
【题目】 -----Whats one of the major problems _____ the children living in remote mountainous areas?

----- Its poverty.

A. face B. facing C. faced D. faced with



试题分析:考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:住在偏远山区的孩子们面临的主要问题是什么?是贫穷非谓语动词一般用在句中做状语,ed形式一般表示被动,而ing形式表示主动,孩子们面临的问题是主动面临的,而不是被动固排除C和D, A选项是谓语动词,一个句子中只能有以后各谓语动词,固排除A。故选B项。


【题目】Facts about novel corona virus: Prevention and control

l Keep distance with people when talking

The novel corona virus can be transmitted via droplets and fly 1 to 2 meters in the air before falling to the ground. Droplets can be transmitted far longer when sneezing and coughing than speaking, so apart from keeping 1 to 2 meters of distance, also remember to wear a mask when you are close to someone else.

l Washing hands can reduce risk of getting infected

Please wash your hands promptly and properly after touching elevator buttons or using cash. Do not touch your nose or mouth or rub your eyes before washing your hands. Do not use smart phones while eating.

l Receiving delivered packages at home not dangerous

Though the virus might be attached to the packaging of delivered items, the possibility of transmission through express delivery is extremely low. Before going out to take your delivery, remember to wear a mask. After removing the packaging, please wash your hands.

l Sun exposure cannot kill the virus

The temperature of sun light cannot reach 56, and the ultraviolet rays in sunlight cannot reach the intensity of ultraviolet lamps, so the virus can’t be killed by the sunlight. If you want to go out to get some sun, please wear a mask and take other protective measures.

l Taking a hot bath or using air conditioning cannot kill the virus

Although the virus is vulnerable to heat. It can only be inactivated after exposure to a 56°C temperature for over 30 minutes.

l Woolen fabric doesn’t retain virus longer

It is believed that the virus prefers smooth, non-porous surfaces and stays on woolen fabrics for a shorter time. At home or before going out, it is not necessary to consider which kind of material has less chance to absorb the virus—choosing comfortable clothes is enough.

After returning home, please wash your hands, sterilize the clothes and dry the clothes.

1What are you suggested to do when taking delivered packages?

A.Wear a mask.

B.Take a hot bath.

C.Open packages.

D.Dry the clothes.

2According to the passage, the following sentences are right EXCEPT that _____.

A.the virus is vulnerable to heat

B.the virus can be transmitted via droplets

C.the virus prefers smooth, non-porous surfaces

D. the virus cannot be killed by the ultraviolet rays

3We can probably read this passage from _____.

A.a textbook

B.an advertisement

C.a travel brochure

D.a science magazine

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