
11.Finally,we arrived in Loulan after several days of travelling.This (71)commercial  city was busy and (72)wealthyabout 2,000years ago.It was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West.It is (73)believed to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200to AD 400.I am so excited to be here!
These are some of the Olympic athletes who have brought (74)joy to people across the world with their attempts to push the (75)boundaries of human achievement.We are looking forward to seeing more of them in future Olympic Games.Join me in wishing the Olympic Movement a successful future to (76)match its past glory.
Besides this,VR can be used to practise skills in a secure environment that (77)otherwise would be quite dangerous.For example,firefighters could use RealCine to train safely,without the risk of getting (78)injured in a burning building.It could be used in class as well.Teachers could bring history (79)alive by placing students in an ancient town,or they could teach biology by (80)allowing students to experience the world as a whale or a squirrel.

分析 第一篇短文:简单介绍楼兰的历史.

解答 71.commercial 根据下文It was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West可知,当时它是连接东西方的著名的丝绸之路上的一个歇脚点,应是商业城市.故填commercial.
72.wealthy 根据上文This commercial city was busy可知,这个商业城市繁忙和富有.故填wealthy.
73.believed 根据下文have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200to AD 400可知,从公元200年到400年逐渐被沙尘暴覆盖,应是"据信".故填believed.
74.joy 根据句意,这些奥林匹克运动员把欢乐带给全世界的人们.故填joy.
75.boundaries 根据句意,努力推进人类成就极限.故填boundaries.
76.match 根据句意,希望奥林匹克动词有一个成功的未来与它的过去的荣耀相匹配.故填match.
77.otherwise 根据句意,除此之外,虚拟现实可以用来在一个安全的环境下实践技能,否则会很危险.故填otherwise.
78.injured 根据下文in a burning building可知,在燃烧的建筑物中,应是"受伤".故填injured.
79.alive 根据下文by placing students in an ancient town可知,通过把学生放在古镇上来使历史复活.故填alive.
80.allowing 根据句意,也可以让学生作为鲸鱼或者松鼠来体验世界,用这种方式来进行生物课的教学.故填allowing.

点评 首字母填空类短文题是近几年考试题经常采用的题型之一,它考查的范围极广,可以是英语知识的方方面面,还可能涉及其它学科.它要求考生在充分理解短文的基础上将单词拼写出来,并且单词形式合理,符合语法规范,符合短文需要.学生要仔细阅读全文,利用上下文提供的有关信息,再仔细阅读相关句子,判断所缺单词的句子成分,才能完成练习.要做好此类题目,考生不但要有较强的语感,善于体会上下文的内在联系,而且要有扎实的语言知识储备和较大的词汇量.

7.Many people to newspaper and magazines to express their opinions.Letters to the editor must carry the writer full name,address and telephone number,although the information is not necessary for publication.This requirement to provide personal particulars is a clear indication that writers are held responsible for what they say.When a writer wants his voice heard.He needs to claim ownership of his voice.Responsibility is the name of the game.
"People today prefer living together to putting their signatures on a marriage certificate because they refuse to accept responsibility for the relationship,"said social worker Ken Yip,"and this is what is causing a lot of family problems."When we sign a paper,for example,a business contract or a bank document,the signature is symbol of consent,an agreement to take the matter seriously.Most governments and many organizations will not process writer's complaints if they do not bear the writer's signature.The absence of a signature,they explain,tells us that the writer cannot be too serious and therefore does not deserve a reply.
  There are people who wish to remain anonymous(匿名的)for various reasons.Multi-billionaire Mr.King donates generously to charity several times a year.He gives simply because he wants to help but not for the publicity his donations may bring,and he does not want his good deeds to make news.In other cases,people insist on anonymity because they are afraid of the consequences of revealing their identity.Crime witnesses may be willing to assist the police,but most are unwilling to give their names when reporting a crime.
  Name or no name?The answer is very personal and lies in how much we want to get involved.We all have a name,it is a matter if responsibility to it when we make a statement,a claim or an accusation.We all want to honour our own name,and it is only by stamping our expression of an opinion with our own name that we honour what we say.

