
Just as mankind has always had a desire to fly, the human race has wanted to swim under the water since prehistoric times. Pictures of primitive devices to enable people to breathe underwater have been found dating from 3000 years ago, but our dream of moving freely beneath the ocean waves for long periods of time was only realized about 60 years ago, when French diving legend Jacques Cousteau developed the first practical Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus(SCUBA). Since then the sport of SCUBA diving has gone from strength to strength.
Lovers of SCUBA diving like the feeling of weightlessness, the peace and quiet under the water, the ability to move in three dimensions and the sense of adventure they get while on a dive. SCUBA divers often travel to some of the most beautiful and remote places in the world in the search for rare underwater flora and fauna(动、植物). Palau, The Red Sea, The Maldives and Hawaii have many of the most popular diving sites, but recreational divers often have to make do with less exotic local destinations, like the North Sea in Britain.
SCUBA diving is not without its dangers, however. The mixture of nitrogen and oxygen divers breathe underwater, combined with the pressure under the water can be deadly if a diver rises too quickly to the surface, causing a condition called ‘the bends’. Divers can also get lost or trapped when diving on wrecks, and fatalities(死亡)are particularly common in cave diving, where divers add to the dangers of diving by swimming through underground caves filled with water. Diving can also be harmful to the underwater environment. However with proper precautions diving can open up a whole new world, far from the stresses of daily life.
63. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. Advertise some popular diving sites.
B. Describe how to dive underwater.
C. Warn people against diving in the sea.
D. Give information about SCUBA diving.
64. What can the reader learn from the text?
A. There is uncertainty about SCUBA diving safety.
B. Divers have caused a lot of damage to the environment.
C. SCUBA diving is an old sport with a long history.
D. Divers always face the pressures in their life.
65. How might the writer describe SCUBA diving?
A. Interesting.   B. Relaxing.   C. Frightening         D. Unpleasant.
66. What do you think the author is most likely to suggest if he continues to write?
A. Getting out to dive underwater.   B. Stopping damaging environment.
C. Making better use of SCUBA.       D. Getting over the troubles of daily life.
Section D
Directions: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.
  Many parents who welcome the idea of turning off the TV and spending more time with the family are still worried that without TV they would constantly be on call as entertainers for their children. They remember thinking up all sorts of things to do when they were kids. But their own kids seem different, less creative, somehow. When there’s nothing to do, these parents observe regretfully, their kids seem unable to come up with anything to do besides turning on the TV.
  One father, for example, says, “When I was a kid, we were always thinking up things to do, projects and games. We certainly never complained in an annoying way to our parents, ‘I have nothing to do!’” He compares this with his own children today: “They’re simply lazy. If someone doesn’t entertain them, they’ll happily sit there watching TV all day.”
  There is one word for this father’s disappointment: unfair. It is as if he were disappointed in them for not reading Greek though they have never studied the language. He deplores(哀叹) his children’s lack of inventiveness, as if the ability to play were something innate(天生的) that his children are missing. In fact, while the tendency to play is built into the human species, the actual ability to play — to imagine, to invent, to elaborate (描述) on reality in a playful way — and the ability to gain fulfillment from it, these are skills that have to be learned and developed.?
  Such disappointment, however, is not only unjust, it is also destructive. Sensing their parents’ disappointment, children come to believe that they are, indeed, lacking something, and that this makes them less worthy of admiration and respect. Giving children the opportunity to develop new resources, to enlarge their horizons and discover the pleasures of doing things on their own is, on the other hand, a way to help children develop a confident feeling about themselves as capable and interesting people.?
81. According to many parents, without TV, their children would ask them to ___________.
82. Why is it unfair for the father to blame his children for not being able to entertain themselves?
83. When parents show constant disappointment in their children, the destructive effect is that the children will___________.
84. According to the author, in what way can children’s self-confidence be developed?
    By far the most common difficulty in study is simple failure to get down to regular concentrated work. This difficulty is much greater for those who do not work to a plan and have no regular routine of study. Many students muddle along, doing a bit of this subject or that, as the mood takes them, or letting their set work pile up until the last possible moment.
Few students work to a set timetable. They say that if they did work out a timetable for themselves they would not keep to it, or would have to change it frequently, since they can never predict (foresee) from one day to the next what their activities will be.
No doubt some students take much more kindly to a regular routine than others. There are many who shy away from a self-controlled weekly timetable, and dislike being tied down to a fixed programme of work . Many able students state that they work in cycles. When they become interested in a topic they work on it attentively for three or four days at a time. On other days they avoid work completely. It has to be admitted that we do not fully understand the motivation to work. Most people over 25 years of age have become used to a work routine, and the majority of really productive workers set aside regular hours for the more important areas of their work. The “tough-minded” school of workers doesn’t fully accept the idea that good work can only be done naturally, under the influence of inspiration.
