
6.When asked by Conan O'Brien if his daughters had smartphones,comedian Louis CK explained that he had (36)B replied,"No,you can't have it.It's bad for you.I don't (37)B what you want."This hit home for me because at the time,I was in difficult negotiations with my ten-year-old daughter (38)C one.And frankly,she was winning.CK added,"I'm not raising the (39)A---I'm raising the grown-ups that they're going to be.So just (40)D the other stupid kids have phones doesn't mean that my kid has to be stupid,or (41)A she'll feel weird."OK,I was sold.
Cell phones are"toxic,especially for kids,"he said,because they don't help them learn empathy,one of the nicer human (42)A.When we text,the (43)B we get is in cold,hard text-speak.Why are kids (44)C?he asked."Because they're trying it out.They look at another kid and go.‘You're fat.'Then they find the kid's unhappy,and they think,Ooh,that doesn't feel (45)C."There,they've experienced empathy.Texting"you're fat"allows you to bypass the pain you've caused.
CK went on to explain to us that smartphones rob us of our ability to be (46)D.Kids use smartphones to (47)B their time:Must text!Must play game!Must look up more tiny American Girl socks online for Molly!!!After all,one of the joys of being human is allowing our minds to(48)B.With cell phones,kids are always preoccupied.They never daydream,(49)D in class.And here's something else we're (50)Cout on thanks to Steve Jobs's little device:our right to be  (51)C.This was a right I hadn't realized I desired until CK pointed out that it's yet another of the essential human emotions.
"Everybody's murdering each other with their cars"as they text,CK screamed,because they fear being alone.Too bad-they're missing out on a life affirming experience.
"I was in my car one time,and Bruce Springsteen's‘Jungleland'came on,"he said."And he sounds so far away.It made me really sad.And I think,OK,I've got to get the phone and write hi to 50people.I was (52)D for the phone,and I thought,Don't!Just be sad."So CK (53)Cover and allowed himself to sob like a little girl (54)C that brand-new four-poster bed for her American Girl doll."It was beautiful.You're lucky to (55)Dsad moments,"he said.And because he didn't fight and push it away with that little phone,because he allowed himself to be miserable,his body released endorphins(内啡肽)."And that's why I don't want to get phones for my kids."CK said.And I suppose I don't either.


分析 本文讲述一个访谈,关于女儿是否要拥有手机,对这一问题展开讨论.

解答 36-40.BBCAD      41-45.AABCC      46-50.DBBDC     51-55.CDCCD
36.B考查副词辨析.根据句意"当被康纳.欧布莱恩问到他的女儿是否拥有手机时,Louis CK解释说他只能回答‘不,你不能有,这对你有害,我不会关心你想要什么'"可知本题答案为B选项.
46.D考查形容词辨析.句意:CK进一步解释说,手机剥夺我们独处的权利.根据下文‘one of the joys of being human'与人相处的快乐,故指的是独处;因此本题答案为D选项.
50.C考查单词辨析.句意:这有一些我们不能错过的乔布斯名言,改变的权力.根据下文Too bad-they're missing out on a life affirming experience可知本题答案为C选项.
52.D考查动词辨析.句意:我求救于电话,我想,不行,太难过了.根据I've got to get the phone and write hi to 50 people 可知本题答案为D选项.
53.C考查动词辨析.根据句意"CK克服这种感觉允许自己像个女孩一样哭过"可知本题答案为C选项.get over:克服;解决.

点评 本文是一篇日常生活类文章.根据所给的短文对意思有所了解,然后根据短文的大体意思,选择每个符合题意及用法的答案,使短文通顺.

