
When I settled in Chicago,my new city seemed so big and unfriendly. Then I had a     26       problem and had to go to hospital for a     27   examination.
It seemed a small    28  compared to the one I was about to face ,but things started to go     29 right from the beginning , Not having a car or    30   the city, I was depending on a couple of buses to get me from A to B.     31  I’d left myself plenty of time, soon it was    32   I was going to be late, as I had mistakenly boarded a bus that was taking me in the     33   direction.
I    34  the bus and stood on the pavement not knowing what to do. I looked into the eyes of a    35  , who was trying to get past me.     36  , instead of moving on ,she stopped to ask if I was     37  .  After I explained my    38   to her, she pointed to a bus stop across the street , where a bus would take me back into the city to my    39    . Sitting there waiting, I felt   40 that someone had been willing to help .    41   , hearing a horn (喇叭) nearby, I looked up to see a car with my new friend     42     at me to get in, She had returned to offer me a     43  to the hospital.
Such unexpected     44  from a passer-by was a lovely gift to receive. As I climbed out of the car at the hospital and turned to thank her, she smiled and told me not to lose    45    , for all things are possible.
A.looked atB.waited for C.got offD.ran into
A.appointment B.apartmentC.directionD.station
A.ThusB.ThenC. PerhapsD.Surely
A.power B.faithC.touchD.support


小题1:A 上下文串联。根据下文的hospital说明我身体不好。要去医院治疗。
小题2:D 形容词辨析。A科学的;B最终的;C先前的;D彻底的;我要去医院做彻底检查。
小题3:B 名词辨析。A机会;B挑战;C成功;D错误;指去见医生对我来说是一件困难的事。
小题4:A 上下文串联。根据下文可知从开始的时候我就坐错了车,就出了错。故A正确。
小题5:C 动词辨析。A离开;B参观;C了解,熟悉;D欣赏;指我没有车也不熟悉这个城市。
小题6:A 连词辨析。A尽管;B既然;C除非;D一旦;尽管我给自己留下了足够的时间。
小题7:C 形容词辨析。A奇怪;B必要;C明显;D重要;但是很明显我要迟到,我坐错车了。
小题8:D 形容词辨析。A同样;B正确;C一般;D相反;根据下文可知我坐的相反方向的车。
小题9:C 短语辨析。A看;B等待;C下车;D遇见;指我下车站在人行道上看着来往的路人。
小题10:C 上下文串联。上文说我对这个城市不熟悉,说明我这里没熟人。故我看件一个陌生人。
小题11:B 副词辨析。A尤其;B惊讶;C可能;D正常;让我惊讶的是,他没有离开,反而停下来我我是否有事情。因为对方看我落魄的样子,以为我有了问题。
小题12:C 上下文串联。指对方看见我的样子,以为我遇见了什么难事。
小题13:D 名词辨析。A观点;B动机;C借口;D情景;我把我所遇见的情景告诉了他。
小题14:A 上下文串联。Appointment约定。指我与医生约好的做彻底检查的约定。
小题15:B 上下文串联。Grateful感激的。别人给我提供了帮助我很感激对方。
小题16:B 副词辨析。A结果;B那时;C也许;D当然;那时我听见了喇叭声,他开车送我去。
小题17:C 动词辨析。A盯着;B笑;C挥动;D喊叫;指他在车里对我挥手。
小题18:A 固定词组。Give sb a lift让某人搭便车。
小题19:C 上下文串联。据上文可知这个陌生人很好心地帮助了我。对我来说是意料之外的善意。
小题20:B 名词辨析。A权力;B信心;C触摸;D支持。他微笑着告诉我不要失去信心,一切都有可能的。
John,an academically excellent young man,went to apply for a management position in a big company.The director did the last  36 
The director asked,“Who paid for your school fees?” John answered.“My  37 did.When I was young,my father  38 .”Then he continued.“  39 was your mother?” John answered,“My mother worked as a  40 cleaner.”Hearing this, the director asked John to  41  his hands.John reached out his hands that were  42 and perfect.The director said,“I have a  43 .when you go home,clean your mother’s hands and see me tomorrow.”
John felt  44 but did it.His tears fell  45 he cleaned his mother’s hands.He noticed  for the first time that her hands were so  46 .Also John  47 that it was this pair of hands  that washed clothes every day to  48 him.After cleaning his mother’s hands,John  49 washed all the remaining clothes for her.
Next day,John went to the director’s office. Tears in eyes,John was asked to  50 his  feelings.“Now I know what is  51 .Without my mother,there wouldn’t be the  52 me today.By helping my mother,I see how  53 it is to get something done.I have also come to know the value of family relationship.”
