

World Read Aloud Day is celebrated each year on the first Wednesday of March. It 1. (start) by the LitWorld.org website in 2010 and has now reached 65 countries. 2. aim is to encourage people worldwide who cannot read to enjoy the benefits of a book. The website asks everyone 3. (celebrate) the day by taking a book, finding an audience, and reading out aloud. It is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write 4. (belong) to all people.

The website asks visitors to join in the movement to reduce 5. number of illiterate (不识字的) people in the world. It is 6. (absolute) necessary to help those who cannot read. The website says, "It's time to start by reading aloud to _7. might like it. Share a book with a child who might need it, share a story with someone who would treasure it, listen patiently 8. someone else's story as they share with you." The United Nations says, "Literacy involves a variety of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge, 9. to participate fully in society." In that way, World Read Aloud Day does help make a 10. (different).


You may have heard of the book Moby Dick(《白鲸记》), written by the American author Herman Melville. You may also know that Moby Dick is considered one of the greatest novels ever written. However, it might surprise you to find out Herman Melville was not always a highly regarded author.

Melville’s first two novels, Typee and Omoo, were widely read and financially successfully. They were both exciting tales of adventures at sea and experiences with people in foreign lands. Melville became quite famous. However, upon the publication of his third book, Mardi, Melville’s popularity began to weaken. He was no longer interested in telling tales of pure adventure, and his writing took on a style that alienated(使疏远) the general reading public of his time.

Melville published Moby Dick in October of 1851. It was an original novel, combining aspects of sociology and philosophy, which confused readers by its complex symbolism. The book sold poorly.

Melville’s next book, Pierre, was almost completely disregarded by the public. Debt frustration and ill health finally forced Melville to take a low-paying job as a customs inspector. Eventually, Melville abandoned prose(散文) and began to write poetry.

The Civil War is the main subject of Melville’s poetry. He and his brother made a trip to the front line, and he published a book of poems, Battle-Pieces and Aspects of War, based on this experience.

Melville died in 1891 at the age of 72. at this point, his work had been completely forgotten by the public. His talent was to go unrecognized for the next thirty years. Then, in 1920s, his reputation began to improve as critics and readers rediscovered his work. Today Moby Dick is one of the best-known novels ever penned by an American author.

1.What were Melville’s first two novels mainly about?

A. His travel experience.

B. His successful communication skills.

C. Adventurous experiences in the front line.

D. Adventurous voyages and foreign experiences.

2.We can learn from the text that Moby Dick ________.

A. sold a little better than Pierre

B. was Melville’s favorite novel

C. was copied from other books

D. made Melville popular again

3.The text may be taken from ________.

A. a writing guide

B. a literary journal

C. a science magazine

D. a critical book on literature

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. The main works of Melville.

B. The skills in Melville’s writing.

C. The ups and downs of Melville.

D. The reason for Melville’s failure.

Off the coast of Hawaii’s Big Island swim masses of colorful tropical fish. Some of these fish will be caught and sold, ending up in aquariums around the world. Is the industry putting populations of the fish at risk?

Scientists who have studied the Big Island fishery say it is well managed. Rules put in place more than 15 years ago have helped to protect the fish. Along 35% of the coastline, for example, fish collecting is banned. Two years ago, the state cut the number of fish species for the aquarium trade from hundreds to just 40.

Conservationist Robert Wintner objects to the findings. Wintner, who owns snorkel shops across Hawaii, started the Snorkel Bob Foundation to protect the island’s coral reefs(珊瑚礁). He says he simply doesn’t see yellow tang(刺尾鱼) in the protected areas. “There should be millions of them,” he says. “Where are they?”

Wintner says people believe the numbers in reports. But few people have actually dived into the coral reefs to see for themselves how many fish can be found there. According to Wintner, the coral reefs along the coast should be filled with yellow tang, but they are “virtually empty”. Empty reefs are not good for tourism, Wintner points out, which brings out $800 million yearly. By contrast, the aquarium-fish trade brings out just $2 million yearly.

1.According to Robert Wintner, ________.

