¼×¼È·±íÊö³ö£®ÄѵãÔÚÓÚÑ¡Ôñ´Ê»ãºÍ¾äÐÍ£¬¿ÉÒÔÁé»îÔËÓø߼¶´Ê»ãºÍ¹Ì¶¨¶ÌÓï׼ȷ±íÊö£®»¹ÒªÓÃÊʵ±µÄÁ¬½Ó´Ê±»¾ä×ÓÁ¬½ÓÆðÀ´£¬ÕâÑùÎÄÕÂÏԵøüÁ¬¹á£®
ÁÁµã¾äÐÍÒ»£ºI will be absent from your party owing to the fact that the College Entrance Exam is just around the corner£¬for which I am now quite busy preparing£®ÓÉÓڸ߿¼¼´½«À´ÁÙ£¬ÎÒ½«È±Ï¯ÄãÃǵľۻᣬÒòΪÎÒÏÖÔÚÕýæ×Å×¼±¸¿¼ÊÔ£®Õâ¾ä»°ÓÃÁË·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬whichÖ¸µãÇ°ÎÄÖеÄthe College Entrance Exam£®
ÁÁµã¾äÐͶþ£ºI hope you will forgive me and accept my sincere apologies£®ÎÒÏ£ÍûÄãÄÜÔ­ÁÂÎÒ²¢½ÓÊÜÎÒÕæ³ÏµÄµÀǸ£®Õâ¾ä»°ÓõÄÊDZöÓï´Ó¾ä£¬±öÓï´Ó¾äÊ¡ÂÔÁËÁ¬½Ó´Êthat£®

½â´ð Dear Peter£¬
    I am extremely sorry to tell you that I am unable to go to your party this Sunday£®It is very kind of you to invite me to your house and I hopefully want to celebrate your birthday with you and express my best wishes to you£®Much to my regret£¬I will be absent from your party owing to the fact that the College Entrance Exam is just around the corner£¬for which I am now quite busy preparing£®£¨ÁÁµã¾äÐÍÒ»£©What's worse£¬I have caught a bad cold lately and I am really not myself£®¡¾²»²Î¼ÓµÄÀíÓÉ¡¿
    I am truly sorry£®I hope you will forgive me and accept my sincere apologies£®£¨ÁÁµã¾äÐͶþ£©I believe we will have many more chances to get together£®Shall we make it after the Exam£¿¡¾ÔÙÔ¼Ïà¾Û¡¿
    I'm looking forward to your reply£®
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Best regards£¬
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Li Hua

µãÆÀ Ó¢Óïд×÷ÊÇÒ»ÏîÖ÷¹ÛÐÔ½ÏÇ¿µÄ²âÊÔÌ⣮Ëü²»½ö¿¼²éѧÉúµÄд×÷»ù´¡¶øÇÒ»¹¿¼²éѧÉúÔÚд×÷¹ý³ÌÖÐ×ÛºÏÔËÓÃÓïÑÔµÄÄÜÁ¦£®ÔÚ׫дʱҪעÒâÖ÷νÓïÒ»Ö£¬Ê±Ì¬ºôÓ¦£¬ÓôÊÌùÇеȣ®ÒªÌá¸ßÓ¢Óïд×÷ˮƽ£¬ÐèÒªÁ½·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·£ºÒ»ÊÇÓïÑÔ»ù´¡·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·£¬ÒªÓÐÔúʵµÄÔì¾ä¡¢·­ÒëµÈ»ù±¾¹¦£¬¼´Óôʷ¨¡¢¾ä·¨µÈ֪ʶÔì³öÕýÈ·ÎÞÎóµÄ¾ä×Ó£»¶þÊÇд×÷֪ʶºÍÄÜÁ¦ ·½ÃæµÄѵÁ·ÒÔÕÆÎÕд×÷·½ÃæµÄ»ù±¾·½·¨ºÍ¼¼ÇÉ£®