68.What does the writer mean by saying"Responsibility is the name of the game"?D
A.Writers need to provide their personal information in the game.
B.Publication must bear the writer's full name,address and phone number.
C.Writers should be responsible for their names.
D.Names are required to indicate writers'responsibility for what they say.
69.The second paragraph suggests that a paper without a signature mayB.
A.help to end a relationship
B.not get a reply
C.be accepted all the same
D.become a family problem
70.Some people don't want their names known because they areB.
A.hesitant to make a donation
B.unwilling to draw public attention
C.afraid of an accusation
D.ready for involvement
71.The passage is mainly aboutC.
A.honour and writers
B.identity and signature
C.signature and responsibility
D.anonymity and signature.
4.Do you ever wish for a little more time to do everything you need to do?Well,on July 1 you'll be getting it--but only one more second.
  On July 1 at exactly 7:59:59 a.m.Beijing time (or on June 30 at 23:59:59 UTC,Coordinated Universal Time),the world's atomic(原子的) clocks will pause for a single second,or,more precisely,change to the unusual time of 7:59:60,according to theverge.com.The addition of a leap second(闰秒),announced by the Paris Observatory,is to keep our clocks in time with the slowing of Earth's rotation(旋转) and astronomical time as measured by the sun.
   Just one extra second could cause big problems and affect the way computers and websites work,however.When the last leap second was added back in 2012,more than a few websites had some trouble.As reported by Phys.org,popular sites like the community website Reddit crashed when the leap second was added.
  For Reddit,the problem was eventually found to be with a Linux system that got confused when it checked the network time and found an extra second.
  Speaking to Wired about the problem back in 2012,Linux creator Linus Torvalds commented:"Almost every time we have a leap second,we find something.It's really annoying,because it's code (代码)that is almost never used,and thus not tested by users under their normal conditions."
  Companies have had to think of their own solutions,and Google's"leap smear"may be the best-known example.As company engineer Christopher Pascoe explains in a blog post,companies usually try to fix the problem by turning back the clocks by one second at the end of the day so that they play that second again.
  However,Pascoe believes this creates problems.He asked:"What happens?Does e-mail that comes in during that second get stored correctly?"
  Google has a solution:Cut the extra second into milliseconds and then put these tiny amounts of time into the system throughout the day."This means that when it became time to add an extra second at midnight,"says Pascoe."Our clocks have already taken into account over the course of the day."
  For many companies without Google's money,however,the leap second will likely still cause some crashes.Don't worry,though-at least it won't last long!

51.Why do we need to add a leap second?C
A.The world's atomic clocks are set to do so.
B.To keep in time with the world's computers.
C.To keep atomic clocks in time with the slowing of Earth's rotation.
D.To record the changes to astronomical time.
52.What happened to the website Reddit when the leap second was added in 2012?D
A.It crashed because of a virus attack.
B.Its network time added two extra seconds.
C.All of the code in its Linux system went wrong.
D.One of its software systems got confused and the site broke down.
53.What does the underlined word"something"refer to in the 5th paragraph?A
A.The code not working properly.
B.The extra second.
C.The problem.
D.Normal conditions.
54.How do companies usually deal with the problem of the extra second?C
A.By shutting down computers at the end of the day.
B.By stopping receiving emails that come in during that second.
C.By turning the clocks back by one second at the end of the day.
D.By cutting the extra second into milliseconds throughout  the day.
55.What's Christopher Pascoe's attitude toward Google's solution to the problem?C
16.George claims that he read 53books in 2012.My friend and I found this fairly unbelievable,considering he seems to have a pretty full schedule.
Anyway,it appears that I am on track to read 72new books this year.But I've come to realize that this number can easily be skewed(扭曲).For instance,currently I am reading Rising Tide:The Story of the Mississippi Flood of 1927.This book is over 700pages.It's going to take me the month of May (along with Harry Potter rereads; I can't read nonfiction while going to sleep).So my May average will be way off.However,when I read chick-lits (鸡仔文学,都市女性文学),I can get those done in a day.I guess it all depends on what I choose to read.
In reality,reading is beneficial because it encourages us to slow down our thinking,and also to fully interpret someone else's experience.Reading keeps the mind sharp and expands a person's vocabulary.We read to educate ourselves.We read to help ourselves.We read to escape our own lives and live in that of another for a little while.
1.The year 2009 is the Year of Ox.The ox is a representative of the farming culture of China.In the farming economy (经济),oxen are the major animals pulling plows (犁).
Of course,the good of oxen is not limited to plowing.In fact,they are seen as"boats on land"for their ability to carry loads.Besides,the whole body of an ox is full of treasures.Their meat and milk are food full of nutrition,and their skin can be used to make clothes and shoes.With all these qualities,oxen are regarded as generous creatures.
In the past,oxen played an important role in the spiritual life of the Chinese.Even today,oxen still play a special part in some folk activities.For example,some people who1ive in southwest China will cook cattle bone soup and share it among family members when holding the ceremony for children who reach 13.They believe that the cattle bone soup represents the blood relationship among family members.In order to express their love for oxen,people in some other areas will run to shake off diseases on the 16th day of the first month by the lunar calendar (农历),and during their run they will take their oxen along,which indicates they regard the creature as human.
Because of the contribution of oxen in their lives,the Chinese people are very grateful to the animal.In addition,the use of oxen in ceremonies and the thanks people owe to oxen help to develop various traditional customs,which becomes an important part of the folk culture of the Chinese nation.

60.The words"boats on land"underlined in Paragraph 2refer toA
A.animals for taking goods             B.creatures for pulling plows
C.treasures of the folk culture           D.tools in the farming economy
6l.From the third paragraph,we know thatC
A.oxen are no more important today than in the past
B.ceremonies are held when people cook cattle bone soup
C.oxen are treated as human in some areas of China
D.people run with oxen to shake off diseases every month
62.Which of the following helps to develop traditional customs?B
A.The special role of oxen in farming.B.People's respect and love for oxen.
C.The practical value of an ox's body.D.The contribution of oxen to the economy.
63.Why does the author write the text?B
A.To stress the importance of oxen in farming.B.To introduce the Chinese folk culture.
C.To describe how to celebrate the Year of Ox.D.To explain how to develop agriculture with oxen.

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