16.1)One in four people spend more time socializing online,using sites such as Facebook,than they do in person,according to research.
    2)People now have 11 different ways of staying in contact with their friends from the comfort of their sofa or bedroom.
    3)These include simple email,messenger,text and several forms of social networking from Twitter to Facebook,said the survey by online casino Yazino.
    4)It is found even when there is time to see people face to face,like at a weekend,up to 11 percent of all adults still choose to         .
    5)This could be down to laziness,the cost of going out or simply not wanting too much personal contact with friends and family but just enough to swap brief messages and online chats.
    6)It all adds up.The average online Brit spends 4.6 hours a week talking to friends online and only six hours a week talking to people in person,said Yazino.
    7)There is even an army of"extreme sofalisers"-the three percent who spend a staggering 25 hours or more each week talking to friends via electronic devices.
    8)The survey of 2,000 adults also found 11 percent organize all their social diary around Facebook,Bebo or other network sites.
    9)Yazino founder Hussein Chahine said,"Communication is constantly evolving.Some people are as used to seeing their friends'online image as they are their face."
    10)"We are now just as likely to SMS or email a friend as we are to call them."
    11)"People increasingly prefer quick and frequent engagement with instant updates on news than a prolonged chat and are also finding new ways to catch up with friends from their comfort of their sofa."
12)More than seven in ten text their friends and family and 31 percent use social networking sites while just 27 percent now use email as their primary means of contact.
13)A further 18 percent use live chat and instant messaging systems.
76.What is the title of the passage?(no more than 10 words)One in Four Socializes More Online Than in Person.
77.Complete the following statement with proper words.(no more than 4 words)Some people see their friends'online image so often that they feel as ifthey were their face..
78.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(no more than 8 words)stay indoors to communicate instead
79.List two reasons why many people don't want to talk to people in person.(no more than 15 words)1)laziness 2)the cost of going out
80.What does the underlined word "These" (Line 1,Paragraph 3)probably refer to?(no more than 10 words)Different ways to contact their friends without going out..
17.Beijing had its biggest snowfall since 1951.Britain is suffering through its longest cold snap (寒潮) since 1981.And freezing weather is hitting the Deep South,including Florida's orange groves and beaches.
    Whatever happened to global warming?
    Such weather doesn't seem to fit with warnings from scientists that the Earth is warming because of greenhouse gases.But experts say the cold snap doesn't contradict global warming at all-it's just a temporary phenomenon in the long-term heating trend."It's part of natural variability,"said Gerald Meehl,a senior scientist.With global warming,he said,"we'll still have record cold temperatures.We'll just have fewer of them."
    Scientists say man-made climate change does have the potential to cause more frequent and more severe weather extremes.But experts did not connect the current cold snap to climate change.
    So what is going on?
"We basically have seen just a big outbreak of Arctic air over populated areas of the Northern Hemisphere",Arndt said.
In the atmosphere,large rivers of air travel roughly west to east around the globe between the Arctic and the tropics.This air flow acts like a fence to keep Arctic air restricted.But recently,this air flow has become bent into a zigzag (之字形) pattern,wandering north and south.If you live in a place where it brings air up from the south,you get warm weather.In fact,record highs were reported this week in Washington state and Alaska.
But in the eastern United States,like some other unlucky parts of the globe,Arctic air is coming from the north.And that's how you get a temperature of 3 degrees in Beijing,a reading of minus-42 in mainland Norway,and 18 inches of snow in parts of Britain.The zigzag pattern arises naturally from time to time,but it is not clear why it's so strong right now.
71.What is the best title of the text?D
A.Freezing weather is hitting the Deep South.
B.We'll still have record cold temperatures.
C.The air flow has become a zigzag pattern.
D.Cold snap doesn't contradict global warming.
72.With global warming,we willA.
A.also meet with severe cold snap
B.have more hot temperatures forever
C.never experience cold temperatures
D.have more cold temperatures
73.According to experts,the current cold snapB.
A.suggests that the climate has changed greatly
B.is not related to the climate change
C.shows that the climate will turn cold
D.is affected by global warming
74.Beijing had its biggest snowfall since 1951 because ofC.
A.a fence from the Arctic                  
B.a cooling trend in climate
C.a big outbreak of Arctic air             
D.its large population
75.We can conclude thatA.
A.not all the parts of the Northern Hemisphere are cold in face of the cold snap
B.the zigzag pattern arises naturally accidentally
C.Beijing will get cold weather next year
D.Washington state and Alaska will not face cold weather next year.
11.It's natural to feel some stress about taking tests.In fact,sometimes a little stress is a good thing.Here are some tips:
Your memory will be much better if you've had enough rest.In a scientific study,people who got enough sleep before taking a math test did better than those who stayed up all night studying.
Read the test through first.
Once you have the test paper in front of you,read over the entire test,checking out how long it is and all the parts you are expected to complete.This will allow you to estimate how much time you have for each section and ask the teacher any questions.(37)E
Focus on addressing each question individually.
As you take the test,if you don't know an answer,don't obsess(缠住) over it.(38)A Come back to it after you've answered other questions.
(39)F Of course you can't get up and move around in the middle of a test,but you can wiggle(摇摆)your fingers and toes,take four or five deep breaths,or picture yourself on a beach or some other calm places.
Finished already?
Although most teachers will let you hand a test in early,it's usually a good idea to spend any extra time checking over your work.(40)G_On the other hand,if you have 5minutes until the bell rings and you're still writing,wind up whatever you're working on without panicking.

