

1What is the speaker doing?

A.Chairing a meeting.

B.Hosting a radio program.

C.Conducting a job interview.

2What may cause sleeplessness?

A.Drinking water during the day.

B.Eating heavily before sleep.

C.A Iong evening walk.

3What does Iack of proper sleep lead to?

A.Inability to concentrate.

B.Daytime sleeplessness.

C.Low blood pressure.






W: OK. Picture this: you’re tired after a long workday, and the only thing you can dream about is throwing yourself on the bed and getting to sleep. Not gonna happen! How come? Well, the reason might be very simple.

1. Drinking Water

But wait, then why do they keep saying, “drink more water, it’ll make you healthy”? Well, that’s true, but stop “watering” your body one hour before you sleep.

2. Eating Heavily Before Sleep

Eating a lot before going to bed can cause nightmares. Try not to eat anything 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.

3. Exercising

Exercising is a healthy and effective way to keep your body fit. But...not before going to bed! Try to exercise at least 4 hours before going to bed. And if you need to relieve stress after a workday, go for a long evening walk.

So it is the same with playing with cellphones, reading books, drinking coffee and so on.

Sleep is extremely important for your body. Lack of proper sleep leads to daytime sleepiness, inability to concentrate, stress, and even high blood pressure. So, try to avoid doing the things mentioned in this program before going to bed.





【题目】 One morning when I was visiting a poor woman, I noticed her dog was suffering from a terrible case of mange (癞疥). I asked why she didn’t _________him and she told me there was nothing she could do about it for being short of _______ .

My heart broke as I watched him slowly trying to stand his _________from the illness. I asked her if she would mind if I tried to _______ him. I told her I would try to get some _________ to make him feel comfortable. Instead of going to a _______chemist’s shop, I went to the local animal doctor and told him what the dog _________like and he told me what I needed. When I _________ to the woman’s home I asked her if she would be sure to_________the dog in the medicine liquid every day until it was__________ .

Two weeks later when I returned to the house, this __________ little ball of dog with red fur ________ me at the door. It was him, shaking his tail__________. I smiled and told the woman she did a great__________ .I called the dog Firecracker because his fur was so red and lively. Every time I went to her home, Firecracker always greeted me with a wave of his tail.

That was the best $16 I____________spent.










10A.cut downB.taken apartC.used upD.paid off






【题目】Getting around in Australia

You know Australia is a big country, but you may not know how easy it is to get around. The untouched beaches that go for miles and deserts that touch the horizon are just there, waiting to be reached and explored. Following are the different ways you can explore our vast country.


Flying is the best way to cover large distances in a short time. You can spend more time on the Australia's can’t-miss landscapes and relaxing lifestyle. Moreover, competition among airlines makes great flying fees available for you.


Australia has a vast network of well-maintained roads and some of the most beautiful touring routes in the world. You have no difficulty finding car rental companies at major airports, central city locations, suburbs and attractions.


Bus travel in Australia is comfortable, easy and economical. Buses generally have air conditioning ,reading lights, adjustable seats and videos. Services are frequent, affordable and efficient.


Train travel is the cheapest and gives you an insight into Australians size and variety, all from the comfort of your carriage. Scheduled services are a great way to get quickly between our cities and regional centers.


The Spirit of Tasmania runs a passenger and vehicle ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania nightly. Extra services are running during summer rush hours. Sea Jink ferries connect South Australia and Kangaroo Island several times a day. Ferries connect suburbs in our capital cities.


With easy — on — the — feet pedestrian streets, walking is a great way to get around our cities.

Besides all of above, you can also experience some of the longest tracks and trails in the world in central Australia — impressive journeys of a thousand kilometers or more that can take several weeks to complete.

1If you have only 5 days and want to visit Australia's famous attractions that are far away from each other, which way of travelling best suits you?

A.By air.B.By car.C.By bus.D.On foot.

2Ferry service between Melbourne and Tasmania usually runs .

A.only during rush hoursB.at night hours

C.several times a dayD.in summer

3Which of the following is TRUE about travelling in Australia?

A.More travelers make the flying fees among airlines higher than before.

B.You can easily rent a car to explore its most beautiful touring routes.

C.Taking a bus tour is the most comfortable, economical and efficient way.

D.Train services can offer you more comfort than any other means of transport.

【题目】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

How to deal with Whiners(抱怨不停的人)?

There are always some people radiating negativity in the work place. For them, the temperature is never right, the boss is always a fool, the canteen food is awful, and they 1 (treat) unfairly.

Career experts say such habitual complainers are highly contagious(会蔓延的) , 2 attitude can easily affect an entire team in a company. “While some complaints might be reasonable, 3 are taken from thin air. You need to see between these different types and adopt the right strategy towards each,” said Li Ming, HR manager at Wal-Mart (China).

It is especially hard to deal with complaints at work 4 you can’t just walk away or put your colleagues’ words out of mind. If you do, it will hurt your co-workers and you might be isolated. In a team-based company you belong to a group and need to behave accordingly. But don’t show too much sympathy. Listening passively to others’ complaints could damage your image and give others the impression 5 you agree with them. “Listen to the whiners actively,” said HR Li. “Help them find a solution, or see 6 there are ways to improve the situation.”

