
2.We all dream of living a long,happy life,but where are the happiest places in the world?
A new map of 151countries has revealed exactly which parts of the globe deliver long and happy lives for their citizens.The results may surprise you,with Costa Rica,Colombia and Vietnam topping the league.The UK features at position 44-higher than Germany (47),Spain (62),Canada (65),Australia (76)and the US (105).
The map was made by the relocation website Movehub,using data from the latest Happy Planet Index (HPI)-a global measure of sustainable wellbeing(可持续幸福).
The HPI measures life expectancy(平均寿命),the level of well-being experienced and ecological(生态的) footprint.Each of the three aspects is given a traffic-light score based on thresholds for good (green),middling (amber) and bad (red) performance.These scores are combined to an expanded six-color traffic light for the overall HPI score,where,to achieve bright green-the best of the six colors,a country would have to perform well on all three individual components.
Experienced well-being:This was assessed using a question called the‘Ladder of Life'. This asks respondents to imagine a ladder,where 0represents the worst possible life and 10the best possible life,and report the step of the ladder they feel they currently stand on.
Life expectancy:Alongside experienced well-being,the Happy Planet Index includes a universally important measure of health-life expectancy.We used life expectancy data from the 2011UNDP Human Development Report.
Ecological Footprint:The HPI uses the Ecological Footprint promoted by the environmental charity WWF as a measure of resource consumption.It is a per capita(人均) measure of the amount of land required to sustain a country's consumption pattern.
Two of the three main factors are directly about happiness.The third (Ecological footprint) is regarded as sustainable happiness.i.e.whether a country could sustain its citizens without any outside help.The idea is that if there was an incident which cut a country completely off from the outside world,or a country had to be completely self-sufficient,most of the developed world would be unable to do that.
The reason for some high-income nations to score significantly below other nations is the ecological footprint left on the planet.Mexicans and Canadians both appear to be happier than their US neighbor-most likely due to the country's ecological footprint.
74.According to the passage,the happiest places in the world are countriesA.
A.which deliver long,happy and sustainable lives for the people
B.which offer good medical care to help people live longer
C.which are wealthy enough to provide free social services
D.whose citizens are leading a happy and luxurious life
75.If a country whose traffic-light score of the experienced well-being is red,it means thatC.
A.people there are happy with their present situation
B.people's previous life was much better
C.people are not very satisfied with their life
D.most people choose to be on the top of the ladder
76.What do the two underlined words"This"refer toB?
A.Experienced well-being; A real ladder.
B.Experienced well-being; The question.
C.The Happy Planet Index (HPI);The"Ladder of Life".
D.The individual component; The researcher.
77.If the U.S.footprint per capita is 9.0gha(全球公顷),while that of Switzerland is 5.6gha,we can conclude thatD.
A.people in the U.S.are happier than those in Switzerland
B.the U.S is less dependent on outside help than Switzerland
C.the land in U.S.is more productive than that in Switzerland
D.people in U.S.consume more natural resources than those in Switzerland.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了世界上最幸福的地方,并且分析了各个国家的不同状态,并向我们介绍了如何能够是国家人民幸福.

解答 74.A  细节理解题,根据第二段A new map of 151countries has revealed exactly which parts of the globe deliver long and happy lives for their citizens.可知世界上最幸福的地方是为人民提供长期、快乐、可持续的生活的国家,故选A.
75.C  推理判断题,根据第四段Each of the three aspects is given a traffic-light score based on thresholds for good (green),middling (amber) and bad (red) performance.These scores are combined to an expanded six-color traffic light for the overall HPI score,where,to achieve bright green-the best of the six colors,a country would have to perform well on all three individual components.可知如果一个国家的交通灯评分是红色的,这意味着人们对自己的生活不太满意,故选C.
76.B  推理判断题,根据第五段Experienced well-being:This was assessed using a question called the‘Ladder of Life'. This asks respondents to imagine a ladder,where 0represents the worst possible life and 10the best possible life,and report the step of the ladder they feel they currently stand on.可以推断出经验丰富的幸福是评估使用的问题,被称为"生活阶梯",而这个问题要求受访者想象出一个梯子,故选B.
77.D  推理判断题,由题干如果美国县人均生态足迹是9公顷,瑞士是5.6公顷,则可以推断出美国的人比瑞士的人消耗更多的自然资源,故选D.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

