
Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days.  Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the day’s work.  This type of schedule is far too demanding for long missions on the International  Space Station(ISS).  ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to mimic the normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible . Weekends give the crew valuable.  Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of  housework.  They can communicate with family and friends by email , internet phone and through Private video conferences.
While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit, there are many familiar activities that they can still enjoy . Before a mission.  The family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photos, messages, videos and reading material for
The astronauts to look at when they will be floating 370 kilometers above the Earth.  During their mission, the crew also receives care packages with CDs, books, magazines, photos and letters . And as from early 2010, the internet became available on the ISS , giving astronauts the chance to do some “web surfing (冲浪)”in  their personal time.  Besides relaxing with these more common entertainments, astronauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space.
Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe and the Earth’s vast land mass and oceans.
小题1:What does the word “mimic ”in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A. FindB. Copy
小题2:Which of the following best describes the families of the astromauts on the ISS ?
A. The are caring and thoughtful.
B. The are impatient and annoyed.
C. The are impatient and annoyed.
D. The are excited and curious.
小题3:In the final paragraph, the author shows that astronauts          .
A. get more pleasure in space than on the Earth
B. find living in space a bit boring and tiring
C. regard space life as common
D. love to see the Earth from space
小题4:The passage mainly discusses how astronauts          .
A. work for longer missions in space
B. connect with people on the Earth
C. observe the Earth from space
D. spend their free time in space

小题1:词义猜测题。根据第一段第四句“They work five days on and two days off”可知,这和在地球上的工作时间一致,所以这样做的目的是尽可能地模仿地球上的正常生活,所以选B。
小题2:推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“Before a mission, the family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photo, messages, videos and reading material for the astronauts to look at when they will be floating…可知,宇航员的家人是体贴的,考虑周到的。
小题3:细节理解题。根据第三段“the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe and the Earth.”可知,宇航员喜欢在太空看地球。
小题4:本文主要向我们介绍了宇航员在休息时做的事, 所以选D项
Were you born in the 1990s? Do you think you are different from older generations? As there has been considerable discussion about “the post­1990s” in newspapers and on the Internet recently, people including the group themselves, have begun to look at some things that help shape their culture. Do you find them true?
1. Jay Chou He is not handsome. When he hums no one can understand him. But the 28­year­old Taiwan singer has stolen the hearts of many boys and girls who  were born in the 1990s. They are crazy about him. Huang Kaiqin, a 16­year­old Shanghai student, said,“I love him! I love everything from his lyrics to his melody(旋律), and to his attitude toward the life. ”
2. PSP Its full name is Play­ Station Portable and it's a Sony product for game fans. Teens love it because PSP is better than the Game Boy in terms of pictures, controls and choices of games. With a PSP you can also play MP3 or MP4, watch movies and so on.
3. Naruto Among all the popular cartoons and comic books, the Japanese manga series has been this generation's favorite read. Naruto, who was orphaned at birth, grows from being a naughty boy to a powerful ninja (日本武士). Naruto teaches readers that honor is very important and not to give up, even if something is hard to achieve.
4. iPods MP3s are not in any way, shape or form. But the iPod is amazing because it is a complete library of music in your hand. Post­90s are always excited about the latest product.
5. Tuzki Tuzki, the white and hairy baby rabbit, was not born until January this year. But Tuzki's popularity has been spreading quickly among post­90s who like QQ and MSN. Wang Lin, a college student, created the cool little rabbit.
6. Chat lingo On the Internet, the chat lingo is cool and convenient. But one day, teachers notice a new generation of errors entering their students' essays.  Words such as “3Q”,“ORZ” and “b4” confuse adults but are part of teens' everyday lives.
小题1:Which of the following is WRONG? 
A.The latest product among teens is iPod.
B.Naruto is a character in a popular cartoon.
C.Some adults don't understand their children's words.
D.Tuzki is a college student born in January.
小题2:Why does the author write the passage? 
A.He wants to make teens born in the 1990s understand more.
B.He criticizes the teens born in the 1990s.
C.He doesn't understand the young at all.
D.He feels worried about the young.
小题3:The best topic of this passage might be ________. 
