

1.40%学生认为: ①幸福就是住大房,生活在大城市②身体健康,生活无压力自由自在③工作、生活得过且过,不必吃苦

2.60%学生认为: ①幸福就是拼搏取得成功②保持自信乐观,迎接各种挑战③爱家人爱朋友,奉献社会

3.你的看法: (至少两点)

Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about







Li Hua


Dear editor,

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about what happiness is. Happiness means different things to different people.

Forty percent of the students hold the opinion that people are happy when they enjoy their life by living in a spacious house in big cities. They hope to enjoy good health and feeling free themselves from stress and pressure. Living a comfortable life and free to do what they like is important to them. Besides, they don’t want to suffer a lot from working very hard.

The rest of the students think happiness is hard work, through which people achieved great success. In their opinion, people should be confident, in good spirits and ready to meet all kinds of challenges. What’s more, people should love their family and friends and make contributions to society.

We should first work hard and be successful, and then we can consider living a comfortable life.




【亮点说明】I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about what happiness is.此句含有一个定语从句和一个介词的宾语从句;Forty percent of the students hold the opinion that people are happy when they enjoy their life by living in a spacious house in big cities.在这句中运用了that引导的同位语从句和when引导的时间状语从句;Living a comfortable life and free to do what they like is important to them.此句运用动名词短语作主语,且含有一个what引导的宾语从句;The rest of the students think happiness is hard work, through which people achieved great success. through which在此句中引导非限制性定语从句;In my opinion, happiness depends on what we think about life. depends on后面跟了一个what引导的介词宾语从句;另外,文中还运用了Besides, In their opinion, in good spirits,consider living a comfortable life等高级词汇和短语,为文章增色添彩。




Why do Americans struggle with watching their weight, while the French, who consume rich food, continue to stay thin? Now a research by Cornell University suggests how life style and decisions about eating may affect weight. Researchers concluded that the French tend to stop eating when they feel full. However, Americans tend to stop when their plate is empty or their favorite TV show is over.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, a health expert, the French see eating as an important part of their life style. They enjoy food and therefore spend a fairly long time at the table, while Americans see eating as something to be squeezed between the other daily activities. Mercola believes Americans lose the ability to sense when they are actually full. So they keep eating long after the French would have stopped. In addition, he points out that Americans drive to huge supermarkets to buy canned and frozen foods for the week. The French, instead, tend to shop daily, walking to small shops and farmers’ markets where they have a choice of fresh fruits, vegetables, and eggs as well as high-quality meats for each meal.

After a visit to the United States, Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don’t Get Fat, decided to write about the importance of knowing when to stop rather than suggesting how to avoid food. Today she continues to stay slim and rarely goes to the gym.

In spite of all these differences, evidence shows that recent life style changes may be affecting French eating habits. Today the rate of obesity — or extreme overweight — among adults is only 6%. However, as American fast food gains acceptance and the young reject older traditions, the obesity rate among French children has reached 17% — and is growing.

1. In what way are the French different from Americans according to Dr. Joseph Mercola?

A. They go shopping at supermarkets more frequently.

B. They squeeze eating between the other daily activities.

C. They usually eat too much canned and frozen food.

D. They regard eating as a key part of their lifestyles.

2. This text is mainly the relationship between _________.

A. Americans and the French B. life style and obesity

C. children and adults D. fast food and overweight

3. The text is mainly developed __________.

A. by space B. by process

C. by contrast D. by classification

4.here does this text probably come from?

A. A TV interview B. A food advertisement

C. A book review D. A health report


Successful students are highly motivated(激励) by an inner drive to study well. They have a specific career goal in mind.__ 1.__ So they form their own good study habits,plan ahead and stick to their study timetable on their own initiative.

If you want to be a successful student,motivate yourself and know that it is only you who are responsible for your study. There are some great ways to improve your motivation.

1.You should write down your educational goals,which makes them become clear.

2.Imagine your success. Experience the feeling of reaching your particular goal.


4.Seek advice and study opportunities from the good students in your class.

Successful students tend to study hard. They pay attention to class as well as taking notes.__ 3.__ Outside class they find a quiet study place to study,because they know that academic life comes before their social life.

Set your goals. After setting goals it is important to write them down for many reasons.