19£®Easy Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills
For better or for worse£¬school is filled with writing homework£®Good writing is important for getting a good grade£®£¨36£©DLuckily£¬anyone can improve his or her writing with the right guidance and a little practice£®Here are four easy tips to help you improve your writing skills£º
1£®Organize your thoughts first£®
Good writers outline their thoughts before starting putting their pens to paper or hands to a keyboard£®Firstly£¬write out each main topic£®Next£¬list subtopics£¨Ð¡±êÌ⣩ beneath much main topic£®Lastly£¬put the topics and subtopics into a logical£¨·ûºÏÂß¼­µÄ£© order£®£¨37£©E
2£®Take a standpoint£®
Most writing homework asks you to take a position on what you're writing about£®£¨38£©C  Your thesis£¨Â۵㣩 should determine the content of your writing homework£®The stronger your thesis is£¬and the better you back up your thesis with related information£¬the stronger your writing will be overall£®
3£®Don't copy others'homework£®
£¨39£©G Most teachers use detective software to catch copycats in the act£®Students found copying are usually punished and what's worse£¬even dismissed£¨¿ª³ý£©£®
Some students finish writing a passage and then give it to their teachers without checking it£®This is a huge mistake£®It's likely that there are mistakes that need to be corrected£®Additionally£¬one's work can always be bettered and improved£®
Happy writing!
A£®Look over and correct£®
B£®Keep a dictionary handy£®
C£®This main idea is called a"thesis"£®
D£®However£¬it's still a skill many students struggle with£®
E£®Use this outline to give shape to your writing homework£®
F£®And all good writing is organized with a beginning£¬a middle£¬and an end£®
G£®Trying to use others'ideas as your own can get you into serious trouble£®
15£®How to Be Successful in School
Learn the income payoff£®Examine the relationship between education levels and income earned during one's working life£®£¨36£©D The higher one's level of education£¬the more income they will be likely to earn and the better life will probably be£®
£¨37£©C Short-term goals cover a period of less than one year£®Do you want to get into a good college£¿Do you want to graduate in the top 10percent of your class£¿It's important to have short-term goals that are stepping stones to your long-term goals£®
Develop a strategy and plan£®A strategy might be to study with a group of friends on a regular time£®An action plan will include several individual tasks with timing and any cost that might be required£®If you are a student£¬start now to understand how to make goals£¬strategies and action plans that work£®£¨38£©F
£¨39£©AOne of the most important things to be successful in school is to develop good study habits£®Good study habits are formed by studying on a regular basis for the amount of time required to learn something£®Once good study habits are well formed you will find that learning and success in school become easier£®
Seek out other winners£®£¨40£©Bthey don't have to be the smartest£¬but they should be on their way to being the best they can be£®Make friends with such people so that you can support each other to be successful in school£®

A£®Develop good study habits£®
B£®Winners are those who make the best of their potential through great effort£®
C£®Establish short-term education goals£®
D£®Education is the best choice a person can make£®
E£®Work hard to develop strong character£®
F£®Then this skill can help you to be successful in school and later in life£®
G£®Keep in mind your long-term goals£®
19£®We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life£¬but most of us don't do a very good job£®£¨36£©C£®
So£¬you have to give a speech and you are terrified£®You get nervous£¬you forget what you want to say£¬you stumble£¨½á°Í£© over words£¬you talk too long£¬and you bore your  audience£®Later you think£¬"Thank Goodness£¬it's over£®I'm just not good at public speaking£®I hope I never have to do that again£®"
Cheep up!£¨37£©A£®Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making£®
Ask yourself the purpose of your speech£®What is the occasion£¿Why are you speaking£¿Then£¬gather as many facts as you can on your subject£®Spend plenty of your time doing your research£®Then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear     and easy to follow£®Use as many examples as possible£¬and use pictures£¬charts£¬and graphs  if they he lp you make your points more clearly£®£¨38£©F£®Don't talk down to them£®Treat your audience with respect£®They will appreciate your thoughtfulness£®
Just remember£ºBe prepared£®Know your subject£¬your audience£¬and the occasion£®Be brief£®£¨39£©D£®And be yourself£®Let your personality come through so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience£®
If you follow these simple steps£¬you will see that you don't have to be afraid of public speaking£®In fact£¬you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches!You're not convinced yet£¿£¨40£©G£®

A£®It doesn't have to be that bad£®
B£®Take several deep breaths before your speech£®
C£®This article gives some advice on how to give a good speech£®
D£®Say what you have to say and then stop£®
E£®Don't give a try to say what you aren't familiar with£®
F£®Never forget your audience£®
G£®Give it a try and see what happens£®
9£®Applying for college in the United States from another country can be exciting and challenging£®£¨16£©DBut it is not difficult if you follow the procedures carefully£®
There are more applicants than the colleges in the United States can accept in any year£®£¨17£©GThe key to successful admission is in careful planning and completing the required steps on time£®Keep in mind the following advice during your college planning£®
•What kind of person are you
•What are your interests
•Why do you think studying in another country will be good for you
•What if studying in another country makes you feel anxious
Start planning ahead of time£®
£¨19£©Eidentify the things that are the most important to you£®Make a list of those characteristics to help you compare the colleges that interest you£®Talk with students in your country who have studied in the US£®Plan your college budget£®£¨20£©CBe sure that your information is current and correct£®