A.the post­1990sB.fashionable people
C.teens with electronic productsD.chatting generation
Betty and Harold have been married for years .But one thing still puzzles (困扰) old Harold .How is it that he can leave Betty and her friend Joan sitting on the sofa ,talking ,go out to a ballgame ,come back three and a half hours later ,and they’re still sitting on the sofa ? Talking ?
What in the world ,Harold wonders ,do they have to talk about ?
Betty shrugs .Talk ? We’re friends .
Researching this matter called friendship ,psychologist Lillian Rubin spent two years interviewing more than two hundred women and men .No matter what their age ,their job ,their sex ,the results were completely clear :women have more friendships than men ,and the difference in the content and the quality of those friendships is “marked and unmistakable .”
More than two –thirds of the single men Rubin interviewed could not name a best friend. Those who could were likely to name a woman .Yet three-quarters of the single women had no problem naming a best friend ,and almost always it was a woman .More married men than women named their wife/husband as a best friend ,most trusted person ,or the one they would turn to in time of emotional distress (感情危机).“Most women ,”says Rubin ,“identified (认定) at least one ,usually more ,trusted friends to whom they could turn in a troubled moment ,and they spoke openly about the importance of these relationships in their lives .”
“In general,”writes Rubin in her new book ,“women’s friendships with each other rest on shared emotions and support ,but men’s relationships are marked by shared activities.” For the most part ,Rubin says ,interactions (交往)between men are emotionally controlled –a good fit with the social requirements of “manly behavior .”
“Even when a man is said to be a best friend ,”Rubin writes ,“the two share little about their innermost feelings .Whereas a woman’s closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage ,it wasn’t unusual to hear a man say he didn’t know his friend’s marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa .”
小题1:What old Harold cannot understand or explain is the fact that     .
A.he is treated as an outsider rather than a husband
B.women have so much to share
C.women show little interest in ballgames
D.he finds his wife difficult to talk to
小题2:Rubin’s study shows that for emotional support a married woman is more likely to turn to     .
A.a male friend B.a female friendC.her parentsD.her husband
小题3:Which of the following statements is best supported by the last paragraph ?
A.Men keep their innermost feelings to themselves.
B.Women are more serious than men about marriage.
C.Men often take sudden action to end their marriage.
D.Women depend on others in making decisions.
小题4:The research done by psychologist Rubin centers around________ .
A.happy and successful marriages
B.friendships of men and women
C.emotional problems in marriage
D.interactions between men and women .
If you want to teach your children how to say sorry, you must be good at saying it yourself, especially to your own children. But how you say it can be quite tricky.
  If you say to your children “I’m sorry I got angry with you, but …” what follows that “but” can render the apology ineffective: “I had a bad day” or “your noise was giving me a headache ” leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior in expecting an apology.
  Another method by which people appear to apologize without actually doing so is to say “I’m sorry you’re upset”; this suggests that you are somehow at fault for allowing yourself to get upset by what the other person has done.
  Then there is the general, all covering apology, which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting, and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again. Saying “I’m useless as a parent” does not commit a person to any specific improvement.
  These pseudo-apologies are used by people who believe saying sorry shows weakness. Parents who wish to teach their children to apologize should see it as a sign of strength, and therefore not resort to these pseudo-apologies.
  But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition, children still need help to become aware of the complexities of saying sorry. A three-year-old might need help in understanding that other children feel pain just as he does, and that hitting a playmate over the head with a heavy toy requires an apology. A six-year-old might need reminding that spoiling other children’s expectations can require an apology. A 12-year-old might need to be shown that raiding the biscuit tin without asking permission is acceptable, but that borrowing a parent’s clothes without permission is not.
小题1:According to the author, saying “I’m sorry you’re upset” most probably means “_______”.
A.You have good reason to get upset
B.I’m aware you’re upset, but I’m not to blame
C.I apologize for hurting your feelings
D.I’m at fault for making you upset
小题2:We learn from the last paragraph that in teaching children to say sorry _______.
A.the complexities involved should be ignored
B.their ages should be taken into account
C.parents need to set them a good example
D.parents should be patient and tolerant
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that apologizing properly is _______.
