
【题目】Rumors (摇言) are not always nasty, but they can be especially annoying when the rumormonger spreads something against you. Unfortunately, you can’t just stop nasty rumors just by telling one person it isn’t true. 1 However, there are better ways to handle rumors. Simply apply the tips below and see which ones suit you best:

Clear the air

Set things straight.2 That is definitely more effective than just telling one person about it.

Confront the source

Go after the rumormonger in the first place. Most gossip starters don’t really expect people to come after them, so you’ll have the element of surprise. However, don’t attack that person physically or otherwise. Simply approach that person and tell him that he has it all wrong. It’s best to do this when you’re in a room full of people.3.

Ignore it

4 Rumors come and go. Most of the time, it dies down and a new issue takes its place. If the rumor isn’t all that bad and doesn’t really affect you in any way, perhaps it’s better to let this one slide.


If you find yourself battling with a rumor in the workplace, it’s important to tell your boss about it. Rumors, especially nasty ones, can make an influence on your work performance and how other people think of you.

A. Tell your boss

B. Turn to your best friend

C. If it were that easy, rumors wouldn’t be such a problem

D. You should do something to make the situation better for you

E. Some people simply choose to ignore the rumor spread about them

F. Arrange a formal meeting to address the issue with many more people

G. Thus, others will also hear the truth and the rumor starter won’t go on









1上文提到不幸的是,你不能仅仅通过告诉一个人这不是真的来阻止流言蜚语。承接上文,CIf it were that easy, rumors wouldn’t be such a problem“如果这很容易,谣言就不会是这样的问题了。切题。该项中的that easy just by telling one person相吻合。

2下文提示这肯定比只告诉一个人更有效。承接下文,FArrange a formal meeting to address the issue with many more people“安排一次正式会议,与更多的人讨论这个问题。切题。下文中的That指的就是F项的内容。

3上文提示当你在一个满是人的房间里时,最好这样做。承接上文项G. Thus, others will also hear the truth and the rumor starter won’t go on“因此,其他人也会听到真相,谣言的起动机也不会继续。切题。

4本段的小标题是Ignore it“忽视它,再根据下文提示谣言来来去去。承接下文,ESome people simply choose to ignore the rumor spread about them“有些人只是选择忽略关于他们的谣言切题。

5此空是一个小标题,应该用段小精悍的祈使句,在A/B项中选择。根据本段第一句If you find yourself battling with a rumor in the workplace, it’s important to tell your boss about it.“如果你发现自己在工作场所与谣言作斗争,那么告诉你的老板这件事是很重要的。由此可知,ATell your boss“告诉你的老板切题。此处关键词boss。

做七选五时,如果空格是一个小标题,则通常是短小精悍的祈使句。做这类题时首先找出七个选项中的祈使句,然后再根据文章内容找出正确答案。本题第5小题,此空是一个小标题,应该用段小精悍的祈使句,在A/B项中选择。根据本段第一句If you find yourself battling with a rumor in the workplace, it’s important to tell your boss about it.“如果你发现自己在工作场所与谣言作斗争,那么告诉你的老板这件事是很重要的。由此可知,ATell your boss“告诉你的老板切题。


【题目】 The United States Capitol Dome in Washington, D.C., is recognized around the world as a symbol of the U.S. government. Since last November, the dome has been surrounded by metal poles, or scaffolding(脚手架), and heavy cloth as part of a repair project.

The last major repair work on the U.S. Capitol took place in 1960. Since then, the dome has become weathered and worn. The Architect of the Capitol group reports the dome has more than 1,000 narrow breaks in its surface and other damage.

The dome was completed around 1863. U.S. Senate Historian Don Ritchie says the dome’s cast iron frame(铸铁钢架) is at special risk of weathering. “The capitol dome, being cast iron, has been hit by lightning countless times. And so the present construction(=building) is to repair the leaks, to fill in the cracks, to take off unnecessary layers of paint.”

Workers are removing old paint. They covered a large part of the building in plastic and a special cloth to protect workers from the wind and other elements. Much of the work is done at night, when lawmakers are not in the building.

Some recent visitors to the Capitol were unhappy about its present appearance. They had hoped to get a picture of the usually shining dome. Joyce said, “It was dramatic, and very fantastic, and all white, but when I come here today, it is under construction so my family cannot see it clearly. It is kind of a disappointment.”

Others were more understanding of the repairs. Rick Jones, another visitor, said, “It’s a little inconvenient for us not to see the dome but you have to think about the future and the people will be coming to this place for centuries...and you know, there just needs to be preventive maintenance(保养). I am not upset with that at all.”

