
Born in the State of New York on May 14th, 1984, Mark Zuckerberg was an instant success. In his high school years, he was considered one of top students in the classics, before moving into the arts, sciences, and literature, again picking up high marks and receiving academic praise. It earned him admission to Harvard University.

As a rebellious yet relatively quiet student, he created a website called Facemash in the university– an instantly controversial website that encouraged students to rate each other based on appearance.

The site was controversial for several reasons. The first was its illegal use of photographs, which the university and students took issue with. The second was its controversial nature – not every student like being ranked based on their appearance. The third was its huge resource use – while it was hosted on Harvard servers, it was the most popular page in the university’s entire network.

Zuckerberg was soon forced to shut the site down, but its popularity and controversy had made him consider its future potential. He soon turned the simple site into a personal one for Harvard students, encouraging them to network with their peers at the college. It was then, together with his two friends, that they launched “The Facebook”, which immediately spread to other colleges and grew into a public service that anyone could access in the United States, whether to network with friends and family, or to play games.

The company has been criticized frequently, nevertheless, Zuckerberg has remained true to his initial vision – to create a website that the entire world can use to communicate openly and easily with one another and to keep the user experience clean and pure. The end result is one of the world’s biggest online businesses.

Although its true value is debatable, it’s safe to say that Facebook, and its creator Mark Zuckerberg, are two of the twenty-first century’s most influential, controversial, and potentially powerful figures.

1.When Mark Zuckerberg was a student, he_____________________.

A. was often praised by teachers for the website he created

B. had good academic performance

C. alone created a website called Facebook

D. encouraged students to set up business like him

2.The reason why Zuckerberg shut the site down was probably that__________.

A. his website was not popular

B. he was doubted for the way he used photographs

C. he needed time to reconsider his choice

D. he stole resource on Harvard server

3.Which words can best describe Zuckerberg?

A. easy-going and smart.

B. quiet and shy.

C. talented and outgoing.

D. rebellious and creative.

4.The best title of the passage should be________________.

A. Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook

B. The Foundation of Facebook

C. A Talent from Harvard University

D. The Development of Facebook



We all use money every day. It is essential because we can pay money for whatever we want.Money is recognized as banknotes and coins.

However,many years ago people couldn’ t go to the shop and buy what they wanted.They had to get what they wanted through the barter trade(实物交易).It was really difficult,for the barter often depended on coincidence of wants.For example,the seller of grain has to find a buyer who wants to buy grain and who also could offer something the seller wants to buy.And one more example,if a wheat farmer needs what a fruit farmer produces,a direct exchange is impossible because seasonal fruit would spoil before the grain harvest.The solution is to trade fruit for wheat indirectly through a third intermediate commodity(中间的商品),such as cattle,salt,shells,wine.However,commodity money had their disadvantages.For example,cattle,fur,precious stones couldn’ t be cut into smaller pieces and it was inconvenient to keep and transport them.Thus coins were invented.

The earliest known coins in the western world came from Lydia in about 650 B.C.Greek cities,the Great Persian Empire and Roman Empire quickly adopted the new useful technique of metal currency.And by the end of the 6th century,coinages were common throughout the region.However,coins as well as commodity money had many disadvantages.For instance,coins quickly show wear(磨损) and they usually have small value,so it’ s difficult to count large sums of coins.

At first,paper money was used in China in about 650 A.D.After then,it was used in Persia and Japan.In Europe,paper money was firstly produced in the Netherlands in the 16th century and in the USA in the 17th century.Paper money is worthless but symbolic.In other words,paper money is just a note.It has a purchasing power because the government announces it as money and citizens accept it universally.

1.The writer explains the difficulty of barter trade by_______.

A. telling stories B. using examples

C. presenting a theory D. making a comparison

2.What do we know about the early coins?

A. They usually had large value.

B. They were first used in Greece.

C. They still had many disadvantages.

D. People didn’ t like the metal currency.

3.Paper money was used earlier in_______.

A. Rome B. Greece

C. the USA D. the Netherlands

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Function of money. B. History of money.

C. Invention of money. D. Types of money.



Last year,researchers from the University of Michigan reported that empathy,the ability to understand other people,among college students had dropped sharply over the past 10 years. That could be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time,the researchers said. 1. .

Jennifer Freed,a co?director of a teen program,has another explanation.Turn on the TV,and you're showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting,competing,and generally treating one another with no respect. 2. .

There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples.Humans are socially related by nature. Having relationships with other people is an important part of being human — and having empathy is decisive to those relationships. Researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high self?respect. 3. .Empathy is also an indication of a good leader.In fact,Freed says,many top companies report that empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new managers. 4. “Academics are important.But if you don't have emotional (情感的) intelligence,you won't be as successful in work or in your love life,” she says.

