13£®It was now raining heavily£®My husband was away£®I did not want to ask anyone else to go with me£®So I went to the hospital by£¨61£©myself£®I was taken to a small room£®Lina£¨62£©lay£¨lie£© sleeping quietly on a table£®This wasn't £¨63£©the first time Lina had taken too many pills£®I knew she would sleep deeply for about twelve hours £¨64£©until/till the poison had stopped doing its harm£®
I sat down by Lina's side and watched her sleep£®The room was still£®I looked around£®The room seemed familiar£®"Have I been here before£¿"I wondered£®I looked around£¨65£©again£®"I'm sure I've been in this room£¬"I told myself£®Then I remembered£®It was in this very room that I gave birth£¨66£©to Lina seventeen years ago£®£¨67£©How happy I was then!
Lina used to be such a bright£¬£¨68£©healthy£¨health£© and nice child£®"What has turned her into a dope-taker £¨Îü¶¾Õߣ©£¿"I asked myself£®"And why are millions of young people like her £¨69£©taking £¨take£©dope to destroy themselves£¿There must be something£¨70£©seriously£¨serious£© wrong with our society£®What is it£¿"
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65£®again£»¿¼²é¸±´Ê£®¾äÖÐlook aroundÔÚÇ°Ãæ³öÏÖÁËÒ»´Î£¬ÕâÀïÊÇÔÙÒ»´Î£¬ÓÖÒ»´ÎµÄÒâ˼£¬ÒªÓÃagainÀ´±íʾ£®
66£®to£»¿¼²é¶ÌÓï´îÅ䣮give birth toÉúº¢×Ó£®
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A£® | whether | B£® | what | C£® | that | D£® | whom |
Ryan and Tracy£¨16£©C in a friend's home in 2003£®"She was beautiful and interesting to talk to£¬"Ryan says of his first £¨17£©Aof Tracy£®In 2005£¬they got married and were very happy£®However£¬a call put the couple's life in £¨18£©Ba month after their daughter was born£®Ryan was at work when a neighbour called to inform him that Tracy had been £¨19£©Bto the hospital£®
£¨20£©C£¬he ran to the hospital£®When he got there£¬he knew his £¨21£©Dhad been treated for fever£®However£¬the fever did not£¨22£©B after Tracy received the medical treatment£®
Tracy's breathing became laboured and was £¨23£©Dto speak£®The medical exammation £¨24£©Ashe developed an infection damaging her nerve system£®Tracy went into a coma £¨»èÃÔ£©and a few days later£¬though she regained consciousness£¬she £¨25£©Ccould not move her lower legs£®"she was admitted to hospital for four months and £¨26£©Adoctors did all they could£¬her £¨27£©Cgot worse£¬"Ryan says£®She could no longer £¨28£©Dher legs£¬and lost the ability to give voices£®
"Those four months are the most £¨29£©Btime I have ever had£®I have never stopped hoping and praying she will regain her£¨30£©D£¬"Ryan Isays with a smile£¬"I miss her laughter£¬and wonder what kind of a mother she would be to our daughter£®"
11£®A£®happy | B£®simple | C£®different | D£®basic |
12£®A£®weak | B£®alone | C£®ill | D£®cruel |
13£®A£®magic | B£®exciting | C£®unexpected | D£®sad |
14£®A£®true | B£®strange | C£®rude | D£®useful |
15£®A£®comfortable | B£®special | C£®safe | D£®conscious |
16£®A£®married | B£®stayed | C£®met | D£®worked |
17£®A£®impression | B£®expression | C£®discussion | D£®attention |
18£®A£®danger | B£®trouble | C£®surprise | D£®silence |
19£®A£®dashed | B£®rushed | C£®pushed | D£®carried |
20£®A£®Angry | B£®Confident | C£®Anxious | D£®Proud |
21£®A£®daughter | B£®friend | C£®neighbor | D£®wife |
22£®A£®slow down | B£®go down | C£®look down | D£®burn down |
23£®A£®ready | B£®eager | C£®unwilling | D£®unable |
24£®A£®revealed | B£®repeated | C£®agreed | D£®admitted |
25£®A£®even | B£®instead | C£®still | D£®again |
26£®A£®though | B£®after | C£®since | D£®when |
27£®A£®attitude | B£®examination | C£®condition | D£®pain |
28£®A£®clean | B£®remove | C£®touch | D£®move |
29£®A£®wonderful | B£®difficult | C£®ridiculous | D£®important |
30£®A£®position | B£®power | C£®confidence | D£®health£® |