Those who believe that they need only work and study as the fit takes them have a mistaken belief either in their own talent or in the value of “freedom”. Freedom from control and discipline  leads to unhappiness rather than to “self-expression” or “personality development”. Our society insists on regular habits, timekeeping and punctuality (准时), and whether we like it or not, if we mean to make our way in society, we have to meet its demands.
63.The most widespread problem in applying oneself to study is ________.
A. changing from one subject to another
B. the failure to keep to a set timetable of work
C. the unwillingness to follow a systematic plan
D. working on a subject only when one feels like it
64.Which of the following is true ?
A. Many students are not interested in using a self-controlled timetable.
B. Many students don’t like being told to study to a fixed timetable.
C. Most people over 25 years of age don’t work to a set timetable.
D. Tough-minded people agree that good work is done naturally.
65.The underlined part “as the fit takes them” in paragraph 4 means ________.
A. when they have the energy                                               B. when they are in the mood
C. when they feel fit                                                        D. when they find conditions suitable
66.A suitable title for the passage might be ________.
A. Attitudes to Study                                                      B. A study Plan
C. The Difficulties of Studying                             D. Study and Self-discipline
For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.  Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
To advertise effectively today, you must abandon the old-school idea of “reaching the masses”. All advertising is local and personal. The key to effective advertising today is to focus on the   50  .
Some are the   51   ways every advertiser could work out. You can print a specific offer of your goods or service on door-hangers and place them on doorknobs in your area. Door-hangers on doorknobs will produce results in direct   52   about the strength of your offer. If you need to reach the drivers, flyer (宣传单) under windshield (挡风玻璃) wipers may have better effect than door-hangers. Imagine, how   53   if you hire someone to be a walking ad or launch a T-shirt advertising,   54  , you can print your products on T-shirts of your   55  . In the early 1970s “Hamp Baker says Drive with Care” was spray-painted on cars, which was a public service ad. Ever since, spray-painted sign has become more and more   56  .
More grand ways are as follows: virtual showroom. Build a website to   57   a virtual showroom. Use it when people call to ask   58   about your company, your products or your services. Also you can even use an old slide projector to put on a nighttime show. They’re   59   effective, and in the long run, cheap. Nothing is quite as powerful as a public   60   that seizes the public’s attention. You can invite a band to give a performance.
61   , you can hire famous models to show it vividly.
Nothing screams “expert” quite as loudly as a book written about a subject. You simply can’t   62   the power of your name on the cover of a book. You might only sell a few copies online, but the copies you give away in your town will make you a fortune. You won’t make money on the book. You’ll make it because of the book.
Of course, word-of-mouth is the best way to promote your   63  . Friends and past customers recommend your products to their family, friends and colleagues. Word-of-mouth works because the   64  is based on previous positive experiences.
50.   A. content                  B. product                           C. individual               D. style
51.   A. strange                  B. common                         C. amusing                D. perfect
52.   A. description           B. decision                          C. discussion             D. permission
53.   A. stupid                     B. funny                               C. impressive            D. ridiculous
54.   A. that is                   B. first of all                        C. as a result             D. generally speaking
55.   A. customers            B. employers                      C. consumers            D. employees
56.   A. expensive              B. valueless                        C. popular                  D. meaningless
57.   A. refer to                  B. serve as                          C. stand for               D. keep off
58.   A. location                 B. business-hours             C. salary                     D. details
59. A. unbelievably         B. consequently                 C. accidentally          D. occasionally
60.   A. speech                            B. sport                                C. debate                            D. performance
61.   A. For example         B. Moreover                       C. However               D. To be exact
62.   A. create                    B. change                                     C. imagine                 D. overuse
63.   A. production            B. friendship                       C. management       D. business
64.   A. information          B. relationship                   C. pronunciation     D. achievement
“Are you too stupid to do anything right?” These words — said by a woman to a little boy who was obviously her son — were spoken  26  he had walked away from her. The boy returned, his eyes downcast.
Not a  27  moment, perhaps,   28  small moments last a very long time. And a few words — though they mean  29  at the time to the people who say them — can have great  30  .
I recently heard a story from a man named Malcolm Dalkoff. For the last 24 years he has been a professional  31  . Here is what he told me:
As a boy in Rock Island, Dalkoff was terribly  32  . He had few  33  and no self-confidence. One day, his English teacher, Ruth Brach, gave the class an assignment . The students had been reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Now they were to write their own chapter that would  34  the last chapter of the novel.
Dalkoff wrote his chapter and turned it  35  . Today he can not recall anything  36  about the chapter he wrote, or what  37  Mrs Brach gave him. What he does remember is the four words Mrs Brach wrote in margin(空白)of the paper: “This is  38  writing.”