A. what the recent report says is wrong

B. there are millions of yellow tang off Hawaii’s Big Island

C. the yellow tang’s population off Hawaii coast is large

D. the yellow tang is sold merely for both food and the aquarium industry

2.Which of the following is caused by the empty reefs?

A. Worse tourism.

B. More fish death.

C. More hungry people.

D. Less swimming events.

3.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Who will Win the Debate?

B. Is the Tropical Fish Healthy?

C. How Should We Protect Tropical Fish?

D. Should the Sale of Tropical Fish be Banned?

Are you an early riser or a night owl? Researchers from Aachen University in Germany believe that about 10 percent of people can be classified as “morning people”, who feel more active and function best in the morning.Around 20 percent are night owls—people who naturally tend to stay up late and are more tired during the day.And the rest of us fall somewhere in between, according to New Scientist.

Previous studies have suggested that early risers are more likely to be happy and healthy while night owls experience worse sleep as well as more depression and anxiety during the day.

For a long time, scientists have been trying to find out what causes the differences between the two.A new study suggests that it isn’t just people’s habits—early risers and night owls actually have different brain structures.

Led by Jessica Rosenberg at Aachen University, researchers scanned the brains of 16 early risers, 23 night owls and 20 people with intermediate sleeping hours.They found that the brains of night owls had less “white matter”—which speeds up the transmission(传输) of nerve signals — in brain areas associated with depression.

As you know, after people fly in an airplane from one time zone to another, they often suffer from a confused and tired feeling called “jet lag” because their body clocks are out of sync(不同步的) with the new time zone.It usually takes about a week for their bodies to adjust to the new time.But night owls always have difficulty syncing their bodies to the right time due to their brain structure.“It’s like they suffer from permanent jet lag,” said Rosenberg.

The good news is that it is possible for night owls to turn themselves into morning people.According to the researchers, night owls should try to spend as much time in the sunlight as possible and reduce their exposure to artificial light at night to force their body clocks to shift to a more normal rhythm.

1.What does the article mainly discuss?

A.How to turn early risers into night owls.

B.How our habits influence our sleep patterns.

C.What causes the differences between early risers and night owls.

D.Why early risers are happier and healthier than night owls.

2.We can learn from the article that night owls ________.

A.make up almost a third of the human population

B.have more white matter in their brains than other people

C.are more used to artificial night than sunlight

D.have body clocks that are not in agreement with the actual time

3.Jessica Rosenberg’s research suggests that ________.

A.previous studies about night owls are wrong

B.night owls are affected by jet lag more strongly than others

C.white matter helps our brains work more efficiently

D.brain structure might determine people’s chances of suffering from depression

If a woman has an extra piece of cake, don’t blame it on greed, blame it on her brain.

Scientists have found that women’s brains react to food very differently — and much more strongly — than men’s. Academics found that decades of dieting pressure on women and advertising have programmed certain parts of the female brain to react strongly when faced with any kind of food. Men, on the other hand, are not usually as obsessive about what they eat.

Dr. Rudolf Uher and his colleagues at the Institute of Psychiatry in King’s College London used brain scanning technology, known as functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI), to look at the brains of eighteen men and women. The volunteers were given images of food to look at, as well as food to taste. Their brain reactions were observed by the scientists. They found that the female brains reacted much more strongly than those of males. The same reaction did not happen when they were shown non-food images. The team believe this means women think more about food than men tend to.

Dr. Uher said, “This could be related to biological differences between men and women. But the more likely explanation is that women have a more complicated reaction to food because of social pressure.”

Professor Carey Cooper, psychology and health professor at Lancaster University, said, “for centuries women have had a providing role — preparing and cooking food for their families. And it's part of that role to make sure the food is safe. They will therefore be much more sensitive to food than men are, and I would not be surprised if that was now built into their DNA. If the female brain reacts to food because it historically has developed neural(神经的) pathways to do this, then food will be the way they express their stress. Food actually, is a comfort for women.”

But other experts have said that more research must be done before the results can be proved. American scientist Angelo del Parigi of the John B. Pierce Laboratory in New Haven, Connecticut, said “Looking at an FMRI alone cannot make sure whether the stronger reaction in women is due to innate (天生的)differences or a learned process.”

