


The other day I talked to a stranger on the bus. When he found out that I was from ________ , he told me he had a good friend who lived there and he wondered if, by any chance, I________ to know him. At the moment I thought he might be joking, but I could ________ from the expression on his face that he was ________ . I felt like saying that it was impossible to all the millions of people in Chicago I could have ________ with his friend. But instead, I just ________ and told him that Chicago was a very big city. He _________, and I thought he was going to ________ talking about the subject. But I was ________ . He was silent for a few minutes, and then he began to tell me about his friend.

He told me that his friend's main ________ in life seemed to be playing tennis. He said he was an excellent tennis player, and that he ________ had his own tennis court(网球场). He added that he knew a lot of people with swimming pools, ________ he only knew two people who had private tennis courts. I told him I knew several people having private tennis courts, including my brother who was a doctor in California---and, in fact, ________ my next door neighbor in Chicago. He said that maybe there were ________ private courts in the country than he realized, but he did not know of any others. Then he asked me where my brother lived in California. When I said Sacramento, he said that was a coincidence(巧合) ________ his friend spent the summer in Sacramento last year, and he stayed next door to a doctor who had a tennis court in his backyard. I said I felt that really was a coincidence because my ________ had gone to Sacramento last summer and had rented (租用) the house ________ my brother's. For a moment, we ________ at each other, but we did not say anything.

"Would your friend's name happened to be Roland Dickwood?" I asked finally. He laughed and said, "Yes. Would your ________ name happened to be Dr Ray Hunter?" It was my ________ to laugh. "Yes, "I replied.

1.A. Chicago B. a city C. Sacramento D. California

2.A. wanted B. happened C. went D. had

3.A. speak B. watch C. see D. tell

4.A. serious B. anxious C. friendly D. gentle

5.A. talked B. worked C. met D. lived

6.A. smiled B. sat C. thought D. talked

7.A. rose B. nodded C. smiled D. agreed

8.A. stop B. begin C. continue D. change

9.A. right B. curious C. wrong D. foolish

10.A. habit B. interest C. duty D. belief

11.A. once B. exactly C. even D. almost

12.A. for B. or C. so D. but

13.A. same B. as C. also D. well

14.A. some B. no C. more D. fewer

15.A. if B. because C. while D. when

16.A. brother’s friend B. brother C. friend D. next-door neighbor

17.A. far from B. next to C. near D. behind

18.A. stared B. talked C. laughed D. shouted

19.A. friend's B. brother's C. neighbor's D. court's

20.A. chance B. time C. turn D. moment



The Effects of Stress

There is a famous expression in English:“Stop the world,I want to get off!”This expression refers to a feeling of panic,or stress,that makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing,try to relax,and become calm again 1. It is one of the most common causes of health problems in modern life.Too much stress results in physical,emotional,and mental health problems.

There are numerous physical effects of stress.2. It can increase the pulse rate,make the heart miss beats,and can cause high blood pressure.Stress can affect the respiratory system.It can lead to asthma.It can cause a person to breathe too fast,resulting in a loss of important carbon dioxide.Stress cilia affect the stomach.3. These are only a few examples of the wide range of illnesses and symptoms resulting from stress.

Emotions are also easily affected by stress.People suffering from stress often feel anxious.They may have panic attacks.They may feel tired all the time. When people are under stress,they often overreact to little problems.For example,a normally gentle parent under a lot of stress at work may yell at a child for dropping a glass of juice.4.

Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious-mental illnesses.Depression,an extreme feeling of sadness and hopelessness,can be the result of continued and increasing stress.Alcoholism and other addictions often develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to relieve stress.Eating disorders are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by stress.5.

A.Stress can make people angry, moody or nervous.

B.“Stress”means pressure or tension.

C.It can cause stomach aches and problems digesting food.

D.It is obvious that stress can cause physical problems.

E.Stress can affect the heart.

F.So stop the world and rest for a while.

G.If stress is allowed to continue,then one’s mental health is put at risk.

Very few people look forward to and enjoy exams. That doesn’t have to mean that you should be afraid of them, though. The following tips will help you get through that terrible exam period.

Here are eight steps to help you during exams:

1. Make sure you know how much time you will have in the exam, and how many questions there will be. Then you can divide your time among the questions to make sure that they all get answered.

2. When you’re doing an exam that involves (涉及) long answers, it is a good idea to leave some space at the end of the answer so that you can add any extra comments that might come to mind when you reread your paper.

3. Don’t spend all of your time only on questions that you know the answer to because you will get a worse mark for answering some questions very well and some not at all.

4. It is worth taking a little extra time to make sure that your handwriting is neat. Then the examiner will be able to read it! Try to avoid spelling mistakes too!

5. The more prepared you are, the more likely you are to succeed.

6. Keep calm. If you feel yourself getting worried, take a deep breath.

7. Don’t try to discuss the exam after you’ve finished it. If you’ve got different answers from your friends, there’s no point worrying about it.

8. Once an exam is over, just forget about it. There is nothing more you can do about it. The best thing you can do is to go home and prepare for the next one.

1. You can get a better mark if ______.

A. you spend all of your time on questions that you are not good at

B. you discuss the answers with your friends after exams

C. you go over your notes carefully for the exam

D. you spend most of your time on questions that you know well

2. The passage is probably written for ______.

A. people who mark exam papers

B. people who take exams

C. high school teachers

D. language learners

3.The underlined word “avoid” in the passage most probably means “______”.

A. check out

B. go over

C. think about

D. prevent something from happening

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