
THANK-you cards--heartfelt expressions of gratitude for gifts, services and general kindness--seem to be rare in an age when the Internet continues to reduce human interaction.

Although our society has changed greatly over the past century, the etiquette of thank-you notes has not.

While most people would agree that thank-you notes under these circumstances are a necessity, there are still those who forever postpone or are forgetful for unknown reasons.

And at no time of the year are thank-you notes more visible (or lacking) than June, the month of graduations, and the beginning of summer parties.

"It's a must-do thing. A real thank you does not come by e-mail. It comes in the mail in an envelope. And what comes out of an envelope is a beautiful thing to touch and to handle and to pass around for everyone to read," said etiquette expert Letitia Baldrige.

Don't think for a second that Baldrige is old-fashioned. Handwritten thank-you notes--any handwritten correspondence, for that matter- have taken on an air of extra importance and dignity (庄重) in this e-hyper (电子狂躁的) world.

Baldrige remains hopeful that the art may be enjoying a renaissance (复兴,再生).

More than simply obeying rules of etiquette, thank-you cards are a sign of caring.

"They're more important now than ever," expert Peter Post says. "You are building a relationship. And part of building that relationship is that you acknowledge when someone has done something nice for you. "

"The payoff," Post says, "can be huge. The more we do it, the more it comes back to us, and it's a benefit to us all. It makes our world a little bit nicer place to live in. "

1.Nowadays thank-you cards seem to be rare mainly because ______.

A. people think that they are out of fashion

B. it is quicker to say thanks by e-mail

C. the Internet has reduced people's contact

D. people are too busy to remember these things

2.From the context, the word "etiquette" in the second paragraph probably means ______.

A. old objects for sale

B. rules for people to obey

C. hand-made articles

D. customs for polite behavior

3.The author implies in this article that ______.

A. old-fashioned people take a negative attitude to e-mails

B. the changing society is making people impolite and lazy

C. modern technology is driving people apart

D. the e-hyper world is not a nice place to live in

4.What’s Baldrige’s attitude towards handwritten thank-you cards?

A. Regretful to disappear

B. Promising to come back

C. Old-fashioned to keep

D. Unnecessary between friends




A man who loved to hunt bought two setters( 塞特猎犬) that he trained to be fine bird dogs. He kept them in a large, fenced pen( 围栏 ) in his ____ .

One morning he ____a little bulldog (牛头 ) running down the path behind his home. It saw the two dogs and squeezed under the fence. The man thought he should perhaps ____the setters so they wouldn't hurt the little dog, but ____his mind. Maybe they would teach that bulldog ____ he thought.

As he ____, fur began to fly, and all of it was bulldog fur. The bulldog soon had enough and ____.

To the man' s ____, the incident was repeated the following day with the ____results.

The man left early the next morning ____a business trip and returned after several weeks. He asked his wife what finally ____to the bulldog.

"You won't ____it, "she replied. "At the same time every day that little dog came to the backyard and ____our setters. He never ____ a day! Now when our setters hear him barking down the ____, they ran down into the basement. Then the little bulldog walks around our backyard ____he owned it. "

How do you manage those problems you ____daily? Dale Carnegie made this observation: "Most of the important things in the world have been. ____by people who have kept on trying ____there seemed to be no hope at all. " In the end, it's the ____bulldog that will own the backyard.

1.A. backyard B. cave C. garage D. cage

2.A. glared B. noticed C. stared D. glimpsed

3.A. round up B. throw up C. hold up D. lock up

4.A. changed B. made up C. turned D. closed

5.A. a class B. a course C. a lesson D. a subject

6.A. ensured B. predicted C. informed D. responded

7.A. took away B. broke away C. kept away D. got away

8.A. satisfaction B. joy C. surprise D. disappointment

9.A. only B. same C. different D. sensitive

10.A. on B. for C. with D. in

11.A. turned out B. became of C. happened D. came up

12.A. prepare B. believe C. conclude D. perform

13.A. fought with B. fought for C. fought off D. fought back

14.A. missed B. increased C. appointed D. acquired

15.A. avenue B. path C. street D. road

16.A. even if B. what if C. only if D. as if

17.A. come up with B. come round C. come across D. come through

18.A. advocated B. adopted C. accomplished D. approved

19.A. why B. where C. when D. whether

20.A. naughty B. smart C. strong D. determined

It is never too late to try to make your dreams come true. This could be Mary Moe’s motto—the expression that best presents her spirit. Mary Moe has done a lot during the past 91 years. For much of that time, she wanted to fly, but never had the chance—until now. She recently achieved her life-long dream.

Mary just learned how to fly an airplane, a dream she has had since she was a little girl. Growing up, she was inspired by two American pilots: Charles Lindburgh Amelia Earhart. They became her inspiration. Lindbugh made the solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927. Five years later, Earhart became the first woman to make the flight. But Mary Moe could not find time to make her dream come true. At age 34, she was just too busy—busy fighting cancer. She was also busy with her job in advertising and busy raising her family.

There was simply no time to think about flying a plane. And it was difficult for her to drive to the airport. Lessons were costly. Everything seemed to be working against Mary.

“I had actually gone out to that airport in the 1980s to see about flying lessons and it was such a long drive out and expensive and I thought, ‘No, I have to put this back burner for a while.’” So her dream had to wait. She kept it on the back burner. Then, at age 91, her wish finally came true.

Ms Moe learned about Wish of a lifetime. Wish of a Lifetime is a non-profit organization whose goal is to change the way our society thinks about aging and older adults.

Sally Webster works for the group. Wish of Lifetime helps older people, senior citizens, enjoy a dream. It also sends the message that it is never too late for a dream. So they really try to look for those stories that are inspiring and can show people that older Americans can achieve things just like younger Americans can.

1. In her thirties, Mary Moe must have ___________

A. lived a smooth life B. been unemployed

C. spent a hard time D. learned how to fly

2.The underlined part is closest in meaning to “_____________”

A. set this down B. put this off

C. cut this off D. give this away

3.Wish of Lifetime is set up in order to_____________.

A. change people’s thought about the old

B. improve people’s life

C. raise money for the old

D. help the old live on themselves


1.Villagers might get cancer or other severe diseases if ________(暴露) to the piles of electronic rubbish for a long time.

2.Alfred was deducted 3 points, fined 100 pounds for _________ (超速) on the freeway to Manchester.

3.There is no enough scientific evidence that twins mostly think and act a__________. They do have some similar hobbies in some cases,but simply because they are given hints to.

4.Janet L Yellen, the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, expressed cautious __________(乐观) about next year’s American economy at the press conference.

5.The blind girl’s performance was really _________(印象深刻),all the three judges in the reality show said “Yes” to her the moment she finished.

6.Everybody has 24 hours a day. What really matters is your ________ (效率),my son!

7.__________ (包围,环绕)by the vast Pacific, thick forest, and spectacular snow-capped mountains, Vancouver is ranked the most livable city worldwide.

8.According to the investigation, the subway, which has been __________ __________ for two years, caused this landslide. (正在建设中)

9.The Chinese job seeker __________ __________ an “s” in the word Massachusetts, which cost him this opportunity. (遗漏,落下)

10.Your laziness, rather than your intelligence, is _______ _________ for your failure in the college entrance examination. (对--------负责)

11._________ her great _________, Youyou Tu, was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine, becoming the first Chinese scientist for work carried out within the mainland. (为------带来荣誉)

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