

Tina woke up early and immediately her thought turned to what happened yesterday. Her boss told her that she would be getting a _1.___(promote). He explained that her extraordinary enthusiasm__2._ tireless effort had made her just the type of person he needed.

Tina smiled__3.____(remember) his words and she felt proud of herself. She got up, smiled in the mirror and practically danced to the train station. __4.___the way people noticed her mood and smiled at __5.___. Some wished her a good day. At the tram everybody around her suddenly felt the urge__6.___(smile).

Strangers on the train started conversations with each other. Tina was___7.___ (surprise). Were all these people feeling her happiness? On her way to the office she_8.___ (see) herself in a store window. Her whole face was glowing(发光). ___9.___ (sudden) she realized that her smiling face might have been responsible for all the joy. This thought made Tina even__10.___(happy). She was ready to face the first day of her new position in the company and she brought with her the memory of the impact she had on all those “strangers on a train”.


Once there was a king who received a gift of two magnificent falcons (猎鹰).They were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen.He gave the ____ birds to his head falconer to be _____.

Months passed, and one day the head falconer informed the king that _____ one of the falcons was flying high in the sky, the other bird had not ______ from its branch since the day it had arrived.

The king ordered healers from all the land to ______ the falcon, but no one could make the bird fly.He ________ the task to the members of his court, ____the next day, the king saw ______ the palace window that the bird had still not moved from its branch.

Having _______ everything else, the king thought to himself, “Maybe I need someone more ______ the countryside to understand the nature of this problem.” So he cried out to his court, “Go and get a _______.”

In the morning, the king was ______ to see the falcon flying high above the palace garden.He said to his court, “_______ me the doer of this miracle.”

The court quickly located the farmer, who came and stood before the king.The king asked him, “_____ did you make the falcon fly?”

With his head ______, the farmer said to the king, “It was very easy. I ______ cut the branch where the bird was sitting.”

We are all made to fly—to realize our ______ potential as human beings.But instead of doing that, we sit on our branches, hanging on to the things that are ______ to us.The possibilities are ______, but for most of us, they remain undiscovered.We ______ to the familiar, the comfortable, the boring.So for the most part, our lives are mediocre (平庸的) instead of exciting, thrilling and fulfilling.





5.A.tend toB.watch forC.drive awayD.pick up





10.A.beneficial toB.fit for

C.friendly withD.familiar with













Plan on traveling around the USA? There are a number of outstanding websites that can make your American dream come true.


This is the latest offering that features 101 holiday ideas to the USA. It’s a diverse selection, ranging from touring in the footsteps of Martin Luther King to a golfing break in Arizona and a cycling and wine-tasting trip in California’s Napa Vailey. Narrow down what you’re looking for—whether by price, region, theme and who will be traveling—and then just the photos of the relevant holidays remain on view. It’s a really clever design.


The National Scenic Byways Program covers 150 memorable roads. Some are natural scenic routes, such as Route 1 along the California coast. Others focus on history (such as Route 66) or man-made attractions (the Las Vegas Strip). Or each, you’re provided with a map telling the route’s length and how long is allowed.


This is the best website for reviews of hotels in US cities and tourist sites. There are photos of each hotel. Importantly, these are not promotional photos provided by the hotels, but more honest and revealing ones taken by inspectors. From the 243 hotels reviewed in New York, you can narrow down what you are looking for by locations, facilities and styles, or just pick out a selection of the best.


Sea World in San Diego can make dreams come true, but the price are not affordable for the majority of people. So turn to long-established, giving big discounts on tickets, hotel and dining at Sea World.

1.Where is the text probably from?

A. A science report.

B. A news article.

C. A travel brochure.

D. A book review.

2.At which website are travel ideas for wine lovers are available?

A. www.101usaholidays.co.uk

B. http://byways.Org

C. www.oyster.com

D. http://seawoldparks.com

3.What can be inferred from the text?

A. You can see some man-made attractions driving along Route 66.

B. The National Scenic Byways Program covers all American roads.

C. Photos on www.oyster.com can be trusted by tourists.

D. http://seawoldparks.com is a newly established website.

The other day when I was passing a clothing store, I fell in love with a skirt. I knew it would suit me best at first sight. But when I looked at the price tag (标签), I knew I had to give it up.

The love for beautiful clothes has been planted in my heart the day when I was born to be a woman. Several years ago I read an article in a magazine. The article stated that when a woman is at her best time, she is usually poor or tasteless, so she can’t get the right clothes; when she can afford to buy the clothes she likes, she often finds that they do not suit her anymore.

