

Backpacking in America

Hi. My friend and I are two engineering students in New York. We are planning a backpacking trip in America. We are friendly, easy-going and adventurous. We are looking for friendly people to go with us along our wild adventurous journey. We are trying to make this trip as cheap as possible, as the cheaper it gets the more excitement it will bring to our journey. So please email us at Stephen302@gmail.com.

Free French Conversation

Hi. I am an American girl. My native language is English and I have a very good knowledge of French. I would like to meet a girl from China to practice speaking French. I would speak slowly so that you can understand me better and learn French more easily. You can teach me Chinese in return. My email is Janet123@hotmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Private English Teacher

An English teacher offers private lessons. I have over 5 years’ experience in teaching English. I correct mistakes (grammar, pronunciation), and also teach reading and writing. I always do my best to encourage students to use English and develop their language skills. $10 for a lesson of 40 minutes, and $15 for a lesson of up to 70 minutes. Please email me if you need more information. Email: David305@gmail.com.

Room Available in Washington

I am Lydia from America and looking for a clean and nice female room-mate to live with. It will be available from January 1st, 2012 to August 31st, 2012. The room is large enough for the two of us. It is close to bars, restaurants, and shops and it is within 10 minutes to walk to the bus station. The room price is $460/month, including electricity, hot water, and the Internet! Email me at Lydia606@hotmail.com to set up a time to come and have a look.

1.To get close to nature in a group, you will most probably send your e-mail to_____.



C.Janet123 @hotmail.com


2.How much will a student pay a month if he goes to the 40 minutes’ class twice and the 70 minutes’ once every week?

A.$35              B.$100             C.$140             D.$160

3.If you are allowed to move into the room for rent, you _____.

A.can get a free Internet connection every day

B.can spend ten minutes walking to school

C.will share the room with a female roommate

D.will find the restaurants across the bus station

4.If you are a Chinese girl who wants to practice French, you can write an e-mail to _____.




D.Janet123 @hotmail.com









1.细节题。从文章We are looking for friendly people to go with us along our wild adventurous journey.可知,如果你想亲近自然你需要与Stephen302@gmail.com联系,故选D

2.细节题。从文章$10 for a lesson of 40 minutes, and $15 for a lesson of up to 70 minutes. 可知每周去上40分钟一节的课两次,共花费20美金,70分钟一节的课每周一次,花费15美金,一个月4次,故为140美金,故选C

3.细节题。从文章I am Lydia from America and looking for a clean and nice female room-mate to live with.可知可以和一个女孩子一起租用房子,故选C

4.细节题。从文章I would like to meet a girl from China to practice speaking French. I 可知如果你是一个中国女孩想学法语,可以跟Janet123 @hotmail.com联系,故选D





Backpacking through Africa, I always carried some food with me  21   I couldn’t find something to eat.
I was  22   through a local market one day when I  23  upon a jar of   24  jam.I could find tins of apple and strawberry in every corner store but this was the first time I had seen peach.I took it.
For the next few weeks, when I was feeling the need for a little  25  , I would carefully  26   the lid and spoon a bit on to a biscuit.Mum, delicious.I didn’t   27  it with anybody.It sat safely in my  28  , taken out on only special  29 .
One cold and cloudy afternoon, while I was waiting for a local bus, it started to rain.Everybody scattered for  30  and so did I.But I was already wet through so I quickly searched through my pack for some   31   clothes.
In my hurry to  32  further discomfort, I forgot that the jar of jam was  33  in my clothing.One forceful yank(猛拉)and my  34   jar of jam crashed to the concrete ground, smashing into pieces.
I was so sad that I almost cried.And then, in the corner of my eye, I noticed an old woman in rags  35 .Without hesitating, she bent down and picked up the half of the jar that still looked   36 .
Still  37  , she stuck two fingers into the jar, scooped out the  38  jam and placed it into her toothless mouth.Carefully, like fish bones, she  39  the pieces of glass.She studied the broken container  40  she was certain that there was nothing left.Then she left.
My bus arrived shortly after and, as we drove off, I wondered if the jam would taste the same to me.
21.A.in order that    B.if            C.just in case      D.unless
22.A.looking       B.buying        C.getting        D.running
23.A.depended     B.chanced       C.discovered          D.got
24.A.apple          B.strawberry       C.orange        D.peach
25.A.meal           B.treat           C.rest          D.drink
26.A.remove       B.move          C.discover      D.uncover
27.A.divide         B.eat           C.share          D.enjoy
28.A.pocket        B.pack           C.corner         D.store
29.A.situations        B.conditions       C.atmosphere      D.occasions
30.A.protection       B.shelter        C.cover          D.warmth
31.A.beautiful     B.rain         C.warm          D.dry
32.A.avoid          B.get into       C.defeat         D.overcome
33.A.lying          B.buried         C.covered       D.locked
34.A.expensive        B.valuable      C.precious      D.priceless
35.A.reached       B.appearing        C.running       D.approaching
36.A.all right      B.nice            C.broken        D.fresh
37.A.standing up     B.looked down upon
C.bent over               D.watching out
38.A.delicious     B.remaining       C.extra           D.spare
39.A.swallowed       B.took out      C.ate up         D.spit out
40.A.until           B.unless         C.after               D.before

