
For most caffeine(咖啡因)consumers, its chief benefit is that it helps you get more done. This is what makes it unusual, says Stephen Braun, author of Buzz: The Science and Lore of Alcohol and Caffeine.

“Its appeal is that it helps us earn more money,” he adds. “What makes it different from other drugs is that it’s used as a productivity tool –– not for pleasure.”

Many of history’s creative minds have also been associated with a large amount of caffeine consumption.

According to one biographer, the French novelist and playwright Balzac drank as many as 50 cups of coffee a day. “Were it not for coffee one could not write, which is to say one could not live,” he once insisted.

For seven years, the film-maker David Lynch ate at the same Los Angeles diner every day, drinking up to seven sweetened cups of coffee “with lots of sugar” in one sitting, which he said would guarantee that “lots of ideas” arrived.

Ludwig van Beethoven was said to have painstakingly counted out exactly 60 coffee beans per cup when he brewed(煮)coffee.

Perhaps recent tales of caffeine excess featured the singer Robbie Williams, who reportedly consumed 36 cups of black coffee and 20 cans of Red Bull a day.

It is the routine task itself, as much as the stimulating(刺激的)effects of caffeine, that makes the process so important, says Mason Currey, author of Daily Rituals: How Artists Work. “A lot of artists use the process of making coffee as a gateway to the creative process,” he adds. “You need to get into the right mindset to do that sort of work, and the preparation process provides a focus.”

One problem with attempting to control caffeine, says Braun, is that it affects everyone differently –– it is impossible to work out a “safe” limit that works for everyone. “Eventually, you have to become your own scientist –– there isn’t an alternative to careful self-experimentation,” he says.

1.Stephen Braun mainly stresses caffeine’s _______.

A. creating ideas B. improving work efficiency

C. helping people to relax D. stimulating people

2.The examples of some famous people are given to show that _______.

A. most artists like drinking coffee

B. drinking coffee helps artists make more money

C. there’s a link between drinking coffee and creating ideas

D. drinking coffee makes artists become more successful

3.What leads to the artists’ creative process according to Mason Currey?

A. Getting a good mindset. B. Drinking the coffee.

C. Being lost in thought. D. Brewing the coffee.

4.What does Braun advise us to do in the end?

A. To drink less coffee.

B. Never to take more coffee than you need.

C. Never to limit caffeine use.

D. To work out a safe level of caffeine use.


I have two sons. They are as different as night and day. My youngest is sweet, loveable, easy-going, and finds joy in everything. My oldest we’ve nicknamed the “Evil Genius” is ambitious, self-confident, and suffers no fools.

Whenever we mentioned Santa my husband and I were rewarded with major eye rolling and deep sighs from my oldest. At first we both tried to ignore it.

We both knew that our eldest had figured out the big secret. But I’d be damned(指责) if he was going to ruin it for his six-year-old brother who had plenty of Santa-loving years ahead of him. I looked at my husband in the eye and said, “I’ll handle this.” to which he responded “Okay just be careful because I’m not sure he knows - he might just be acting like it.” But I knew. And I had it in my mind that he was about to break his younger brothers spirit and break the news to him. I was afraid he was going to take the Christmas spirit away from my sweet innocent youngest and stamp all over it. I had to protect him. I needed to control this now before it got out of control. I rushed into the play room where my oldest was playing alone. I looked him dead in the eyes and said: “Well you know Santa isn’t real, right?” And as I stared at my eight-year-old son for what seemed like a long time of silence, his eyes started to fill with tears. And a tear dropped down his cheek when he screamed out, “He’s not?”

“Um well it’s not that he’s not real (shut up you idiot- stop saying he’s not real), but he doesn’t really make and deliver all the toys. Dad and I get some of them for you. So he’s real. He’s just got a little help from us.”

The Evil Genius wasn’t buying it. He just sat there looking at me with an expression of doubt.

You know when you make a terrible mistake but you can’t stop yourself from making it worse? That was me because I just had to know. I had to know why he had seemed to be over Santa. So I asked him why he rolled his eyes and sighed every time his father and I mentioned Santa, to which he replied that kids at school had been saying Santa wasn't real but that he still thought he was.

1.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Two different sons

B. Santa secret given away

C. Protecting one, ruining the other

D. Making a mistake worse

2.What did the writer conclude when “Evil Genius” rolled his eyes and sighed?

