Students’ Insurance

What Is Covered under Contents?

Under the “Contents” section your possessions---which you do not have to be listed---will be protected on “new for old” basis where items will be replaced as new---regardless of their age or condition.

“Contents” include books, radios, audio and video players, TVs, jewellery, home computers, furniture, household goods, other electrical equipment and sports equipment. They will be insured as follows:


Fire, Lighting, Explosion


Storm, Flood and other natural disasters

But new-for-old cover does not include clothing and linen.

Where Does Cover Apply?

Anywhere in Australia whether in:

Your Living Place While at College

Your Parents’ Home or Any Temporary Residence(临时住处)---where you are staying when away from College

Your College or Students’ Union Building

College Storage during Vacations

Plus The Following Benefits Included Free

Loss or Damage to:

Gas, water and electricity meters and telephones---up to$300

TVs and videos rented in your name

Library books---up to $300

Daily things bought---up to $500 as to cover described under “Contents”

College or Landlord’s Possessions in your rooms by Fire or Theft (if you are legally responsible---up to $2,000)

Personal Money: from your room---up to $60

PLUS fraudulent(欺诈)use of your Credit Card---up to $1,000

1.If you lose an old video player, the insurance company will _____.

A. replace it with a new one

B. pay you up to $30 in insurance

C. pay you nothing for it is old

D. replace it with a used one

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Your household goods will not be insured due to natural disasters.

B. Your computer is insured when you are away from college.

C. You can be paid $2,000 for fraudulent use of your Credit Card.

D. Your rented car is completely insured if it is damaged.

3.All of the following are included in the insurance project except _____.

A. audio and video players, TVs

B. jewellery, library books

C. clothing, linen and cars

D. furniture, home computers

4.It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

A. if you lose a radio you can get another one

B. if you have your possessions stolen outside Australia they are not insured

C. if a fire breaks out in your room you can get everything back

D. if your jewellery is stolen you will be paid as much as $300

A new study finds that our brains are wired to make music-color connections depending on how the music makes us feel. Mozart’s “Flute Concerto No.1 in G Major” is most often associated with bright yellow and orange, whereas his “Requiem in D Minor” is linked to bluish gray, the findings revealed.

US researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, enlisted nearly 100 subjects for a study on music and color. With 37 colors, the UC Berkeley study found that people tend to pair faster-paced music in a major key with lighter, more vivid, yellow colors, whereas slower-paced music in a minor key is more likely to be teamed up with darker, grayer, bluer colors.

“Surprisingly, we can predict with 95 percent accuracy how happy or sad the colors people pick will be based on how happy or sad the music is that they are listening to,” said lead author and UC Berkeley vision scientist Stephen Palmer.

In three experiments, the subjects listened to 18 classical music pieces that varied in pace (slow, medium, fast) and in major VS minor keys. In the first experiment, participants were asked to pick five of the 37 colors that best matched the music to which they were listening. Separately, they rated each piece of music on a scale of happy to sad, strong to weak, lively to dull, and calm to angry.

Next, the research team plans to study particiapants in Turkey where traditional music employs a wider range of scales than just major and minor. “We know that in Mexico and the US the responses are very similar,” Palmer said. “But we don’t yet know about China or Turkey.”

1.What can we know about Mozart’s “Flute Concerto No. 1 G Major”?

A. It is fast in pace.

B. It is slow in pace.

C. It makes us feel upset.

D. It makes us feel optimistic.

2.What did the US researchers find from the result of the new study?

A. There are colors that do not match any music.

B. People tend to connect happy colors to slow-paced music

C. There is a one-to-one connection between music and color.

D. People nearly do the same in picking colors for different music.

3. How did the researchers do the research?

A. By making predictions.

B. By researching journals.

C. By conducting experiments.

D. By studying famous musicians.

4.According to the text, the research mainly deals with __________

A. how colors or music influence our emotions

B. how emotions affect music-color connections

C. why we have different feelings towards music

D. why we have different feelings towards colors



Last autumn I spent a week at a big hotel in London. It was one those modern hotels where every ________is the same size and has the same furniture, ________ looks like every other room.