You want to have fun and adventure and so you decide to travel somewhere to do it. Sounds like a simple enough thing. And basically it is. But what is adventure? That is the key here and the answer can be different for different people.
For those who love sports, adventure travel can have a whole different meaning than for those who like history. The physical travel types that you can find include such adventure travel as white water rafting (白浪漂流), kayaking or climbing and hiking to some mountains somewhere. To the hiker, backpacking across Ireland might be their adventure. For this type of person, adventure travel almost always includes something physical. Often the goal is to push their body’s limits and test their individual endurance (耐力).
For those who less want to climb mountains, adventure travel might mean traveling to Nepal and taking in the local festivals. Wine tasting in Italy is also vacation adventure for the more relaxed traveler who enjoys peace and comfort. Anything that is opposite to the normal scope (范围) of the traveler’s lifestyle defines (定义) adventure.
Adventure travel is not necessarily a one-size-fits-all type of vacation. Adventure depends on the person’s physical limits, how much money the person has and what the person enjoys doing. Going beyond the normal is adventurous for many. If your life is quite busy, then sitting on a beach in the moonlight with your family might be adventure for you. The point is not what you do but that you have a good time and that it is an adventure for YOU — not for the person next to you.
Do not sit home this year when vacation time rolls around. Go beyond your normal routine and try something new. If you usually spend your vacation sun-bathing on a beach, try hiking, instead, through the mountains. Look around you, think beyond your comfort zone and head out on an adventure vacation.
【小题1】For a quiet traveler, he is most likely to choose _________.

A.backpacking across a country
B.wine tasting in a bar
C.hiking to some mountains
D.white water rafting
【小题2】To have an adventure travel, the most important is _________.
A.whether you enjoy yourself
B.whether you try something dangerous
C.where you go for the traveling
D.what you do in the traveling
【小题3】The underlined word “beyond” in Paragraph 4 probably means “_________”.
A.according toB.later thanC.more thanD.less than
【小题4】From the passage, we can make a conclusion that _________.
A.adventure travel always includes something dangerous
B.adventure travel will cost you a large sum of money
C.anything that goes beyond the normal is adventure travel
D.adventure travelers like to do things to the limits of their body
【小题5】The best title for the passage may be “_________”.
A.Tips on adventure travel
B.Who is interested in adventure travel
C.What is adventure travel
D.Popular places for adventure travel

If you are looking for a summer camp job opportunity, the following are some summer camp jobs available for 2011 summer.
1. Fishing
Male 21----Teach fishing and fly-tying(飞钓) techniques. Live with 6-8 campers and instructors, teach basic outdoor skills, lead backpacking trips and assist with canoe trips.
Salary:$2,400.00一$3,000.00          Roaring Brook Camp Camp for Boys
480 Roaring Brook Road
Bradford, Vermont 05033, USA     Contact: Dr. Candice Raines at (800) 802-747-0282
2. Athletic Trainer
International Sports Training Camp is a specialized sports camp located on a private 100- acre lake in the scenic Pocono Mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania. We are renowned for our outstanding facilities, innovative programs and friendly staff.
We are looking for both students and certified athletic trainers. Great working environment caring for kids sports injuries.
Salary: $2,500.00- $2,500.00
International Sports Training Camp
1100 Twin Lake Road
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360,USA   Contact: Kara Klaus Major at(570)6202267
3. Head Cook
Will manage kitchen staff of 4,order food and prepare meals and snacks for 50-60 campers and staff daily, during sessions and training periods.
Salary: $3,000.00-$4,000.00
Burgundy Center for wildlife Studies
HC 83.Box 38DD
Capon Bridge, West Virginia 26711, USA     Contact: Vini Schoene at(540)465-1516
4. Drama Department Head
Spend an unforgettable summer doing what you love in the outdoor setting! Work with talented staff and children on exciting plays, musicals and improv!
Camp Airy (for boys)is seeking an experienced individual with a theater background and experience in directing children’s productions.Supervise counselor staff and direct two major productions in our 600 seat Outdoor Theatre.
Our summer season runs from June 17 to August 18. Be sure to visit our outstanding web site at www.airylouise.org.
Salary: Depends on Experience
Camp Airy &Camp Louise
14938 Old Camp Airy Road
Thurmont, Maryland 21788,USA   Contact: Steve Goldklang at (410)466-9010
【小题1】Who would be most interested in the text?