A. “Evil Genius” had discovered Santa was not real.

B. “Evil Genius” had broken the secret to his younger brother.

C. “Evil Genius” had passed his Santa-loving years.

D. “Evil Genius” had been influenced by his classmates.

3.What does the underlined sentence mean in the passage?

A. “Evil Genius” refused to buy toys.

B. “Evil Genius” didn’t believe his mother’s words.

C. “Evil Genius” wanted to keep silent.

D. “Evil Genius” would not give away the secret.

4.What lesson can we learn from the story?

A. Lies can never change facts.

B. Honesty is the best policy.

C. No one is perfect.

D. We should think twice before we act.


There is a ton to love about college life: new friends, classes you may be thrilled about and new-found freedom. All of a sudden you could do whatever you want, whenever you want. _1.__You get homesick.

_2._ A new place, unfamiliar faces, an increased mental workload adding stress on top of it all can be a difficult pill to swallow. This is your first time away from your habitual setting, the first time away from home for an indefinite period of time.

Homesickness affects roughly 7% of higher education students. That’s a lot, and it’s also only the ones that have expressed some concern. __3.__ You aren’t the first, nor the last, nor the only one with these feelings. It’s completely natural, and to be expected.

Recognizing that there is something wrong is the first step. It can be difficult to call home or speak to an advisor about being homesick when everyone around you seems to be having the times of their lives. But remember the fact that there are a ton of others feeling the same way. __4.__.

Also, in the age of everyone being connected via Face book and texting, it can be easy to retreat behind a wall of technology to communicate. __5. It can reduce contact to the new atmosphere around them.

A. So what does this mean?

B. However, this may do more harm than good.

C. You are not alone, so don’t feel too upset.

D. It can give you a little helping hand to speak up.

E. But then something you don’t expect happens.

F. So here are a few things to help get over those blues.

G. Believe it or not, feeling homesick is completely normal for any college student.

There is a Web site called the “World Database of Happiness”. It combines and ____ the results of hundreds of surveys from around the world that have been conducted on life ____. Most of the findings are predictable, but a few are ____.

The database(数据库) makes it ____ that there is not a strong connection between material wealth and general contentment. It is a cliche(陈词滥调) to say that money ____ buy happiness, but the old saying seems to be ____ by research. Many people still stick to the belief that gaining riches will be the answer to all their problems, yet they are probably ____.

Studies have been ____ on people who acquired sudden wealth, such as lottery winners. In most cases, after the initial joy had ____, people were not left with a sense of lasting happiness. In fact, they ____ to return to the way they felt before they became rich.____ contented people continue to be contented,____ those who were miserable in the past sink back into misery.

If material wealth does not bring happiness, then ____ does? Perhaps happiness has something to do with ____ you live. The authorities at the World Database of Happiness have surveyed levels of happiness in different ____. Apparently, people in America, Canada, and Singapore are very happy; people living in India and Russia, not surprisingly, are not happy.

Other surveys consistently point to the importance of relationships. Family relationships,____, seem to be the key to long-term contentment. The Web site suggests that ____ in love and having children are two of the situations that bring the greatest happiness.

Nowadays people look to ____ as an alternative source of satisfaction. People increasingly spend more time alone watching TV or surfing the Internet ____ spending time with family. Can technology truly make people happy? It is too difficult to tell, but one thing is sure: If the Web site's research is ____, time spent with your family is a better investment than time spent making money.

1.A. collects B. uses C. adopts D. analyzes

2.A. satisfaction B. style C. condition D. level

3.A. concerning B. surprising C. Controversial D. Contradictory

4.A. real B. true C.clear D. actual

5.A. can B. may C. can't D. mustn't

6. A. carried B. served C. supported D. satisfied

7.A. foolish B. mistaken C. correct D. stupid

8.A. carried out B. carried away C. carried on D. carried off.

9.A. worn out B. worn off C. cut off. D. cut out

10.A. intend B. tend C. attain D. attend

11.A. Previously B. Especially C.Totally D. Actually

12.A. then B. but C. so D. while

13.A. when B. what C. who D. which

14. A. where B. how C. space D. place

15.A. cites B. countries C. towns D. sections

16.A. in fact B. in particular C.in surprise D. in all

17.A. dropping B. feeling C. falling D. stepping

18.A. entertainment B. information C. technology D. study

19.A. rather than B. or rather C. more than D. other than

20. A. accurate B. Adequate(充分的,适合的) C. reasonable D. Simple

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