
Dear editor,
Recently my classmates had a heated discussion about whether we should offer seats on bus or not.
Some students are against offering seats on bus.The reason they hold is that all passengers have equal rights to have their own seats,especially when they are tired.The old and disabled should own separate buses specially provided for them.On the other hand,the others are in favor of it.They think it is a good deed.
As for me,I always offer my seat to women who are pregnant or holding a baby.I also offer my seat to the senior citizens.Actually,I offer my seat to whoever really needs it.In my opinion,I think offering seats on bus,a small act though,is a symbol of kindness and the level of our civilization.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua.

分析 写好这类作文要注意几个步骤:1. 认真审题,找准提示语中的关键词或句,确定中心思想.2. 依据关键句,草拟提纲,梳理文章的脉络3. 准确定位人称、时态.注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次.4.最后还要认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等
The reason they hold is that all passengers have equal rights to have their own seats,especially when they are tired
In my opinion,I think offering seats on bus,a small act though,is a symbol of kindness and the level of our civilization.

解答 Dear editor,
Recently my classmates had a heated discussion about whether we should offer seat on bus or not.Some students are against offering seats on bus.The reason they hold is that all passengers have equal rights to have their own seats,especially when they are tired(高分句型一).The old and disabled should own separate buses specially provided for them.On the other hand,the others are in favor of it.They think it is a good deed.
As for me,I always offer my seat to women who are pregnant or holding a baby.I also offer my seat to the senior citizens.Actually,I offer my seat to whoever really needs it.In my opinion,I think offering seats on bus,a small act though,is a symbol of kindness and the level of our civilization(高分句型二).
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua

点评 开放性作文给出一定的写作主题,并此为基础进行思维和联想,自由发挥.不仅考查学生在内容、结构安排、语言运用和组织方面的能力,而且对学生的想像力、发散思维、归纳判断能力也有很高的要求.

3.Summer Camps
Make your summer magical with a one-of-a-kind summer camp experience!
Half-day,week-long camps are held from 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm.
Daily snacks will be provided and even become part of the hands-on fun!
Session 1---Ocean Commotion(暴动)
Set sail for fun and adventure on the deep blue sea!Campers explore uncharted land at The Magic House and discover something fishy as they come into the exciting world of sea creatures.
June 6-10
June 13-17
June 20-24
Session 2---Super kids Explore Earth
Campers become superheroes to the earth as they learn about the environment and discover how to use their super powers to protect it!During this action-packed week,campers will explore the earth from the sky to the sea and participate in fun,earth-friendly activities such as turning trash into treasure.
June 27-July 1
July 11-15
July 18-22
Session 3---Once Upon A Time
At this unique fairy tale-themed camp,campers have a magical,make-believe adventure through the pages of some of their favorite storybooks.Campers experience gaint-sized fun as they use their imaginations to travel to places found only in fairy tales.
July 25-29
August 1-5
August 8-12(am sessions only)
All campers must be registered in advance.

1.What does the underlined word"one-of-a-kind"in Paragraph 1mean?B
A.Long          B.Unique      C.Official      D.Moving
2.What is the main purpose of Session 2?D
A.To encourage reading.
B.To inspire imagination.
C.To develop the spirit of adventure.
D.To raise environmental awareness.
3.What do campers probably do during Session 3?A
A.Read fairy stories.
B.Travel the country.
C.Search for treasure.
D.Learn about animals.
12.Tom Cruise has paid tributes (哀悼) to his"dear friend"Tony Scott,who has died aged 68after jumping from a bridge in Los Angeles on Sunday.The British director was known for action films like Top Gun and Days of Thunder,in which Cruise starred.The film director was seen parking his car and jumping without hesitation from the Vincent Thomas suspension bridge at about 12:30 on Sunday.His body was recovered from the harbour less than three hours later.
Scott made his name with famous films like Top Gun,True Romance and Crimson Tide.Born in North Tyneside,he was the brother of director Ridley,with whom he worked throughout his career.
Recently he had produced Ridley's return to the Alien franchise,Prometheus.The brothers'production company,Scott Free,is responsible for hit TV shows (热门电视节目) including Numb3rs and The Good Wife.
TV network CBS,which broadcast both shows,said"one of the brightest lights in the industry has gone out."
During his career,Scott collaborated with many of Hollywood's biggest names,and many shared their memories of the"kind"and"passionate"film-maker on Monday.
"Shocking and devastating news,"said Christian Slater,who starred in True Romance."He was the best and will be greatly missed."
Actress Keira Knightley,who took the lead in Scott's 2005 action film Domino,called him one of the most extraordinary,imaginative men I ever worked with,and one of the world's true originals.
Director Ron Howard said"No more Tony Scott movies.Tragic day."
Top Gun star Val Kilmer said"RIP Tony.You were the kindest film director I ever worked for.You will be missed."
Robert Rodriguez,director of Sin City and Desperado added:"Tony Scott.Damn.Great knowing you,buddy.Thanks for the inspiration,advice,encouragement,and the decades of great entertainment."