A.College students.B.General readers.C.Holiday goers.D.Job seekers.
【小题2】 Mr. Smith always finds pleasure in fly fishing, which telephone might he dial?
【小题3】The underlined word “improv” probably means _______.
A.formal performanceB.unprepared performance
C.normal practiceD.dancing and singing
【小题4】. Which of the following statements about athletic trainers is TRUE?
A.College graduates are preferred.B.Only professional athletes can apply
C.They can earn as much as $3,500.00
D.Their job includes taking care of the injured kids
【小题5】. Which of the following organizations offers a flexible salary?
A.Camp Airy &Camp Louise.B.International Sports Training Camp.
C.Roaring Brook Camp Camp for Boys.D.Burgundy Center for wildlife Studies

When most people travel, they spend some time booking hotel rooms. However, my friend Ashley and I were not like most people many years ago. We decided that backpacking through Ireland would be more fun if we “winged it”.

  Winging it, of course, meant that we’d each buy a one-way ticket to Dublin, and give ourselves ten days to get back to Bath, England, where we were enrolled in a study-abroad program. The plan was to visit Dublin, Galway, Cong, and finally end things in Belfast, where we figured we could catch a flight back to England.

  Unfortunately, Ireland had other plans for us, as nothing worked out the way in which we thought it would. After getting stuck in Galway and Cong for about seven days, we finally managed to take a bus trip from Cong to Belfast. The twelve-hour bus ride started at ten in the morning, which meant that we’d arrive in the heart of Belfast at around ten at night. Of course, like all transport, the bus ran late, and we ended up in Belfast at around eleven-thirty at night. As there were a ton of hotels around the area where it dropped us off, we weren’t too worried about finding a hotel room. But hotel after hotel turned us down.

  After the third hotel turned us down and the fourth one was locked up for the night, Ashley and I started to realize that we had to spend a long night sleeping on a city bench. Like militant soldiers, we slept in turn as we were worried we would get robbed. The system worked, as we were able to stay safe while catching as much sleep as we could on the bench.

  From this experience, I really learnt a good lesson.

1.Why did the author and his friend decide to wing it when they went to travel in Ireland? (No more than 8 words)


2.What did the author and his friend do in Bath, England? (No more than 8 words)


3.How long did it take the author and his friend to get to Belfast from Cong by bus? (No more than 5 words)


4.Why did the author and his friend have to take turns to sleep? (No more than 8 words)





Here is a selection of the tours organized for the coming year.

A. 8 days mountaineering trip --- climb Yunnan’s third highest peak, the Haba snow mountain. This is ideal for people loving adventure. You need to be fit and healthy.

B. 8 days cycling tour from Qiaotou Town--- visit the spectacular Tiger Leaping Gorge. It is a leisurely tour suitable for anyone who is reasonably fit and healthy. No previous cycling experience is necessary and all our routes are on flat land.

C. 8 days river rafting—white water adventure on the Yangtze from the old town of Lijiang. This adults-only tour is exclusively for good swimmers, physically fit.

D. 10 days rainforest trek--- spend 5 days in the forest and meet the local people. This is a walking tour and no previous experience is needed, just a curious mind and an interest in traditional cultures.

E. 10 days horse trekking tour—visit authentic Tibetan villages of Shangri-la. The ultimate horse-riding experience in a spectacular mountain environment. This trip is for confirmed riders only. Don’t expect three-star hotels on this trip

F. 7 days camping--- backpacking is the top activity at this camp, including classes in backpacking stove operation, back country first aid, water purification, and map and compass skills.


46. The Smiths: a family of four, including parents, a sixteen-year-old son and a thirteen-year-old daughter, who are looking for a fun holiday. All four are good riders.

47. Mr. and Mrs. Green: a retired couple who are reasonably fit and who want to find out more about ethnic minorities’ cultures.

48. A group of four young adults: they are into all extreme sports and looking for something with plenty of excitement. They are more interested in the scenery than in the life of the locals.

49. The Simpsons: a family of five including a ten-year-old girl. They have many different interests and they are looking for a relaxing holiday.

50. Robert and Lisa: a honeymoon couple who want the holiday of a lifetime. They are both sporty types and love water sports.

人名                                路线

46 .The Smiths                          A. 8 days mountaineering trip

47 .Mr. and Mrs. Green               B. 8 days cycling tour from Qiaotou Town

48. A group of four young adults         C. 8 days river rafting

49. The Simpsons                     D. 10 days rainforest trek

50. Robert and Lisa                    E. 10 days horse trekking tour

F. 7 days camping


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