    Last summer our family went to Yellow Stone Park for                 £¨76£©
a vacation£®When we got there£¬we put up our tent and go to           £¨77£©
explore£®As we returned£¬we saw a bear enter into our tent£®           £¨78£©
My daughter Susie wanted to chase him away and my husband           £¨79£©
said£¬"No£¬that is dangerous to chase a bear£®""Maybe we could       £¨80£©
make him left if we put some honey outside for him to eat£®"Susie      £¨81£©
suggested£®I said£¬"Why are you going to get the honey£¿It's in         £¨82£©
the tents£®"We could hear clearly the bear upset everything inside£®    £¨83£©
We waited for so a long time that in the end we had no choice              £¨84£©
but to sleep in the car£®What experience it was!£¨85£©£®

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½â´ð Last summer our family went to Yellow Stone Park for                              £¨76£©¡Ì
a vacation£®When we got there£¬we put up our tent and go to                   £¨77£©went
explore£®As we returned£¬we saw a bear enter into our tent£®                   £¨78£©È¥µôinto
My daughter Susie wanted to chase him away and my husband                   £¨79£©but
said£¬"No£¬that is dangerous to chase a bear£®""Maybe we could               £¨80£©it
make him left if we put some honey outside for him to eat£®"Susie             £¨81£©leave
suggested£®I said£¬"Why are you going to get the honey£¿It's in                £¨82£©where
the tents£®"We could hear clearly the bear upset everything inside£®          £¨83£©tent
We waited for so a long time that in the end we had no choice                    £¨84£©such
but to sleep in the car£®What¡Äexperience it was!£¨85£©an
80£®that¸ÄΪit£»¿¼²é¾äʽ½á¹¹£¬ÕâÀïÊǹ̶¨¾äÐÍ"it is+ÐÎÈÝ´Ê+£¨for sb£©+to do"£®
    Ãû´Ê´Ê×éa long time£¬ËùÒÔÓÃsuch£®

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µÄ»ù±¾ÓïÑÔ֪ʶÕÒ ³öÎÄÖдíÎ󣬼ÓÒÔÐ޸ģ®

6£®European Work Experience Program£¨E£®W£®E£®P£®£©is an independent British organization which began in 1991 in the city of London£®E£®W£®E£®P£®provides the opportunity for students from the 25 countries of the European Union and nationals£¨¹«Ãñ£©from Norway£¬Iceland£¬Switzerland and Liechtenstein to live in England£¬to gain work experience£¬to practice their English and to get a better insight into the British social and eulturallife£®
To apply you must meet the following requirements£º
*Preferred age£º18 to 28 years old
*Be able to work in the UK for a period of at least two months£®
*Must have a good knowledge of English£®
*Due to work permit restrictions£¬European Work Experience Program Ltd will only select you if you are a European Union Member or national from Norway£¬Iceland£¬Switzerland and Liechtenstein£®
European Work Experience Program Ltd will find you a suitable job and an accommodation£®A representative of E£®W£®E£®P£®will be available during your stay to help you and you will get a 24-hour help line service during your stay£®The TOTAl fee for our services is¡ê264.63£¨394.35 Euros£©£®
Should you require any further information£¬please contact us£º
European Work Experience Program Ltd
Unit 1£¬Red Lion Court£¬Alexandra Road
Hounslow£¬Middlesex£¬TW3 1JS
United Kingdom
Tel£º44 208 572 2993
Fax£º44 208 572 1114
71£®What's the purpose of writing the text£¿B
A£®To introduce a new program in England£®
B£®To attract more students to work in England£®
C£®To describe the working conditions in England£®
D£®To make clear the requirements for students working in England£®
72£®Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the program£¿D
A£®To get a lot of work experience£®
B£®To improve their English rapidly£®
C£®To have better understanding of the British culture£®
D£®To make more money in Britain£®
73£®If you apply for the program£®youC£®
A£®must be 18 to 26 years old
B£®must be able to speak at least three languages
C£®must be nationals from the countries mentioned in the text
D£®should have some working experience in a foreign country
74£®You can get in touch with E£®W£®E£®P£®by the following ways EXCEPT byD£®
A£®making a teJephone call                 
B£®sending the organization a fax
C£®writing an e-mail to the organization       
D£®going there in person by air
75£®Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text£¿B
A£®European Work Experience Program Was set up in the 19th century£®
B£®You'll work in the UK for at least two months if you attend the program£®
C£®You can get a 24-hour help from a representative during your stay£®
D£®You don't have to hand in 394.35 Euros after you have got a job in Britain£®
8£®One Saturday£®I went shopping with my daughter£¬Helen£¬and son£¬Brandon£®The car was filled with the children's laughing and singing  As we£¨41£©A up£¬we saw a truck with a big sign on it that£¨42£©B"Petting Zoo£®"The kids jumped up and asked£¬"Daddy£¬can we go£¿""Sure£®"I said£¬giving them£¨43£©C a quarter £¨25cents£© before walking into the shopping center£®They ran away and I felt free to take my time looking for £¨44£©DI needed£®There are a hundred little baby animals of all kinas in the £¨45£©C  zoo£®Kids pay their money and stay there with the animals they like £¨46£©B their moms and dads shop£®
Several minutes later£®I£¨47£©D and saw Helen walking along behind me£®I was surprised to see she £¨48£©Ao shop rather than play with the animals£®And I thought the children had to wait until the  parents came to£¨49£©C them up  I came up and asked what was wrong£®
She £¨50£©A at me with those big brown eyes and said sadly£®"Well£¬Daddy£®it cost 50cents£®So£¬I gave Brandon my £¨51£©C£®"Then she said the most £¨52£©B thing I ever heard£®She repeated the family motto£¨53£©D  is action!"She had given Brandon her quarter£¬and£¨54£©B  loves little animals more than Helen£®She had watched what both my£¨55£©A  and I did for years around the house after we had said"love is  action!"And now it had become a £¨56£©D  of her lifestyle£®
Then we went back to the petting zoo  We stood  £¨57£©B  Brandon go crazy petting and feeding the animals  I had 50cents£¨58£©C  a hole in my pocket  J never £¨59£©C it  to Helen£¬and she never asked for it  Because she know the whole family £¨60£©A£ºLove always pays£®
41£®A droveB£®drewC£®dressedD£®dragged
43£®A eitherB£®neitherC£®eachD£®every
46£®A£®whichB£®whileC£®whereD whether£¬
47£®A£®turned overB£®turned outC£®turned awayD£®turned around
50£®A£®looked upB£®looked downC looked throughD£®looked over
51£®A£®petB£®coatC quarterD£®candy
53£® A£®TrustB£®UnderstandingC£®HonestyD£®love
54£®A£®anyoneB£®no oneC£®every oneD£®someone
55£® A£®wifeB£®motherC fatherD£®children
56£® A£®pileB pairC£®puzzleD£®part
58£®A£®diggingB£®makingC£®burningD hiding
60£® A£®mottoB£®messageC modelD£®matter£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
