
—The two people speak different languages and can not communicate with each other well.

—Oh,I see. That’s ________ misunderstanding occurs.

A.when B.what C.which D.why




试题分析:句意:--这两个人说不同的语言,不能彼此很好的交流。--哦,我明白,这就是误解产生的地方原因。这里is后面是表语从句,表语从句中不缺少主宾表,用why连接表语从句。That is why….那就是….的原因,选D。




The extraordinary Eastgate Building in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital city, is said to be the only one in the world to use the same cooling and heating principles as the termite mound(白蚁堆).

Architect Mick Pearce used precisely the same strategy when designing the Eastgate Building, which has no air-conditioning and almost no heating. The building—the country’s largest commercial and shopping complex—uses less than 10% of the energy of a conventional building of its size. The Eastgate’s owners saved $3.5 million on a $36 million building because an air-conditioning plant didn’t have to be imported.

The complex is actually two buildings linked by bridges across a shady, glass-roofed atrium(天井) open to the air. Fans suck fresh air in from the atrium, blow it upstairs through hollow spaces under the floors and from there into each office through baseboard vents(通风口). As it rises and warms, it is drawn out via ceiling vents and finally exists through forty-eight brick chimneys.

During summer’s cool nights, big fans blow air through the building seven times an hour to cool the empty floors. By day, smaller fans blow two changes of air an hour through the building, to circulate the air which has been in contact with the cool floors. For winter days, there are small heaters in the vents.

This is all possible only because Harare is 1600 feet above sea level, has cloudless skies, little dampness and rapid temperature swings—days as warm as 31℃ commonly drop to 14℃ at night. “You couldn’t do this in New York, with its fantastically hot summers and fantastically cold winters,” Pearce said.

The engineering firm of Ove Arup&Partners monitors daily temperatures. It is found that the temperature of the building has generally stayed between 23℃ and 25℃, with the exception of the annual hot period just before the summer rains in October and three days in November, when a doorkeeper accidentally switched off the fans at night. And the air is fresh—far more so than in air-conditioned buildings, where up to 30% of the air is recycled.

1.Why was Eastgate cheaper to be built than a conventional building?

A. It was designed in a smaller size.

B. No air conditioners were fixed in.

C. Its heating system was less advanced.

D. It used rather different building materials.

2.What does “it” refer to in Paragraph 3?

A. Fresh air from outside.B. Heat in the building.

C. Hollow space.D. Baseboard vent.

3.Why would a building like Eastgate Not work efficiently in New York?

A. New York has less clear skies as Harare.

B. Its dampness affects the circulation of air.

C. New York covers a larger area than Harare.

D. Its temperature changes seasonally rather than daily.

4.The data in the last paragraph suggests Eastgate’s temperature control system_____.

A. allows a wide range of temperatures

B. functions well for most of the year

C. can recycle up to 30% of the air

D. works better in hot seasons


SANTA MONICA, Calif. (KABC)一A Santa Monica High School teacher who was put on

leave after using physical force to control a student who was selling marijuana(大麻)in his classroom has received surprising support on Facebook. The incident was captured on video and has caused a sudden reaction from parents, teachers, students and even graduates. They are showing their support for Black. A Facebook page supporting "Coach Black" has over 4,700 likes. And many want him back in the classroom.

Student witnesses say Mark Black, who is also the wrestling coach, tried to confiscate(没收)a bag of marijuana and was then injured by the student with a pencil. The cellphone video shows Black locking the student's legs and pinning the student to the ground. "He just wanted him to stop and he was trying to be a teacher and help, and I don't think it was his fault." said student Kylan Townsend.

School Board member Oscar De La Tone says Mr. Black is one of his teachers at Santa Monica High School. "I know him very well. I know him to be a fair person, a good person, someone who cares deeply about his students," said De La Torre. He says that the video does not tell the whole story and that the incident brings to light the issue of drug use, something the district needs to address.

But in an email to parents, Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Superintendent Sandra Lyon says the teacher's behavior is "absolutely alarming." She put Black on leave during an independent investigation.

Lyon has come under fire from parents for initially saying the kind of physical action used by the teacher was unacceptable. On Saturday, Lyon released the following statement to Eyewitness News: "I want to stress that teachers are at times confronted with difficult, even threatening situations, and they must make judgment calls to protect safety. I want to emphasize that putting the teacher who was involved in this incident on leave until completion of an independent investigation is a matter of standard policy and practice; it in no way prejudices the outcome of the investigation."

