
I went shopping for a dress to wear to my daughter’s high school graduation half a year ago. To my horror, I could only fit into a size 20.

Being overweight most of my adult life, I always had very little self-confidence. Wearing a dress I didn’t like to such an important event was enough to make me look for help. Thankfully, a friend of mine was attending Weight Watchers meetings, and I noticed her great progress. Her success inspired me to give it a try. I joined Weight Watchers, attended their meetings and started following their Weight-Loss System.

I focused on the plan with determination and never missed a weekly meeting! I discovered that I enjoyed the benefits of having the help and support of others. I also read the weekly online e-newsletter and was inspired by the stories, recipes and information offered there, I also read magazines produced by Weight Watchers, which have great tips and new ideas in each issue.

It’s hard for me to even remember the person I was before my amazing change. I didn’t walk anywhere and couldn’t wash my car or walk my dog. Today I do these simple tasks without even thinking about them. But the change didn’t happen overnight. I had to exercise with patience and perseverance(坚持). I decided to take it one day at a time and stick with if for good.

The “new me” is more self-confident and healthier. I love how I feel now. I have more energy and feel like I’m 25 again. So why not give Weight Watchers a try if you have the same overweight problem?

1.The underlined word “inspired” in the second paragraph can be replaced by ______.

A. excited B. moved C. encouraged D. forced

2.We can learn from the passage that the writer ______.

A. often went shopping before she lost weight

B. was overweight when she was a child

C. ever wanted to give up losing weight

D. now is more confident than before

3.This passage is written to ________.

A. tell us how to gain self-confidence

B. show off the great progress that the author has made

C. give us some tips on how to lose weight quickly

D. advise overweight people to give Weight Watchers a try

4.Which of the following word will you use to describe the writer?

A. Weak. B. Calm. C. Patient. D. Silent.


Cursive (手写体)is about to become extinct. Do we raise the red flag? To teach or not to teach cursive is the question that several state education departments are struggling with.

Before you read this write-up $ do a simple exercise. Pick a pen and paper and start writing in cursive. Yes,that fancy handwriting that you learned in grade school. You may not have forgotten the good times you had while writing loopy Ps and Gs as well as curly Ms and Ns. However,the chances are that you won't be able to write it as excellently as you used to. Some people are good at making the perfect loops and curls,while some are bad. I am still terrible at it.

Cursive is hardly used by kids anymore as even adults don 't write in this style,unless they are using it for their signature. Learning this handwriting was a usual practice in school for several dec­ades. However,in 2011, the Indiana Department of Education made it optional (可选择的)for schools to teach cursive writing to the students. In fact, there were 46 more states who have done the same. There are some who believe that it is high time for cursive to retire from school curriculum. After all,if we don ’ t leave the past behind,we cannot make way for new things. If you walk into any classroom,you would find children using keyboards to communicate in written form. On the other hand,fans of this cursive insist on its usefulness. They remind us that if we stop teaching and learn­ing cursive in schools,very soon most of our historical documents will become hard to us.

Where do we stand on this subject? Is it the right time to erase an almost forgotten handwriting and live in the keyboarding world? Or can we do both without compromising (妥协)on our school curriculum? Let me know your thoughts on this matter by leaving a comment in the section below.

1.People use cursive when they

A. give their signature B. are in Indiana

C. grow up as adults D. are at school

2. In Indiana school, children

A. must learn cursive

B. are interested in cursive

C. can choose to learn cursive

D. learn cursive everyday

3. It can be inferred that the author

A. prefers to learn cursive

B. is a cursive teacher

C. welcomes people to show their opinions

D. is a very famous expert in education

4. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Is Cursive Writing Necessary?

B. Is Keyboarding World Good?

C. A Keyboarding World

D. Advantages of Cursive

With courses on David Beckham and Harry Potter on offer at famous universities, it comes as no surprise that students are now able to learn the art of the perfect selfie(自拍).

The concept of taking selfies gained great popularity. It soon exploded on the Internet, and people started crazily to take images that had them as the primary item of focus. The trend became so popular that it even inspired a song,“SELHE” by the Chainsmokers, which racked up 267 million views on YouTube. In fact, Twitter declared 2014 as “the year of the selfie”.

Just like the art of photography can be studied and improved, City Literary Institute, a well-known college in London, felt it needed to educate people on the fine art of taking the perfect selfie and officially started to offer a first-ever course on that.

The four-session course will cost £132 (£106 for seniors), but the fee won’t even include a free selfie-stick, a tool that is rapidly gaining acceptance for serious selfie-takers. It is open to all enthusiastic and self-obsessed photographers.

As part of the new course, self-absorbed photographers will be taught “valuable life skills^ to prepare themselves to face a world which could present a photo opportunity at any point. Apart from offering the much-needed but seldom-sought guidance on the best angles and lighting, the course promises to improve your critical understanding of the “selfie”. There will also be a brief exploration into the concepts of “identity, self-hood and memory” as well as the opportunity to “develop new ideas to you’re your photography more relevant to your aims,'

But the selfie enthusiasts must be prepared to share their photos, as organizers said a critique(评论)of students’ work would form an important role in the learning process.

1.Learning to take selfies at universities isn't a surprise because .

A. taking selfies is popular nowadays

B. many people take photos crazily

C. the perfect selfie has exploded on the Intenet

D. courses on some famous persons have been offered

2.City Literary Institute offers courses on taking selfies to .

