
As is known by all,with the improvement of people's living standards,cars have become a popular means of transport,bring great convenience to our life.However,they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jam.
How can we solve these problems then?As far as I am concerning,riding bicycles is a good solution.For one thing,bicycles don't need any petrol but they are energy-saving.For another,bicycles are environmentally friendly because of they won't give off waste gas.Beside,riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial to our healthy.
As result,let's take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles.Come on and join them.

分析 本文叙述的是骑自行车的优点.

解答 As is known by all,with the improvement of people's living standards,cars have become a popular means of transport,bring great convenience to our life.However,they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jam.
How can we solve these problems then?As far as I am concerning,riding bicycles is a good solution.For one thing,bicycles don't need any petrol but they are energy-saving.For another,bicycles are environmentally friendly because of they won't give off waste gas.Beside,riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial to our healthy.
As result,let's take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles.Come on and join them.
1.by-to.考查介词.固定句式As is known to all 表示"正如人们所知".
2.bring-bringing.考查非谓语动词.bring great convenience to our life是结果状语,是一个必然的结果,所以用现在分词bringing.
3.jam-jams.考查名词.jam是可数名词,根据 some problems 可知用名词复数,表示"交通阻塞",所以用jams.                                                                
4.concerning-concerned.考查固定句式.固定句式As far as I am concerned表示"就我而言"
 5.去掉of.考查介词.because of 和because都表示原因,但是前者连接单词,短语和what从句,because和句子连用,本题里用的是句子 they won't give off waste gas.,所以用because
6.but-and.考查连词. bicycles don't need any petrol 表示"自行车不需要汽油"; they are energy-saving.表示"它们是节能的",两句之间是并列关系,所以用and连接.
7.Beside-Besides.考查单词辨析.Beside表示"在旁边";Besides表示"此外".riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise 是对上句的进一步的说明,所以应该用Besides.
8..healthy-health.考查派生词.做is beneficial to的宾语,用名词 health,表示"我们的健康"
9.As和result之间加a.考查冠词.固定短语As a resultlet表示"结果".
10..them-us.考查代词.和上文let's take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles.呼应用us.

点评 考查短文改错.

6.Robot teachers are now very popular with pupils in some primary schools in South Korea.Compared with human teachers,the robot teachers are(61)more patient(patient).They never get angry and are always kind to the students.That's (62)why the children can always get on well with their robot teachers.
English teaching robots(63)were sent(send) to three primary schools for eight weeks last December.(64)Equipped(equip) with a microphone and video camera,the robots teach students as teachers.Researchers found that the English-teaching robots helped raise students'interest in the language and build up their (65)confidence(confident).More and more students came to like studying and they got better grades in exams.Meanwhile,other robot teachers,(66)which can teach math,science and art,have also been developed.
Many people think these robot teachers should be used (67)in/at faraway village schools so that the children there can also receive a good education.(68)To give(give) rural school children more learning chances,the South Korean government has expressed great interest in (69)developing(develop) these robots.
No doubt there will be more and more robot teachers working with students.Perhaps they will(70)completely(complete) replace human teachers one day in the future.Who knows?
3.My mom only had one eye.I hated her…she was such an embarrassment.My mom ran a small shop at a flea market.She collected little weeds and such to sell…anything for the money we needed.There was this one day during elementary school.
I remember that it was field day,and my mom came.I was so embarrassed.How could she do this to me?I threw her a hateful look and ran out.The next day at school…"Your mom only has one eye?!"and they taunted me.
I wished that my mom would just disappear from this world so I said to my mom,"Mom,why don't you have the other eye?!You're only going to make me a laughingstock.Why don't you just die?"My mom did not respond.I guess I felt a little bad,but at the same time,it felt good to think that I had said what I'd wanted to say all this time.Maybe it was because my mom hadn't punished me,but I didn't think that I had hurt her feelings very badly.
That night…I woke up,and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.My mom was crying there,so quietly,as if she was afraid that she might wake me.I took a look at her,and then turned away.Because of the thing I had said to her earlier,there was something pinching at me in the corner of my heart.Even so,I hated my mother who was crying out of her one eye.So I told myself that I would grow up and become successful,because I hated my one-eyed mom and our desperate poverty.
Then I studied really hard.I left my mother and came to Seoul and studied,and got accepted in the Seoul University with all the confidence I had.Then,I got married.I bought a house of my own.Then I had kids,too.Now I'm living happily as a successful man.I like it here because it's a place that doesn't remind me of my mom.
This happiness was getting bigger and bigger,when someone unexpected came to see me"What?!Who's this?!"It was my mother…Still with her one eye.It felt as if the whole sky was falling apart on me.My little girl ran away,scared of my mom's eye.
And I asked her,"Who are you?I don't know you!!"as if I tried to make that real.I screamed at her"How dare you come to my house and scare my daughter!Get out of here now!!"And to this,my mother quietly answered,"oh,I'm so sorry.I may have gotten the wrong address,"and she disappeared.Thank goodness…she doesn't recognize me.I was quite relieved.I told myself that I wasn't going to care,or think about this for the rest of my life.
Then a wave of relief came upon me…one day,a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house.I lied to my wife saying that I was going on a business trip.After the reunion,I went down to the old shack,that I used to call a house…just out of curiosity there,I found my mother fallen on the cold ground.But I did not shed a single tear.She had a piece of paper in her hand….it was a letter to me.
She wrote:
My son,I think my life has been long enough now.And…I won't visit Seoul anymore…but would it be too much to ask if I wanted you to come visit me once in a while?I miss you so much.And I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion.But I decided not to go to the school….For you…I'm sorry that I only have one eye,and I was an embarrassment for you.You see,when you were very little,you got into an accident,and lost your eye.As a mother,I couldn't stand watching you having to grow up with only one eye…so I gave you mine…I was so proud of my son that was seeing a whole new world for me,in my place,with that eye.I was never upset at you for anything you did.The couple times that you were angry with me.I thought to myself,‘it's because he loves me.'I miss the times when you were still young around me.I miss you so much.I love you.You mean the world to me.
My World Shattered.I hated the person who only lived for me.I cried for My Mother,I didn't know of any way that will make up for my worst deeds…

