
5.Ever since he fell ill,Peter ________ a fever day and night,worried that he's been infected with the Ebola virus.(  )
A.suffered fromB.has suffered from
C.suffers fromD.were suffering from

分析 自从生病,彼得就日夜发烧,担心自己感染了埃博拉病毒.

解答 答案是B.本题考查现在完成时;题干中的 ever since(自从)表示"自从过去某一时间起到现在",是现在完成时的标志词,since从句中用过去时,主句中必须用现在完成时;故选B.

点评 对时态的选择,要在把握时态的基本用法的基础上,根据具体语境和题干中的时间推断时态,同时关注特殊的结构.

15.Any car accident is frightening,but an accident in which your vehicle is thrown into the water,with you trapped inside,is absolutely terrifying.(36)DHowever,most deaths result from panic,without a plan or understanding what is happening to the car in the water.By adopting a brace(支撑) position,acting decisively and getting out fast,you can save yourself from a sinking vehicle.
Brace yourself for impact (撞击力).As soon as you're aware that you're going off the road and into a body of water,adopt a brace position.The impact could set off the airbag system in your vehicle,so you should place both hands on the steering wheel in the"ten and two"position.
Undo your seatbelt.(37)FUnbuckle the children,starting with the oldest first.Forget the cell phone call.Your car isn't going to wait for you to make the call.
(38)ALeave the door alone at this stage and concentrate on the window.A car's electrical system should work for up to three minutes in water,so try the method of opening it electronically first.Many people don't think about the window as an escape option either because of panic or misinformation about doors and sinking.
Break the window.If you aren't able to open the window,or it only opens halfway,you'll need to break it with an object or your foot.It may feel counter-intuitive (有悖常理的) to let water into the car.
Escape when the car has equalized.If it has reached the dramatic stage where the car cabin has been filled with water and it has become balanced,you must move quickly and effectively to ensure your survival. (40)CWhile there is still air in the car,take slow,deep breaths and focus on what you're doing.

A.Open the window as soon as you hit the water.
B.Surviving a sinking car is not as difficult as you think.
C.It takes 60 to 120 seconds for a car to fill up with water usually.
D.Such accidents are particularly dangerous to the risk of drowning.
E.In conclusion,if you know what to do in the water,you will be safe.
F.This is the first thing to attend to,yet it often gets forgotten in the panic.
G.But the sooner the window is open,the sooner you can escape directly through it.
16.1A narrow escape from death can actually improve a person's view on life.That,at least,was one of the major findings of a study of some 200 people who come close to dying.Some had come through heart attack; some had fallen and come close to drowning or survived a terrible car wreck,yet despite the variety of circumstances,they reported strikingly similar reactions to their experiences.
Perhaps most surprisingly,many said they were less frightened of death now than they were before.Like most people,before their near-death incidents,many had thought death would be painful,the ultimate horror-but they didn't find it was.
Surviving a nearly fatal experience also gave many people a sense of invulnerability(不会受伤害)that made them feel special and even religious.Several believed they had been saved because they were to fulfill some special mission in the remainder of their lives.
Perhaps not so surprisingly,these survivors also reported an increased enthusiasm for life and a determination to enjoy life more.
A few of the survivors did report negative reactions to their experience.A dozen said they felt more vulnerable(脆弱的),and some even felt a sense of helplessness and a loss of control over their lives.Some had become phobic about activities associated with the accident; for example,several said they could no longer swim for fear of drowning.
Yet most of those interviewees said they came away with a strong sense of renewal or rebirth.In studying their reactions researchers have concluded that these people have come to understand the relationship of life and death better and more intimately than most of us,they have come to understand how life is actually defined by death.Life is given meaning by the fact that it will end someday.
51.From the passage,we can infer that the effects of near-death experiences on the survivors'lifeC.
A.differ due to the variety of circumstances         
B.vary greatly from person to person
C.are mostly positive in terms of their view on life   
D.are neither positive nor negative
52.Which effect of the near-death experience was the one that people had seldom expected?B
A.Some people became easier to get hurt.
B.Some people did not worry too much about death any more.
C.Some people paid more attention to the value of life.
D.Some people tended to be too pessimistic about death.
53.The positive effect of near-death experience was thatA.
A.some people loved life better because they realized its new meaning
B.some people felt a sense of helplessness
C.some people felt a loss of control over their lives
D.some people wanted to seek extreme happiness because they knew life was too limited
54.The word"phobic"(in paragraph 5)most probably meansD.
A.very careful B.very casual C.very curious D.very fearful
55.Which of the following can best express the idea of this passage?B
A.How to Improve a Person's View on Life.
B.The Effects of Near-Death Experience.
C.Is Death Really Horrible?
D.Near-Death Accidents and their Survivors.
13.VISIONS Service AdventuresSince 1989,VISIONS has organized community service summer programs for teens.Live with other teens in a neighborhood of our host community; be more than a tourist.
High school students on the VISIONS Alaska community service program will earn 100 service hours doing meaningful summer projects including environmental work and social services.You will also experience amazing Alaska adventures such as backpacking climbing and more.
PROGRAM DATES July 3 to July 28
OUR HOME BASE Tetlin Village,a native village with rich traditions.
Student volunteers on the VISIONS British Virgin Islands (BVI)teen summer camp will receive 75 service hours working on housing and environmental issues.While not working,participants will explore the beautiful tropical (热带的) island and enjoy beach time among the activities.
PROGRAM DATES July 1 to July 22
OUR HOME BASE Tortola,the commercial center,capital,and large island of the BVI.
Teens on the VISIONS Cambodia summer community service program will experience a society that is in a state of rebuilding.High school students earn 80service hours doing projects including construction.While working,you will be able to take in the beautiful war memorials,local art markets and.ancient temples.
PROGRAM DATES July 2 to July 26
OUR HOME BASE Battambang,a perfect place for exploring traditional Cambodia.
Teen volunteers participating in the Ecuador program will have the opportunity to practice Spanish with local partners while working on projects that involve learning construction skills.A visit to the Galapagos with time to take in the beautiful environment and swim with sea lions is included.The program provides volunteers with 85 service hours.
PROGRAM DATES July 1 to July 26
OUR HOME BASE Patate,home to about 15,000people in central Ecuador's Tungurahua Province.

21.If you only have a 24-day vacation,you can join the program that is held inC.
A.Cambodia  B.Ecuador  C.the BVI  D.Alaska
22.What can you do the Cambodia summer community service program?A
A.Go to art markets.
B.Play on the beach.
C.Harvest food crops.
D.Repair old temples.
23.What can we learn about VISIONS community service summer program?D
A.Participants should have some construction skills.
B.Participants have to find their own accommodations.
C.They aim at teaching teens to preserve local tradition.
D.They include public Services and recreational activities.

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