
【题目】Almost everyone feels sleepy sometimes during the daytime. Being sleepy may get in the way of your daily work,childcare,and even activities for fun. Here are some ways to improve nighttime sleep and avoid daytime sleepiness.

1.Get adequate nighttime sleep.

That may sound obvious,but many of us cut down an hour or two off our sleep time in the morning or at night to do other things. Most adults need seven to nine hours a night,and teenagers usually need a full nine hours. Block out eight or nine hours for sleep every night.

2.Keep distractions out of bed.

“Remember your bed is only for sleep,” says the scientist.“You shouldn’t read,watch TV,play video games,or use laptop computers in bed.” Don’t do your bills or have heated discussions in bed,either. They may leave you sleepless.

3.Form a good habit.

You should form a good habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time at night and in the morning,including on weekends.

4.Gradually move to an earlier bedtime.

Another way of getting into a consistent (始终如一的) schedule is to try going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night for four nights. Then stick with the last bedtime. Slowly getting used to your schedule like this usually works better than suddenly trying to go to sleep an hour earlier.

5.Set consistent,healthy mealtimes.

Regular mealtimes,not just regular sleep times,help regulate our circadian rhythms (生理节奏).Eat a healthy breakfast and lunch on time instead of grabbing a piece of cake and coffee in the morning or a late sandwich on the run. Try to finish eating meals two or three hours before bedtime.


Regular exercise offers many benefits for sleep. Exercise generally makes it easier to fall asleep and sleep more soundly.

【1】The writer wrote this passage to ________.

A.explain why sleeping well is important

B.tell us what usually keeps us awake at night

C.tell us the harm of being sleepy in the daytime

D.give us some tips on how to avoid daytime sleepiness

【2】What does the underlined word “adequate” in Point 1 mean?





【3】According to the writer,if we want to change our habits and go to sleep an hour earlier,we should ________.

A.try going to sleep an hour earlier suddenly

B.try getting used to our new schedule slowly

C.try getting used to our new schedule with some help

D.try going to bed 10 minutes earlier each night for six nights

【4】From Point 5 we know if we want to sleep around 10 pm,we should have supper at least by ________.

A.6∶00 p.m.

B.7∶00 p.m.

C.8∶00 p.m.

D.9∶00 p.m.

【答案】【1】 D

【2】 A

【3】 B

【4】 C


【2】词义猜测题。根据第一点的Block out eight or nine hours for sleep every night.可知作者主要建议我们要睡眠充足,故选A。

【3】细节理解题。根据第四点的Slowly getting used to your schedule like this usually works better than suddenly trying to go to sleep an hour earlier.可知作者建议我们慢慢习惯这个新的就寝时间。

【4】细节理解题。根据第五点的Try to finish eating meals two or three hours before bedtime.可知晚上睡觉前最晚两小时前要用完餐,故选C。


【题目】To forgive is a virtue, but no one has ever said it is easy. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness, anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research.

_【1】__ Try the following steps:

Calm yourself. ___2__ You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love.

Don’t wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way. ___3___ Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.

Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者). Rethinking about you hurt gives power to the person who causes you pain. Instead of focusing on your mounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you.

_4】___ If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender’s point of view.

Don’t forget to forgive yourself. _____5__ But it can rob you of your self-confidence if you don’t do it.

A. Why should you forgive?

B. How should you start to forgive?

C. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.

D. Try to see things from you offender’s angle.

E. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.

F. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress-management technique.

G.If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.

【题目】When my mom and dad said that we could adopt a couple of cats,I jumped at the chance to have some lovely animals around the house. So we went to the Humane Society where there were a lot of animals up for adoption. The first thing I noticed was that there was not a lot of room for the animals and not a lot of supplies to care for them. Even though they didn’t have much,the people who worked there tried to care about the animals. Still,it seemed they had no enough food and medicine to keep the animals healthy.

My family and I finally decided to adopt two cats we named Sox and Sierra. We went up to the front desk to sign the papers for them,and that’s when I noticed a box on the counter. The Humane Society was hoping to get enough donations to buy more supplies for the animals and also build a new building to help more animals.

Later that day my mom and I went shopping,and as we were walking through the parking lot at the store,I noticed a green piece of paper not far from our car. It was kind of wet,but it looked like it could be a dollar bill,so I walked over and picked it up. It wasn’t a dollar bill-it was a twenty-dollar bill!

When I got home,I dried it off and thought about what to do with it. I considered spending it on a toy and a lot of other things. Right then,Sox climbed up onto my lap,and I knew what I was going to do with the money.

I asked my mom to take me back to the Humane Society so that I could put the money in the donation box. The lady at the counter thanked me,and I felt really good about what I did.

【1】When knowing they would have a couple of cats,the author felt ________.





【2】What can we know from the first paragraph?

A.How wealthy the writer’s family was.

B.How people helped the Humane Society with the money animals.

C.The living conditions of the animals in the Humane Society.

D.The great efforts people working in the Humane Society made.

【3】Where did the author find a twenty-dollar bill?

A.In the park.

B.On the way back home.

C.At the parking lot.

D.At the gate of the Humane Society.

【4】How did the author deal with the money she found?

A.She spent it on some books.

B.She bought some toys with it.

C.She returned it to the one who lost it.

D.She gave it to the Humane Society.

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