Four words. They  39  his life.
“  40  I read those words, I had no ideal of who I was or  41  I was going to be,” he said. “After reading her note, I went home and wrote a short story, something I had always been  42  of doing but never believed I could do.”
Over the rest of that year in school, he wrote many short stories and always brought them to school for Mrs Brach to evaluate. She was  43  , tough and honest. “She was just what I  44  ,” Dalkoff said.
His confidence  45  . Dalkoff believed that none of this would have happened if that woman had not written those four words in the margin of the paper.
26. A. where
B. why
C. because
D. when
27. A. wonderful
B. difficult
C. funny
D. big
28. A. yet
B. although
C. for
D. therefore
29. A. much
B. little
C. more
D. most
30. A. meaning
B. power
C. force
D. sense
31. A. writer
B. player
C. poet
D. singer
32. A. sorry
B. proud
C. sick
D. shy
33. A. books
B. ideals
C. friends
D. chances
34. A. follow
B. match
C. decide
D. improve
35. A. on 
B. in
C. out
D. down
36. A. more
B. again
C. different
D. special
37. A. honors
B. remarks
C. prizes
D. grade
38. A. poor
B. serious
C. good
D. silly
39. A. changed
B. damaged
C. affected
D. improved
40. A. Unless
B. Until
C. When
D. While
41. A. what
B. how
C. where
D. which
42. A. tired
B. fond
C. proud
D. dreaming
43. A. strict
B. kind
C. encouraging
D. praising
44. A. feared
B. needed
C. expected
D. loved
45. A. grew
B. lifted
C. appeared
D. returned

A holiday is any day when people lay aside their ordinary duties and cares. The word comes from Old English. At first, holidays honored some holy(神的) events or persons. People in Great Britain and other countries speak of holidays as Americans speak of vacations.
Every nation has its special holidays. China observes New Year’s Day(January 1), May Day and National Day as legal(法定的) holidays, as it was on Oct. 1, 1949 that People’s Republic of China was founded. The Chinese have long celebrated the Chinese lunar year. In the United States, congress(国会) has declared(宣告) several as legal days such as New Year's Day (January1), Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day and so on. Some holidays celebrate special events in the development of a country, such as Greece’s Independence Day, Italy’s Liberation Day and India’s Independence Day.
In the United States, banks and schools usually close on a legal holiday. When such a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is often observed. Schools and organizations often observe days known as traditional holidays, although schools and businesses do not close then. Those holidays include Valentine's Day and Halloween.
1. Which of the following holidays has nothing to do with a country’s development?
A. China’s National Day            B. Valentine’s Day
C. Italy’s Liberation Day            D. America’s Independence Day
2. From the passage we can infer that _________.
A. Chinese will no longer observe the Spring Festival
B. students don’t have to go to school on any holiday
C. Chinese and Americans share at least one holiday      
D. Americans can easily draw money from banks on legal days
3. In the sentence “China observes New Year’s Day(January 1)”, “observes” means_____.
A. praises         B. spends         C. celebrates        D. cares
4. If a legal holiday falls on Sunday, people usually celebrate on_________.
A. Sunday                   B. the following Sunday
C. the following Monday       D. the following Tuesday

When you look at a map of the Caribbean, you will see a bunch of little islands surrounded by. Blue waters, which include places that aren't always household names like Montserrat and Anguilla.
While some of the names may not be familiar, the fact is that the Caribbean is a popular vacation region. Those little clots on the map often turn out to be island paradises. There are more than 7,000 islands, islets, and reefs in the area, many of which are lightly populated and stunningly beautiful.
The biggest challenge you might face in planning your trip is choosing where in the Caribbean to go. All of the nations feature excellent weather. Most feature beautiful beaches. You can enjoy the waters in most of the Caribbean nations and as is often the case with island nations, you will be welcomed warmly by the locals. Here are some resources to help you.
Unless you can walk on water or you cruise the Caribbean, the best way to visit is to fly. Some destinations have more frequent and cheaper flights than others. You should do some comparison shopping on flights to the Caribbean. And if you are planning on flying there during the Christmas holiday weeks it's important to book as early as possible because prices will just keep going up as they get closer.
The Caribbean offers a wide variety of accommodation options. Check out the Caribbean hotels that are available to get a better idea of the various options. If you are on a tight budget then, the Caribbean could be challenging, as there are only a few cheap hotels and hostels that might help you save some money.
Many people see the Caribbean from a cruise ship. There is no shortage of cruises that will take you through the region. Cruise and Vacation Travel Packages is the place to go to find the cruise or vacation package that is right for you.
