
I have always loved kids. However, the children here at Shanti Bhavan are unlike any that I have ever met. They have a strong drive and determination and are thankful for the wonderful opportunity they have been given. While at Shanti Bhavan, I taught 3rd graders writing, language, and literature, 8th, 9th, and 10th graders public speaking, 9th and 10th graders basketball, and piano lessons. I found teaching the children was the most rewarding experience of my life. They are really fast learners and really have an interest in knowledge. It was easy to get on with such polite, well-mannered, and hard-working students. They dream big and I only hope that I can continue to be a part of helping them achieve their goals.
As far as my day-to-day living went, I was perfectly comfortable here and came to consider it as a second home. My room was clean and comfortable and the staff could not have been nicer.
In addition, I really appreciated the support of all the teachers. They were so welcoming and kind that it truly cleared away my fears and culture shock. They often gave me advice and befriended me and I owe much to them for their warmth.
I honestly feel that Shanti Bhavan is the most beautiful place on earth. It has love and learning, and I am very sad to be leaving. I am looking forward to my return to this newly found family as soon as possible. Thank you so much Miss Beena and Mrs. Law for all of your love and support. The experience that I worked with them will always come into my mind. This has been the greatest experience of my life.
小题1:What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A.Kids liked basketball lessons best.
B.Kids at Shanti Bhavan helped the author a lot.
C.The author is a fast learner and dreams big.
D.The author taught different lessons at the same time.
小题2:What does the author think of the students at Shanti Bhavan?
小题3:Which of the following words can best describe the author’s day-to-day living at Shanti Bhavan?
A.Lonely B.SimpleC.DisappointedD.Comfortable
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.The author will come back soon.
B.The author has decided to settle at Shanti Bhavan.
C.The author once felt uneasy at Shanti Bhavan.
D.The author was forced to come to Shanti Bhavan at first.


试题分析:文章介绍作者在Shanti Bhavan的工作生活的经历,聪明的学生,舒服的环境,友好的同事都让她难忘。
小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:While at Shanti Bhavan, I taught 3rd graders writing, language, and literature, 8th, 9th, and 10th graders public speaking, 9th and 10th graders basketball, and piano lessons. 可知作者在同时教不同的课。选D
小题2:细节题:从第一段的句子:They are really fast learners and really have an interest in knowledge.可知作者认为这些学生是很聪明的fast learners。选B
小题3:细节题:从第二段的句子:As far as my day-to-day living went, I was perfectly comfortable here and came to consider it as a second home. 可知作者认为住在这里是很舒服的这使她的第二个家,选D
小题4:推理题:从第三段的句子:They were so welcoming and kind that it truly cleared away my fears and culture shock. 他们的欢迎和友好清除了我的恐惧和文化冲突,可知作者曾经觉得在这里生活不容易。选C
点评:文章介绍作者在Shanti Bhavan的工作生活的经历,聪明的学生,舒服的环境,友好的同事都让她难忘。这篇阅读理解集中考查了细节题,要求考生仔细阅读全文,做好相应的标志,以提高阅读的效率和速度,做题时要审清题干,发觉和把握试题中有效的提示性信息,确认命题的角度、阅读范围和答题方式。
One suicide and three attempted ones that left two seriously injured, all by middle school students in Shanghai last week, cast a gloom (忧郁) over an otherwise happy beginning of a new term there. The terrible things took place even as the Ministry of Education and China Central Television organized the first lesson on TV about personal safety for students last Monday, the first day of the new semester. Such things suggest that this first lesson is more than necessary. Not only should kids be taught how to protect themselves in times of emergency, they should also be made aware of the value of tile2 One student was prevented from killing himself from his school building. He said he just could not accept the fact of not being able to go tip to a higher grade with his classmates, and thus considered life meaningless. Another 12-year-old boy who jumped off a building to his death was said to have been a good student, and no one could say why he chose to end his life. Obviously, their inner worlds were seriously affected. But when they chose to take their own lives, their irresponsible choice was clearly the result of a lack of adequate understanding of the value of life.
