
19.One day I ______ a newspaper article about the motto of the London Olympics-Inspire a generation.(  )
A.came upB.came acrossC.looked atD.looked into

分析 一天,我偶然发现了报纸上的一篇有关伦敦奥运会的口号鼓舞了一代人的文章.

解答 答案:B
A.came up 走近,发生,被提出; B.came across 偶遇,偶然发现;  C.looked at 看着,考虑,着眼于;  D.looked into 调查,观察,浏览;此处与动词短语相搭配的宾语是a newspaper article,结合句意可知,本句主要描述了一件事情即:一天,我偶然发现了报纸上的一篇的文章;故选B

点评 本题考查了动词短语come across的用法.做本题时,主要应根据完整句子的句意提示,并结合各选项中动词短语的意思,进行逻辑推理,从而找到符合该处句意的选项.本题的难点在于对各动词短语意思的把握上,因此平时应注意增加词汇及短语的积累,并需要牢固记忆.

10.Yuan Guiren,Minister of Education,announced some measures to reform the NCEE,known as Gaokao,for this year in a media conference.
The first measure is to balance the recruiting quota(招生配额) around the nation,with particular emphasis on recruiting more students in central and western provinces.
In addition to this,Yuan said that 200,000places would be available in the universities in eastern China for students from western China.
The third measure is to cancel some policies that allow students with special talents to receive extra points on their final result of the NCEE."All national-level bonus marks for Gaokao will be cancelled in 2015,while over 60percent of the province-level bonuses will be cut.Ten provinces have already canceled the policies while other provinces have cut down 63percent of the policies,"said Yuan.The policy was originally introduced to be aimed at making Gaokao fairer because some students have special abilities but fail to get high scores in the national exams.Yet,it has been abused by corrupt officials to get the bonus marks for their children.This is a good example of corruption ruining a good policy.
Additionally,all students can recommend themselves for independent recruitment in some education institutions without any restrictions.Schools can also recommend their students to some universities.
The date for independent recruitment is scheduled for after the NCEE in 2015,and universities will be required to publicize their recruiting requirements,processes and results.
The last measure mentioned by Yuan is to gradually unify the NCEE around the nation.Students in three more provinces will sit for the same exams in 2015.Seven more provinces,totaling 25provinces,will use the same exam format(版式) in 2016.

56.The passage is most probably taken from a(n)C.
A.opening address
B.historical book
C.news report
D.science report
57.How many measures are mentioned for the Gaokao reform in the passage?B
58.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?B
A.More students in eastern China can enter western universities.
B.Independent recruitment will take place after Gaokao in 2015.
C.The policy of bonus marks were designed for corrupt officials.
D.25provinces will use the same NCEE format in 2015.
59.The best title for the passage could be"D".
A.Extra points to be Cancelled
B.The NCEE to be Unified
C.Chances to Favour Western Students
D.China to Reform NCEE.
18.The Box-Office Numbers
The Motion Picture Association of American (MPAA)*has produced a 24-page report that summarizes box-office data,primarily using bold charts and graphs.To access the entire report,"2009 U.S.Theatrical Market Statistics,"going to http://www.mpaa.org/2009-US-Report.pdf.
Highlights of the report include
In 2005,the U.S.Movie industry's box-office revenues(收入) totaled 25.2billion,withjustoverone-thirdofthat,9.49 billion,coming from domestic  audiences and the rest from international audience.Both domestic and foreign ticket sales increased from 2008,but the foreign revenues grew more.
For the first time in 2009,a film earned more than 400 milliondollars domestically(Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest).Films earning between 50dollars and 99 million dollars grew in number,going from 36 films in 2008 to 45 films in 2009.Overall,films earning more than 50 million dollars went from 56 films in 2008 to 63 in 2009.
Number of new films released in the United States:
  1998   420 films
  2005   449 films
  2008   535 films
  2009   599 films
Film loves keeping going to the movies,even when they have alternative technology at home.Those who own or have access to four or more other technologies(DVD player,satellite TV,etc.) went to a theater to see a movie about 10 times per year.Those who owned fewer than four alternative technologies went to the movies only seven times per year.
l U.S.Movies admissions were at all-time high in 2009,with nearly 1.5 billion tickets sold.
*MPAA is a nonprofit organization formed by six large studios to work on behalf of the film industry.On its Web site[http://www.mpaa.org],MPAA describes itself as"The Voice and Advocate of the American Motion Picture,Home Video and Television Industries."

70.The Motion Picture Association of America aims toA
A.Conclude box-office data and give reports
B.make full use of bold charts and graphs
C.download relative reports from the websites
D.control U.S.Theatrical Market Statistics
71.Which of the following is true about the U.S.Movie industry's box-office revenues?C
A.The revenues coming from international audiences totaled 8.41 billion dollars in 2005.
B.The revenues produces from domestic audiences added up to 25.82 billion dolars in 2009.
C.The foreign revenues grew more compared with domestic ticket sales from 2008.
D.A film firstly made more than $400 million both at home and abroad in 2009.
72.Highlights of the report include the following aspects exceptD
A.the U.S.movie industry's box-office revenues
B.the numbers of the newly released U.S.Movies
C.the status of film lovers'going to the cinemas
D.the U.S.Movie admission to six large studios
73.Why does MPAA describe itself as"The Voice and Advocate of the American Motion Picture,Home Video and Television Industries"?C
A.Because MPAA is an organization with no intention to earn money.
B.Because MPAA is made up of all the large studios throughout America.
C.Because MPAA devotes itself to working standing for the film industry.
D.Because MPAA runs a world-wide web site reflecting the Motion Picture.

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