56. The Caribbean is popular with tourists because ________.
A. the area has a small population             B. the area has a long history.
C. there are many beautiful islands there        D. tire area is very developed
57. The underlined word "they" in the fourth paragraph refers to _________.
A. prices of air tickets                       B. tourists to the Caribbean
C. flights to the Caribbean                  D. the Christmas holiday weeks
58. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The weather in all of the Caribbean nations is fine.
B. Most of the Caribbean hotels are cheap.
C. The local people of the Caribbean are very friendly.
D. It is hard to choose a destination in the Caribbean.
This is my third day of the English camp here in Australia. It has been an amazing experience. I can’t believe how many different nationalities are here. Because we all speak so many different languages, we are forced to use our English in order to communicate. I really like Jim, the leader of my small group. There are only five other students in our group; Jim is very easy-going and is very good at getting all of us to chat and have fun together.
There are classes every day, but they are not boring, like my English classes at school. We learn new vocabulary every day and then must practice it immediately in conversation or in real life situations. The teachers are very professional---and very skilled at making us feel comfortable and eager to talk. The writing classes are the most difficult for me; the teacher is very strict, but I like her a lot. She has very high standards, but her step-by-step method leads us slowly but surely to her final goal.
I can feel myself growing a lot personally. In just three days, I have much more confidence than ever before to express myself in English. I’ve also noticed that I’m much more comfortable with different kinds of people---not nearly so shy as when I’m at home. It seems that being shy is just my way of hiding when I’m afraid. Here at the camp, the teachers and other leaders have kindly but firmly forced me to push past my fear. I’m learning a lot about myself. In fact, after staying here for only three days, I have realized that in the past I used my shyness as an excuse for my poor English. I’ve realized that I’m not really being shy, but I’m being afraid of embarrassment--- and my fear has hurt not only my English ability but my social skills. Here at the camp I’m not only learning English but also learning how not to be afraid.
68. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. The English Camp only offers a three-day study.
B. The writer is the leader of his small group.
C. There are altogether five members in the writer’s group.
D. The members in the English camp are from different countries.
69. What does the writer think of his English classes at school?
A. They are not boring.
B. They are dull.
C. They are interesting.
D. He likes them better than the classes in the English camp.
70. What can we learn about the writer from the passage?
A. His English used to be poor because of his shyness.
B. His English used to be poor because of his fear.
C. He doesn’t like English.
D. He is not as comfortable with different kinds of people as at home.
71. By saying “my fear has hurt not only my English ability but my social skills”, the writer means all of the following except ________.
A. he has learnt both English and social skills in the English camp
B. he has much more confidence than ever before to express himself in English now
C. he has grown a lot personally at the English Camp
D. he is not learning much about himself at the English Camp

There are several reasons for hair loss in women. However, in most cases, treatment is quite effective. Female hair loss patterns in women are not as easily recognizable as they are in men. A woman may experience it temporarily due to pregnancy or illness, although they may experience it for other reasons.
Hair loss can be due to a variety of factors, including a genetic tendency (which is not genetically linked to just one parent—both parents contribute to the tendency to lose hair).
Women who are experiencing hair problems seem to have more limited choices than men. There are some female hair loss treatments that are available such as the Tricomin System which is a topical treatment that is nutrition based. Shen Min for Women is another natural treatment that contains herbs (药草) that are said to stimulate(刺激) hair growth and even restore hair that is graying to its natural color.
The majority of the popular, proven hair loss treatments are only intended for men and are not suitable for women. True, a woman’s hair issue is different from a man’s. The biological makeup is different and the needs are different. Women have different needs and their bodies react in different ways to environmental changes, physical illness and even the treatments that are available. There are many natural treatments such as vitamin and mineral supplements that are said to stimulate hair growth, but, for the most part, these claims are currently unproven.
One of the first and most important factors to effectively treating is to get a diagnosis from a doctor. Talk to your doctor about any symptoms that you may be experiencing in addition to the thinning hair. Stress, weight loss or gain, illness and depression, all of these can be contributing factors.
50. It can be learned from the 1st paragraph that ___________.
usually hair loss is hard to heal
B . female hair loss is more common than the men’s
women tend to suffer from hair loss during the pregnant period
only illness contributes to hair loss
51.Which of the following statements matches the text about the two treatments?
A. Both are to solve the problem of male hair loss.
Tricomin System is effective in speeding the growth of the new hair
Shen Min is an updated way of treating hair loss
D. The former is nutrition-based, while the latter is medicine-based.
52. The reasons for the differences between the female and male hair loss problems do not include _______.
A. The biological structure and composition of the hair
The wants and needs
The reactions and responses to the outside changes
The approach to taking exercise
53. The natural treatments __________.
include vitamin and mineral supplements    
B. are applied to keep the hair healthy
C. have been proved useful          
D. are the most commonly-used ways

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