We get it: You’re tired. You’re busy. And your shoes are away over there. Excuses are OK sometimes, but not every day—and especially not today. So put on your sneakers, get up off the couch, and let us kick your excuses to the curb (路边).

“I…dislike…panting !”

Being really out of breath may mean you’re trying too much too soon, which will kill your confidence. But you don’t have to be huffing and puffing to get a workout. Being active doesn't have to mean high-intensity. It’s just about moving.

“I hate exercise.”

It may seem unbearable, but you just have to get started. Exercise releases endorphins (your brain’s own feel-good chemicals), which can be habit-forming. What’ s the best exercise? The one you’ll do regularly. So you may hate running. Don’t run! Ride your bike or just dance. Even cleaning your room is active. As long as you’re moving and getting your blood pumping, it counts. So get creative.

“I don’t have time.”

You may not have lots of time to spare when you’re busy with schoolwork, but we bet you can find 10 minutes. Bonus: An activity break will send oxygen to your brain, making you super-alert and more creative too. Famous thinkers like Aristotle and Steve Jobs liked “walking meetings," and you can follow in their footsteps by moving around while you brainstorm about a tough task or memorize your English vocabulary.

“I never see results!”

Even if you train with the help of a professional, you won’t see results right away. But you will feel them almost immediately. Don’t focus on how your body looks—focus on how you feel. Keep a journal of when you exercise (or don’t) and how you feel that day: Stressed? Focused? Tired? When you start noticing the amazing effects of exercise, you’ll have no excuses.

1.The underlined part “huffing and puffing” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “_________”.

A. moving around B. breathing heavily

C. feeling confident D. wearing nice shoes

2.In the author’s eyes, the best exercise is the one that _________.

A. is very relaxing B. you will stick to

C. produces good results D. you can spare time on

3.Steve Jobs is mentioned to prove that doing exercise__________.

A. is good for one’s figure

B. is good for one’s health

C. makes one much happier

D. makes one more productive

It was once common to regard Britain as a society with class distinction. Each class had unique characteristics.

In recent years, many writers have begun to speak the “decline of class”and “classless society”in Britain. And in modern day consumer society everyone is considered to be middle class.

But pronouncing the death of class is too early. A recent wide-ranging society of public opinion found 90 percent of people still placing themselves in particular class; 73 percent agreed that class was still a vital part of British society; and 52 percent thought there were still sharp class differences. Thus, class may not be culturally and politically obvious, yet it remains an important part of British society. Britain seems to have a love of stratification.

One unchanging aspect of a British person’s class position is accent. The words a person speaks tell her or his class. A study of British accents during 1970s found that a voice sounding like a BBC newsreader was viewed as the most attractive voice, Most people said this accent sounded “educated” and “soft”. The accents placed at the bottom in this study, on the other hand, were regional(地区的)city accents. These accents were seen as “common” and “ugly”. However, a similar study of British accents in the US turned these results upside down and placed some regional accents as the most attractive and BBC English as the least. This suggests that British attitudes towards accent have deep roots and are based on class prejudice.

In recent years, however, young upper middle-class people in London, have begun to adopt some regional accents, in order to hide their class origins. This is an indication of class becoming unnoticed. However, the 1995 pop song “Common People” puts forward the view that though a middle-class person may “want to live like common people” they can never appreciate the reality of a working-class life.

1.A recent study of public opinion shows that in modern Britain ________.

A. it is time to end class distinction

B. most people belong to middle class

C. it is easy to recognize a person’s class

D. people regard themselves socially different

2.The word stratification in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. division B. variety

C. authority D. qualification

3.The study in the US showed that BBC English was regarded as _________.

A. regional B. educated

C. unattractive D. prejudiced

4. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The middle class is expanding

B. A person’s accent reflects his class

C. Class is a key part of British society

D. Each class has unique characteristics.

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