1.Goals that aren’t written are only wishes.

2.It helps you make a commitment(承诺) to yourself.


4.No one wants to regret not doing something they could have done.

Successful students manage their time well by setting up weekly timetable. They make the best use of their study time and find a quiet place and study there every day.__ 5.__ Most of the suggestions mentioned above can improve your motivation.

A.Give yourself rewards. Each time you complete a lesson,do something special for yourself.

B.It gives you a way to see your progress.

C.They make study time productive and not necessarily long.

D.You will be proud of yourself when you achieve success.

E.They know that they are responsible for their success or failure.

F.When you set your goals,make sure that your goals are specific and realistic.

G.They arrive at the classroom early and sit in the front.


Hi, I’m your tooth. I’ve been asked to represent the rest of your teeth. We need your help. We like to be clean when you show us off with your big, wide smiles.

First, let me tell you a little about us. You weren’t born with the baby teeth, they developed when you were about six or seven months old. You went from milk to real food in no time thanks to your twenty primary teeth. Eventually, they loosened and fell out, one at a time, probably about the time you were six or seven years old.

Then we came into your life. We are your permanent teeth, all twenty-eight of us. Some people may even have thirty-two depending on those wisdom teeth in the back. Sometimes they are able to help, and sometimes they cause trouble. Many times wisdom teeth are sideways and have to be pulled. Some people don’t even have them at all!

On a more personal note, I am an incisor, and you have seven more just like me, here in the front of your mouth. We do the biting on those chocolate chip cookies you like so much. Next to us are the canines, four sharp teeth, two on either side. Their job is to tear food; pizza is a good one for them. Behind them are eight premolars and eight to twelve molars, depending on those wisdom teeth. The molars do the majority of the work chewing the food that you eat. They do a great job on those carrots you like so much!

Did you know we not only help you bite and chew but also help you talk? That’s right. Try to say “tooth” without letting your tongue touch the back of your teeth. It sounds pretty funny, doesn’t it?

1.How many teeth does a four-year-old boy usually have according to the passage?

A. 20. B. 24. C. 28. D. 32.

2.Why are the wisdom teeth pulled sometimes?

A. Because they are useless.

B. Because they are in the back.

C. Because they are ugly.

D. Because they grow in wrong directions.

3.The word “I” in the passage refers to a _____.

A. wisdom tooth B. baby tooth

C. molar D. permanent tooth


Perhaps the most interesting person I have ever met is an Italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the University of Pisa. I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his qualities. First of all, I respected his to teaching. Because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly delivered, students crowded into his classroom. His followers liked the fact that he what he taught.Furthermore, he could be counted on to explain his ideas in an way, introducing such aids (辅助) to as oil paintings, music, and guest lecturers. Once he sang a song in class in order to make a point clear. , I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them the telephone. Drinking coffee in the cafe, he would easily make friends with students. Sometimes he would a student to a game of chess (国际象棋) he would join student groups to discuss a variety of : agriculture, diving and mathematics. Many young people visited him in his office for on their studies; others came to his home for social evenings. Finally, I was by his lively sense of humor. He believed that no lesson is a success , during it, the students and the professor at least one loud . Through his sense of humor, he made learning more and more lasting, If it is that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry, my friend is indeed a wise man.

1.A. Although B. When C. Even if D. Now that

2.A. basic B. special C. common D. particular

3.A. attention B. introduction C. relation D. devotion

4.A. insisted on B. talked about C. believed in D. agreed with

5.A. imaginative B. ordinary C. opposite D. open

6.A. listening B. understanding C. information D. discovery

7.A. also B. nearly C. even D. only

8.A. Later B. Secondly C. However D. Therefore

9.A. with B. by C. from D. on

10.A. invite B. lead C. prefer D. show

11.A. As a matter of fact B. Later on C. Other times D. In general

12.A. questions B. subjects C. matters D. contents

13.A. support B. explanation C. experience D. advice

14.A. disturbed B. moved C. attracted D. defeated

15.A. for B. until C. since D. unless

16.A. hear B. suggest C. share D. demand

17.A. laugh B. cry C. shout D. question

18.A. helpful B. enjoyable C. practical D. useful

19.A. natural B. normal C. hopeful D. true

20.A. so B. for C. then D. Yet


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