What's the best way to up your EQ (情商)? For starters,let down your guard and really listen to others. 5. .

To really develop empathy,you'd better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital,join a club or a team that has a diverse membership,have a “sharing circle” with your family,or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.

A. Today,people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs.

B. “One doesn't develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking,” Freed says.

C. Humans learn by example and most of the examples on it are anything but empathetic.

D. Empathy is a matter of learning how to understand someone else — both what they think and how they feel.

E. Good social skills, including empathy, are a kind of “emotional intelligence” that will help you succeed in many areas of life.

F. Besides,empathy can be a cure for loneliness,sadness,anxiety,and fear.

G. Everyone is different,and levels of empathy differ from person to person.

完形填空,阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I ran into a stranger as he passed by. “Oh, excuse me please” was my _________ . He said: “Please excuse me too; I wasn’t watching for you.” We were very _________ , this stranger and I. We went on our way and we said goodbye. But at home a _________ story is told.

Later that day, when I was cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood beside me very _________ . When I _________ , I nearly knocked her down. “Move out of the _________,” I said with a frown. She walked away, her little heart broken. I didn’t _________ how harshly(严厉地) I’d spoken.

While I lay awake in bed that evening, my husband said to me, “While _________ a stranger, you are polite, but with the girl you love, you are _________ . Go to look on the kitchen floor; you’ll find some flowers by the door. Those are the flowers she brought to _________. She picked them herself: pink, yellow and blue. She stood quietly not to _________ the surprise, and you _________ saw the tears in her eyes.”

_________ , my tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt down by her bed. “Wake up, little girl,” I said. “Are these flowers you picked for me?” She smiled: “I found them out by the tree. I picked them _________ they’re pretty like you. I knew you’d like them, especially the blue.”

I said: “Daughter, I'm sorry for the way I _________ today. I _________ have yelled at you that way.”

She said: “Oh Mom, that’s okay. I love you anyway.”

I said: “Daughter, I love you too. And I do like the flowers, especially the blue.”

I had got the world _________ again. I’d _________ to be polite to people in the street—good _________ make society work. But a stranger is someone we bump into once and then never see again—and _________ is for life.

1.A. answer B. words C. reply D. speech

2.A. careful B. polite C. serious D. unhappy

3.A. interesting B. meaningful C. similar D. different

4.A. still B. noisy C. upset D. excited

5.A. called B. turned C. returned D. removed

6.A. house B. space C. way D. area

7.A. realize B. care C. prove D. understand

8.A. referring to B. listening to C. dealing with D. picking up

9.A. anxious B. patient C. disappointed D. unkind

10.A. us B. you C. the family D. her friends

11.A. ruin B. expect C. announce D. handle

12.A. seldom B. simply C. even D. never

13.A. By this time B. At one time C. For a time D. At the same time

14.A. while B. so C. unless D. because

15.A. considered B. acted C. developed D. performed

16.A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. wouldn’t D. mustn’t

17.A. clear B. right C. beautiful D. meaningful

18.A. begin B. learn C. continue D. change

19.A. manners B. habits C. lifestyle D. behaviors

20.A. lover B. companion C. family D. friend



Nowadays parents and their children are spending less and less time communicating with each other. 1. . It is reported that American parents today spend about 40 percent less time with their children than parents did a generation ago. To keep your family time creative and enjoyable, below is a list of helpful family time tips.

1. Eat together & listen to each other

Most children today don’t know the meaning of a family dinnertime. Yet the

communication and unity built during this time is necessary to a healthy family life. Sharing a meal together allows parents and their children the opportunity to talk about each other’s lives. 2. .

2. Read often

It’s important for parents to read to their children. The latest research shows that reading to your children develops an interest in knowledge and contributes to language development. It also increases their concentration on things and helps them become more curious. 3. . After reading, ask questions about what the books are about.

3. Start a hobby or project

Choose a fun activity that your children are interested in. Activities like cooking, fishing or biking can be their great hobbies. 4. . Once a child learns a new skill, let him or her take the lead under your direction.

4. Plan a family outing

5. . Jump into the family car and go for a drive. Prepare a picnic lunch and visit a local park. Take time to play or ride a bike. A slow and relaxing walk in the woods will help parents communicate with their children better. Also, a visit to the zoo or museum will inspire enthusiasm in a child and lead to long discussions.

A. It is very important for children to exercise.

B. They can open the door to exciting family time.

C. Sometimes getting out of the house is important.

D. Look for books that your children would enjoy reading.

E. New technology has made video games more popular with children.

F. This is also a time for parents to listen and give advice to their children.

G. As a result, many children are getting less love than their parents once got.

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