My room was 311. One ________ I got back to the hotel after a dinner with some friends. When I ________the door to my room, I saw an astonishing________ . A man was pointing a handgun at a woman sitting in a chair, and the woman was saying in a ________ voice, “Please don’t shoot me!” I turned round, ran down the stairs -- I daren’t wait for the ________-- and found a waiter in the hall “ Quick,” I said. “Someone has been killed in ________ room. Controlling his________ , he came back with me, when we opened the door of 311, the room was ________ . The waiter looked at me ________ and said, “I think, sir, you________ go to bed,” and left. I was ________embarrassed to say anything, and thinking that I must have had too much to ________ , I followed his ________.

The next morning, I asked about the matter, and the ________was simple. I had gone to Room 411, where a famous ________ and his wife had been practising a scene from their new ________ . When I told them that it was I who had broken into their room, they laughed and gave me a ________ to see the play on the ________ night.

1.A.hotel C.floor D.person

2.A.and C.or D.but

3.A.time B.afternoon C.night D.moment

4.A.shut B.locked C.knocked D.opened

5.A.picture B.figure C.scene D.drawing

6.A.frightened B.soft C.worried D.happy

7.A.waiter B.police D.lift

8.A. a B. the C. my D. their

9.A.surprise B.sadness C.fear D.anger

10.A.noisy B.empty C.dirty D.crowded

11.A.nervously B.strangely C.curiously D.excitedly

12.A.must B.would rather C.may D.had better

13.A.much C.too D.rather B.drink D.worry

15.A. advice B. steps C. information D. service

16.A. result B. expression C. accident D. explanation B.player C.dancer D.artist B.novel D.story

19.A. seat B. card C. note D. ticket

20.A. opening B. last C. lone ly D. closing

Like many new graduates, I left university full of hope but with no real idea of what I wanted to do. My degree, with honors, in English literature had not really prepared me for anything practical. I knew I wanted to make a difference in the world somehow, but I had no idea how to do that. That’s when I learned about the Lighthouse project.

I started my journey as a Lighthouse Project volunteer by reading as much as I could about the experiences of previous volunteers. I knew it would be a lot of hard work, and that I would be away from my family and friends for a very long time. In short, I did not take my decision to apply for the Lighthouse Project lightly, neither did my family.

Finally, however, I won the support of my family, and I sent in all the paperwork needed for the application (申请). After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among the candidates and survive the test alone. Several months later, I received a call asking me to report for duty. I would be going to a small village near Abuja, Nigeria.

After completing my training, I was sent to the village that was small and greatly in need of proper accommodation. Though the local villagers were poor, they offered their homes and food as if I were their own family. I was asked to lead a small team of local people in building a new schoolhouse. For the next year or so, I taught in it. But I sometimes think I learned more from my students than they did from me.

Sometimes during that period, I realized that all those things that had seemed so strange or unusual to me no longer did, though I did not get anywhere with the local language, and I returned to the USA a different man. The Lighthouse Project had changed my life forever.

1.What do we know about the author?

A. His dream at university was to become a volunteer.

B. He took pride in making contributions to the world.

C. His university education focused on the theoretical knowledge.

D. He had dreamed about being a volunteer since he was in college.

2.According to paragraph 2, it is most likely that the author __________.

A. felt happy to leave his family and friends.

B. discussed his decision with his family.

C. asked previous volunteers about voluntary work.

D. attended special training to finish difficult tasks.

3.The underlined word “accommodation” in paragraph 4 means ________________.

A. drinking water.

B. English teachers.

C. living places and food

D. teaching buildings.

4.What can we infer from the author’s experiences In Nigeria?

A. He was chosen as the best teacher by his students.

B. He found some difficulty getting used to the local culture.

C. He had learned to communicate in the local language.

D. He had overcome all his weakness before he left for home.

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