66.After the writer said to his mom,"You're only going to make me a laughingstock.Why don't   you just die?"the writerD.
A.felt guilty for his cruelty to his mother
B.was relaxed because he had said what he had wanted to say
C.was frightened in case his mother punished him
D.had a complicated feeling for what he had done to his mother
67.What's the main reason making the writer study really hard?C
A.His eagerness to go to a big city
B.His dream to make a fortune
C.Leaving his mother immediately
D.Further study to get a higher education
68.From Paragraph 6we can learn thatC.
A.the writer's mother was too old to remember his address in Seoul
B.the writer didn't recognize his mother at first sight
C.the writer pretended not know this woman,his mother
D.the writer's daughter was scared by what he said to his mother
69.Which of the following can best describe the writer's feeling after he read the letter from his mother?A
A.disappointed and grateful              
B.regretful and desperate
C.amazed and anxious                  
D.frustrated and upset
70.The underlined word"shattered"in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to"A"
A.broke down      
B.went through     
C.set off     
D.took apart.
10.What is the single largest cause of sick leave in the UK?The answer is not the common cold or flu,but back pain.Back pain affects one in three British adults,costs the country over 5 billion pounds every year and is very difficult to treat.But now Britain's National Health Service(NHS)will be offering a new solution:acupuncture.The ancient Chinese needle therapy(疗法)has been around in the UK for many years,but this is the first time it has been officially approved by the NHS's advisory body,the National Institute for Clinical Excellence(NICE).
Traditionally,doctors in the UK have advised back pain sufferers to stay active,do stretching exercises and take painkillers when necessary and in more serious cases some people are given X-ra y treatment or injections with therapeutic substances.
NICE,however,say there is evidence that acupuncture may be more effective than expensive X-rays or injections,so patients who have been suffering for over six weeks should be given a choice.As an alternative to acupuncture,patients will be able to choose for either a course of spinal manipulation(脊柱推拿术),or a series of special exerci se sessions.In the UK,acupuncture is classed as a complementary therapy,which is the term given to a medical procedure which hasn't received the strict trials by which scientists prove some treatments work.
While many experts have welcomed the move to make acupuncture available on the NHS,some are still doubtful about its effectiveness.Research from the US earlier this month found that using toothpicks could be as good as using real needles.So while some are yet to be convinced,back pain sufferers will be hoping that acupuncture helps get them feeling healthy and mobile again.Employers,on the other hand,will be hoping it gets them back to work.
32.What can we learn from the first paragraph?B
A.The British have come to know acupuncture recently.
B.About thirty percent of the British suffer from back pain.
C.NICE has been arguing against Chinese needle therapy.
D.The British ask for sick leave mostly because of cold or flu.
33.The traditional ways to treat back pain in the UK includeC.
A.staying in bed for rest     
B.Chinese needle therapy
C.receiving X-ray treatment  
D.avoiding physical exercises
34.In treating back pain,acupunctureA.
A.may cost less than X-rays               
B.works surely better than injections
C.has gone through strict scientific tests    
D.will replace the traditional ways in the UK
35.What do experts think of acupuncture?D
A.They think highly of it.               
B.Most of them are against it.
C.Few recognize its usefulness.      
D.They differ on its effectiveness.
4.Will it matter if you don't take your breakfast?Recently a test was given in the United States.Those tested included people of different ages,from 12 to 83.During the experiment,these people were given all kinds of breakfasts,and sometimes they got no breakfast at all.Special tests were set up to see how well their bodies worked when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast.The results showed that if a person eats a proper breakfast,he or she will work with better effect than if he or she has no breakfast.This fact appears to be especially true if a person works with his brains.If a student eats fruit,eggs,bread and milk before going to school,he will learn more quickly and listen with more attention in class.Contrary to what many people believe,if you don't eat breakfast,you will not lose weight.This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch,and end up gaining some weight instead of losing some.You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.
21.During the test,those who were tested were givenD.
A.no breakfast at all              
B.a very rich breakfast
C.little food for breakfast        
D.different breakfasts or none
22. The results of the test showed thatA.
A.breakfast has a great effect on work and study
B.breakfast has little to do with a person's work
C.a person w ill work better if he has a simple breakfast
D.those working with brains should have a lot for breakfast
23. The passage infers that many people believe that if you don't eat breakfast,you willA.
A.lose weight              
B.not lose or gain weight
C.be healthier              
D.gain a lot of weight
24. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?C
A.Poor breakfasts affect those who work with their brains.
B.Having no breakfast may cause one to get fatter.
C.Having a big lunch and supper is of great value in weight-losing.
D.Eating less for lunch and supper may help to lose weight.

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