
A father is very worried about his son, acts like a coward. So his father paid a visit to the master and (ask) him to train his son.
The master said, “I promise I'll be able to train your child into real man in three months.”
Three months later, his father came (pick) the child. The master arranged a match the child and his coach to show the three-month training result.
At Round One, the child was knocked down and fell to the ground. He stood up to meet the challenge. But he was knocked down again, and once again he stood up to fight... this (repeat) six times.
The master asked his father, “Do you think your child's (perform) is that of a man?” The father said, “I feel ashamed for ! I never expected that he would be so weak after three (month) training.” The master said, “I don't agree with you, and I regret you only see the surface of things. You have not seen the courage and perseverance in your son. This is the very spirit of a man!”

【答案】who;asked;a;to pick;between;was repeated;performance;him;months';that
【解析】1. 先行词是his son,空格后面的从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词who引导定语从句.
2. 所填词在句中作谓语,又空格前一分句谓语为一般过去时,故本空应填一般过去式asked。
4. 不定式作状语表目的。
5. 该空填between,指孩子和他的教练之间的比赛。
6. 所填词在句中作谓语,表过去的动作,且repeat与this为被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,填was repeated。
7. 根据句意“你认为你孩子的表现不是一个男人的表现吗?”及名词所有格后面应接名词的用法可知该空填perform的名词形式performance“表现;表演”。
8. 这个父亲说“我为他而感到羞耻”,该空填宾格代词him,指代the child。
9. 三个月的训练应表达为three months' training。
10. 空格及后面的从句作动词regret的宾语,从句在句意及结构上均完整,故用that引导宾语从句。


A. Give more aid to weak schools.
B. Children should share the same educational rights.
C. Heavy load is supposed to be taken off the students’ shoulders.
D. Bring the industrial management of education to an end.
E. Balanced education may stop school choice.
F. Key schools and classes are unreasonable.
Education should be intended to make better citizens instead of making money. Money can be earned by starting business. It's time to abolish(废除,消灭) the industrialized education so that all the people can benefit from real education.
Concrete(具体的) measures should be taken to lessen the students’ heavy burden. Not empty talks but concrete and solid policies can make sure all the students grow soundly.
My parents are farmer-turned workers. I think we should be treated equally with the local children. We should have equal chance to go to both the local public schools and take the national college entrance exam rather than go back to our native places.
School choice has become a serious educational problem. To solve this problem, we must stick to the balanced development. The government should offer more support to weak schools and have all the teachers exchange their work among all the schools.
The government's unwillingness to spend enough money on education makes key schools turn to parents for money to build new buildings and increase teachers’ income, widening the gap between key schools and common schools. Therefore, in order to realize the balance of education, the government should offer more help to weak schools.

In early October, thousands of people around the globe stepped outside to gaze at their local night sky. As part of an event called the Great World Wide Star Count, adults and kids looked for one of two constellations (星座) — Cygnus in the Northern Hemisphere and Sagittarius in the Southern Hemisphere. The observers recorded how many stars they saw and how bright the stars were, and then posted their results online.
The Star Count was part of a global effort to help scientists learn more about how light pollution affects our view of the night sky. Whether participants saw thousands of stars — or just a dozen — depended a lot on whether they were surrounded by darkness or by twinkling city lights.
On a clear night, with no clouds, moonlight, or artificial lights to block the view, people can see more than 14,000 stars in the sky, but when people are surrounded by city lights they're lucky to see 150 stars.
If you've ever driven toward a big city at night and seen its glow from afar, you've witnessed light pollution. It occurs when light from streetlights, office buildings, signs, and other sources streams into space and illuminates the night sky. This light makes many stars invisible to people on earth.
Dust and particles of pollution from factories and industries worsen the effects of light pollution. When these particles float into the atmosphere, light ricochets (跳飞) off of them and scatters even more.
Light pollution doesn't only affect star visibility. It can harm wildlife too. Scientists don't entirely understand how animals navigate at night, but it's clear that artificial light can attract them, making them go off course. There's increasing evidence, for example, that migrating birds use sunsets and sunrises to help find their way.
(1)Why do many people look at the local sky?
A.To enjoy the beauty of the stars.
B.To develop their interest in Astronomy.
C.To help scientists do a research on light pollution.
D.To get the exact number of stars in the sky.
(2)When people are surrounded by artificial lights, ________.
A.they can find more stars in the sky
B.the stars might appear more clearly
C.the stars seem to be bigger
D.they can find far fewer stars
(3)The following things make light pollution worse EXCEPT ________.
A.artificial lights
(4)How does light pollution affect birds?
A.It does great harm to their eyes at night.
B.It misleads them the way when they migrate.
C.It can enable them to see their routes clearly.
D.It can make them find their way easily.

