
13.Is this the reason         he gave us for the delay of the project?(  )

分析 这就是他给我们的推迟这项计划的理由吗?

解答 答案:D
题干中he gave us for the delay of the project是修饰reason的一个定语从句;从句中give缺少宾语(give sb sth),要用关系代词.故选D.

点评 定语从句是用来修饰名词的形容词性从句,相当于一个形容词.连接定语从句的引导词分为关系代词和关系副词,关系代词在从句中要作主语或宾语;关系副词在从句中作状语.这也是选择关系词的一个判断方法.

4.Europe on Thursday launched the first satellite of its Copernicus Earth observation project that will supply valuable images in the event of natural disasters or even a plane crash.
     The Sentinel-la satellite,which was sent into Earth's orbit from Europe's spaceport in French Guiana9 will be used to monitor sea ice,oil spills and land use and to respond to emergencies such as floods and earthquakes.
The Copernicus proiect,for which the European Union and the-European Space Agency (ESA) have committed funding of around 8.4 billion euros (_$_11.5 billion) until 2020,is described by the _ESA as the most ambitious earth observation program  to date.
"The big step forward is that we can now cover every place on Earth every three to six days,"Volker Liebig,director of ESA's Earth Observation program,said ahead of the launch."If you want to use images for disaster management support or to find a plane,then you want the images to be as fresh as possible."But he cautioned you would first need to know roughly where a plane had crashed,which is not the case with the missing Malaysian Airlines jet.
    Copernicus also offers new business opportunities.Images can be downloaded free of charge,meaning companies can then use them to help deliver data to farmers on soil conditions or pest infestation,help oil companies decide where to drill new wells or make it easier for insurers to assess the risk of costly floods and fires.
     Sentinel-la,which will operate with a second satellite,Sentinel-1b,to be launched next year,has high-tech instrurnents that will allow it to record radar images of Earth's surface,even when the skies are cloudy or dark.As part of the Copernicus program,there will be 17 launches over the next decade.
61.For what purpose was the Sentinel-la satellite sent up into space?A
A.To improve observation of the earth.
B.To search for some missing planes.
C.To download free valuable images.
D.To predict floods and earthquakes.
62.What do we know about Copernicus Earth observation project,C?
A.It can cover every place on Earth at the same time.
B.It makes a profit by offering downloaded images.
C.It is financed by the European Union and ESA.
D:It has put two satellites into Earth's orbit successfully.
63.According to Volker Liebig,the Sentine-la satelliteB.
A.can locate the missing Malaysian Airlines jet
B.has advanced but limited functions
C.may cause some safety problems
D.doesn't work on cloudy days or at night
64.How does the Copernicus project benefit farmers?A
A.By supplying data on soil conditions.
B.By calculating the loss of costly floods.
C.By drilling oil wells in proper places.
D.By controlling the risk of potential fires.
65.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us about the Sentinel-1a satellite?D
A.Its operation
B.Its appearance
C.Its instruments
D.Its future.
8.Once many years ago,I pulled a family out of a burning car somewhere in Wyoming.Last week I received a telephone call from a woman who could not stop crying as she told me that one of my stories had saved her son from committing suicide.In closing she called me a hero.
That got me thinking about what a hero is.Was I a hero because I pulled a family from a burning car?If so,how could I be a hero just because I wrote a story that saved someone's life?
Today I looked up the word"hero"in the dictionary to see exactly what it meant.It read"a person who does something brave"and also"a person who is good and noble".
That statement impressed me more than the part about being brave.So I thought about something very important.And I remembered what happened to me years ago.
After my marriage of twenty years ended,I was in such a condition.I was within hours trying to get up enough courage to end the pain and misery.When I returned home,someone had sent me a card in the mail which told me how much they would appreciate me as a friend.That wonderful card probably saved my life.That person,without even knowing it,saved a life and became a hero.
The many stories I kept writing in the following years saved the life of a teenage boy.In turn that makes the person who sent me the card a double hero.I suppose that is why I fight so hard to help the children now living in orphanages (孤儿院).Most children come out of these institutions with a very hard and bitter attitude against the world.The gifts we send them let them know that they have not been forgotten.Hopefully,most of them will never hurt anyone because of the kindness shown to them by those of us who cared.If it works,we will also become"heroes".
56.The main idea of the passage isB
A.why the writer should be a hero     
B.what a hero exactly is
C.whether the writer is a hero             
D.that everyone is a hero
57.Why did the woman call the writer a hero at the end of the call?A
A.Because his story saved her son's life.
B.Because he saved a family from a burning car.
C.Because he asked her son not to kill himself.
D.Because he was cute and kind to everybody.
58.What does the underlined word"it"in the last sentence of Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.The wonderful card the writer received.
B.The action of sending the card.
C.The fact that the sender helped the writer.
D.The fact that the sender was a friend of the writer.
59.According to the writer,who can be considered as a hero?D
A.A person who is brave
B.A person who writes wonderful stories.
C.A person who can hold a door for others
D.A person who helps someone in trouble.
3.The Israeli farmers who pioneered the revolutionary technology known as drip irrigation weren't trying to solve  one of the world's most urgent problems.They were just trying to survive.They lived in the desert,and they didn't have enough water to grow their crops.
In its simplest form,it was little more than a pipe with holes in it.But behind each hole was a hi-tech dripper that let out just the fight amount of water.Snaked along a row of crops so that the holes were positioned directly above the roots,the pipe could direct each precious drop of water directly to the plants,getting a bigger harvest while using a very small amount of the water.
Over time,the farmers improved upon the technology,perfecting the drippers that regulated the flow of water,and connecting the pipelines to computers that could determine exactly how much water each plant needed and when.
If the global population kept growing,the rest of the world would increasingly resemble their little community in the desert.So they began selling their irrigation systems in other parts of the world,eventually expanding to more than 110countries.Netafirm,the company says it's lifting people out of poverty and conserving water at a time when the importance of doing so has never been clearer.
The mass adoption of drip irrigation won't save the world by itself.To avoid the coming catastrophe,nearly everybody will,in some way,have to do more with less,perhaps through accepting and using other new technologies.Otherwise,it's going to get ugly.

32.Why is drip irrigation called"the revolutionary technology"?C
A.It saves the world all by itself.    
B.It is controlled by computers.
C.It makes irrigation more effective.
D.It provides deserts with water.
33.What does"one of the world's most urgent problems"in Paragraph l refer to?A
A.Lacking water.  B.Lacking labor.    
C.Lacking food.   D.Lacking energy.
34.How does the drip irrigation help farmers with crops?B
A.By drilling holes on the pipes.    
B.By regulating water via drippers.
C.By snaking pipes along the crops.
D.By placing pipes just above roots.
35.Which of the following will be the best slogan for Netafirm to sell the irrigation systems?A
A.Less water;More harvest.    
B.New technology;New world.
C.More grain;Less starvation.
D.Water saving;World surviving.

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