


Dear Mike,

I’m glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and spend Spring Festival here.








Li Hua


Dear Mike,

I’m glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and spend Spring Festival here.

It is the one of the most important holiday during which family will get home to celebrate no matter where they work. The spring festival start with lunar 1th and lasts 15 days. All the family number usually clean house before the Spring Festival to sweep bad, but also decorate the doors and windows with red papercuts, which means good luck. Family number usually have supper together on the New Year's Eve and watch TV. Then people visit friends and relatives wishing happy new year and child often get money from parents or relatives as a lunar New Year gift and wear new clothes.

I like spring festival not only wear new clothes but also get lucky money and have delicious food. I am looking forward to your coming with your parents because better to experience than say well.


Li Hua

【解析】试题分析:假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Mike给你来信告诉你他要和父母在春节期间到中国度假。想询问有关中国传统节日———春节的情况,请你给他写一封回信向他介绍这个节日和庆祝活动等。这是一篇明显的提纲作文,就是把文章的情景和内容要求分成块,以叙述的形式列出以进行写作。考生在审题的时候应该注意审要求、审文体、审人称、审时态。题文已经告知要求,那么文体应为应用文体;又根据“你是李华 写作时即用第一人称“我”,即李华;时态主要用一般现在时即可。考生在写作时应该选择自己最熟悉、最有把握的词语、句型,将要点逐条表达出来。表达时应该综合运用所掌握的知识,避开生僻的词汇,并克服母语的干扰,按照英语的习惯方式,用地道的英语表达出来,力求做到语言准确无误。然后根据要点选词组句,然后按照篇章结构连句成篇。

【亮点说明】本文语言凝练,论点鲜明,条理层次清晰。文章段介绍中国的春节和庆祝活动段就介绍自己的看法。文章使用了which引导的定语从句和no matter where引导的让步状语从句during which family will get home to celebrate no matter where they work(在这期间不管他们在哪里工作家人们都要回家);which means good luck(这意味着好运)高级短语和结构:not onlybut also不仅而且最后一句使用I am looking forward to your coming with your parents because better to experience than say well我和父母期待着您的到来,因为经历比说的更好。作者提出自己的期望并给文章一个完美的结束



There is one type of illness in the world that affects more people than anything else and is very deadly. What is this illness? It is depression. Serious depression requires professional treatment. 【1】 Everyone’s circumstances are different, but the causes of self-induced (自我诱导)depression are common: low self-esteem, hurtful thinking and a bad attitude.【2】

1. Examine ourselves and set a goal.

First we must look at ourselves, truly and honestly examining our motives for what we wish to achieve. If you are dissatisfied because you feel you haven’t or can’t do anything, then one step is needed—to set goals.

【3】Think of them as sand; one grain may be insignificant but as a group they form the beach. Once you have set and attained small goals for yourself, move on to slightly larger, more challen ging goals.


There are a number of factors that can make us think negatively and one of those is diet. In my opinion, a person who eats a lot of take-out and fast food is feeding their body junk. Start by eating better foods which give the body much NEEDED minerals. If your physical body is happy, it’s much easier for your mental body or “thinking ability” to be happy.

3. Think about good things and smile

Think about good memories you had, or generally think of things that make you smile.

【5】A smile can be the difference between an average day and a great day.

If you follow these steps, positive change is inevitable.

A. Go on a diet and keep a good figure.

B. Remember, everything you wear costs money but to wear a smile is free.

C. However, self-induced depression is something each of us can change.

D. Feed ourselves well and be physically health.

E. Always start your goals relatively small and easy to attain.

F. Good memories help you keep a good state of mind.

G. So how can we change the way we think, feel, and cultivate a cheerful attitude?


It would have been a success story if Fullerton High School senior Fernando Rojas, the son of Mexican immigrants whose schooling stopped in the eighth grade, was accepted to college. But the 17-year-o1d achieved a surprising clean sweep—he was accepted to every Ivy League school.

“I didn’t think I could get into any,” Rojas told The Orange County Register on Saturday. “When I got all eight, it was a blessing and a curse because I had to choose. I was excited and scared and everything at the same time.”

The first call came from Yale University in February. Within weeks calls, emails and letters followed from Dartmouth College, Brown University, the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University, Columbia University, Harvard University and Princeton University. Rojas also was accepted by Stanford University and two nearby schools, the University of California, Irvine, and California State University, Fullerton.

He is one of four children of Raul Rojas and Mafia, who moved to Fullerton from Jalisco, Mexico in the early 1980s.

A national speech and debate champion, Rojas reasoned that if he applied to the eight Ivy League schools, he might get into one. Sal Tinajero, Rojas’speech and debate coach at Fullerton, told the newspaper that Rojas is a hardworking self-starter who thrives (茁壮成长) on competition. “His biggest motivation for speech and debate was his parents to know that their hard work meant something,” Tinajero said.

After visiting several campuses, he settled on Yale, which costs $64, 000 a year with room and board. He is responsible for $6,000; Yale scholarships and federal grant money cover the rest.

He’ll mostly take it easy during the summer before heading to Yale in late August. He’s considering majoring in Latin American studies and perhaps a career as a lawyer or in international affairs.

【1】What can be learned about Fernando Rojas from Paragraph 1?

A. His schooling stopped in the eighth grade.

B. He often did some cleaning in the school.

C. His admission to famous universities was unexpected.

D. People were confident that he would be successful.

【2】How many universities accepted Rojas altogether?

A. 8. B. 9.

C. 10. D. 11.

【3】What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. Rojas’s parents knew Rojas loved them deeply.

B. Rojas was good at speech and debate competition.

C. The hard work of his parents inspired Rojas greatly.

D. Rojas’s motivation was misunderstood by his parents.

【4】What does the author want to tell?

A. God blesses the hard-working.

B. Detail is the key to success.

C. All roads lead to Rome.

D. Every dog has its day.

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