
Jack: I really don't know what to do this summer. I can't afford to just sit 1_____

Mary: Why don't you try house-sitting? Last summer my friend Margaret house-sat for 2._____ Smiths when they went away on vacation.

Jack: You mean the Smiths paid Margaret just to live in their house?

Mary: It wasn't that easy. She had to do some 3._____ (clean) and water the flowers in the gar-

den. And 4._____ Eric house-sat for Dr Brown,he had to take care of her pets.

Jack: House-sitting 5._____ (sound) like a

good job. I guess it's a little like babysitting 6._____ (except) you're taking care of a house instead of children.

Mary: The student employment office still has a few jobs available.

Jack: Do I just have to fill out an 7._____ (apply) ?

Mary:Margaret and Eric had to interview 8._____the homeowners.

Jack: That seems like a lot of trouble for a sum?mer job.

Mary: Well,the homeowners want to make 9._____that they can trust the house-sitter. You know,they want to make sure you're not the type that will have wild parties in their house, 10._____move a group of your friends in with you.

1. around 2. the 3. cleaning 4. when 5. sounds 

6. except 7. application 8. with 9. sure 10. or 


 Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all!It speaks  1  than words. According to specialists? our bodies send out more  2 than we realize. In fact,non-verbal(非言语) communication takes up about 50 %of what we really___3___. And body language is particularly___4___ when we attempt to communicate across cultures. Indeed,what is called body language is so___5___ a part of us that it's actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a re- sult of it.___6___,different societies treat the 7 between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having__8___ contact(接触) even with friends, and certainly not with__9___. People from Latin American countries,___10___ ,touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it's possible that in___11___,it may look like a Latino is__12___ a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship,will keep moving  13 . The Norwegian,very probably seeing this as pushiness? will keep  14 which the Latino will in return regard as  15

  Clearly,a great deal is going on when people 16 .And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from__17___ cultures,there's a strong possibility of 18. But whatever the situation,the best___19__ is to obey the Golden Rule:treat others as you would like to be ___20__.

1.A. straighter   B. louder   C. harder   D. further

2.A. sounds   B. invitations   C. feelings   D. messages

3.A. hope   B. receive   C. discover   D. mean

4.A. immediate   B. misleading   C. important   D. difficult

5.A. well   B. far   C. much   D. long

6.A. For example   B. Thus

 C. However   D. In short

7.A. trade   B. distance   C. connections   D. greetings

8.A. eye   B. verbal

 C. bodily   D. telephone

9.A. strangers   B. relatives   C. neighbours   D. enemies

10.A. in other words   B. on the other hand   

  C. in a similar way   D. by all means

11.A. trouble   B. conversation   C. silence   D. experiment

12.A. disturbing   B. helping   C. guiding   D. following

13.A. closer   B. faster   C. in   D. away

14.A. stepping forward   B. going on   C. backing away   D. coming out

15.A. weakness   B. carelessness   C. friendliness   D. coldness

16.A. talk   B. travel   C. laugh   D. think

17.A. different   B. European   C. Latino   D. rich

18.A. curiosity   B. excitement   C. misunderstanding   D. nervousness

19.A. chance   B. time   C. result   D. advice

20.A. noticed   B. treated   C. respected   D. pleased

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