A£®Talk about your family situations£®
B£®Consider your own characteristics£®
C£®Be realistic about how you will pay for the education£®
D£®Then process may be different from the one in your country£®
E£®Plan about two years before you wish to start studying in the US£®
F£®Follow the advice above£¬and you will make it to an ideal college in the US£®
G£®So college admission can be competitive£¬especially for applicants from outside the US£®
16£®If you get into the forest with your friends£¬stay with them always£®If you don't£¬you may get lost£®If you really get lost£¬this is what you should do£®Sit down and stay where you are£®Don't try to find your friends-let them find you by staying in one place£®
¡¡¡¡There is another way to help your friends or other nearby people to find you£®Give them a signal £¨Ðźţ© by shouting or whistling £¨´µ¿ÚÉÚ£© three times£®Any signal given three times is a call for help£®
¡¡¡¡Keep up shouting or whistling always three times together£®When people hear you£¬they will know that you are not just making noise for fun£®They will let you know that they have heard your signal£®They give you two shouts£¬two whistles£¬or two gun-shots £¨Ç¹Éù£©£®When someone gives you a signal£¬it is an answer to a call for help£®
¡¡¡¡If you don't think that you will get help before night comes£¬try to make a little house---cover up to the holes with branches £¨Ê÷Ö¦£© with lots of leaves£®Make yourself a soft bed with leaves and grass£®
¡¡¡¡What should you do if you get hungry or need drinking water£¿You would have to leave your little house to look for a river£®Don't just walk away£®Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk so that you can find your way back£®The most important thing to do when you are lost is-stay in one place£®
16£®If you lost in the forest£¬you shouldC£®
A£®try to find your friends as soon as possible
B£®walk around the forest and shout so that your friends could hear you
C£®stay where you are and give signals three times¡¡¡¡
D£®try to get out of the forest and shout for help
17£®If you want to let people believe tha t you are not just making noise for fun£¬you shouldD£®
A£®tell people that you are lost            
B£®keep up shouting or whistling
C£®shout at the top of your voice          
D£®shout or whistle three times
18£®When you hear two shouts£¬or whistles£¬or gunshots£¬A£®
A£®it is an answer to your call for h elp         
B£®you can whistle three times
C£®you should shout more loudly             
D£®you should try to run to them
19£®When you want to leave your place to get drinking water£¬you shouldB£®
A£®just go to the river 
B£®leave marks so that you can find your way back
C£®make a fire so that you can have some tea
D£®find some glasses or bottles before you go
20£®This passage mainly tells youC£®
A£®when you hear a signal always three times£¬it is a call for help
B£®any signal given twice means an answer to a call for help
C£®What you should do if you get lost in a forest¡¡¡¡
D£®how you can live longer in a forest£®
13£®With the summer holiday just around the corner£¬it seems like everybody is busy planning their vacations£®Here are some tips that can help you enjoy your holiday without emptying your pocket£º
Travel off-season
Go to your desired destination while the demand is low and take advantage of huge discounts£®During the peak season£¬the hotel and flight prices increase quickly£¬and you'll likely spend more of your vacation time standing in line due to the rush of tourists£®£¨36£©D
Websites can help you find discount hotel rooms£®Look for places that do not charge extra for children if they use the existing bedding£®Stay with the locals£®If you and your family are going to stay for a longer period£¬renting a small apartment is a good choice£®
Eat like a local
Why eat at big chain restaurants when you can experience something new£¿£¨38£©EDuring your family trip£¬try new food where the locals eat£®This will not just save money£¬but also provide you with a new and different experience£®For smaller meals and snacks£¬avoid restaurants and try street food or other takeout£®
Don't hesitate to bargain
Tourist-heavy places are known for overcharging for just about everything£®Clothes£¬travel goodies£¬souvenirs£¬etc£®are very expensive at these places£®£¨39£©F Bargain hard to get the best price£®
Choose local transportation
£¨40£©G Instead£¬take buses£¬railways or subways£¬which are always cheaper£®If you are planning to stay for a while£¬you can consider renting a car£®Hiring a car is much easier than carrying your bags everywhere if you are moving around a lot£®

A£®Save on hotels£®
B£®Surf the Internet while traveling£®
C£®Therefore£¬avoid buying anything there£®
D£®So it's best to find out when the off-season starts£®
E£®Planning your meals is another way to reduce your travel costs£®
F£®For this reason£¬you shouldn't feel ashamed to ask for bargains£®
G£®As a tourist£¬avoid taking taxis whenever possible£¬since they are expensive£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