On the way home, I was quite disturbed by such thoughts. It was just a pity, like many other pities. I thought to myself this way. But when I was about to enter the building where I was living, I saw the big mirror placed in the entrance. I saw a girl in it who was in cheap but cleanly washed sweater and jeans. She was rather young, healthy and energetic. For quite a while I was touched by what I had seen in the mirror.

Then I almost forgot the tale: A person without shoes cried until he saw a man without feet. Being young without good clothes is like the person without shoes. I should have felt grateful that I haven’t lost my feet.

1.How did the author feel when she decided not to buy the skirt?

A. Embarrassed. B. Wise.

C. Relieved. D. Regretful.

2.The underlined word “She” in Paragraph 3 refers to ________.

A. the author’s friend B. the author

C. the author’s roommate D. a stranger

3.Why was the author touched by what she saw in the mirror?

A. She didn’t feel at ease when looking into a mirror.

B. She was reminded of her devotion to beauty.

C. She came to realize what she really possessed.

D. She never thought over the other side of a person.

4.We can learn from the text that the author considered her love for beautiful clothes as ________.

A. natural B. funny C. silly D. simple


That afternoon,a disease forced Diana to experience an emergency operation to deliver the couple’s new daughter.At 12 inches long and ________ only one pound and nine ounces,she was a premature baby.

But the doctor’s soft words dropped like ________.“I don’t think she’s going to make it” he said.“There’s only a 10-percent ________ she will pull through the night,and even then,if by some chance she does make it,her future could be a very ________ one.”

David and Diana listened as the doctor ________ the serious problems the newly-born baby,Anna,would ________ face if she survived.She would never walk;she would never ________;she would probably be blind;and so on.

“No! No!” was all Diana could ________.She and David,with their 5-year-old son Dusfin,had long ________ the day they would have a daughter to become a ________ of four.Now,within a matter of hours,that dream was slipping away. But Diana insisted,“I don’t care what the doctors say! One day she will be coming home with us!”

Certainly,there was ________ a moment when Anna suddenly grew ________.But as the weeks went by,she did ________ gain an ounce of weight here and an ounce of ________ there. At last,when Anna turned two months old,her parents were able to ________ her in their arms for the very first time though ________ continued to gently but coldly ________ that her chances of surviving,much less living any kind of normal life,were next to zero.

Finally,Anna went home from the hospital,just as her mother had ________.Today,five years later,Anna is a little but lively young girl with bright gray eyes ________ a strong interest for life. She shows no ________ of any mental or physical injuries. Simply,she is everything a little girl can be.









9.A.gone throughB.given upC.relied onD.dreamed of












Cambridge University Botanic Garden

We run a lively programme of family events, life-long learning courses and much more throughout the year.

Improve your Digital Photography

This course led by award-winning photographer, Pete Murray, will show you how to take control of your camera. Using a proven “step by step approach” you will gain confidence in using your camera.


Time:10 am—4 pm


Event Category: Garden Photography

‘Handbag’ Baskets

New to the Botanic Garden, this course will give you the opportunity to make your very own beautiful ‘handbag basket’from a design that local basketry maker, Debbie Hall, developed herself. They have proved very popular since she started teaching the technique.

Date: 07/10

Time: 10 am —4:30 pm

Price: £120

Event Category: Weaving & Basketry

Trees and Shrubs(灌木) for Autumn Color

Join Mark Crouch, a specialist in the care of trees, for this course on choosing trees and shrubs to create beautiful autumn displays for your garden. The day will include a talk in our classroom and a tour of the Botanic Garden to look at autumn color and interest across our tree and shrub collection.

Date: 17/10

Time: 10 am —4 pm

Price: £50

Event Category: Gardens and Plants

Introduction to Botanical Subjects in Colored Pencil

If you are interested in beginning to use colored pencils to draw botanical subjects, then this is the course for you. Janie Pirie is one of the country’s leading pencil artists and on this one-day course she will show you the basic techniques used when working with colored pencils.

Date: 16/10

Time: 10 am —4 pm

Price: £40

Event Category: Botanical Art

1.How much would you pay if you wanted to learn to take better pictures?

A. £40. B. £50. C. £60. D. £120.

2.Who is good at making baskets?

A. Janie Pirie. B. Debbie Hall.

C. Pete Murray. D. Mark Crouch.

3.The course that provides an opportunity to tour the garden is held on __________.

A. September 29th B. October 7th

C. October 16th D. October 17th

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