The ancient sage Confucius (孔子) stressed that one must protect even one's hair and skin from being hurt. He meant that the sense of responsibility for one's parents was important as far as the value of life was concerned. When we talk about the enthusiasm of making contributions to our motherland, we are referring to values that constitute the nobler part of the meaning of life. The value of life should be far beyond the concern for personal interest.
Undoubtedly, those kids who chose to take their own lives were faced only with their own sadness that they could not overcome. If they had a little concern for their parents, for their parents' expectations of them or for their own potential contributions to this world in the future, they would not have gone that far. Difficulties or sufferings are supposed to help kids develop their sense of responsibility and thus help them better understand the value of life.
Too much attention and care from their parents and grandparents have made most of the only children self-centered. Many think it is natural that they deserve to be taken care of by others in whatever way they want. They expect to have their problems solved by their parents or someone else. With such a false sense, they fail to grasp the tough reality of life. They suffer from the illusion (幻觉) that their life should be nothing but plain sailing, Whenever the illusion is broken, they can hardly gather enough courage to face life as it is. So a hotline is indeed necessary to help those kids who find it hard to accept the tough reality of life. But parents and teachers also need to take lessons from the things. They need to know that life should not always be sugar-coated for kids; they should be made to taste the bitter side too as early as possible.
小题1:From the passage we know that _________.
A.four students took their lives in Shanghai last week
B.being unable to catch up with other classmates led to the 12-year-old boy killing himself
C.the importance of life lies in the sense of responsibility for parents
D.parents are supposed to tell the kids the bitter side of life as well as the sweet side
小题2:What mainly causes those kids to take their own lives is that _________.
A.they are worried that they may fall behind others in studies
B.they lack the respect for their parents
C.they may be physically healthy, but mentally unhealthy
D.their parents expect too much from them
小题3:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.An irresponsible choice.B.The value of life.
C.Weak-minded generation.D.The reality of life.
Many of us mistakenly believe that it’s wrong to think we have any good qualities. We may spend a lot of time blaming ourselves for our negative qualities, thinking that self criticism is the key to improving our performance. However, a constant focus on our supposed shortcomings can stop our efforts to make friends with other people. How can we believe that others could like us if we believe our inner being is flawed?
If someone seems to dislike you, the reason for that dislike might have little or nothing to do with you. The person who doesn’t like you might be fearful, or shallow or busy or shy. Perhaps you and that person are simply a mismatch for each other at this particular time.
Don’t take yourself out of the game by deciding that your flaws are bigger than your good qualities. In fact, some of the very qualities you consider to be flaws may be irresistible to someone else. Although some factors that might cause one person to reject you, there are at least many factors that will work in your favor.
You might be thirty pounds over your ideal weight, but you may have a wonderful laugh and a real enthusiasm for life. There are many people who don’t mind your extra pounds. You may drive a shabby car, but you might be a great dancer and a loyal friend. There are people out there  looking for loyalty, or fun, or sweetness, or wisdom, and the package it comes in is not important. If you are worried that you are not beautiful enough to attract friends, keep in mind that not everyone is looking for physical beauty in their friends. You can decide to feel inferior because you don’t have much money and you don’t drive a nice car. You can believe that this is the reason                                       
that you don’t have many friends in your life. On the other hand, if you are very wealthy you may be suspicious that everyone is after your money and that nobody really likes you as a person.
The point is that you can focus on just about anything and believe it’s the reason you do not have friends and cannot make any.
小题1:According to the passage,         plays an important role in making friends.
A.admitting your shortcomingsB.self criticism
小题2:If you are not liked by a person,        .
A.you should find the reason in yourself
B.you’d better talk with the person face to face
C.you may not be the one to be blamed
D.you and that person misunderstand each other
小题3:We can learn from the third paragraph that        .
A.your good qualities may make you earn more money
B.your weakness may also be your strengths in some way
C.your negative qualities may cause you to lose friends
D.you’ll have few friends if you don’t share the same interest
小题4: Which of the following is TRUE according to the author?
A.It is important to lose weight.
B.It is easier for a wealthy person to make friends.
C.Inner qualities are more important than physical appearance.