The project is expected to take more than two years to complete. The dome should be ready for the inauguration of a new president in January 2017.

1We can learn from the passage that the United States Capitol Dome is ______.

A.worn by exposure to the weather

B.surrounded by many repair projects

C.well kept and in excellent condition

D.regarded as a symbol of the U.K. government

2According to Don Ritchie, the present repair work involves ______.

a. stopping the leaks

b. changing the frame

c. removing the old paints

d. replacing the lights e. filling the narrow breaks



3Which of the following can describe the recent visitors to the Capitol Dome?

A.They could get a clear look at the dome.

B.They were impressed by the white dome’s fantastic beauty.

C.They held different views on the Capitol’s current appearance.

D.They were all disappointed at the sight of the Capitol building.

4The underlined word “inauguration” in the last paragraph most probably means _____.

A.tourB.taking office

C.interviewD.taking photos

【题目】 There are always stories in the life that can hardly be forgotten and will restore our hope for holidays every time we recollect.

Johnny and I, along with our two young sons, Barry and Doyle, lived in a village in southern Alabama in 1979. We had bought the boys a bicycle for the New Year, and had hidden it in the garage ,where Johnny would assemble (组装)it on New Year5 s Eve after the kids fell asleep. But that day, Johnny had to go to Brookley Air Force Base in Mobile, an hour away, to repair a jet. I had my hands busy with baking, preparing for holiday dinner and caring for two energetic boys.

Just as I was making the chocolate cake, a neighbor knocked on the door. It was Beatrice, who was the only person on our road with a telephone. The base had called to say that a heavy tool had come apart suddenly, hitting Johnny's arm and breaking the bone. My brother Otto took me to the base hospital while my mother stayed with the children.

We got there to find Johnny with a cast (石膏)on his arm, anxious to get home regardless of the doctor's orders. It was New Year's Eve, Johnny argued, and he had the bike to assemble for his boys. The doctor said he'd consider dismissing him the next morning if Johnny could find someone to drive him home. On New Year's morning, Johnny called the base and was told everyone was off duty there was no one to drive him home. Johnny kept making calls. At last, a big blue car with the Air Force sign rolled up.

I was putting dinner on the table when hearing the car. We were thrilled to see Johnny assisted by a uniformed Air Force officer. With Otto's help, Johnny assembled the boy's gift, and they all had a good time that afternoon. Our hearts were full of gratitude to the people who had gone the extra mile to bring us together.

1What had Johnny planned to do on New Year's Eve?

A.Repair a jet.B.Buy his sons a bike.

C.Prepare a surprise gift.D.Assemble a bike with his sons.

2Why did Beatrice come to the author's house?

A.To relay a message.B.To make a phone call.

C.To lend out her telephone.D.To take the author to the hospital.

3How can we describe Johnny?


4What can serve as the title for the text?

A.A Hard - won New Year PresentB.A Treasured New Year Memory

C.An Unexpected New Year DinnerD.A Life - changing New Year Experience

【题目】 You may be relying more and more on your refrigerator. But you should know there are some things you’d better not put into your refrigerator.

1 Nothing dries out bread faster than your refrigerator. If you make sandwiches with the bread, and then place them in the refrigerator, the cold temperature will make the bread hard like nuts. Besides, the coldness makes the bread become hard at a faster speed.

Coffee. Since ground coffee like coffee beans require cool, dry and dark spots to keep their taste and freshness, the refrigerator is not a good place for them. Coffee also needs an airtight(密封的)container. But if you have much coffee that you won’t use right away, then you can freeze it. 2 This way, you can store it for up to a month.

Tomatoes. 3 But putting them in the refrigerator will cause them to lose all of their good taste. Plus, the cold air in the cooler refrigerator stops the ripening(成熟的)process as well. And as we all know, ripening is what gives every tomato more taste. For best results, keep tomatoes out, and inside a basket or a bowl on your counter.

Honey. Make sure that you keep honey in an airtight container. 4 Therefore. storing it in your cooler refrigerator doesn’t make sense. Honey is a naturally preserved food so it needs no help from us. Amazingly enough, placing honey in your refrigerator will in fact speed up the sugar crystallization (结晶)process. 5

A. Nuts.

B. Bread.

C. We all love tomatoes for their taste.

D. Just make sure to put the coffee in airtight bags.

E. Honey will stay good almost forever in that way.

F. Some of you dislike the tomatoes’ taste because it is a little strange.

G. As a result, the honey will become harder or nearly impossible to eat.

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