UNICEF says more than 3,700 children across West Africa have lost one or both parents to Ebola. Doctors Without Borders Axelle Vandoornick said, “The growing number of Ebola orphans is a crisis of its own. There are many orphans. This is again when we talk about crisis in a crisis; this is one of the consequences at a social level. There are more and more orphans.”
Child care services in Sierra Leone are almost non-existent. Ministry of Health Social Services officer Doris Mansare is in charge of running Kailahun's first Ebola orphanage. She said, “It's difficult for us to find family members, so this short-term care center was established to basically insure that we get the children from the treatment center, those that are cured from the Ebola virus and also those that are with their parents, but then are negative. We bring them to the short-term care center for three or four days, then they are reunited with family members at their separate locations. These three siblings were living alone after both parents died of Ebola. Their village rejected them. We have children who are unaccompanied and living alone in their family home, about 50 of such children, who are living alone.”
Vandoornick said. “It can be hard to find surviving family. Ebola is wiping out entire families because the infection inside the families is the highest. A mother kissing her child, a father taking his daughter in his arms, and when you have one suspected case in one family, soon after we have basically all members of the family.”
The fate of many of these children is unclear. Some of their parents are still sick, kept in isolation at one of Sierra Leone's Ebola case management centers. Doris Mansare said she hopes the new center will help the growing number of orphans, but she worries about their future. “We are having more orphans, more unaccompanied children and children will become vulnerable in the future; some will not be able to cope with the care givers where we place them, and what can happen is that it will lead to other child protection issues like they becoming street children,” said Doris Mansare. Vandoornick hopes there will be many child care centers set up across Sierra Leone.
(1)What’s the best title of this passage?
A.The Children in West Africa.
B.The Orphans in West Africa.
C.The Children Suffered from Ebola in West Africa.
D.Ebola in West Africa.
(2)What do you think of child care services in Sierra Leone?
A.They are helpful.
B.They are considerate.
C.They are in good condition.
D.They are in bad condition.
(3)The meaning of the underlined word siblings in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to____________.
A.brothers and sisters
B.brothers or sisters
(4)What is the fate of the children suffered from Ebola in West Africa?
A.They have a bright future.
B.They have an uncertain future.
C.They are isolated.
D.They are promising.
(5)What does Vandoornick hope to do for the children suffered from Ebola in West Africa?
A.Donating more money.
B.Setting up more child care centers.
C.Adopting the children.
D.Finding their parents.

Women who own cats are more likely to have mental health problems and kill themselves because they can be infected by a common parasite that can be caught from cat litter, a study has found.
Researchers found women infected with the Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) parasite(刚地弓形虫), which is spread through contact with cat waste or eating undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables, are at increased risk of attempting suicide.
The study involved more than 45,000 women in Denmark. About a third of the world's population is infected with the parasite, which hides in cells in the brain and muscles, often without producing symptoms.
The infection, which is called toxoplasmosis(弓形虫病), has been linked to mental illness, such as schizophrenia(精神分裂症), and changes in behavior.
The study's senior author Doctor Teodor Postolache, an associate professor of psychiatry(精神病学) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in the United States, said, “We can't say with certainty that T. gondii caused the women to try to kill themselves, but we did find a predictive association between the infection and suicide attempts later in life that deserves additional studies.”
Doctor Albert Reece, vice president of medical affairs at the University of Maryland, said, “T. gondii infection is a major public health problem around the world, and many people don't realize they're infected.
“Dr Postolache is a leading expert on suicide neuroimmunology(神经免疫学). Suicide is a critically important mental health issue. About one million people commit suicide and another 10 million attempt suicide worldwide each year. We hope that this type of research will one day help us find ways to save many lives that now end too early in suicide.”
Dr. Postolache's research team at the University of Maryland was the first to report a connection between T. gondii and suicidal behavior in 2009. He is cooperating with researchers in Denmark, Germany and Sweden to confirm and investigate the way leading to this association.
The T. gondii parasite thrives in the intestines of cats, and it is spread through their waste. All warm-blooded animals can become infected through contact with it. Humans can become infected by changing their infected cats' litter boxes, eating unwashed vegetables, drinking water from a polluted source, or by eating undercooked or raw meat.
Not washing kitchen knives after preparing raw meat before handling another food item also can lead to infection. Pregnant women can pass the parasite directly to their unborn babies and are advised not to change cat litter boxes to avoid possible infection.
Babies don't produce antibodies to T. gondii for three months after they are born, so the antibodies present in their blood represented infection in the mothers. The scientists studied Danish health patients to determine if any of these women later attempted suicide, including cases of violent suicide attempts which may have involved guns, sharp instruments and jumping from high places.
The study found that women infected with T. gondii were one and a half times more likely to attempt suicide compared to those who were not infected, and the risk seemed to rise with increasing levels of the T. gondii antibodies.
Dr Postolache noted limitations to the study, such as the inability to determine the cause of the suicidal behavior.
The findings were published online in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
(1)The objects of the research are women from _____.
B.the USA
(2)The common way which is more likely to be infected with the disease is _____.
A.to eat unwashed vegetables or undercooked meat
B.to clean a place where a cat once lived for a time
C.to pass the infection to her unborn baby during a woman's pregnancy
D.to reuse kitchen tools which have been used to cut raw meat
(3)What is the consequence if a woman is infected with the parasite in the passage?
A.Having a high fever.
B.Doing deliberate self-harm.
C.Keeping a depressed mood.
D.Becoming bad tempered.
(4)What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Women have a higher risk to be infected by the parasite than men.
B.The result of the research may help the scientists to find ways to stop suicide in advance.
C.The scientists will continue their research into the possible connection.
D.The risk of being infected seems to rise with the decreasing levels of the antibodies.
(5)Which of the following statements would probably be the best title of the passage?
A.Why are women more likely to commit suicide?
B.Women should keep away from cats.
C.Ways found to deal with women's mental problems.
D.Are women who own cats at a suicide risk?

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