The director smiled,This is what I am  54 .I want a person who can appreciate the help of others,a person who knows the sufferings of others and a person who  55 put money as his only goal in life.You are hired.”
A.farewellB.job C.interviewD.try
A.died awayB.passed awayC.died outD.passed by
A.looking throughB.looking forC.looking atD.looking into
Bicycles are very popular in China. In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to schools, shops and anywhere else. Therefore, China is known as “the kingdom of bicycles”. In China, many families have one or two bicycles.
Compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. First, they are much cheaper than cars. Most Chinese can’t afford cars, but they can afford bicycles. Second, bicycles are small enough to park anywhere, while cars need a larger piece of land to park. What’s more, with lower speed, bicycles are safer than cars.
However, bicycles also bring some problems. Some riders don’t obey the traffic rules and some riders don’t think about others safety. So they ride too fast. During the rush hour, too many bicycles may cause traffic accidents. We still have a long way to solve the problem.
小题1: Where can you see bicycles in China?
A.In the big cityB.In the town
C.Almost everywhereD.In the countryside
小题2:“The kingdom of bicycles” here is saying    .
A.China has plenty of bicyclesB.China makes bicycles
C.Only China has bicyclesD.All the Chinese have bicycles
小题3: Which of the following is NOT an advantage of bicycles
A.Bicycles are much cheaper than cars.B.Bicycles are more beautiful than cars
C.Bicycles are easy to parkD.Bicycles are safer than cars.
小题4: What does the last sentence mean?
A.We should drive cars instead of riding bicycles
B.It’s too far to ride bicycles
C.We still need to do much to solve the problem
D.we should walk farther to solve the problem
Listening to music can help me focus better. Since I discovered it two years ago,I've used music to get through boring work or to focus creatively. I've found that it can make even the dullest jobs enjoyable and help clear mental blocks to creativity.
I first noticed the good effects of music while playing video games. It was a few days before Christmas in 2005 and I was playing online video games. My parents had just given me a new MP3,so I decided to listen to music through the headphones while I played. After a few minutes I noticed a great change in my style of play. I was playing more naturally. The music relaxed me,and,to a certain extent,distracted me from the game,allowing my subconscious(潜意识的)talent to come through. The music also helped me block out the outside world. With those headphones on I was like a machine,moving from one task to the next without unnecessary thoughts or actions.  
Music can also have a great effect on mood. If I'm in a bad mood at work,I'll listen to some of Bob Marley's and get down to business. It always takes my mind off what I'm doing and makes me a happier person. The same is true for classic rock. One summer,I did a boring job collecting bottle openers by hand. Without a radio playing classic rock in the background,I would have hated life.
Listening to music with relaxing rhythms and a positive message helps you forget your work and think happy thoughts. But the results you see will depend heavily on your personal tastes. Experiment with the types of music you listen to during certain tasks. By trial and error you'll finally discover your best choice.
I'm always looking for new concentration aids,so I'd love to know what type of music works best for me.
小题1:We can infer that the passage was written in ________.
A.2005  B.2006  C.2007  D.2008
小题2:The author first discovered the effects of music ________.
A.from his parentsB.by chanceC.at workD.when he was a child
小题3:The author mentions the experience of collecting bottle openers in Paragraph 3 to ________.
A.tell us that life is dullB.prove that music affects mood
C.tell us how to seek happinessD.tell us bad mood can affect work
As kids, my friends and I spent a lot of time out in the woods. “The woods” was our part-time address, destination, purpose, and excuse. If I went to a friends house and found him not at home, his mother might say, “Oh, he’s out in the woods, ” with a tone(语气) of airy acceptance. It is similar to the tone people sometimes use nowadays to tell me that someone I’m looking for is on the golf course or at the gym, or even “away from his desk.” For us ten-year-olds, “being out in the woods” was just an excuse to do whatever we feel like for a while.
We sometimes told ourselves that what we were doing in the woods was exploring(探索). Exploring was a more popular idea back then than it is today. History seemed to be mostly about explorers. Our explorations, though, seemed to have less system than the historic kind: something usually came up along the way. Say we stayed in the woods, throwing rocks, shooting frogs, picking blackberries, digging in what we were briefly persuaded was an Indian burial mound.
Often we got “lost” and had to climb a tree to find out where we were. If you read a story in which someone does that successfully, be skeptical: the topmost branches are usually too skinny to hold weight, and we could never climb high enough to see anything except other trees. There were four or five trees that we visited regularly—tall beeches, easy to climb and comfortable to sit in.
It was in a tree, too, that our days of fooling around in the woods came to an end. By then some of us had reached seventh grade and had begun the rough ride of adolescence(青春期). In March, the month when we usually took to the woods again after winter, two friends and I set out to go exploring. We climbed a tree, and all of a sudden it occurred to all three of us at the same time that we really were rather big to be up in a tree. Soon there would be the spring dances on Friday evenings in the high school cafeteria.