A. attract people to study there

B. teach people to master the art

C. follow the latest fashion

D. be the first to offer such courses

3.What can be inferred about the course in the passage?

A. It makes students get to know the concept of beauty.

B. It offers the steps on how to take photos.

C. Students taking the course are likely to take better selfies.

D. Students’ critical understanding of selfie is promised to improve.

4.Who can have access to the course on taking selfies?

A. Anyone who shows passion for taking selfies.

B. Anyone who is a full-time student of the college.

C. Only young photographers who are interested in it.

D. Only those who are good at taking photos.



Once upon a time, a boy was always wondering why his deskmate could rank 1st in the class whenever he wanted to, while he himself failed to: he only ranked 21st.

At home, he asked his Mom, “Mom, am I more ________ than others? I feel I am as obedient and as careful as him, but ________ I always fall behind? ” Hearing the words, Mom was aware that her son began to ________ the sense of self-respect, which was now being injured by the ranking system. ________ at him, she went wordless, not knowing ________ to explain.

In another test, the son ranked 17th, while his deskmate remained 1st. Back home, he ________ the same question. Mom really wanted to inform her son that ________ differs, which means that students ranking 1st are supposed to be cleverer than normal ones. ________ , was this discouraging answer the one that her son was constantly ________ about? Thank goodness she did not open her mouth.

How to answer her son’s question? There were times when she felt an urge to say, “You are too lazy. You are not as hard-working as others…” but she stopped ________ imagining her son suffering from the pains of unsatisfied grades and rankings. She thought it ________ to put any additional burden on his son and was trying to find out a perfect answer.

Time passing fast, the son ________ primary school. Despite studying harder and better, he still failed to keep up with his deskmate. To show her pride of him, Mom decided to ________ him to the sea. During the trip, she managed to give out an answer.

Now, the son no longer worries about his ________ , and there are no boring guys who would inquire his grades in primary school, because, ________ the 1st ranking, he is admitted to Tsinghua University. Back home in winter vacation, he was invited to ________ the students and parents in his high school. In the speech, he mentioned a valuable experience in his childhood, “…When my mother and I were lying on the ________ , she pointed to the front and said, ‘Do you see the seabirds struggling for food over there? When the waves come near, little birds can rise ________ while awkward seagulls would take more time to complete the process. However, have you noticed birds that finally fly ________ the endless ocean are none other than awkward seagulls? ’ The speech ________ many mothers present , including his mother.

1.A. thoughtful B. foolish C. careless D. wise

2.A. what if B. what for C.what about D. how come

3.A. lose B. win C. have D. beat

4.A. Shouting B. Staring C. Glaring D. Pointing

5.A. which B. why C. how D. when

6.A. put off B. put forward C. put down D. put out

7.A. knowledge B. right C. brain D. energy

8.A. Therefore B. But C. Thus D. However

9.A. curious B.cautious C. crazy D. clear

10.A. if B. when C. unless D.before

11.A. cruel B. important C. disappointing D. necessary

12.A. attended B. left C. graduated D. entered

13.A. take B. guide C. bring D. push

14.A. homework B. belongings C. rankings D.health

15.A. in B. by C. with D. on

16.A. address B. deliver C. make D. press

17.A. floor B. beach C. bank D. road

18.A. slowly B. swiftly C. suddenly D. sharply

19.A. through B.into C. across D. throughout

20.A. made B. impressed C.touched D. inspired

Alexandra Scott was born to Liz and Jay Scott in Manchester, Connecticut on January 18, 1996, the second of four children. Shortly before her first birthday, Alex was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a type of childhood cancer.

On her first birthday, the doctors informed Alex’s parents that if she beat her cancer it was doubtful that she would ever walk again. Just two weeks later, Alex slightly moved her leg at her parents’ request to kick. This was the first indication that she would turn out to be a courageous and confident child with big dreams and big accomplishments.

By her second birthday, Alex was able to stand up with leg braces(支架). She worked hard to gain strength and to learn how to walk. She appeared to be overcoming the difficul-ties, until the shocking discovery within the next year that her tumors (肿瘤)had started growing again. In the year 2000, the day after her fourth birthday, Alex received a stem cell transplant(干细胞移植)and informed her mother, “When I get out of the hospital I want to have a lemonade stand. ” She said she wanted to give the money to doctors to allow them to help other kids, like they helped me. True to her word, she held her first lemonade stand later that year with the help of her older brother and raised an amazing $ 2,000 for her hospital.

People from all over the world, moved by her story, held their own lemonade stands and donated the earnings to Alex and her cause. In August of 2004, Alex passed away at the age of 8, knowing that, with the help of others, she had raised more than $ 1 million to help find a cure for the disease that took her life. Alex’s family—including brothers Patrick, Eddie, and Joey—and supporters around the world are committed to continuing her inspiring cause through Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.

1.It can be learned from the text that Alex .

A. couldn’t walk until she was four

C. held her first lemonade stand in 2001

B. was the only daughter of the Scotts

D. was born with cancer

2.Why was Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation founded?

A. To promote her lemonade.

C. To attract public attention to her disease.

B. To set up a children’s hospital.

D. To collect money to help children with cancer.

3.What did the public do to support Alex and her cause?

A. They helped her sell lemonade.

C. They donated money to her foundation.

B. They provided free stands for her.

D. They donated stem cells for her operation.

4.Which of the following can best describe Alex?

A.Stubborn. B. Determined. C. Innocent. D. Energetic.

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