From the chart above,we can see that .
分析 这是一篇应用文,让考生描述图表,提出"低碳"的倡议.写作时可分为三部分:阐述现象,描述图表为第一段,分别说明水电、纸张、伙食的增长情况;第二段说明原因,提出解决措施;第三段提出倡议.描述图表时采用第三人称,阐述观点的部分使用第一人称.全篇时态使用一般现在时.
build a"low-carbon school"建立"低碳校园"
form the habit of 养成…的习惯
saving water and electricity节约水电
turn off关闭
reduce food waste减少食物浪费
save energy节约能源
From the chart above,we can see that the cost of food,paper,water and electricity increased by 10%,8% and 15% in 2009.
Never leave water running unnecessarily while brushing our teeth and washing hands.
If we all do like this,I am sure our school will become more and more beautiful.
解答 参考答案:
From the chart above,we can see that the cost of food,paper,water and electricity increased by 10%,8% and 15% in 2009.(描述现象)As high school students,what should we do to build a"low-carbon school"in the future?(提出问题)I think we must do as follows:
Firstly,we should form the habit of saving water and electricity.Never leave water running unnecessarily while brushing our teeth and washing hands.Meanwhile,whenever we leave classrooms or our dormitories,make sure that the lights are turned off.(措施一)Secondly,we should also save every piece of paper as well as other materials by writing on both sides of the paper or using materials to be recycled.(措施二)Thirdly,in order to reduce food waste,we should get our meals according to how much we can have.Besides,we should often offer to remind our schoolmates to save energy.(措施三)
If we all do like this,I am sure our school will become more and more beautiful.(提出倡议)
点评 写作技巧:
(1)注意篇章结构,合理布局:开始部分(opening paragraph)--说出文中的要点、核心问题.正文部分(Body paragraphs)--围绕主题开展叙述、讨论.结尾部分(concluding paragraphs)--对全文的总结和概括.要做到全文中心突出、段落之间必须是有机地联系,内容完整、连贯.前后呼应,祛除与主题无关的内容.

A. | remove | B. | remain | C. | return | D. | remember |
A. | set out | B. | set up | C. | took up | D. | took over |