
1.One evening,I came across one of my son's papers with a failing grade.I almost started to yell his name(74)whenI suddenly remembered he was in bed asleep.It was his(75)ninth(nine) year of school and his academic career seemed to be in ruins,so I was full of anger.But I put the paper aside and turned to the(76)other/nextone,at the top of which were written"My dad".It was a poem about me,(77)which included the time I had to leave work to take him to the hospital because he had broken his finger.So careless was I(78)thatI had forgotten all about that.He talked about how I wrestled with him in the evenings and a good many other things.That paper was suddenly not nearly as important as it(79)had been(be) a few minutes before.I don't know if he planned the poem next to the failing grade (80)to soften(soften) the below,but it worked.Instead of(81)asevere lecture,I talked to him about the poem as well as the(82)failed(fail) homework,and it began to make sense to me that I could include praise along(83)withconstructive criticism (批评).

分析 作者通过讲述自己由无意之中发现了儿子不及格的考试成绩变得勃然大怒到读到儿子写给他的一首诗变冷静的这一过程,旨在表达了自己从中所受到的启发,即:对待孩子,不能一味的批评,应将表扬连同建设性的批评结合起来.

解答 答案:
74.when    考查从属连词    本句的意思是:我就要开始大喊他的名字时,突然我想起他已经在床上睡着了;此处的意思是"这时;突然",故用连词when.
75.ninth     考查序数词    此处用来修饰单数名词year,指的是在校学习的第九年;故用序数词ninth.        
76.other/next    考查句意理解  本句的意思是:但我把试卷放在了一边,转向了上面写着"我的爸爸"的另一张/下一张纸;此处指的是:另外一张/下一张;故用other/next.
77.which    考查关系代词   本句为非限定性的定语从句;关系代词在从句中作主语,指代的是前面的先行词 a poem(表示物);故用关系代词which.
78.that    考查固定搭配    so…that意为:如此…以至于;本句的意思是:我是如此地粗心以至于关于那件事我已经全忘了;故用that.
79.had been   考查过去完成时    根据句中的时间状语"a few minutes before"可知,此处表示发生在过去之前的动作,应使用过去完成时;故用 had been.         
80.to soften     考查动词不定式    此处在句中作目的状语,表示尚未发生的动作,应使用动词不定式;故用to soften.
81.a    考查不定冠词    此处用在单数名词 lecture之前,表示泛指:一次严厉的训斥;故用a.
82.failed   考查过去分词   此处在句中作定语,修饰名词homework,意为:不及格的作业;由于动词fail与该名词构成了被动关系,表示已完成的动作,因此这里应使用过去分词;故用failed.   
83.with   考查介词词组   本句的意思是:我开始意识到我可以将表扬连同建设性的批评结合起来;其中的介词词组along with意为:连同…一起;通常在句中作状语,故用with.

点评 本题主要考查了各种语法在短文中的具体运用.做本题时,需要在正确理解短文的前提下,逐句分析句意以及所考查到的语法现象;因此在平时的学习中,应熟练掌握各种语法知识,其中包括词法,句法,各种时态语态以及虚拟语气等.

11.An old man was fishing by a river.A child was watching him.The old man was really good at fishing and it didn't take him much time to catch a basket of fish.The old man saw that the child was very cute,and he wanted to give her a whole basket of fish.But the child shook her head.
The old man was surprised and asked"Why don't you want the fish?"
The child replied,"I want the fishing rod(竿)in your hands."The old man asked,"Why do you want the rod?"
"It won't take long to eat all the fish in the basket.But if I have the fishing rod,I can go fishing by myself and I won't be afraid of not having any fish to eat."
I think you will certainly say that the girl is very smart.Wrong!If she doesn't know how to fish,she cannot have fish to eat,even though she has the fishing rod.It's useless to only have a fishing rod.Fishing skills are the most important,not the fishing rod.
Too many people think that if they have a"fishing rod"in their life,they will no longer fear the difficulties in life.They are just like the child,who thought that if she had a fishing rod,she would have fish to eat.
56.What was the child doing when the old man was fishing?C
A.She was talking with him.
B.She was playing by the river.
C.She was watching the old man.
D.She was helping the old man.
57.Where did the old man put the fish?A
A.In a basket.
B.In a bag.
C.In a glass.
D.In a box.
58.Why did the child refuse to get the fish?A
A.Because she wanted the old man's fishing rod.
B.Because the fish was not enough.
C.Because she didn't like eating fish.
D.Because the fish was too small.
59.The writer thinks the child isD.
60.The story mainly tells usD.
A.the"fishing rod"is harder to get than"fishing skills"
B.if we have a fishing rod,we'll have a lot of fish to eat
C.if we have a"fishing rod",we won't have to fear anything
D."fishing skills"are more important than the"fishing rod"in life.
11.Social worker Cathy Heying noticed a growing tendency among the homeless and unemployed people she served for nearly a decade at St.Stephen's Catholic Church in Minneapolis."At least twice a week,someone would mention car trouble as a reason for missing a job interview or not getting the kids to day care,"says Cathy,44."I thought if I could offer car repairs,I could prevent these problems."So in December 2012,with little more automotive experience than making small changes to improve her own motorcycle,Cathy signed up for a mechanics(机械学)program.After two years of taking a full-time course,Cathy obtained a part-time degree in auto technology from Dunwoody College of Technology.
Then she opened the Lift,a nonprofit garage offering affordable car repair for needy people."I had no mechanics,no volunteers,and only a few tools,"says Cathy.She operated from a partly closed area in a friend's garage.But she made itwork.
One of Cathy's first customers,Linda Granger,was unemployed when her social worker referred her to the Lift.Her 20-year-old pickup truck had a new heater,timing belt,and brakes fixed by Cathy and a volunteer for 600total,which Lindai spaying off in 20 monthly installments.The same repairs would have cost at least $1,800 at a typical garage.
"There's no way I could have afforded it otherwise,"says Linda.
"It's been a hard journey from social worker to mechanic,"says Cathy."But compared with other people's struggles,I have nothing to complain about."
21.What motivates Cathy Heying to open the Lift?A
A.The car trouble of the homeless and unemployed.
B.Ten years of hard work with poor people like her.
C.The growing tendency of more job interviews.
D.The joy of getting the kids to day care in her car.
22.The underlined"it"in Para.3 most probably refers toC.
A.a partly closed area                                  
B.a friend's garage
C.the Lift                                                   
D.free car repair
23.Linda's experience was mentioned in the passage to show thatB.
A.Cathy helped her fix the truck
B.the Lift did manage to help the needy
C.her truck did need a thorough repair
D.a typical garage cost 3 times as much
24.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?D
A.Free Car Repairs for All
B.Home to the Unemployed
C.Come for the Mechanics Program
D.She's Lifting Cars and Spirits.

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