D.If you are not beautiful enough, try to improve your physical beauty.
小题5:What do you think the author is most likely to suggest if he continues to write?
A.How to find your good qualities.B.How to make friends.
C.How to make self criticism.D.How to keep fit.
I was eight when my neighbors got a TV. It was small and expensive, but that didn’t matter. IT WAS WONDERFUL. Everyone in the building came up to the fifth floor to see this latest wonder of the modern world. That was in 1948.
Soon, a lot of people got a TV, but not us. My parents didn’t think it was good for children. Being a good son, I didn’t argue with them. But I secretly watch TV—at my friends’ homes.
By 1955, televisions weren’t so expensive and were much larger. My parents still thought they were not good for us, but my sisters insisted, saying they were the only people in the neighborhood who didn’t have one. All their friends talked about certain programs and actors, but they couldn’t. Their friends laughed at them, which made them feel very unhappy. My youngest sister cried, saying she was never going back to school and that life without a TV wasn’t worth living. Nothing my parents said made her feel better. The next morning, without telling us, they went out and got a new TV.
When we were young our parents allowed us to watch TV for two hours a night. And we couldn’t watch until our homework was finished. But after a year or two, TV wasn’t exciting or new anymore. It became just another part of our lives like shoes or soap. My parents still had fears about TV. We were going to forget how to read, and TV was going to fill our minds with violence, they said.
Today people still argue about the value of TV. Nobody can deny the power of TV, which has a powerful influence on our lives. On average, Americans spend 30 hours a week watching TV. Is this influence good or bad? This is an unanswerable question indeed: It is hard enough to measure influence; and it is even harder to decide what is good and what isn’t. What is good, I suppose, is that many people are concerned about TV’s influence and that we have the power to change what we don’t like.
The people of Monhegan Island, 18 kilometers away off the coast of Maine, don’t have electricity, and they decided; once again, that they liked that way. Electricity, they think, would make life too easy and spoil their way of life. Maybe the young people wouldn’t want to go to town dances anymore. Maybe they would be more interested in staying at home and watching TV.
小题1:How old was the author, when their family got a TV?
A.About 15.B.8.C.18.D.About 10.
小题2:The author’s parents finally decided to buy a TV because _______.
A.they wanted to meet their daughters’ needs .
B.the children couldn’t go to school without a TV
C.the sisters would like to be like their friends
D.they had to do as the youngest daughter told them to
小题3:The author thinks “to judge whether a TV’s influence is good or bad” is ________.
小题4:The last paragraph is written to show ________.
A.the disadvantage of TV
B.TV influences people a great deal
C.the advantage of TV
D.we can change what we don’t like
In this modern world, we rush around all day with no time for stillness. And when we are   48  to be still, we're in line for something, or waiting at a doctor's appointment, or on a bus or train. This comes at a   49 : we lose that time for consideration, for observing and listening. We lose peace. And   50  yet: sometimes no action is better than too much action at all. You can run around crazily, but get nothing done. Take a moment to think about how you spend your days? Are you always   51  through your schedule?
Is this how you want to spend your life? If not, take a moment to be still. Don't think about what you have to do, or what you've done already.   52  be in the moment. Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your   53 , and how you'd like it to be. See your life with less movement and less rushing. See it with more stillness and more peace. It's pretty simple: all you have to do is sit still for a little bit each day. Once you've got   54  to that, try doing less each day. Find happiness now, in this moment, instead of waiting for it.
Value the stillness. It's a treasure and it's   55  to us, always.
A.costB.risk C.loss D.danger
Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. With each passing day everyone became more __36__, waiting for the final school bell. Upon its _37____everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except David.
David was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often _38___what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so __39_ for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. But something made David __40_. I can still remember he was always __41____a smile and willing to help. He always _42__after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. We never talked much. He__43___just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly__44___home.
Weeks passed and the __45___over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of__46__before the holiday break. I smiled in ___47 __as the last of them hurried out the door. Turning around I saw David ___48___standing by my desk..