A.Instead,skip over the question.
B.Listen closely to any instructions.
C.Get enough sleep the night before the test.
D.But some can get serious test-taking terror.
E.If something seems unclear before you start,don't panic:ask.
F.If you're so nervous that you blank out,you might need a mini-break.
G.You can also add details that you may not have thought you'd have time for.
18.During the summer holidays there will be a revised(修改过的) schedule of services for the students.Changes for dining-room and library service hours and for bus schedules will be posted on the wall outside of the dining-hall.Weekly film and concert schedules,which are being arranged(安排),will be posted each Wednesday outside of the student club.
In the summer holidays,buses going to the town center will leave the main hall every hour on the half hour during the day.The dining-room will serve three meals a day from 7:00 am to 7:00pm during the week and two meals from noon to 7:00pm on weekends.The library will continue its usual hours during the week,but have shorter hours on Saturdays and Sundays.The weekend hours are from noon to 5:00pm.
All students who want to use the library lending services must have a new summer card.This announcement will also appear in the next week's student newspaper.

21.The main purpose of this text is toA.
A.tell students of important schedule changes
B.tell students of new bus and library services
C.show the excellent services for students
D.ask students to renew their library cards
22.At which of the following times will the bus leave the main hall?B
A.8:00,9:00,10:00,11:00    B.8:30,9:30,10:30,11:30
C.8:30,9:00,9:30,10:00     D.8:00,9:30,11:00,12:30
23.In the summer holidays,the library will haveC.
A.no special hours          
B.special hours on weekdays
C.special hours on weekends  
D.special hours both on weekdays and weekends
24.We may infer that during the summer holidaysB.
A.few students will stay in the university
B.no breakfast will be served on weekends
C.the student newspaper will sell more copies
D.there will be a concert or a film each Wednesday.
11.Eco City Farms(生态城市农场) are becoming more popular in cities and towns around the Unites States.
Eco City Farms in Edmonton,Maryland,is located near shopping centers,car repair shops and homes.The neighborhood is a working-class community(社区).People do not have very much money.And they have limited access to fresh food in markets.
Over the past two years,the farm has attracted volunteers from the community like Marcy Clark.She schools her four children at home.On a recent day she brought them to Eco City Farms for a lesson.Her son Alston Clark thinks his experience is very valuable."I like coming out here,"he says,"You know,you connect with the earth,where your food comes from.You appreciate the food a little bit more."
Margaret Morgan started Eco City Farms.She thinks of it as a place where people can learn to live healthier lives."Growing food in a community brings people together,"she continues,"Every piece of what we do here is a demonstration(示范) to show people everything about how to have an eco-friendly community."she says.From the Eco City Farms people come to know that they are not only growing food and raising chickens and bees,but improving the soil with compost(肥料)made from food waste.
Eco City Farms is an experimental operation.The farm gets its power not from the local electricity networks,but from the sun with solar panels.In winter,the green house uses a geothermal(地热)system.
Vegetables can be grown all year.So once a week,all winter long,neighbors like Chris Moss and her three children bike to the farm to pick up a share of the harvest.
"I like eating the vegetables",says five-year-old Owen Moss.

46.What is mainly talked about in the passage?A
A.Eco City Farms are gaining popularity.
B.Eco City Farms save a lot of energy.
C.Eco City Farms are influencing community life.
D.Eco City Farms helps the working-class live better.
47.According to the passage,Eco City Farms are close to the following places EXCEPTD.
A.shopping centers
B.car repair shops
C.working-class community
D.fast-food restaurants
48.In which column(专栏) of a newspaper can you most probably read this article?

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