
Charlie was a rich boy who had more toys than you could imagine. His family had a lot of money, and 1    he liked something,they would buy it for him. Then,he had no idea what things cost,and wouldn,t 2    to take care of what he had. Nor did he realise how difficult it was for other children to get toys like the ones he had.

A time came,though, when he was 3    used to all his toys and various stuff that he began

to want something 4   . One of his uncles found a fine horse and he gave it to Charlie. Charlie was very 5   at having a horse. He had never got something like that before.

However, he 6   the horse just as badly as he did all his other toys,and it soon started looking 7   . For the first time in his life Charlie became truly 8   . He loved the horse,and the fact that his family had offered to exchange it for a new one meant nothing to him. One day,while in the countryside,he saw a girl with a horse. The girl looked very poor,but the horse seemed happy and looked great.

Wondering how she had 9   this,Charlie secretly followed her,watching everything she did. First he followed them through the forest,where he saw that she never used the whip,and never 10   the horse. Then they came to the stable, and 11   they arrived the girl fed and watered the horse. Then she carefully groomed (梳理毛发) it. Charlie was surprised. This was the 12    of what Charlie had done to his horse.

Charlie wanted to 13    and become like the girl. As no one had shown him how to do this,he 14    to her and asked her to teach him how to look after his horse. After her initial surprise,she happily 15    . With her he learned how to 16    care and effort into things. He learned that he could be much 17    with only a few special things that you truly 18    ,than with thousands of toys that were only good for a short time and were then 19    aside. When the horse finally 20    all its strength and health, Charlie was happy that his effort had been worthwhile.

(   ) 1. A. whichever    B. whenever   C. whatever    D. however

(   ) 2. A. refuse    B. bother    C. obey    D. hesitate

(   ) 3. A. so    B. as    C. quite    D. very

(   ) 4. A. usual    B. different    C. right    D. expensive

(   ) 5. A. excited    B. interested    C. annoyed    D. hopeful

(   ) 6. A. operated    B. commanded    C. trained    D. treated

(   ) 7. A. tired    B. puzzled    C. grateflil    D. sick

(   ) 8. A. worried    B. patient    C. ashamed    D. doubtful

(   ) 9. A. controlled    B. learned    C. managed    D. prepared

(   ) 10. A. scratched    B. hit    C. broke    D. damaged

(   ) 11. A. even if    B. every time    C. now that    D. soon after

(   ) 12. A. glory    B. devotion    C. opposite    D. assumption

(   ) 13. A. change    B. continue    C. inspect    D. overcome

(   ) 14. A. got over    B. turned over    C. took over    D. went over

(   ) 15. A. agreed    B. received    C. adopted    D. responded

(   ) 16. A. give    B. put    C. spend    D. take

(   ) 17. A. stronger    B. higher    C. happier    D. smarter

(   ) 18. A. cared for    B. cut down    C. poured into    D. looked up

(   ) 19. A. picked    B. dropped    C. passed    D. thrown

(   ) 20. A. relieved    B. recovered    C. lost    D. grasped

主人公查理由于家境比较富裕,对自己所有的玩具一点也不爱惜。一天查理的叔叔送了一匹马给他,他依然不爱惜这匹马。后来查理结识了 一位女孩,她对马非常爱护,在她的感染


1. B无论何时,他喜欢什么,他的父母就给他买。

2. B他也不爱惜他所拥有的玩具,bother to do费心去做某事。

3. A他开始对他所有的东西感到如此司空见惯以至于他想要与众不同的玩具。

4. B根据前句句意可看出他想要的是不同的东西,因此选different

5. A后文讲Si】"He had never got something like that before"他从没有过这种东西,所以应该是非常兴奋的。

6. D句中"However"表示语义的转折,所以查理应该是和对待他的玩具一样不爱惜这匹马。

7. D很快,这匹马看起来像是生病了。

8. A后文提到他非常爱这匹马,甚至父母拿别的东西换他都不答应,故他生平第一次感到担忧。

9. C查理想知道她是如何对待她的马的。

10. B她从来不打这匹马。

11. D不久之后女孩就给马喂食,进水」

12. C这完全和自己对待马的举动相反。

13. A查理想要改变,要变得像这个女孩一样。

14. D根据句意,没有人教他怎么做,他只能"向那个女孩走了过去",向她求助如何照顾好马。其他几个词组的意思不合逻辑。getover克服; turn over翻过来;take over接管;go over走过去。

15. A小女孩最初感到诧异,但后来她很高兴地同意了。

16. B put sth. into sth.将……运用到……上。句意:在她的帮助下,他知道了如何将关心和努力投入到事物上。

17. C他明白了只要真正投入关爱,几件特别的东西也能让他十分快乐。

13. A他满足于那些他真正关心的东西。根据句意可以看出,他对那几样特殊的东西十分"关心",因此选care for。

19. D throw away扔掉,丢弃。本句句意:而不是那些短时间里好玩,玩后就丢弃的玩具。

20. B从文章最后看出查理感到十分高兴,说明马最终"恢复"了健康。


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