“I have something for you ”he said and ____49____from behind his back a small box .__50___it to me, he said anxiously, “Open it ”I took the box from him ,thanked him and slowly unwrapped it. I lifted the lid and to my __51__, I saw nothing. I looked at David’s smiling face and back into the box and said,“The box is nice ,David ,but it’s__52__”.
“Oh no, it isn’t”said David.“It’s full of love. My mum told me before she died that love was something you couldn’t see or touch unless you know it’s there.”.
Tears filled my eyes ___53___I looked at the proud dirty face that I had rarely given____54___to. After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning ___55___the little empty box set on my desk .
A.anxious B.courageous C.serious D.cautious
A.warning B.ringing C.calling D.yelling
A.scolded B.wondered C.realized D.learned
A.modestlyB.naturally C.inaccuratelyD.improperly
A.popular B.upset C.special D.funny
A.expressing B.delivering C.wearing D.sharing
A.practicedB.wandered C.studied D.stayed
A.wouldB.should C.might D.could
A.aim at B.turn to C.put off D.head for
A.argument B.excitement C.movementD.judgment
A.school B.year C.educationD.program
A.relief B.return C.vain D.control
A.weaklyB.sadly C.quietly D.helplessly
A.searched B.found C.raised D.pulled
A.Holding B.Handing C.Sending D.Leaving
A.delight B.expectationC.appreciation D.surprise
A.cheap B.empty C.useless D.special
A.as B.until C.because D.though
A.advice B.support C.attention D.command
A.from B.behindC.over D.towards
When asked about happiness, we usually think of something extraordinary, an absolute delight, which seems to get rarer the older we get.
For kids, happiness has a magical quality. Their delight at winning a race or getting a new bike is unreserved (毫无掩饰的).
In the teenage years the concept of happiness changes. Suddenly it’s conditional on such things as excitement, love and popularity. I can still recall the excitement of being invited to dance with the most attractive boy at the school party.
In adulthood the things that bring deep joy—love, marriage, birth—also bring responsibility and the risk of loss. For adults, happiness is complicated (复杂的).
My definition of happiness is “the capacity for enjoyment”. The more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are. It’s easy to overlook the pleasure we get from the company of friends, the freedom to live where we please, and even good health.
I experienced my little moments of pleasure yesterday. First I was overjoyed when I shut the last lunch-box and had the house to myself. Then I spent an uninterrupted morning writing, which I love. When the kids and my husband come home, I enjoyed their noise after the quiet of the day.
Psychologists tell us that to be happy we need a mix of enjoyable leisure time and satisfying work. I don’t think that my grandmother, who raised 14 children, had much of either. She did have a network of close friends and family, and maybe this what satisfied her.
We, however, with so many choices and such pressure to succeed in every area, have turned happiness into one more thing we’ve got to have. We’re so self-conscious about our “right” to it that it’s making us miserable. So we chase it and equal it with wealth and success, without noticing that the people who have those things aren’t necessarily happier.
Happiness isn’t about what happens to—it’s about how we see what happens to us. It’s the skillful way of finding a positive for every negative. It’s not wishing for what we don’t have , but enjoying what we do possess.
小题1:As people grow older, they ____.
A.feel it harder to experience happiness
B.associate their happiness less with others
C.will take fewer risks in pursuing happiness
D.tend to believe responsibility means happiness
小题2:What can we learn about the author from Paragraphs 5 and 6?
A.She cares little about her own health.
B.She enjoys the freedom of traveling.
C.She is easily pleased by things in daily life.
D.She prefers getting pleasure from housework.
小题3:What can be inferred from Paragraph 7?
A.Psychologists think satisfying work is key to happiness.
B.Psychologists’ opinion is well proved by Grandma’s case.
C.Grandma often found time for social gatherings.
D.Grandma’s happiness came from modest expectations of life.
小题4:People who equal happiness with wealth and success ______.
A.consider pressure something blocking their way
B.stress their right to happiness too much
C.are at a loss to make correct choices
D.are more likely to be happy
小题5:What can be concluded from the passage?
A.Happiness lies between the positive and the negative
B.Each man is the master of his own fate.
C.Success leads to happiness.