A.a social issue calling for immediate attention
B.not necessary among family members
C.a sign of social progress
D.not as simple as it seems
Lily,Susan, David, Chris和Michael分别计划假期去景点旅游,阅读下面旅游杂志上的6个旅游广告(A、B、C、D、E和F),从中找出符合5位兴趣爱好的最佳选项,选项中有一项是多余选项。
1. David:I like a relaxed and simple lifestyle.
2. Lily:I enjoy shopping, dining and nightlife. I want to surf and learn about Hawaiian culture.
3. Susan:I like a relaxed lifestyle. I want to take a scenic helicopter and watch the amazing eruptions( 火山喷发) of red-hot lava.
4.Chris:I like surfing and mountain-climbing and enjoy shopping, dining and nightlife.
5. Michael:I love outdoor activities and want to take a scenic helicopter.
A  Oahu Island – the gathering place
Home to 80 per cent of Hawaii’s people, Oahu lets you enjoy the bustling and colourful city life of Honolulu, and world-famous Waikiki beach. Glamorous Waikiki is the main place for sun and surf. Otherwise go swimming, snorkeling, or relax and sunbathe on the many other fabulous beaches. Oahu is the place to be for shopping, great dining and great nightlife! But if nightclubs aren’t your scene, you may like to visit the museum at Pearl Harbour, or climb Nuuanu Oali mountain to find the best view of the whole island.
B  Hawaii – the big island
Hawaii is also the name of the biggest island of the group. If you’d like a more relaxed lifestyle with friendly locals, then the Big Island has plenty of room for you. Take a helicopter ride around snow-capped Manna Kea, the highest mountain in the world if you measure from the ocean floor. Or visit Kilauea, the world’s largest active volcano(活火山). Hawaii’s dramatic black lava landscape even include beaches with black sand.
C  Kauai – the garden island
Small and uncrowded, Kauai is the perfect gateway for families and couples looking for a peaceful holiday. It has world-class golf courses, with great views! This island is ideal for those who love outdoor activities. The beautiful green Na Pali cliffs and coast are a great place to go camping, hiking and horse riding. You can go kayaking on the river, or take scenic helicopter flights.
D  Maui – the rainbow island
Maui combines beautiful scenery with luxury resort-style living. No matter where you stay, you’ll see many wonderful rainbows. Of course there are the lovely beaches for snorkeling, surfing and whale watching, but you can also hike up Haleakala, the world’s largest inactive volcano. The town of Lahaina offers a lu’au - a fun evening of hula dancing and traditional banquet. It isn’t as busy as Waikiki, but there are still plenty of shopping, fine restaurants and nightlife.
E  Lanai – Hawaii’s best-kept secret
Far away from the crowds, this island offers you a totally relaxing experience. It is a haven for all kinds of wildlife. You can go fishing on the deserted beaches, or just laze there. Maybe you can climb Lanaihale mountain. From the top you can see all the other islands.
F  Molokai – very different
The lifestyle here lets you understand the way Hawaii was many years ago. If you’re looking for a total escape from a busy city life, this is definitely the place. Forget shopping, fancy dining and nightlife. Let a guide bring you on a horseback or bicycle tour of the rugged but beautiful scenery. Hike over the stunning cliffs of the Kalaupapa peninsula. The most important thing to do on Molokai, though, is relax and slow down.

Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks 36  than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more   37  than we realize. In fact, non-verbal communication(非言语交际) takes up about 50% of what we really   38  , And body language is particularly  39  when we attempt to communicate across cultures(文化). Indeed, what is called body language is so   40   a part of us that it's actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it.   41  , different societies treat the   42  between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having  43  contact(接触)even with friends, certainly not with  44 . People from Latin American countries, 45 , touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it's possible that in  46 , it may look like a Latino is  47  a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving   48  . The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep  49   - which the Latino will in return regard as 50 _.
Clearly, a great deal is going on when people  51  . And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from  52  cultures, there's a strong possibility of  53 . But whatever the situation, the best  54 is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be  55 _.
A.For exampleB.ThusC.HoweverD.In short
A.strangersB.relatives C.neighboursD.enemies
A.in other wordsB.on the other hand
C.in a similar wayD.by all means
A.disturbing B.helpingC.guidingD.following
A.stepping forwardB.going onC.backing awayD.coming out
A.weaknessB.carelessness C.friendliness D.coldness
A.differentB.European C.LatinoD.rich
A.curiosityB.excitement C.misunderstanding D.nervousness

Sometimes teens (十几岁的少年) need to have some time away from their families. They may want to move out of the family or home for a while.