60.Tony Scotts body was recovered from the harbor at aboutD.
A.12:30  B.13:30  C.14:30  D.15:30
61.Tony Scott is a directorA.
A.whose brother helped him become famous
B.who based his fame on some films
C.who was in charge of Scott Free
D.whose Prometheus would be on show
62.The underlined word"collaborated"can be replaced byA.
A.worked together
B.came up
C.kept in touch
D.blew up
63.Who played a key role in Domino?C
A.Keira Knightley.
B.Christian Slater.
C.Ron Howard.
D.Val Kilmer.
10.Vicke Davis,59,is famous among students at Barrett,the Honors College at Arizona State University(ASU).
"Everyone knows her,"said Alysa Mcormick,a student there."She remembered my name before I remembered her name."
As an employee in the college's dining hall for the last three years,Davis has asked about the students'lives before every breakfast,lunch and dinner.She knows their names,how their classes are going and where they went on vacation.
"Vicke is obviously a star part of the Barrett experience,"another student Hannah Houts said."She knows all my family."One fall day last semester(学期),Quintin Woods,a student,handed Davis his meal card to buy lunch and asked about her"dream trip"as she swiped(刷)it.She replied,"The northern lights."
On Thursday afternoon,Woods and about 100 students rushed into the dining hall to surprise Davis with an oversize check for nearly﹩2,500,printed on an image of the blues,inks and greens of the Northern Lights.
As Woods handed her the check and a camera to record her travels,Davis began to cry."See,that's why I love my babies,"she said to the crowd of students surrounding her.
Davis regularly connects with students on Facebook (a social networking website),and she's always posting something about her"Barrett babies."
Woods,20,started to collect money for Davis on GoFundMe.com on Christmas Eve.Within 48hours,more than 150 people had raised﹩2,000."It's not necessarily surprising because I know how well-liked she is,but still it's pleasantly surprising that it increased so quickly,"he said.
Donations rose afterwards,finally topping out at﹩2,486.Davis will use the money to go to Canada over ASF's spring break in March.

25.Why is Davis well-known among students at the college?C
A.She has a very good memory.
B.She offers them the best food.
C.She cares about them very much.
D.She knows a lot about the college.
26.How did Woods know Davis's wish?A
A.From a little chat.
B.From Hannah Houts.
C.From a social networking website.
D.From an employee in the dining hall.
27.What happened on Thursday afternoon?D
A.Woods began to raise money for Davis.
B.Davis held a surprise party for a college student.
C.Some students and Davis saw the northern lights together.
D.Some students gave Davis some money for her dream trip.
12.Two sons worked for their father on the family farm.For many years,the(41)Bbrother had been given more(42)Cto do than the older brother.The older brother couldn't(43)Dwhy,so one day he asked his father the(44)Awhy he always trusted his younger brother to do more work.
The father said,"Go to the Kelly's(45)Dnearby and see if they have any(46)Bto sell."
The older brother soon(47)D7  with the answer,"Yes,they have five ducks and can(48)Cto us."
The father then said,"Good,now please ask them the(49)Cof the ducks."
The son returned,"The ducks are£10 each."
The father asked,"(50)Acan they deliver the ducks?"
The son returned,"They can deliver the ducks tomorrow."
The father asked the older brother to(51)Band watch.The father then said to the younger brother,"Go to the Davidson's farm and see if they have any ducks(52)C."
The younger brother soon returned with the(53)A,"Yes,they have five ducks for£10 each,(54)Dten ducks for£8 each,and they can(55)Bthem tomorrow-I ordered five ducks and asked them to deliver them(56)CI told them not to in the next hour.We agreed that if I wanted the(57)Afive ducks,I could buy them at£6 each."
The father(58)A the older son,who nodded his head.He finally(59)Dwhy his younger brother was given more work.His younger brother was actually(60)B at it than he was.

52.A.at onceB.on purposeC.in timeD.for sale
58.A.laughed atB.listened toC.looked atD.wrote to

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