D.Happy is he who is content.
It’s only after three weeks into a new job that I made a serious mistake. My boss called it “extremely embarrassing” in a company-wide e-mail — which, __36__, he wrote because he felt he needed to explain that what I did was something __37__ in the company should ever do.
I wish I __38__ give a good excuse for what I did. At the very least, I wish I could explain it somehow — __39__ it on youth, inexperience or ignorance. Unfortunately, I’m __40__, experienced and I know better.
__41__ I work with some very kind and compassionate(富于同情心的) people. For the past couple of days many of them have taken time to __42__ by my desk and offer comfort, encouragement and support. Some have shared with me similar __43__ they have made. Evidently I’m not the only “ __44__ ” person here.
One of the exchanges I had this week was with Lois, the much-honored, much-respected professional who __45__ the desk right next to mine. Lois was completely __46__ about her work, and to be honest I was a little nervous about how she would __47__ to such an extremely embarrassing incident.
As I expected, Lois didn’t pass over the __48__ when she saw me the next day. She mentioned it directly, __49__ with empathetic(体恤别人感受的) consideration. She listened to my   __ 50__. Just as I was ready to express my regrets, she brought my self-pity partly to a(n)   __51__.
“It happened”, she said, “There’s nothing you can do to __52__ that. It happened. But it’s over now. It’s __53__. It’s in the past. You need to let it go, and move on.” And with that she returned her __54__ to her work, as if to say, “We’re done here.”
I beat myself up for weeks. At such times I need to remember those __55__ words: It’s over. It’s done. Let it go. And mostly, move on.
A.to the wayB.in the wayC.by the wayD.on the way
A.no oneB.anyoneC.someoneD.the one
I was sitting in the room reading when I heard a loud noise. To defend my home from break-in, I picked up my defense weapon--- a broom and went out. There on the roof of my porch(门廊), I saw a grey fluffy squirrel. I drove her away with the broom, but the next day I heard her again.
I searched squirrels on the net and found because their teeth keep growing, they have to constantly chew on things to shorten their teeth. This was disturbing so I asked my husband to call in some wildlife control people.
On Monday morning two men showed up, with guns in their hands. I pointed uneasily to the hole in my porch roof. They held up their guns. Suddenly I saw in my mind the baby nursery inside. I stopped them and confirmed that they wouldn’t harm her. They hesitated, but finally put down their guns. Then they brought out a bottle of deodorizer(除臭剂)and sprayed it into the squirrel’s home. They told me she would not like the smell and would leave.
There was no sign of Mrs. Squirrel, so they blocked the hole, took my cheque for $250 and left. Shortly after they left, Mrs. Squirrel returned from her shopping trip. She was mad at being driven out and began feverishly clawing at the porch roof. In order to stop the destruction of my home, I drove her away with the broom again.
Each day thereafter, Mrs. Squirrel continued her attack on my possession. I then called the company to report that “SHE’S BAAAAAACK…” The receptionist said that if Mrs. Squirrel had managed to find another way into my porch roof, it would be a new charge. I replied I couldn’t continue contributing my husband’s hard-earned income to their silly wildlife experts and hang up.
I went to the porch and banged on the roof. Mrs. Squirrel came out and glared at me. We negotiated some terms, came to an agreeable arrangement and went back into our respective homes.
All is quiet these days, although large quantities of materials have been removed from my garage wall and my daughter claims that some of her doll-house furniture has disappeared. I still hope that Mrs. Squirrel would leave, but I will wait until it is warmer and hopefully until after the birth of the little ones.
小题1:What did the author think of the squirrel at first?
小题2:Why didn’t the author ask the wildlife control people to come again?
A.She worried about the safety of the squirrel.
B.She thought the company charged too much.
C.She decided to drive away the squirrel herself.
D.She doubted the ability of the wildlife control people.
小题3:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Getting rid of the squirrel needs patience.
B.The squirrel has destroyed the author’s house.
C.The author has developed affection for the squirrel.
D.The author singed an agreement with Mrs. Squirrel.
小题4:The author has written the passage in a (an) ________ way.

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