

1. Since 1965, the m_________ leaf has been the centerpiece of the National Flag of Canada.

   2. When the white liquid was m ________ with water, it became blue at once.

   3. Wal-Mart has many chain stores all over the world and you may find one w______ a short

      walk along a busy street in any big city.

   4. There are seven c ______ in the world, of which Asia is the largest.

   5. There are many tall trees in our city, some m ________ over 20 meters.

   6. At daybreak, our ship entered Shanghai __________ ( 海港 ).

   7. I like sitting on the top of the hill watching the fields in the ____________ (在远处 ).

   8. Some people are t____________( 恐惧的) of heights, so they dare not climb high.

   9. The news that there are some people who have died of A/ H1N1 has been ______(确认).

   10. Our school lies in the suburbs, and many students like to go _________( 往市区) to buy what they need.

1. maple        2. mixed      3. within       4. continents       5. measuring   

6. Harbour      7. distance     8. terrified      9. confirmed      10. downtown


       If you don’t have a college degree, you’re at greater risk of developing memory problems or even Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆). Education plays a key role in lifelong memory performance and risk for mental disorder, and it's well documented that those with a college degree possess a cognitive(认知的) advantage over their less educated counterparts in middle and old age.

       Now, a large national study from Brandeis University published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry shows that those with less schooling can significantly make up for poorer education by frequently engaging in mental exercises such as word games, puzzles, reading, and lectures.

       “The lifelong benefits of higher education for memory in later life are quite impressive, but we do not clearly understand how and why these effects last so long,” said lead author Margie Lachman, a psychologist. She suggested that higher education may encourage lifelong interest in cognitive efforts, while those with less education may not engage as frequently in mental exercises that help keep the memory agile (敏捷地).

       But education early in adulthood does not appear to be the only route to maintain your memory. The study found that intellectual activities undertaken regularly made a difference. “Among individuals with low education, those who are engaged in reading, writing, attending lectures, doing word games or puzzles once a week or more had memory scores similar to people with more education,” said Lachman.

       The study, called Midlife in the United States, assessed 3,343 men and women between the ages of 32 and 84 with a mean age of 56 years. Almost 40 percent of the participants had at least a 4-year college degree. The researchers evaluated how the participants performed in two cognitive areas, verbal memory and executive function --- brain processes involved in planning, abstract thinking and cognitive flexibility. Participants were given a battery of tests, including tests of verbal fluency, word recall, and backward counting.

       As expected, those with higher education said they engaged in cognitive activities more often and also did better on the memory tests, but some with lower education also did well, explained Lachman.

       “The findings are promising because they suggest there may be ways to level the playing field for those with lower educational achievement, and protect those at greatest risk for memory declines,” said Lachman. “Although we can not rule out the possibility that those who have better memories are the ones who take on more activities, the evidence is consistent with cognitive plasticity (可塑性), and suggests some degree of personal control over cognitive functioning in adulthood by adopting an intellectually active lifestyle.”

57. What is the text mainly about?

       A. Higher education has a better cognitive advantage.

       B. Better memories result from college degree.

       C. Cognitive activity does a mind good.

       D. Poor education has more risk of memory declines.

58. According to the result of Margie Lachman’s study, we can conclude that ________.

      A. education is responsible for the lifelong memory performance and risk for mental disorder

      B. education early in adulthood can be the only route to maintain your memory

      C. those with higher education did better on the memory tests than those with lower education

      D. an intellectually active lifestyle does help to maintain your memory

59. What do we know about the study called Midlife?

      A. Participants each were given a battery to test their memory.

      B. The average age of the participants are 56 years old.

      C. Participants had to perform in one of the two cognitive areas.

      D. One in four of the participants had a 4-year college degree.

60. Why are the findings of the Lachman’s study promising?

      A. The lower educated may have the same opportunities to keep up memory.

      B. We may have ways to cure the people who have memory declines.

      C. Adopting a different lifestyle can control over cognitive functioning.

      D. We can find out the possibility to have better memories.


      "If you're busy preparing for your job interview now, you could learn a lot by watching this show," says Joe Turner.

    Mr. Turner says American Idol (美国偶像) has many lessons to teach an employee about making an impression in a job interview, especially selling your strengths and skills.

    To win on American Idol, "you don't have to be the best singer, just the most memorable singer," he said. "Same for the job interview — you don't have to be the best employee with the top skills, but you do have to be the most memorable employee worth being hired."

    The No.1 thing in an interview and a job search is knowing your audience. For American Idol competitors, the judges and voting (投票的) public are the audience; for job hunters, it's the hiring manager.

    Just as talented American Idol competitors lack confidence when singing the wrong song, job hunters can fail to be chosen when they fail to present their skills according to the employer's needs.

    "Difference" is how Mr. Turner describes the way American Idol competitors stand out among singers who may be equally good.

    In the real world, the right skills, education and experience still make one's ability different or memorable.  But it's important for the job hunter to present "something special" that he or she has to offer.

    A recent survey suggests that managers often sense whether they'll hire someone within minutes after the first handshake. Just as an Idol competitor prepares for performances, a job hunter should prepare carefully to make the first good impression.

    Job hunters also can learn from past American Idol winners who proved an ability to recover from setbacks. If they can take feedback (反馈), make improvements and make sure they're better prepared the next go-round, that will pay off eventually.

72. The purpose of the passage is _________.

    A. to persuade readers to take part in American Idol

    B. to praise the winners of American Idol

    C. to advertise for American Idol

    D. to tell job hunters what they can learn from American Idol

73. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

    A. if a job hunter fails to be chosen for one job, he or she will never succeed

    B. job hunters should distinguish themselves from other applicants when interviewing

    C. the skills, education and experience are the keys to your success

    D. an American Idol competitor is never the same as a job hunter

74. The underlined word "setbacks" in the last paragraph means __________.

    A. failures                    B. successes

    C. performances               D. advantages

75. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage ?

    A. The reason that you are planning to change your job.

    B. The best singer may not win on American Idol.

    C. An employer may have the opinion on a job hunter within minutes.

D. How an American Idol competitor can stand out among singers.         

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