Students hope the situation will have a quick and just resolution. An online petition(请原书) pas also peen createu by one of Black's former students. The petition has already gained thousands of signatures.Black did not respond to a request for comment.

1.What does the cellphone video on Facebook disclose?

A. Mark Black injured a student with a pencil.

B.Mark Black wrestled with a student in his class.

C. Mark Black confiscated a bag and locked a student.

D. Mark Black controlled a student with physical force.

2.In the fifth paragraph, the underlined word "it" refers to__.

A. making judgment calls to protect safety

B. putting the teacher involved on leave

C. completion of an independent investigation

D. a matter of standard policy and practice

3. From the passage, we can infer that__

A. the people involved in the matter support Mark Black

B. Mark Black will be eventually fired by the School Board

C. Sandra Lyon won some support from parents initially

D. no decision has been made from the investigation yet

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Teacher Put on Leave Receives Support

B. Thousands Come and Sign the Petition

C.School Teacher Wrestled with Student

D. Cellphone Video on the Facebook Page


In winter Hammerfest is a thirty-hour ride by bus from Oslo, though why anyone would want to go there in winter is a question worth considering. It is on the edge of the world, the northernmost town in Europe, as far from London as London is from Tunis, a place of dark and cruel winters, where the sun sinks into the Arctic Ocean in November and does not rise again for ten weeks.I wanted to see the Northern Lights. Also, I had long harboured a half-formed urge to experience what life was like in such a remote and forbidding place. Sitting at home in England with a glass of whisky and a book of maps, this had seemed an excellent idea. But now as I picked my way through the grey, late-December slush(融雪) of Oslo I was beginning to have my doubts.

Things had not started well. I had overslept at the hotel, missing breakfast, and had to leap into my clothes. I couldn't find a cab and had to drag my unreasonably overweighted bag eight blocks through slush to the central bus station. I had had huge difficulty persuading the staff at the Kreditkassen Bank on Karl Johans Gate to cash sufficient traveller's cheques to pay the overcharged 1,200-kroner bus fare-they simply could not be made to grasp that the William McGuire Bryson on my passport and the Bill Bryson on my traveller's cheques were both me-and now here I was arriving at the station two minutes before departure, breathless and steaming from the endless uphill exertion(费力)that is my life, and the girl at the ticket counter was telling me that she had no record of my reservation.

"This isn't happening," I said. "I'm still at home in England enjoying Christmas.Pass me a drop more port, will you, darling?" Actually, I said, "There must be some mistake. Please look again." The girl studied the passenger list. "No, Mr Bryson, your name is not here·”

But I could see it, even upside-down. "There it is, second from the bottom二,,

"No," the girl decided, "that says Bemt Bjornson. That's a Norwegian name·”

"It doesn't say Bernt Bjornson. It says Bill Bryson. Look at the loop(圆圈) of the 'y', the two ‘I's. Miss, please." But she wouldn't have it. "If I miss this bus when does the next one go?""Next week at the same time.,,

Oh, splendid.

"Miss, believe me, it says Bill Bryson."

"No, it doesn't."

"Miss, look, I've come from England. I'm carrying some medicine that could save a child's life.”She didn't buy this. "I want to see the manager."

"He's in Stavanger.”

"Listen, I made a reservation by telephone.If I don't get on this bus I’m going to write a letter to your manager that will cast a shadow over your career prospects(前景)for the rest of this century." This clearly did not alarm her. Then it occurred to me. "If this Bemt Bjornson doesn't show up, can I have his seat?"


Why don't I think of these things in the first place and save myself the suffering? "Thank you,"

I said, and dragged my bag outside.

1. What words can best describe Hammerfest in winter?

A. Grey and dirty.

B. Dark and cold.

C. Unfriendly and expensive.

D. Wild and forbidden.

2.Why did the author mention the Kreditkassen Bank on Karl Johans Gate?

A.To suggest that people there could be ridiculous and stubborn.

B.To introduce the cultural differences in northern Europe and England.

C. To give an example of an interesting story during his journey.

D.To indicate that the bus fare was very expensive.

3.What could be inferred from the passage?

A. The author booked his bus ticket with a Norwegian name.

B.The author paid the bus fare by traveller's cheque.

C. The author would hopefully get on the bus.

D.The girl at the ticket counter cared about the author's complaints.

4.According to the last paragraph, the author probably felt_at that moment.

A.embarrassed B.contented

C. regretful D. grateful

5.We can learn from the passage that_.

A. the author's journey to the north was not worthwhile

B.the Europeans didn't welcome visitors

C. the author wrote a letter to the girl's manager

D. the author's journey to the north was not smooth


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