







In my village a lot of children have left school for many different reason. Some families are so poor to send their children to school,but their kids have to earn money to support their families. There are also many parents which do not think it useful to send their children to school. They prefer to have their children do something else rather than to let them go to school.I feel worried this.I think every children should have the opportunity to receive education.And it is necessary of us to care about the children,because one day they will play a important part in the construction of our country.So ways must be found to stop children from leave off their studies.


LONDON---The International Table Tennies Federation(ITTF) plans to work with Bill Gates, the chairman of Microsoft Corporation, to promote(促进) table tennis in the United States, ITTF President

Adham Sharara said.

The plan was put forward after Gates came to London to watch the game between US teen player Ariel Hsing and Chinese Li Xiaoxia on Sunday, Sharara told Xinhua in an interview.

Sharara didn’t disclose the details, but said that Gates offered to help after watching Hsing’s match, in which the 16-year-old girl nearly pulled off one of the biggest upsets in Olympic table tennis history, pushing No. 2 seed Li to the limit before losing 4-2 in six tight sets.

“Gates was surprised to see the young American girl played so well. He asked me what he can do to help promote table tennis in the United States. I think we’ll work with him. If the United States becomes very strong in table tennis, it’s also good for China,” Sharara said.

Sharara said the case is a “good example” which shows that ITTF’s efforts in promoting the popularity. The ITTF has changed its rules for the London Games, allowing only two players from one nation to enter the singles events. Three players from each National Olympic Committee(NOC) were allowed to enter the singles in previous Games.

“The reason we do this is to help more NOCs to join in our game. If we give more chances to the top countries, someone like Hsing will not come to the Olympic Games. They have no chance. But if we give them the chance, we can see what they can do,” Sharara said.

Sharara said the change increased the pressure on strong teams, like China, Japan, South Korea and Germany. “But they understand now because they saw other NOCs attending. Some countries before had no chance to play in table tennis, but now they are joining in table tennis.”

Other changes made to the Olympic Games include the color of floor (from red to blue) and new table design. “As far as presentation is concerned, we try to change all the time, especially in the Olympic Games. We hope to give audiences something new, exciting and cool.”

Table tennis has long been the strengths of Asia, especially China. Since the sport was introduced into the Olympics in 1988, China has taken 20 of 24 gold medals available. Four years ago in Beijing, it claimed six medals in the men’s and women’s singles.

Talking about the development of table tennis, Sharara said, “China has the responsibility to promote the sport. Of course, China has done a lot.”

1.It is mainly reported in this news that in order to promote table tennis in the United States, _______.

A. ITTF will cooperate with Gates

B. Gates watched Hsing’s match

C. some rules have been changed

D. Hsing pushed Li Xiaoxia to the limit

2.What gave Gates more confidence to promote table tennis in the United States?

A. The Olympic spirits.

B. The popularity of table tennis.

C. Sharara’s patient persuasion.

D. Ariel Hsing’s wonderful performance.

3.Which of the following is ITTF’s purpose of making changes to the London Games?

A. To attract more local audience to the matches.

B. To prevent strong table tennis teams developing.

C. To promote the popularity of table tennis.

D. To give Asian teams chances to join in the match.

4.The following paragraph will most probably talk about_____________.

A. the table tennis rules B. Gate’s detailed plan

C. what China has done D. sports in the United States


My husband, my four-month-old daughter and I set out on a five-day driving journey from California to Washington. We had to stop frequently because our little child needed to stretch from the car seat.

One of our stops, once we crossed the Oregon border, was at a Black Bear Diner. Walking towards the front door we noticed a gentleman standing at one side. He was clearly untidy, without shoes and wearing worn clothing. We passed right by him and opened the restaurant door. Then something told me to go back.

Holding my daughter, I turned around and said to the gentleman, “Sir. Are you hungry?” He said, “Yes.” I then asked, “May we buy you something to eat?” He responded with, “Sure, I can order something myself.”

My husband opened the door and the gentleman went straight to the counter. I told him to order whatever he wanted. The manager of the restaurant came over quite quickly and looked frightened. I spoke before he had an opportunity to. “This gentleman will have lunch with us today,” I said. “Please add his order to our bill.” The manager said with a frown(皱眉), “Okay.” We turned to our table and the gentleman said, loudly and quickly, “Thank You!” We were seated and upon completing our meal we were handed our bill. I asked my husband what the gentleman had ordered. One fresh orange juice, one coffee, one breakfast combination with a side of hash browns.

When we left the restaurant I looked for the gentleman but didn’t see him, but that very small act just made my day. I hope in some small way we were able to add some joy to his life, even if only for a few minutes.

1. From the appearance of the gentleman, we can guess he was probably a(n) _____.

A. waiter B. actor C. beggar D. worker

2.The manager of the restaurant looked frightened because _____.

A. the man was not friendly

B. the man had stolen something from the restaurant

C. he had fired the man before

D. he was afraid the man wouldn’t afford to pay the food

3. From the passage, we can infer the man _____.

A. was thankful for their kind act

B. felt ashamed and went away

C. was hungry and ate a lot of food

D. was too proud to accept their offer

4. The phrase “made my day” in the last paragraph probably means ______.

A. wasted my money B. made me very happy

C. made me feel sorry D. moved me deeply

For most caffeine(咖啡因)consumers, its chief benefit is that it helps you get more done. This is what makes it unusual, says Stephen Braun, author of Buzz: The Science and Lore of Alcohol and Caffeine.

“Its appeal is that it helps us earn more money,” he adds. “What makes it different from other drugs is that it’s used as a productivity tool –– not for pleasure.”

Many of history’s creative minds have also been associated with a large amount of caffeine consumption.

According to one biographer, the French novelist and playwright Balzac drank as many as 50 cups of coffee a day. “Were it not for coffee one could not write, which is to say one could not live,” he once insisted.

For seven years, the film-maker David Lynch ate at the same Los Angeles diner every day, drinking up to seven sweetened cups of coffee “with lots of sugar” in one sitting, which he said would guarantee that “lots of ideas” arrived.

Ludwig van Beethoven was said to have painstakingly counted out exactly 60 coffee beans per cup when he brewed(煮)coffee.

Perhaps recent tales of caffeine excess featured the singer Robbie Williams, who reportedly consumed 36 cups of black coffee and 20 cans of Red Bull a day.

It is the routine task itself, as much as the stimulating(刺激的)effects of caffeine, that makes the process so important, says Mason Currey, author of Daily Rituals: How Artists Work. “A lot of artists use the process of making coffee as a gateway to the creative process,” he adds. “You need to get into the right mindset to do that sort of work, and the preparation process provides a focus.”

One problem with attempting to control caffeine, says Braun, is that it affects everyone differently –– it is impossible to work out a “safe” limit that works for everyone. “Eventually, you have to become your own scientist –– there isn’t an alternative to careful self-experimentation,” he says.

1.Stephen Braun mainly stresses caffeine’s _______.

A. creating ideas B. improving work efficiency

C. helping people to relax D. stimulating people

2.The examples of some famous people are given to show that _______.

A. most artists like drinking coffee

B. drinking coffee helps artists make more money

C. there’s a link between drinking coffee and creating ideas

D. drinking coffee makes artists become more successful

3.What leads to the artists’ creative process according to Mason Currey?

A. Getting a good mindset. B. Drinking the coffee.

C. Being lost in thought. D. Brewing the coffee.

4.What does Braun advise us to do in the end?

A. To drink less coffee.

B. Never to take more coffee than you need.

C. Never to limit caffeine use.

D. To work out a safe level of caffeine use.

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