小题1:The author and his friends were often out in the woods to _______.
A.spend their free time
B.play golf and other sports
C.avoid doing their schoolwork
D.keep away from their parents
小题2:What can we infer from Paragraph 2 ?
A.The activities in the woods were well planned.
B.Human history is not the result of exploration.
C.Exploration should be a systematic activity.
D.The author explored in the woods aimlessly.
小题3:The underlined word “skeptical” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
小题4:How does the author feel about his childhood?
A.Happy but short.
B.Lonely but memorable.
C.Boring and meaningless.
D.Long and unforgettable.
There was a gardener who looked after his garden with great care. To water his flowers, he used two buckets. One was a shiny and new bucket. The other was a very old and dilapidated one, which had seen many years of service, but was now past its best.
Every morning, the gardener would fill up the two buckets. Then he would carry them along the path, one on each side, to the flowerbeds. The new bucket was very proud of itself. It could carry a full bucket of water without a single drop spilled (溢出). The old bucket felt very ashamed because of its holes: before it reached the flowerbeds, much water had leaked(漏水) along the path.
Sometimes the new bucket would say, “See how great I am! How good it is that the gardener has me to water the flowers every day! I don't know why he still bothers with you. What a waste of space you are!”
And all that the old bucket could say was. “I know I am not very useful, but I can only do my best. I am happy that the gardener still finds a little bit of use in me, at least.”
One day, the gardener heard that kind of conversation. After watering the flowers as usual, he said, “You both have done your work very well. Now I am going to carry you back. I want you to look carefully along the path.”
Then the two buckets did so. All along the path, they noticed, on the side where the new bucket was carried, there was just bare(光秃秃的)earth; on the other side where the old bucket was carried, there was a joyous row of wild flowers, leading all the way to the garden.
小题1:What does the underlined word “dilapidated” probably mean?
小题2:What was the old bucket ashamed of?
A.His leaking.B.His aging.C.His manner.D.His past.
小题3:The new bucket made conversations with the old one mainly to   _________.
A.show off its beautiful looksB.feel sorry about the old one
C.laugh at the old oneD.praise the gardener’s kindness
小题4:Why was the old bucket still kept by the gardener?
A.Because it was used to keep balance(平衡)
B.Because it stayed in its best condition
C.Because it had its own value
D.Because it was treated as a treasure
Poet Dean Young has dealt with impermanence( 无常)a lot in his career, but it's a particularly strong theme in Young's latest collection, Fall Higher.The new collection was published in April, just days after the poet received a life-saving heart transplant (移植) after about a decade of living with a weakening heart condition.
Young, whose work is often frank and rich with twisted humor, tells NPR's Renee Montaigne that as he recovers from operation, he's also slowly returning to his everyday writing habits.
"I'm getting back to it," Young says."Not with the sort of concentration and sort of flame that I look forward to in the future, but I am blackening some pages."
And on those blackened pages you'll find poems like " How Grasp Green," which carries themes of springtime and rebirth.It's one of the first poems Young has written since his transplant.
It's easy to spot clues (线索) to Young's awful health situation in the lines of his poetry. Fall Higher's "Vintage" opens with, "Because I will die soon, I fall asleep, during the lecture on the ongoing emergency." And the poem "-The Rhythms Pronounce Themselves Then Vanish—published in The /Vew Barker in February —opens with the CT scan that revealed Young's heart condition.
Young says "Rhythms" was written about the beginning of his illness.
"I had been having a lot of physical pain so that I could hardly walk a block.I got sent to a gastroenterologist and he did a series of tests, and then the tests came back to me and it was all heart related," he says." And the outlook wasn't good.
Hearts tend to come up a lot in poetry, and that's especially true of Young's work, which has clearly been influenced by the troubles of his own heart,
"A lot of times, it's not just a metaphor (比喻) ," Young says."For me, it's an actual concern because I've been living with this disease for over 10 years.My father died of heart problems when he was 49, so it's been a sort of shadowy concern for me my whole life.
But Young's poems also deal with more abstract matters of the heart.He wrote Fall Higher's, "Late Valentine" for his wife."We've been married since late November and most of it has been spent in the hospital," Young says of his marriage to poet Laurie Saurborn Young, who says " 'Late Valentine' is very sweet.
Today, Young says, his friends can't help but comment on how pink his cheeks have become—the result of a new heart and better circulation (循环).But Young wrote the poems of Fall Higher before the transplant, at a time when, at its weakest point, his old heart was pumping at 8 percent of what it should have been.
He was staring death in the face—but he was still able to look at his life and see art
in it.