1.Dr.Uher and his colleagues carried out the research by comparing ________.

A. Volunteers’ reactions to food before and after meals

B. FMRI’s scanning result of scientists

C. women’s and men’s brain reactions to pictures of food

D. volunteers’ imagination on the taste of food

2.In Dr. Uher’s opinion, women react more strongly to food than men most probably because they are ________.

A. born to do so due to biological reasons

B. influenced by advertisements

C. told to do so for a long time

D. forced by powerful social influences

3.According to Professor Carey Cooper, women ________.

A. are satisfied with preparing food for their families

B. turn to food when they feel sad

C. accept their social role from the heart

D. are stressed because of food safety

4.What was Angelo del Parigi’s attitude towards the research results?

A. Curious.B. Surprised.C. Uninterested.D. Doubtful.


If life were a book and you were the author, how would you like the story to go? That is the question that my life forever.

One day l went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu, and less than 24 hours later,1 was in a on life support with less than two percent of living. It wasn't until days later that the doctors diagnosed me with a blood infection. Over the of 2.5 months, I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knee. When my parents me out of the hospital, I that I had been put together like a patchwork(拼缝物)doll and I had to live with legs. I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, streaming down.

But I knew in order to move forward, I had to let go of the Old Amy and the New Amy. It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant .And that is when it me that I didn't have to be five-foot-five anymore, I could be as tall as l wanted. And of all ,I can make my feet the size of all the shoes. So there were here.

Four months later,1 was back upon a .And this February, I won two Board World Cup gold medals, me the highest ranked snowboarder in the world. So, instead of looking at our and our limitations as something _ or bad, we can begin looking at them as a wonderful that can be used to help us go further than we ever know we could go.

1.A.saved B. risked C. ruined D. changed

2.A.hospital B. club C. field D. stadium

3.A.thought B. degree C. chance D. decision

4.A. mild B. severe C. potential D. slight

5.A.journey B. break C. course D. schedule

6.A.wheeled B. dragged C .pulled D. delivered

7.A.made sure B. felt like C. worked outD. put forward

8.A.muscled B .heavy C. shapely D. false

9.A.blood B .sweat C. tears D. water

10.A.hug B. recognizeC. fix D. introduce

11.A.plan B. question C. informationD. favor

12.A.stuck B. brokeC. beatD. broadened

13.A.although B. so C. while D. but

14.A.first B. strangest C. best D. luckiest

15.A.struggles B. benefits C. rewards D. conflicts

16.A.stage B. snowboardC. track D. playground

17.A.allowing B. giving C. calling D. making

18.A.challenges B. achievementsC .devotionsD. hesitations

19.A.active B. amazing C. negative D. terminal

20.A.ability B. skill C. tool D. gift

You’ll need to download free software to connect to our Secure Drop service. It’s easy to use and works like a web browser that you’re familiar with, like Firefox or Chrome.

Here’s how to get started:

1. Visit TorProject. org, and follow the directions to download Tor.

2. Launch the Tor Browser, copy and paste the following URL into the address bar: http://3expgpdnrrzezf7r.onion/

From there, you can complete the instructions for how to send us files and messages. To protect your identity, you’ll receive a randomly generated code name. You’ll want to remember it in case you want to come back--- using the code name provide your name.

For greater security, you may want to use a public WiFi network, rather than your home or office internet connection. Using a USB drive, you can also temporarily boot your computer into the TAILS secure operating system, which includes the Tor Browser; more information is available on the TAILS website.

U.S Mail

You may also contact us via postal mail if you’re living within the United States. You should consider mailing your package from an unfamiliar letter box and not including a return address.

Our mailing address is:

The Associated Press

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1.What should you do after launching the Tor application?

A. We should download Tor.

B. We should visit TorProject.org

C. We should copy and paste the address bar.

D. We should complete the instructions at once.

2. How can you protect your security according to the text?

A. Use our own personal computer.

B. Be sure to log on with our real name.

C. Use the code name given by the software.

D. Send files through home or public internet connection.

3. What do we know about the American users?

A. They can contact the AP only by emailing.

B. They must use their own letter box.

C. They should put a return address in mails.

D. They can send their files through a post office.

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