Many parents will say no to this demand. But experts say it might be a good idea to let your teens live with a friend or a relative. “It was the break I needed at the time,” said Richard Lerne. He is talking about the time he spent living with his grandmother when he was 15. “It allowed me to be a more different person than I was with my parents.” Lerne said. He now heads the Institute for Children, Youth and Families at Michigan State University.
Experts say teens living away from their families can test new ways of thinking and getting along with people. They may see new ways to problems. Some teens who want some time away from family attend a structured summer program. Others live for a while with a relative or with the family of a friend.
If there is conflict (冲突) at home, having a teen live elsewhere can benefit other family members. It gives everyone space to develop better relationships.
Joseph Kett teaches history at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. He says living at home until the late ten years has become the norm (准则) only in recent times. “In the 17th century, children were often sent to live in other people’s home when they were about 10 or 11”, he said.
Peter Sheras teaches education at the University of Virginia. He says parents should listen when a child wants to move out. They should try to find out why the child wants some time away.
小题1:According to this passage, many parents may think it _____ for their children to live away from them.
小题2:When children seriously disagree with their parents, experts suggest that parents should ______.
A.punish them
B.let them live away from their family
C.send for a teacher
D.keep them in the house
小题3:In the third paragraph the word “structured” means ______.
小题4:In history, ______.
A.teens never left their families
B.teens often left their parents
C.teens never went to school
D.teens never make friends with each other

This is love, hand in hand with you, old age to the old.
I made a promise to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a(an)   31  husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts.
The   32   had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The   33  was quoting Biblical passage about husbands and their wives. Then he went on to say, “Love is an   34  of will. A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to   35  that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would   36 .
And it did,   37  from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater looks   38  on you.”
“Oh, Tom, you noticed,” she said,   39  and pleased. Maybe a little puzzled.   40  the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn   41  a walk on the beach. I started to refuse,   42 
then I thought she wanted to be alone with me.” We walked on the beach while the   43  flew their kites.
So it went. Two weeks of not calling the firm where I am a director. We visited the shell museum   44  I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that’s how the whole   45  passed. I made a new promise to keep on remembering to choose love.
There was one thing that went   46  with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today. On the last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn  47 me.    “What’s the matter?” I asked her.
“Tom,” she said in a(an)   48  voice, “do you know something? I don’t….”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… that   49  I had several weeks ago … our doctor … did he tell you something about me? Am I dying?”
It took a moment for it all to be understood. Then I burst into   50 .
“No, honey,” I said, wrapping her in my arms. “You’re not dying; I’m just starting to live.”
A.surprisedB.frightenedC.disappointed D.discouraged
A.otherwiseB.butC.yet D.so
A.neighbors B.touristsC.childrenD.employees
A.stared at B.glared atC.glanced atD.pointed at
A.checkupB.makeupC.buildup D.cutup

Finding a suitable place to live is not easy for a student who first arrived in a strange place . I was lucky because I had booked a dormitory with the school before I arrived .. I t was a flat with seven independent rooms and a shared bathroom and kitchen . all of my flatmates are all students form Britain . I thought I was lucky to be part of this flat with these energetic young men . However , I found myself unhappy with them only a few days after I stayed there . These young people seemed never to be quiet . Usually they would not come back until late into the night .They even played football in the room whenever they like , whether it was early morning or late night . Worse still , they always had parties . Those loud music and laughter made me sleepless the whole night . Finally , I had no choice but to ask the authority to move me to another flat where most of the students were international students pursuing their master degrees . They were older in age and hold heavier study burden . So they were quieter .
My advice for those who want to study in the UK is to get in touch with the international student accommodation service of your school first and tell them to arrange for you to share a flat with graduates before you come here.
小题1:What was the trouble while living with the British students?
A.They loved football too much
B.They often held parties .
C.They disturbed the writer’s living greatly .
D.They went to bed too late and got up too early .
小题2:The measure the writer took to solve the problem was     .
A.asking some older students for help
B.giving the British students heavier study burden
C.asking the authority to make the British student burden
D.changing a place to live
小题3:The advice the writer gave us was      .
A. don’t live with young British students
B live with students who have study burden
C. get your housing fixed before your arrival
D. better live in your school
小题4:The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph refers to “        ” .
A. the roomB. footballC.timeD.the night

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