Young's work also touches on themes of randomness and fate —two factors that contributed to him getting a second chance in the form of a new heart from a 22-year-old student.
"Everything in life is molecules (分子) bouncing against molecules," Young says, and having a successful transplant is no different." Somebody had to die; it had to be a fit; my blood and his blood had to not have an argument; the heart had to be transported; I had to get it."
There were, in short, an amazing number of variables (变量) that led to Young
being here today.
"I just feel enormous gratitude," he says of his donor (捐献者)."He gave me a heart so I'm still alive-"I'm sure I'm going to think about this person for the rest of my life."
小题1:The poetry collection Fall Higher _______.
A.was published in February
B.refers darkness as its main theme
C.is Young's latest collection of poetry
D.was written after Young's heart transplant
小题2:We can learn from the text that Young _______.
A.was born with heart disease
B.received a heart transplant in February
C.married a female poet after he wrote "Late Valentine"
D.wrote a poem for his wife in his collection
小题3:What does the writer try to say in Paragraph 3?
A.The writer expected some bright future, but he was disappointed.
B.The writer had less enthusiasm than before, but he still kept on writing.
C.The writer devoted more time to poems, so he grasped a good chance.
D.The writer wrote poems with less enthusiasm, so he quitted for a while.
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A."How Grasp Green" is the first poem in Fall Higher.
B.Young began all his poems with his illness.
C.Young's father died when Young was 49 years old.
D.Young's health situation is mentioned in his poetry.
小题5:What is the text mainly about?
A.Dean Young and his latest collection.
B.Dean Young and his heart problems.
C.The meaning of Fall Higher.
D.An analysis of Dean Young's poems.
I was small for my age. I was shy and sometimes it was hard for me to make friends with the others. However, learning came fairly easy for me. I was the best in most of my classes, but PE class was my nightmare (恶梦) and made me feel that I was not as good as the others.
Miss Forsythe was our PE teacher. She was young and energetic. Everyone liked her. She said that we all had to come to her classes. No one could hide from Miss Forsythe! One day she told me that she wanted me to play a game with another girl in a PE show. I was rather worried that I wouldn’t do a good job when she explained her idea, but she was excited. With her encouragement, I had no choice but to agree. It was a "boy meets girl" game. I played the boy and my classmate, Margaret Ann, played the girl. We were dressed in evening clothes and danced around the floor. According to Miss Forsythe, I had to pick up Margaret Ann when we finished the dance. Since I was not strong enough to pick the tallest girl up, it was she who picked me up. I suddenly felt ten feet tall! It was a huge success and everybody applauded (鼓掌) for our excellent performance. What a wonderful ending! Afterwards, I smiled confidently (自信地).
Miss Forsythe’s understanding and willingness to create a place for me in her show (which certainly did not need me) gave me some much needed confidence. She was and always will be my favorite teacher.
小题1:What do we know about Miss Forsythe?
A.She was good at dancing.
B.She was young and energetic.
C.She liked to play games with the students after class.
D.She taught students how to dance.
小题2:How did the author feel about the game at first?
A.She was excited.B.She thought it would be fun.
C.She was glad.D.She was nervous.
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A.Miss Forsythe had planned the game that way on purpose (故意地)
B.Miss Forsythe helped the author pick up the tallest girl
C.the author was afraid when she felt ten feet tall
D.the author didn't like his teacher.
小题4:What is the best title for the passage?
A.Our PE Teacher—Miss ForsytheB.My School Life
C.A Forgettable ExperienceD.A Game with My Classmate
It is interesting to observe the way in which children so often react against their parents’ ideas, while at the same time 36 their parent’s characteristics. This is to say, the children grow up to have different 37 from their parents, yet to have 38 personalities. There is a 39 going on in the toy world at present over 40 children should be encouraged to have war toys. I do not see any 41 in forbidding them when I think of the 42 of my friend Henry.
Henry is the son of strict parents who were against war. He was never 43 toy soldiers or guns as a 44.
Henry 45 and went into the army, becoming a first-class soldier and 46 all sorts of honors in the army. In that way he became the 47 of what his parents might have 48 of their son. And yet there is a gentleness about Henry which shows a  49 personality. His sympathies(同情) which I can see must have come from his 50. 51 doing things differently from our parents, a lot of the 52 gets passed on.
Parents have to 53 their children what they believe to be right; but it is not much your ideas that the children 54 your example. Perhaps the best way to teach one’s child gentleness is not to forbid toy guns, but to be 55 in one’s own everyday life.
A.gave upB.ended upC.grew upD.rose up
A.In spite ofB.Instead ofC.Because ofD.Though
A.follow B.examineC.acceptD.support
A.strict B.gentleC.differentD.sympathetic

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