Zhai Min, 24, a software engineer at Kingdee International Software Group in Shenzhen, found that 3 elderly workers liked to complain about everything, from 7 (extend) working hours to cheap hotels on business trips. “I let them talk about their opinions,” she said, “They feel better when 8 (tell) someone how they want things to be.”

But listening actively is far from enough. Wang Dianxue, 27, is an Internet engineer at Beijing Push Marcom Group. His co-workers always complain that their computer systems are not working properly. “I ask about the specifics and work together with them 9 (fix) everything technically.” he said.

HR managers believe that when staffs complain, it is more a matter of recognition than an actual problem. “The real problem is that the whiners don’t feel they are being taken seriously,” said Xu Jun, HR manager at Guangqi Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. “ 10 (give) them advice or perspectives attentively and the problem will usually disappear.”

【题目】 In 1953,a mountain climber reported seeing a bar-headed goose soar over the peak of Mount Everest (珠穆朗玛 ). It was thought impossible. Now researchers who raised 19 of the geesenamed for the black stripes on the backs of their headshave shown the birds really fly so high.

The team trained the youngsters to fly in a large wind tunnel wearing backpacks and face masks full of sensors that recorded their heart rate. blood oxygen levels, temperature, and metabolic ratehow many calories they burned per hour. The researchers simulated(模拟)10w-, medium-, and high-altitude conditions by altering the concentration of oxygen supplied to face masks worn by each goose as it flew in the tunnel.

Birds already have a better heart and lungs than mammals for sustained physical activity. And researchers knew that bar-headed geese have even larger, thinner lungs that let them breathe more deeply and an even bigger heart to pump more oxygen to muscles than other birds.

The wind tunnel experiments showed that when the concentration of oxygen was at its lowest-like the 7% found on top of Mount Everest versus 21% at sea level—the geese's heart rate and frequency of wing beats remained the same even as their metabolic rate dropped. Somehow, the birds managed to cool down their blood-the measured blood temperature droppedso it could take in more oxygen, the researchers report today in eLife. This cooling likely helps compensate for the very thin air, the team says.

Although well trained, the birds were only willing to stay in the air a few minutes-or Iesswhen wearing their backpacks and flying at 6ihigh" altitudes. So it's not clear whether these adaptations alone are what make it possible to fly the 8 hours it takes to climb over Mount Everest. But those few minutes showed these geese really could fly over the top of Mount Everest.

1Why did the researchers raise 19 bar-headed geese and train them?

A.To test the flying height and speed of them.

B.To confirm they could fly over Mount Everest.

C.To observe them flying through the wind tunnel.

D.To see how many calories they burned per hour.

2What can we learn from the wind tunnel experinent?

A.It was carried out at very high altitude.

B.The geese managed to breathe less when their blood decreased.

C.The geese could live through the lowest concentration of oxygen.

D.It shows the geese could fly at high altitude for long.

3What still puzzles scientists about the geese?

A.Whether they have super hearts and lungs.

B.Whether they have muscles pumped more oxygen to.

C.Whether they are willing to wear backpacks and face masks.

D.Whether they can manage to fly 8 hours to climb over Mount Everest.

4Where does the text most probably come from?

A.A science fiction.

B.A climbing guide.

C.A travel brochure.

D.A science report.

【题目】 NextFest is an unusual exhibition where you can meet the most creative minds and discover new technology from around the world and see the things that will change the way we live, work and play in the future. For example,......

Brainball is a computer game with a difference: if you’re too competitive, you'll lose. The more relaxed you are, the better you play. Brainball measures your brainwaves and the person who is the most relaxed can push the ball to the other side and win. I’m sure it will be a popular game with yoga teachers and nervous parents everywhere.

If you’re interested in fashion, NexlFest can show you the clothes of the future—cloth which you can change by downloading styles from the web, clothes which look after your health and a biometric(生物测量的) suit which watches over your body and gives you medicine when you need it.

Another hit is a humanoid(类人的) robot which can walk, turn, climb up and down stairs—and even dance. Asimo copies human movement and is friendly-looking. Its maker, Honda, believes it will be a big help to blind or elderly people and to those who can’t get out of bed.

The Skyear looks as if it could only appear in a Hollywood film. It certainly lives up to its name: it can fly. It can climb at more than 2.000 metres a minute and reach a speed of 365 mph. If you want one, it will cost you about $500,000!

If you want to see the future, come to NexiFest. It’s open all this whole week at the State Science Exhibition Centre.

1What should you do if you want to win a game of Brainball?

A.Keep a cool head.B.Be strong enough.

C.Have a creative mindD.Be highly competitive.

2What is Asimo designed to do?

A.Direct human movement.B.Look after human’s health.

C.Give patients medical treatment.D.Help the elderly and the disabled.

3What can we learn about NextFest?

A.It lasts five days.B.It is held by Honda.

C.It is related to technology.D.It sells clothes and medicine.

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