One cold morning in winter, I went alone to a hillside to do some hunting. I sat there waiting for about an hour. Suddenly, a big beautiful deer appeared less than 20 feet away from me. There was no cover near him. Surely I could shoot him.

To my surprise, he came toward me! He was curious, I suppose, or maybe he was stupid. For this was not a youngster, but a fully grown-up one. He must have known about men and their guns. But this deer came closer, and I still waited. His big eyes never moved away from my face. His wonderful head with a set of antlers (鹿角) was clear in sight.

I was getting a bit nervous as he walked closer. A big deer can do a lot of damage. Well, he walked right up to where I was sitting. Then he stopped and looked at me.

What happened next was hard to believe. But it all seemed quite natural. I held out my hands and scratched his head right between the antlers. And he liked it. The big, wild, beautiful deer bent his head.

I scratched and touched his head and body. His nose touched my shoulder. I fed him with my last sandwich.

Well, he finally went his way, down the hill. Shoot him? Not me. You wouldn’t, either. Not after that. I just watched him go, a strong deer carrying a proud head.

I picked up my gun, and started walking back. Suddenly, I heard two shots, one after another. If you have hunted much, you will know what two shots mean. They mean a kill. I had forgotten that there were other hunters around.

You will now understand why I gave up hunting from that day on.

1.How the deer behaved toward the writer shows that______.

A. it pretended to be friendly to the writer

B. it wanted to attack the writer

C. it was too scared to run away

D. it was quite friendly to the writer

2.You can infer from the passage that ______.

A. a grown-up deer usually will not get close to men with guns

B. the writer was a little nervous at first as he had been attacked by a big deer before

C. the writer felt afraid to kill the deer the moment the deer walked up to him

D. the writer had waited for more than an hour before the deer appeared

3.After reading the whole passage, we can know that the passage is written in a(n)______tone.

A. worried B. excited C. sad D. happy

The first day our professor challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t know. I looked around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady smiling at me.

She said, “Hi, handsome. My name is Rose. I’m 87. Can I give you a hug?” I laughed, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze. “Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked. She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of children.” “No seriously,” I said. I want to realize my dream!” she told me. Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and everyone liked to listen to this “time machine”.

At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet and I’ll never forget what she taught us. “There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are 19 and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn 20. If I am 87 and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn 88. We have less time to live on. Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do.”

At the year’s end, Rose finished the college degree she had dreamed about all those years. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over 2,000 students attended her funeral honoring the wonderful woman who taught us such an important message.

1.Rose was considered a “time machine” because she _____.

A. always followed a strict time schedule

B. was never late for any of her classes

C. always appeared in time whenever she was needed

D. had lived a long and rich life

2.According to Rose, growing up is different from growing older because _______.

A. growing up means young people have enough time to waste

B. growing up means one has more chances or time to choose what one likes

C. there is no need for one to worry about death

D. growing up doesn’t need as much effort or talent as growing older

3.From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2, we can learn that ______.

A. it is not polite to talk about a person’s real age in public

B. going to college at a very old age is looked down upon

C. Rose looked younger than her real age in the writer’s eyes

D. the writer didn’t believe Rose was as old as she said

4.Rose came to study in college at such an old age for the purpose of __________.

A. challenging her old age

B. meeting someone rich and attractive

C. realizing her long dream about college education

D. not having any regrets in her life

China is the biggest market in the world, and many countries such as Germany, the USA, the UK and Russia do a lot of business in China. Let’s have a look at some important tips to help you be successful when dealing with these nationalities.

First, you must be punctual (准时的) with Germans. Even 5 minutes late makes a bad impression. Being punctual is also very important in the USA. In the UK, it’s important to be punctual for business meetings, but nobody expects you to be on time for a social event. Half past seven really means a quarter to eight, or even eight o’clock! With Russians, you should always be on time, though it is not unusual for them to be one or even two hours late!

It is best to dress formally and wear dark colours when you meet people from all the four countries. In Russia, designer clothes are very common. Don’t be surprised if you go to an office in the UK on a Friday and find everyone wearing jeans. Many companies have “dress down Friday”, when people wear casual (随便的) clothes.

In Germany, first names are only used by family members and close friends, so be prepared to use titles and last names. In the USA you will usually be invited to use first names almost immediately. The British are quite informal and using first names in business is more and more common, especially among younger people. In Russia, however, nobody uses first names, so use titles and last names.

In conversation, the British and the Americans value humour, and both like to talk about sport. The weather is also a good topic of conversation with the British and the Americans, but avoid talking about politics. In Russia, say positive things about their country, but avoid making complaints. The Germans, however, prefer to get straight down to business!

So, use these tips, and you will be on your way to a successful international business career!

1.Which color should you NOT wear when meeting a person from the USA?

A. Dark blue. B. Gray. C. Black. D. White.

2.All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ______.

A. you can say something funny when you talk to an American

B. you can use his first name when you talk to an Englishman

C. you must be on time when you meet people from each of the four countries

D. people wear whatever they like on Friday in some companies in the UK

3.When you talk to a Russian, you can ______.

A. complain about something

B. say something negative about his country

C. say something good about his country

D. point out some disadvantages in politics

4.The tips in this passage are probably given to people from ______.

A. China B. the USA C. Germany D. the UK

The Netherlands on Monday introduced its first-ever " intelligent bicycle , fitted with electronic devices to help bring clown the high accident rate among elderly cyclists in the bicycle-mad country.

Developed for the government by the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) , the intelligent bicycle, runs on electricity.A commercial-available bicycle is expected to be on the market in the next two years and should sell for between 1, 700 to 3, 200 euros per bicycle.

The devices on the bike are linked through an onboard computer with a vibrating (震动的) warning system fitted in the bicycle's saddle and handlebars to warn cyclists of the coming danger.

The saddle vibrates when other cyclists approach from behind, while, the handlebars do the same when barriers appear ahead.

" Accidents often happen when cyclists look behind them or get a fright when they are passed at high speed," said Maurice Kwakkernaat, one of TNO's research scientists involved in the project."The onboard system technology has already been at work in the car industry," he said.

'' More and more elderly people are using a bicycle, not only for short distances, but also for longer distances," Dutch Environment and Infrastructure Minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen told AFP."This type of bicycle is truly needed in the Netherlands because it will help us bring down the number of elderly people who are injured every year and allow them to continue to enjoy cycling," she said.

In the Netherlands, bicycles outnumber the population of 17 million by at least one million and there are some 25,000 km of bicycle path in the country.Those statistics are set to grow as more and more people take to two-wheeled transport, leading to an increased risk of injury.

Last year, 184 cyclists died in the country, of which 124, or 67% , were older than 65, according to the Central Statistics Office.The year before, 200 cyclists died, the majority of victims also being elderly.

The current model weighs 25 kilograms but researchers are working on making the onboard systems smaller.

1.The intelligent bicycle is aimed to ______.

A.protect the environment reduce traffic pressure

C.popularize the use of bicycles

D.improve safety for elderly cyclists

2.Which part of the intelligent bicycle will vibrate when other cyclists approach it from behind?

A.The saddle.

B.The wheels.

C.The handlebars.

D.The onboard computer.

3.We can learn from the passage that ______.

A.the elderly ride bicycles wherever they go

B.the elderly are planning to give up cycling

C.the number of elderly cyclists is decreasing

D.the accident rate among elderly cyclists is high

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.A Test Bicycle

B.Elderly Cyclists

C.A Smart Bicycle

D.A Bicycle-mad Country

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