7.Two European Summer Must‘Seas'
When you think of summer,the beach,clear water,sunny skies,and relaxing days are a few things that come to mind,and two of the best places to experience these summer feels are two gorgeous European bodies of water:the Mediterranean Sea and the Adriatic Sea!These two incredible Seas hold some of my favorite travel memories.and I would revisit each one in a heart beat!
The Mediterranean Sea
The Mediterranean Sea can be accessed from various European countries as well as a few North African countries.And while many think of visiting Ibiza,Malta,or the Greek islands to experience the Mediterranean,my Mediterranean beach days came while visiting the seaside city of Marseille in the South of France!Marseille was a lovely city with easy access to the Sea,also with pretty sandy beaches.The gorgeous crystal clear blue water made it unlike any beach day in America!Not only were the beaches amazing,but the city of Marseille was adorable and filled with numerous cute shops and seaside restaurants.And the Mediterranean-style food was delicious!
The Adriatic Sea
The Adriatic Sea is equally as stunning and surely worth a visit!The Croatian coast has numerous beach clubs,some private and some public,that tourists are able to visit and you can experience the beauty of the Adriatic Sea there!Zrce Novalja,a Croatian seaside town I visited,was impressively featured by the rather rocky beach in place of sand.The rocks were small and smooth,making swimming in the sea and wading in the water just as easy as sandy beaches!Plus the locals in Croatia are also extremely friendly,making the experience even more memorable.
21.The writer's trip to the two seas was full ofC.
A.unbearable hardships        
B.various adventures
C.wonderful experiences       
D.funny events
22.From which place did the writer get to the Mediterranean Sea?D
C.The Greek islands.         
23.What makes Zrce Novalja so special?C
A.Its beach clubs.               
B.Its beautiful sea.
C.Its rocky beach.               
D.Its friendly locals.
14.Skin-to-skin Effort Aims to Cut Newborn Deaths
A social media campaign has been launched in China to cut down the number of newborns babies who die in the first 24hours of life.The campaign,called First Embrace(拥抱),promotes skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby immediately after birth,a practice proven to keep the baby warm and help it to fight infections.
There are 16million babies born in China each year,and approximately 150,000of them die before they reach one month of age.(71)B Zhang Shuyi,a researcher at the Capital Institute of Pediatrics in Beijing,said there was strong evidence for the First Embrace approach.
"When babies are cold,they are more likely to catch infections or have difficulty breathing,"she said,"(72)C It provides direct protection against infection,promotes bonding between the parent and child and supports breast-feeding."Health workers who shifted from the normal practice of separation to skin-to-skin contact have observed that babies are more pink,calm and comfortable.
The WHO has developed the First Embrace approach to help reduce newborn deaths across the Western Pacific region,including China.Bernhard Schwartlander,the WHO Representative in China,said,"As many as two-thirds of newborn deaths could be prevented using simple,low-cost methods,including the First Embrace."
(73)A The WHO will be posting information about the campaign,and hosting online question-and-answer sessions with Chinese and international experts.The public can participate by following the WHO on Weibo and joining the conversation.Schwartlander said,"We are targeting new parents,pregnant women and couples thinking about having a baby.(74)G"
Just last month,a new research shows that child and mother health outcomes in Shanghai are equal to those in the USA and Canada.(75)E Hopefully,the messages conveyed by the new campaign could help to bridge that gap.

A.The campaign has now been launched via Weibo.
B.Of that number,half die in the first 24hours of life.
C.Skin-to-skin contact keeps a baby warm by transferring heat.
D.Those parents who lost their newborn babies can get supports on the platform.
E.In other parts of China,however,the statistics are like those of poor countries.
F.It indicates that related methods for health care and birth quality should be improved.
G.We also aim to involve health professionals in the importance of early essential newborn care.
7.The federal school lunch program for 30 million low-income children was created more than half a century ago to combat malnutrition(营养不良).A breakfast program was added during the 1960s,and both attempted to improve the nutritional value of food served at school.
More must be done to fight the childhood obesity(肥胖) epidemic,which has caused a frightening peak in weight-related disorders like diabetes,high-blood pressure and heart disease among young people.The place to start is schools,where junk food sold outside the federal meals program-through snack bars and vending machines-has pretty much canceled out the benefits of all those efforts.
Federal rules that govern the sales of these harmful foods at school are limited and have not been updated for nearly 40 years.Until new regulations are written,children who are served healthy meals in the school cafeteria will continue to buy candy drinks and high sodium(钠) snacks elsewhere in school.
Many states'school districts have taken positive steps,but others are likely to resist,especially districts that sell junk food to finance athletic program extracurricular activities,and even copier expenses.
Those districts should take note of a study released in 2009 in West Virginia showing that the budgetary costs of switching from sodas to healthy drinks such as fruit juice,milk,and water were very little.Even if the switch costs money,so be it.The school should not be trading their students'health to buy office supplies.
Over the last five decades,the obesity rates for adolescents have tripled.Unless there is decisive action,weight and inactivity-related disorders will bother a steady larger proportion of the work force and replace smoking as the leading cause of premature death.

32.According to this passage,Bare to blame for the childhood obesity.
   A.weight-related disorders               B.high calorie snacks
   C.parents'bad habits                    D.unhealthy lunches and breakfast
33.Which is the main idea of Paragraph 3?B
   A.Federal governments deserve high praise for their school lunch program.
   B.New regulations are badly in need of updating.
   C.Children should be forbidden to buy snacks in school.
   D.Federal rules encourage snacks outside the school program.
34.The passage is concerned mainly withC.
   A.Malnutrition in low-income children
   B.The federal school lunch program
   C.obesity at school
   D.the nutritional value of food served at school
35.The tone of this passage isA.
   A.negative          B.indifferent          C.optimistic         D.ironic.

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